Re: [新聞] 紐約時報

看板NY-Yankees作者 (nowend)時間16年前 (2007/10/09 14:53), 編輯推噓14(1405)
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※ 引述《WangVictor (但願人長久)》之銘言: : : hp&oref=slogin : Season Over: Yankees Out, and Torre ... 球季結束:洋基出局,托瑞也..... : Everything changes. Things fall apart. Summer does not last forever, though : it seemed that way at Yankee Stadium last night. It was 87 degrees at game : time, one last day of warmth, perhaps, for Joe Torre. 人有旦夕禍福,天下沒有不散的宴席。雖然昨晚洋基球場比賽時的氣溫將近30度, 可是夏天不會永遠賴著不走(櫻野三加一.....),昨天也許就是托瑞最後一個溫暖的日子了。 : For 12 seasons, there was sunshine on his shoulders. But now there is : darkness, and the condemned old ballpark is shuttered again for the winter. : The Yankees are a first-round playoff casualty for the third October in a : row, and Torre will almost certainly lose his job as manager. 在過去十二個球季以來,托瑞的肩膀上總是散發著陽光,不過現在只剩下黑暗, 而這個被判了死刑的古老球場也即將在冬天關上大門。 洋基連續三年在季後賽第一輪出局,托瑞極有可能也丟掉他總教練的飯碗。 : The Cleveland Indians eliminated the Yankees, 6-4, in Game 4 of their : American League division series. George Steinbrenner, the Yankees’ owner, : was said to be fuming in his office. 在美聯分區系列賽的第四戰裡,土著隊以六比四將洋基淘汰出局。 聽說洋基隊大頭目老史在辦公室裡氣到七竅生煙。 : The Indians will now play the Boston Red Sox in the A.L. Championship Series : starting Friday at Fenway Park. 土著隊星期五晚上開始將和紅襪對在芬威球場展開美聯冠軍戰。 : Steinbrenner had already tied Torre’s future to the outcome of this series. : Torre became an icon — and a very wealthy man — while guiding Steinbrenner’ : s players to four World Series titles. But the last was seven years ago, a : drought too long for a famously impatient owner. 老史早就已經把托瑞的飯碗和這一系列戰的結果掛勾在一起。 雖然托瑞過去帶領老史的球員連續拿下四個世界冠軍的頭銜, 不但讓他自己成為洋基隊的代表人物,也讓他賺進大把鈔票, 不過,最後一個世界冠軍已經是七年前的事了, 要再拿下一個世界大賽冠軍,對老史這個極度沒有耐心的老闆來說, 實在是讓他等太久了。 : Four of the unfulfilled seasons have come with the game’s best player, Alex : Rodriguez, anchoring the lineup. Rodriguez was 2 for 12 in the series until : adding a single and a homer after the Yankees had fallen far behind. He can : now opt out of his $25.2-million-a-year contract and is expected to seek : untold riches in a new contract. 雖然AROD過去四年來在隊上的成績都很棒,也成為整個打線的重心,但是洋基還是無法打到冠軍賽。 AROD在這個系列戰中,十二個打數只有兩支安打,一直到洋基落後許多的時候, 才打出一支一壘安打和一支全壘打。 他可以動用選擇權退出現在這份一年兩千五百二十萬美元的契約, 他也很可能可以開始找一份更優渥的新契約了。 : If he leaves, his last at-bat in pinstripes will be remembered as a harmless : fly ball to right field for the second out in the ninth with the potential : tying run on deck. 如果AROD離開了,球迷對他在洋基球隊最後一擊的回憶,將會是在第九局一個打向右外野的小飛球, 這個小飛球雖然造成了洋基隊的第二個出局,但也可能是代表追平分就要上來了。 : Two mainstays from the championship years, Mariano Rivera and Jorge Posada, : can also become free agents. Keeping both, and Rodriguez, will be expensive : but affordable for the Yankees, whose business model thrives despite repeated : playoff failures. 另外,在過去洋基拿下世界大賽冠軍時扮演中流砥柱的兩個人:MO和小波, 這個球季結束之後也會變成自由球員。如果要把他們兩個,還有AROD都留下來, 雖然要花一大筆錢,不過洋基還是負擔得起,因為洋基隊還是賺了一大筆鈔票, 只是在季後賽裡一直被淘汰罷了...^_^" : In his first two at-bats, Rodriguez struck out twice on six pitches against : the soft-tossing Paul Byrd, who fanned no others in five innings. But other : batters were worse in the series — notably Derek Jeter, who hit .176 and : made the first out in the ninth. AROD在前兩次打擊時,只面對保羅投過來的六個小軟球,就被三振兩次。保羅在前五局裡沒有三振其他洋基球員。 不過其他洋基球員在這系列賽裡表現得更爛, 尤其是隊長,整個系列戰打擊率只有一成七六,同時也是第九局的第一個出局者。 : Most damning for the Yankees, though, was the performance of their ace, : Chien-Ming Wang. The major league leader in victories over the past two : seasons, Wang was 0-2 with a 19.06 earned run average against Cleveland. : In Game 1, Wang matched his career high by allowing eight runs. In Game 4, he : set a career low for innings pitched, with one. Wang gave up two runs in the : first and was charged with two more in the second after leaving with no outs : and the bases loaded. Mike Mussina, who replaced him, allowed two runs in : four and two-thirds innings. 不過洋基隊最該死的,還是ACE小王的表現。小王雖然在過去兩個球季的勝場雖然位居大聯盟第一, 但是在面對土著隊的兩場比賽,卻都輸掉了,ERA高達19.06。 在地一戰中,小王掉了八分,平了他職業生涯單場失分記錄; 在第四戰時,小王則創下自己職業生涯投球局數最短的紀錄:只投了一局。 小王在第一局丟了兩分,第二局退場時,留下滿壘沒人出局,後來老木又幫他丟了兩分。 接替小王上場的老木,投了四又三分之二局,只丟了兩分。 : The decision to start Wang on three days’ rest, for just the second time in : his career, could haunt Torre. He had resisted the urge to do it last fall, : and Jaret Wright lost the elimination game. With Wang another year removed : from his rookie shoulder problems, Torre trusted him. 要不要在小王休息三天之後就派他上場的決定,一直困擾著托瑞。 托瑞去年就一直不想做出這個決定,所以才讓萊特少爺輸掉關鍵賽。 不過在小王擺脫菜鳥年的肩傷後,托瑞決定相信小王。 : He also hoped that, with short rest, Wang might be just tired enough for his : sinkers to fade properly. In Game 1, Wang had been too strong and the pitch : did not sink, causing him to abandon his game plan and throw more sliders and : changeups. 