Re: [討論] Hughes與Kennedy誰的未來性高

看板NY-Yankees作者 (Creep)時間16年前 (2007/11/30 02:57), 編輯推噓14(1403)
留言17則, 11人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
: 推 WillWaiting:Mike Mussina不就是用彈指曲球嗎XDrz 11/30 01:50 : 推 WillWaiting:另外Hughes用的的確是彈指曲球 11/30 01:55 : 推 appshjkli:Moose不用彈指曲一段時間了 11/30 01:56 : → appshjkli:Phil Hughes的曲球握法我記得是Moose教他現在用的握法 11/30 01:57 : 推 WillWaiting:Moose哪裡不用彈指曲XDrz 11/30 01:58 : → WillWaiting:多去看看新聞ok? 11/30 01:59 : → WillWaiting: 11/30 01:59 : 推 appshjkli:我找找之前看到的好了 11/30 02:04 : 推 WillWaiting:我好像搞錯了XDD 11/30 02:09 : → WillWaiting:Mike Mussina現在投的是另一種曲球(spike ball) 11/30 02:10 : → WillWaiting:不過有些人叫knuckle curve 也叫spike ball 11/30 02:10 : 推 appshjkli: CCLu的文章中提到的 11/30 02:20 : → appshjkli:當初是看到這篇就是了 11/30 02:21 首先 Mussina made up his knuckle-curve and used it for more than 20 years. He hooked his index and middle fingers into the seams and used his other three fingers to support the bottom half of the ball. As he propelled the ball forward, he shot his fingers out to form a V. The result was hard topspin action that caused the ball to break in different directions. Now that he is 38, with an elbow that has bothered him in recent years, Mussina no longer throws that pitch. His current curveball is one he learned at Stanford in 1988. He digs into the seam above the sweet spot with his index finger only — a so-called spike curveball — and rests his middle finger a few centimeters away. 上面那段是說Mussina原本有一種彈指曲球握法是食指跟中指勾起來 像彈指球一樣出手 但是因為近年Mussina老了 手臂負擔大了改用另一種丟法 Spike curve (這是彈指曲球的另一種說法,不過跟Mussina原本的彈指曲有點不一樣) 是食指指尖壓在縫線上 但是中指跟食指有點分開 這個網頁裡 A Pitcher's Arsenal的第三張 應該就是現在Mussina的丟法 這也算一種彈指曲,而且從Mussina在史丹佛就會的 (不過圖片介紹那篇是說14歲?? 大概是說原本的那種) Phil Hughes, the Yankees’ top prospect, showed Mussina a similar grip one day last spring training. Hughes had pitched after Mussina in an exhibition game, and Mussina had noticed him struggling to command his curveball. Hughes held his curveball just like Mussina’s, but with his index finger brushing against his middle finger. He tried it Mussina’s way, with that sliver of separation, and noticed a difference. “It was a lot better,” Hughes said. “I’ve just kind of stuck with it, and it’s really come a long way.” Hughes跟Mussina一樣會丟那樣的Spike curve(他的曲球一直歸類在彈指曲) 但是Mussina發現了Hughes跟他稍微不同的地方 就是Hughes的食指跟中指會摩擦到 所以控制不是那麼好 Mussina叫Hughes把食指跟中指分開後 Hughes說:我天天考試都考一百分呢 所以Hughes不是被Mussina教一個新的球種 而是在原本的彈指曲球上做了一些改變 至於Spike curve是不是彈指曲 許多的網站是在Knuckle curve的別稱上加上Spike ball的 我想就握法跟類型上是可以歸類在Knuckle curve的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/30 03:07, , 1F
可憐的葛雷諾 沒好球打
11/30 03:07, 1F

11/30 03:14, , 2F
11/30 03:14, 2F

11/30 03:24, , 3F
11/30 03:24, 3F

11/30 03:26, , 4F
萬一新的武器長不出來怎麼辦? 年紀到了再撿回滑球嗎?
11/30 03:26, 4F

11/30 03:38, , 5F
阿摘 就像一堆投手的武器球也一直在變呀
11/30 03:38, 5F

11/30 03:38, , 6F 這篇的第二頁講了一堆例
11/30 03:38, 6F

11/30 03:38, , 7F
11/30 03:38, 7F

11/30 03:41, , 8F
那不是單指曲球啦~"~ 單指曲是曲球握法但食指不碰球
11/30 03:41, 8F

11/30 03:54, , 9F應該是同一種球吧...還是我搞錯@@
11/30 03:54, 9F

11/30 04:08, , 10F
推will大好文一篇 這種專業的報導都找的到
11/30 04:08, 10F

11/30 04:08, , 11F
不過猴子也真可憐 全部都要丟極高不然又極低 XD
11/30 04:08, 11F

11/30 10:30, , 12F
怎麼變成在討論穆跟大帝 Ian實在沒人愛
11/30 10:30, 12F

11/30 10:49, , 13F
11/30 10:49, 13F

11/30 12:10, , 14F
11/30 12:10, 14F

11/30 15:42, , 15F
11/30 15:42, 15F

11/30 21:34, , 16F
11/30 21:34, 16F

12/01 00:02, , 17F
Hughes說:我天天考試都考一百分呢 穆帥就甘心
12/01 00:02, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #17JmkKsh (NY-Yankees)
文章代碼(AID): #17JmkKsh (NY-Yankees)