Re: [新聞] Alex Rodriguez still hoping for cha …

看板NY-Yankees作者 (FENOR)時間16年前 (2007/11/01 23:16), 編輯推噓65(65056)
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※ 引述《kennypippen (感覺不變‧樂觀積極)》之銘言: : Alex Rodriguez still hoping for chance to stay with Yankees A-ROD依然希望有機會留在洋基(編按:鳥你) : Alex Rodriguez's career in pinstripes came to an end when he opted out of his : contract on Sunday night. Or did it? A-ROD身穿條紋衣的時代已經在他禮拜天成為自由球員時結束了 但這是真的嗎? : The Yankees have made it clear that they have no plans to bid on Rodriguez : when free agency gets underway, but a source with knowledge of the situation : said Rodriguez is hoping that the Bombers reconsider their stance. 洋基球團已經表明,他們絕不會參與對自由球員的A-ROD的競逐(說到一定要做到) 但是根據某些消息A-ROD希望球團高層能夠重新考慮 : "Alex wants the Yankees to be a part of this, because the opt-out was not : done with the intention of saying goodbye to the Yankees," said the source. : "Alex wants to see what his market value is, but that doesn't mean he : necessarily wants to leave the Yankees." "A-ROD希望洋基會是這場競逐的參賽者,因為行使跳脫條款並不意味著對洋基說再見" 根據某人的說法。"A-ROD只是想要看看他真正的市場價值,但並不意味著他真的想要 離開洋基" (談都不談就走了,令這段話毫無說服力) : The Yankees have held the same position since the middle of the season, : telling anybody who would listen that they would not pursue Rodriguez if he : opted out of the final three years and $91 million of his contract. 洋基一直站在和球季中同樣的立場,那就是絕對不會在A-ROD跳脫時 參加對他的競逐 : By opting out, Rodriguez took the Rangers off the hook for $30 million they : would have paid for the final three years of the original pact, one that had : allowed the Yankees to spend roughly $16 million per year for the past four : years for A-Rod's services A-ROD為遊騎兵免除了最後的三千萬美金,而這三千萬美金可使洋基用比較低廉的代價 來使用A-ROD : "Why is it that Alex is the only Yankee who can't become a free agent?" agent : Scott Boras told the Associated Press yesterday. "That question was not : answered, and we think it's a question that's going to be asked for years to : come. "為何洋基隊裡只有A-ROD不能成為自由球員"波拉斯問道 "沒有任何人可以回答這問題,我也認為未來幾年中,沒人可以回答" : Brian Cashman reiterated the Yankees' stance again on Tuesday, indicating : that the Bombers were proceeding under the premise that A-Rod would be : playing elsewhere in 2008 and beyond. 凱許曼已經在禮拜二回應,指出老闆已經做好了這個心理準備 A-ROD從此之後將不會再是洋基的一員 : "We really would have appreciated having a chance to go forward with him, but : that can't happen," Cashman said. "我們很希望可以和他們進行談判,但已經沒有機會了"凱許曼說道 : Still, whether it's with the idea of driving up his market value or wanting : to remain in pinstripes, Rodriguez apparently hasn't given up on the idea : that the Yankees will change their mind. 因此,就算Arod真的想要提高他的所謂市場價值並留在洋基 很顯然的他最好是打消這個念頭吧,洋基不會改變心意的 : "He hasn't shut the door," the source said. "Whether the Yankees feel that : way is a whole other story." "AROD並沒有關閉談判的門"某人說"但洋基似乎不這麼想" : One Yankees official said last night that the Yankees had no plans to change : their position, leaving the other 29 teams to fight it out for the two-time : (soon to be three-time) MVP. Assuming the Yankees stand by their word and let : Rodriguez walk without a fight, there are a number of teams that will likely : make a run at the 32-year-old. 一位洋基的官方人員指出,洋基並沒有任何改變心意的計畫 他們將讓另外的29支球團去爭取這位即將拿到第三座mvp的三十二歲的傢伙 : The Angels, Tigers and Giants are considered to be three of the frontrunners, : but the Dodgers could also be primed to make a push to sign Rodriguez, : according to a Los Angeles source. 天使,老虎和巨人,甚至包括了道奇,都有爭奪的計畫。 : The Dodgers used a plethora of players at third base last season, including : Wilson Betemit, Nomar Garciaparra, Andy LaRoche and Tony Abreu. Betemit was : traded to the Yankees last summer for Scott Proctor, and the Dodgers do not : consider the other three worthy candidates to start next season. 道奇急需找一位穩定的三壘手 : Even before the Dodgers and Joe Torre began talking, the team had internal : discussions about pursuing A-Rod if he opted out of his contract. : "They're going to be players for A-Rod," the source said. "I don't know if : they'll get him, but they're going to try." 在這之前道奇已經跟托瑞談妥了合約,但是arod呢? "也許他明年會在這裡出現,而球團將會試試看" : Should Torre become the new manager as expected, it is likely that the : Dodgers will try to make a big splash to give him some more talent to work : with. Rodriguez would certainly fit that bill, though the team is also said : to be interested in signing a center fielder, possibly Torii Hunter or Andruw : Jones, and either trading Juan Pierre or shifting him to left field. 道奇球團會給托瑞足夠的資源去拼,而AROD可以符合這個目標 此外他們還計劃要簽下一批外野手 : Torre and A-Rod had an interesting relationship in New York, one that reached : rock bottom during the 2006 postseason when the manager batted Rodriguez : eighth in the final game of the division series in Detroit. But the pair : seemed more comfortable with each other last year, with Torre even attending : a barbecue at Rodriguez's home on Labor Day. : "There's no doubt that their relationship made huge strides this year," said : a source who knows both parties. "The kind of year (A-Rod) had probably : opened the doors for that, but how genuine was it? I don't know." : Torre's presence in Los Angeles would not prompt Rodriguez to accept less : money to play for the Dodgers, but the hiring of the former Yankee also won't : preclude A-Rod from donning Dodger blue if the money is right. : "I think he would go there if it was the right opportunity," the source said. : "The manager wasn't the reason he opted out of New York and it won't be the : reason he signs somewhere." : 主要在解釋托瑞和AROD的關係 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/01 23:18, , 1F
編按:鳥你 XD
11/01 23:18, 1F

