[新聞] Joe Torre brushes back Jays' A-Rod video game

看板NY-Yankees作者 (耿秋)時間17年前 (2007/09/13 21:51), 編輯推噓45(45016)
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Joe Torre brushes back Jays' A-Rod video game By ANTHONY McCARRON DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITER Thursday, September 13th 2007, 4:00 AM 重點:老托覺得藍鳥隊淨開些沒品味的玩笑 1. A-Rod和藍鳥隊本季有個激烈衝突的歷史,由於A-Rod聲名狼籍地用獅子吼"HA!"的一 聲干擾藍鳥隊的接捕內野小飛球的守備,而被藍鳥報復性地招呼了兩次。昨晚,原本 像是平靜無事的夜晚卻又加入了新的章節。在第六局中場播放賽事促銷的影片中,在 記分板的螢幕上撥放兩位藍鳥隊的球迷正在打一場棒球比賽,球賽中他們對著A-Rod 投球。球是對著A-Rod身上丟,一次沒丟中,另外一次則打在A-Rod身上,這讓Torre 不太高興。(這好像在暗示上次連兩場試著對A-Rod投觸身球,只丟中一次) 2. 昨晚以4比1擊敗藍鳥隊賽後,Torre說: "實在是荒謬的事,他們播放的影片總該個局 限,那完全就是暴力。有些城市,我們隊上的一個球員被觸身球擊中,他們卻開始大 笑而且歡呼。我實在無法理解這麼荒謬的事。" (只是上次張伯倫差點丟到Youkilis 時,洋基球場也是爆出一陣掌聲,其實鄉民到處都有,只是在螢幕上播出真是有點太 過火了。) Torre繼續說: "對我而言,球賽是看比賽的過程而不是去傷害一些人。就 我的想法而言,假如你在球場放映這些內容,那就是告訴年輕人這樣作沒什麼問題, 這傳送出去的不是個正確的訊息。我不知道他們是不是把棒球賽看成了曲棍球賽, 那是個比棒球賽衝突性更大的比賽,我也不確定他們是不是把棒球賽看成了滯銷品, 需要用這種嘩眾取寵的方式來促銷。我覺得這樣做的見識實在不太高明。" 3. 當洋基隊員走出去上到球場守備位置時,這種嘩眾取寵的方式吸引了好幾位在休息區 的洋基隊員的注意, Torre說: "大家都在說,'你看到了沒?'"。在記者採訪前,A-Rod 已經離開球員休息室了。(記者挖不到太多可加油添醋的內容了。) 4. 藍鳥隊過去就有揶揄洋基隊的歷史,在2003年球季的開幕賽前,藍鳥隊在多倫多的報 紙刊登一則廣告,內容是一頂洋基的球帽被鳥糞弄髒了。這則廣告也鼓勵球迷去為松 井秀喜喝倒采,松井是在季後時從日本遠渡重洋來到大聯盟初登板亮相。在廣告裡有 幾個日文字翻譯出來的意思就是"噓松井",同時廣告的標題寫著 "藍鳥隊在晚上的開 幕戰歡迎洋基隊。" Torre也不喜歡這則廣告, 在那時他說: "我認為這很沒品...我 瞭解這是個玩笑,但這玩笑開得也有點太過火了。" Torre繼續說: "你想要鼓勵人們 來看比賽,但噓松井和那頂帽子,我想這已超出開玩笑的範圍了。" 5. A-Rod和藍鳥隊的紛爭是發生在五月洋基第一次到多倫多客場作戰時。A-Rod在藍鳥隊 接捕一個內野小飛球時跑過二壘和三壘之間,當藍鳥隊已經準備要接這小飛球,A-Rod 大叫著據他表示是叫"Ha!"。藍鳥隊總教練之後把A-Rod的行徑稱呼為"二流聯盟"。當 洋基八月再度來到多倫多時,藍鳥隊在系列的開幕戰就丟了一個球到A-Rod的腦後,第 二天再度被Josh Towers丟中小腿。A-Rod和Towers相互叫囂然後兩隊板凳淨空。 TORONTO - Alex Rodriguez and the Blue Jays have a heated history this season, with A-Rod getting plunked twice in retaliation for his infamous "Ha!" play, when he distracted Toronto fielders from an infield pop. Last night, during an otherwise-uneventful game last night, a new chapter was added. In a video game promotion in the middle of the sixth inning, two Jays fans were playing a baseball game on the scoreboard screen, pitching to A-Rod. Twice they threw at him, missing once and hitting him once and leaving Joe Torre unhappy. "It's ridiculous," Torre said after the Yanks beat Toronto, 4-1. "Some of the videos they have period, it's all about violence. There are certain cities, one of our players gets knocked down and they start laughing and cheering. I don't understand it. "To me, this game is about playing it and not about hurting somebody. To me, if you show it at a ballpark, you're telling the youngsters it's OK to do it and that's not a good message to send. I don't know if it's hockey - it's a little more of a violent game than ours - and I'm not sure if that's a carryover in what they do or how they promote. "It certainly lacks good sense, I think." The antics caught the notice of several Yankees in the dugout as the team was going out onto the field, Torre said. "People were saying, 'Did you see it?'" Rodriguez was already out of the clubhouse by the time reporters arrived. The Blue Jays have a history of tweaking the Yankees - before the 2003 season opener, they ran an advertisement in Toronto papers that showed a Yankee cap soiled with bird droppings. The ad also encouraged fans to boo Hideki Matsui, who was making his Major League debut after coming over from Japan in the offseason. There were Japanese characters in the ad that translated to "Boo Matsui" and the caption on the ad read, "The Blue Jays welcome the Yankees on Opening Night." Torre didn't like that, either, saying at the time, "I thought it was tasteless....I understand fun and games, but maybe it was a little too much. "You want to encourage people to come out, but to boo Matsui and the cap, I think it's beyond having fun." The trouble with Rodriguez started during the Yanks' first trip to Toronto in May. A-Rod was running between second and third on a pop fly and yelled what he said was "Ha" as Jays infielders set up under the ball. Toronto manager John Gibbons called A-Rod "bush league" afterward. When the Yanks came back to Toronto in August, the Jays threw behind his head in the series opener and then he was hit on the calf with a pitch by Josh Towers the next day. Rodriguez and Towers yelled at each other and the benches cleared. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/13 21:55, , 1F
09/13 21:55, 1F