托瑞也希望經過短暫的休息,小王的手臂也許就夠疲憊,能夠投出更會跑的sinker。 在第一站時,小王的手臂太有力,所以他的球都掉不下來, 小王只好放棄他的作戰計畫,然後丟了一大堆的slider和changeup。 : But the short layoff, and the comfort of pitching at home, did not change : much for Wang. Again, his sinkers were not sinking. 不過,雖然經過短暫的休息,小王在主場的練習也很舒服, 小王的表現卻沒有多大差別。 同樣的,小王的sinker又掉不下來了。 : Grady Sizemore led off the game with a home run into the bleachers in : right-center field. Travis Hafner took a sinker to the opposite field for a : one-out single, and he scored when Wang missed with a pitch up in the strike : zone to Jhonny Peralta, who singled to center. : The Yankees wasted a scoring chance in their half of the first, when they put : two runners on with one out for Rodriguez, who whiffed on an 86-mile-an-hour : fastball. Posada then flied out to left fielder Kenny Lofton, who made a : sliding grab. 賽斯摩爾在第一局首打席就夯了一發飛到右外野看台的全壘打。 海夫納接著又把小王的一顆sinker打到相反方向,然後配拉塔又來一支安打,把海夫納送回本壘。 洋基隊在一局下浪費了得分機會,雖然有兩個人在壘上,可是AROD被一顆86英里的快速球給三振, 然後小波打到左外野被落夫頓美技接殺。 : Lofton was dynamic in the series, and his bunt attempt in Game 3 caused a : lurching Roger Clemens to aggravate his strained hamstring. Lofton’s success : seemed to almost mock Torre, who never wanted Lofton in 2004 and did not get : along with him. 落夫頓在這系列戰中相當英猛,他在第三站的觸擊讓老克跑來接球, 結果反而使老克的傷勢變得更加嚴重。 落夫頓的優異表現就好像是在嘲笑托瑞一樣, 因為托瑞在2004年時根本不想要讓落夫頓來到洋基, 而且也跟落夫頓相處得不好。 : The Yankees signed Lofton that season because Steinbrenner was envious of : Juan Pierre, a speedy leadoff hitter who tormented the Yankees for Florida in : the 2003 World Series. Steinbrenner no longer exerts such direct influence : over player moves, leaving General Manager Brian Cashman to make those calls. : But his public threat to fire Torre if he lost this series, which was : reported Sunday, showed that it was still Steinbrenner’s decision on the : manager. Cashman talked him out of firing Torre after last year’s : first-round loss, but with Torre unsigned for 2008, it is easy now for : Steinbrenner to make a clean break. 洋基隊之所以在那個球季簽下落夫頓,是因為馬林魚那個速度飛快的黃皮耶在2003年世界大賽時, 讓洋基吃了不少苦頭,所以老史覺得很嫉妒,所以才簽下落夫頓。 不過後來老史就不再這樣影響球隊買賣球員的運作,把球隊交給現金人來管。 不過老史在星期天威脅托瑞要是不贏球就走人的公開說法, 也證明老史才是球隊幕後的老大。 去年洋基在季後賽第一輪被淘汰出局後,現金人說服老史不要開除托瑞, 但是因為托瑞沒有簽下明年的契約,所以老史現在可以很容易就趕他出門。 : “I do respect the fact that he is the boss,” Torre said before Game 4. “It : ’s not about how much money he pays me. It’s that he trusted me with his : team, and I take that as a very serious and personal responsibility. And I : hope that I do well enough for him to be proud of what we do.” : The Yankees failed to win the A.L. East this year for the first time in a : decade, but their effort to capture the wild card was a source of pride for : Torre. The Yankees won 73 of their final 112 games to overcome a horrid start : that had put Torre’s job in jeopardy in late April. 托瑞在第四戰前說:「我很尊重他是老闆的事實。這跟他付我多少錢沒有關係,這是因為他相信我和他的球隊。 我也把這個看成是非常嚴肅且與個人攸關的責任。我希望我可以表現得夠好, 讓他為我們的表現感到驕傲。」 今年是洋基十年以來第一次無法贏得美聯東區冠軍,但是他們爭取外卡的努力,還是讓托瑞感到相當光榮。 洋基在最後112場球賽裡贏得了73場,終於彌補了球季初的糟糕表現, 洋基那時候的爛表現,讓托瑞很有可能在四月底時就。 : It is trendy now to call the postseason a crapshoot, where the unforeseen — : like a swarm of midges from Lake Erie disrupting Game 2 — can obscure which : team is really best. But Steinbrenner has never believed that, and when Torre : won four titles so quickly, he set an almost impossibly high standard for : himself. 現在很流行把季後賽看成是一場冒險,就好像第二戰時有一群小蟲從伊利湖飛來搗蛋, 可以讓最讚的球隊表現失常一樣,不過老史根本不相信這套說法。 當托瑞在短短時間內就拿下四座世界大賽冠軍時,托瑞就已經為自己立下了遙不可及的高標準。 : The Yankees’ last pennant was in 2003, when Aaron Boone smashed an : extra-inning homer to cap a stirring comeback against the Red Sox in Game 7 : of the A.L. Championship Series. The scoreboard played those highlights : before the bottom of the sixth last night and, as if on cue, Robinson Cano : led off with a homer to chase Byrd. 洋基最近一次拿下美聯冠軍是在2003年, 那時候英雄阿龍蹦在延長賽中夯了一支鼓動全隊士氣的全壘打,洋基隊最後在美聯冠軍賽第七戰中氣走紅襪。 昨天晚上在六局下開打之前,計分版上也有播放這些精彩片段,而這些片段就好像是信號一樣, 小Q馬上就夯了保羅鳥一支全壘打。 : It cut Cleveland’s lead to 6-2, and during a pitching change, the scoreboard : showed Tino Martinez, sitting by the home dugout, just behind the former : Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. Soon, the crowd was standing and roaring. : But with runners at the corners and one out against Rafael Perez, Jeter : grounded into a double play, ending the inning. The crowd grew silent, then : booed when Kyle Farnsworth came into the game in the seventh. 這支全壘打讓土著隊的領先分數只剩下四分(六比二), 在土著隊更換投手的時候,計分版上又拍到Tino Martinez就跟前紐約市長珠利安妮一起坐在洋基休息區後面。 這時候全場觀眾開始起立鼓譟。 雖然那時候只有一人出局,但是有人在壘,但是在陪瑞資投球下, 隊長打出了DP,這局就這樣結束了。 全場球迷慢慢安靜了下來,然後當放肆火在第七局上場時,開始boo他。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/09 14:59, , 1F
10/09 14:59, 1F