11/01 23:19, , 2F
11/01 23:19, 2F

11/01 23:19, , 3F
11/01 23:19, 3F

11/01 23:22, , 4F
直接延長就是幫了 因為有遊騎兵幫忙付錢
11/01 23:22, 4F

11/01 23:23, , 5F
早知如此 何必當初 ~~ 唉
11/01 23:23, 5F

11/01 23:28, , 6F
A-Rod沒有關閉談判的門,但是洋基已經關閉了,抱歉 ^^
11/01 23:28, 6F

11/01 23:29, , 7F
11/01 23:29, 7F

11/01 23:33, , 8F
11/01 23:33, 8F

11/01 23:34, , 9F
11/01 23:34, 9F

11/01 23:34, , 10F
洋基:想把我當備胎? 謝謝再連絡
11/01 23:34, 10F

11/01 23:36, , 11F
11/01 23:36, 11F

11/01 23:36, , 12F
這樣不是很囧嗎? 雖然洋基應該不會出價啦.....
11/01 23:36, 12F

11/01 23:37, , 13F
條子都不幫付了 怎樣都虧,你A-Rod一年收20M就考慮啦
11/01 23:37, 13F

11/01 23:38, , 14F
11/01 23:38, 14F

11/01 23:40, , 15F
老虎錢還真多 道奇的外野不是有Kemp可以接嗎
11/01 23:40, 15F

11/01 23:42, , 16F
搞不懂你們這些人 世界只有黑與白?離開你們的就靠到翻?
11/01 23:42, 16F

11/01 23:43, , 17F
樓上有戰意 XD
11/01 23:43, 17F

11/01 23:43, , 18F
11/01 23:43, 18F

11/01 23:43, , 19F
搞不懂就別來這邊獻醜了 先回去搞懂Arod說什麼做什麼再來啊
11/01 23:43, 19F

11/01 23:43, , 20F
不久前還再那神啊神 現在變成20M再考慮
11/01 23:43, 20F

11/01 23:45, , 21F
11/01 23:45, 21F

11/01 23:45, , 22F
11/01 23:45, 22F

11/01 23:45, , 23F
sorry我不是說原po=.= 我是指嗆很大的AaronBoone
11/01 23:45, 23F

11/01 23:43, , 24F
11/01 23:43, 24F

11/01 23:46, , 25F
原po的翻譯 感謝都來不及了^^" sorry喔
11/01 23:46, 25F

11/01 23:46, , 26F
11/01 23:46, 26F

11/01 23:47, , 27F
11/01 23:47, 27F

11/01 23:47, , 28F
11/01 23:47, 28F

11/01 23:48, , 29F
你先把膝蓋搞定再來嗆吧. Booooooooooooooooooooooone
11/01 23:48, 29F

11/01 23:48, , 30F
11/01 23:48, 30F

11/01 23:49, , 31F
11/01 23:49, 31F

11/01 23:49, , 32F
11/01 23:49, 32F

11/01 23:50, , 33F
11/01 23:50, 33F

11/01 23:50, , 34F
今年洋基出也差不多20M 那我說20M再考慮是請問哪裡錯?
11/01 23:50, 34F

11/01 23:51, , 35F
11/01 23:51, 35F

11/01 23:52, , 36F
11/01 23:52, 36F

11/01 23:53, , 37F
11/01 23:53, 37F

11/01 23:54, , 38F
還是說立場不同 言論不同就是嗆
11/01 23:54, 38F

11/01 23:53, , 39F
11/01 23:53, 39F
還有 42 則推文
11/02 00:21, , 82F
我的想法很短。2007怎麼說他也貢獻不少 可以不要這麼
11/02 00:21, 82F

11/02 00:24, , 83F
11/02 00:24, 83F

11/02 00:24, , 84F
貢獻不少 那是能力問題 之前說想留 結果沒有談就opt out
11/02 00:24, 84F

11/02 00:25, , 85F
這是人格問題 現在大家氣的是他的人格 這你能了解了嗎
11/02 00:25, 85F

11/02 00:27, , 86F
11/02 00:27, 86F

11/02 00:26, , 87F
不過 我想我們意見是不會有什麼交集的 所以最後只想講
11/02 00:26, 87F

11/02 00:27, , 88F
你的一開頭 "搞不懂你們這些人" 一句話就夠嗆了 如果你不覺
11/02 00:27, 88F

11/02 00:28, , 89F
得 也許那一天有人在你的文章後面這樣推時 你就能感受了
11/02 00:28, 89F

11/02 00:29, , 90F
對不起 後面都是我推文 我這篇不再推了 對不起了大家
11/02 00:29, 90F

11/02 00:44, , 91F
11/02 00:44, 91F

11/02 00:45, , 92F
11/02 00:45, 92F

11/02 00:47, , 93F
老實說 AROD逃脫 我還祝福她找個好球隊 回SS呢
11/02 00:47, 93F

11/02 00:48, , 94F
看到波拉斯這樣搞 心裡有點火氣 但啥也沒說
11/02 00:48, 94F

11/02 00:50, , 95F
沒必要跟AaronBoone吵吧 , 我想只是我們認知不同 = ="
11/02 00:50, 95F

11/02 00:51, , 96F
AaronBoone認為說別人靠北到翻不算嗆 <--只是這樣而已
11/02 00:51, 96F

11/02 00:49, , 97F
到是有些人 ..... 搞清楚這裡是洋基板&把事情弄清楚OK?
11/02 00:49, 97F

11/02 00:52, , 98F
11/02 00:52, 98F

11/02 00:51, , 99F
"洋基待他差從把他趕去3B就可以看出來" 這啥??
11/02 00:51, 99F

11/02 00:53, , 100F
11/02 00:53, 100F

11/02 00:53, , 101F
11/02 00:53, 101F

11/02 00:54, , 102F
11/02 00:54, 102F

11/02 00:55, , 103F
11/02 00:55, 103F

11/02 00:55, , 104F
11/02 00:55, 104F

11/02 00:57, , 105F
11/02 00:57, 105F

11/02 00:59, , 106F
11/02 00:59, 106F

11/02 01:50, , 107F
11/02 01:50, 107F

11/02 02:02, , 108F
我發現AaronBoone也是FA耶 科科
11/02 02:02, 108F

11/02 02:02, , 109F
11/02 02:02, 109F

11/02 02:31, , 110F
11/02 02:31, 110F

11/02 06:16, , 111F
AaronBoone嗆個屁阿 有貢獻跟人品顧人願是兩回事
11/02 06:16, 111F

11/02 06:17, , 112F
從頭到尾哪個人否定他的貢獻實力阿 沒否定就不能批評他
11/02 06:17, 112F

11/02 06:18, , 113F
opt-out這種鳥事嗎? 妳怎麼這麼靠背到翻 我沒嗆妳喔
11/02 06:18, 113F

11/02 09:33, , 114F
11/02 09:33, 114F

11/02 10:19, , 115F
A-ROD希望洋基會是這場競逐的參賽者 洋基:凸
11/02 10:19, 115F

11/02 13:36, , 116F
11/02 13:36, 116F

11/02 13:40, , 117F
11/02 13:40, 117F

11/02 14:18, , 118F
神又如何 沒有規定一定要拜吧
11/02 14:18, 118F

11/02 19:13, , 119F
11/02 19:13, 119F

11/03 00:40, , 120F
11/03 00:40, 120F

11/03 12:22, , 121F
重點是洋基損失那麼多贊助 誰理他呀
11/03 12:22, 121F
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