10/09 15:00, , 2F
WANG 冏 今年這紀錄以後會一直纏著他 2L ERA 19...
10/09 15:00, 2F

10/09 15:01, , 3F
10/09 15:01, 3F

10/09 15:03, , 4F
10/09 15:03, 4F

10/09 15:13, , 5F
10/09 15:13, 5F

10/09 15:16, , 6F
不過洋基隊最該死的,還是ACE小王的表現 Q Q
10/09 15:16, 6F

10/09 15:23, , 7F
10/09 15:23, 7F

10/09 15:25, , 8F
王:我說我不是 ACE吧...那個古德瑞真是害慘我了(丟手套)
10/09 15:25, 8F

10/09 15:56, , 9F
10/09 15:56, 9F

10/09 16:12, , 10F
10/09 16:12, 10F

10/09 16:13, , 11F
10/09 16:13, 11F

10/09 16:14, , 12F
10/09 16:14, 12F

10/09 16:17, , 13F
前紐約市長珠利安妮 好娘的感覺:P
10/09 16:17, 13F

10/09 18:53, , 14F
為什麼要噓放肆火 = =
10/09 18:53, 14F

10/09 21:03, , 15F
10/09 21:03, 15F
※ 編輯: nowend 來自: (10/09 21:41)

10/09 23:40, , 16F
10/09 23:40, 16F

10/10 07:44, , 17F
10/10 07:44, 17F

10/10 07:44, , 18F
10/10 07:44, 18F

10/10 07:45, , 19F
10/10 07:45, 19F
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