09/13 21:56, , 2F
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09/13 21:59, , 5F
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09/13 21:59, , 6F
X的 都不想再計較了還一直借題發揮 難怪球場都沒什麼人
09/13 21:59, 6F

09/13 22:02, , 7F
09/13 22:02, 7F
※ 編輯: leddy 來自: (09/13 22:03)

09/13 22:04, , 8F
而且是A-Rod還沒來洋基之前 我想我已經要把藍鳥
09/13 22:04, 8F

09/13 22:05, , 9F
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09/13 22:11, , 13F
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09/13 22:15, , 14F
花錢登廣告叫大家噓松井 囧 日本球迷不會抗議嗎
09/13 22:15, 14F

09/13 22:15, , 15F
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09/13 22:15, , 16F
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09/13 22:15, , 17F
大家可以看看閃電霹靂車double I 裡面修馬赫的手段
09/13 22:15, 17F

09/13 22:17, , 18F
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09/13 22:24, , 19F
A Rod:Ha(WOW)!!!!!
09/13 22:24, 19F

09/13 22:31, , 20F
問題是用這種濫招 還是逃不過被橫掃啊XD
09/13 22:31, 20F

09/13 22:33, , 21F
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09/13 22:34, , 22F
我沒有要引戰,不要亂扣帽子,我只是在反諷吉本斯而已= =。
09/13 22:34, 22F

09/13 22:36, , 23F
09/13 22:36, 23F

09/13 22:41, , 24F
藍鳥真的是個很沒水準的球隊= =
09/13 22:41, 24F

09/13 22:43, , 25F
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09/13 22:58, , 28F
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09/13 23:06, , 29F
藍鳥的球團經營方針怪怪的 = =
09/13 23:06, 29F

09/13 23:11, , 30F
連洋基都沒辦法救藍鳥票房 他們自己可能凶多吉少
09/13 23:11, 30F

09/13 23:12, , 31F
看那麼多NYY比賽 難得有沒滿座的
09/13 23:12, 31F

09/13 23:13, , 32F
雖然不想認同去年某個人 不過他寫了"這條船快沉了" 中肯XD
09/13 23:13, 32F

09/13 23:23, , 33F
藍鳥:"科科 我們佈這個局已經佈很久了 票房一定會增加"
09/13 23:23, 33F

09/13 23:34, , 34F
09/13 23:34, 34F

09/13 23:41, , 35F
這球隊連自已球場的無線網路都架不好了(by 胖子blog)
09/13 23:41, 35F

09/13 23:47, , 36F
重點是藍鳥票房不好吧 連對洋基都還有一堆空位 濫噱頭
09/13 23:47, 36F

09/13 23:50, , 37F
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09/14 00:21, , 41F
A-Rod 52Hr 140RBI很二流啊~?
09/14 00:21, 41F

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09/14 00:38, , 48F
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09/14 00:39, , 49F
不過A-rod似乎對藍鳥就會熄火= =
09/14 00:39, 49F

09/14 00:41, , 50F
難道阿肉的火都在LP附近~~傳說中的"歸籃趴火"!? (誤
09/14 00:41, 50F

09/14 00:57, , 51F
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09/14 01:17, , 52F
大推謝海倫的白板中肯評語 XD
09/14 01:17, 52F

09/14 01:20, , 53F
09/14 01:20, 53F

09/14 02:08, , 54F
藍鳥真的是快沒市場了 今天上層看台幾乎沒甚麼人 知道穩輸的
09/14 02:08, 54F

09/14 02:10, , 55F
也看到力挽狂瀾使出絕招 不過沒啥路用就是了
09/14 02:10, 55F

09/14 02:19, , 56F
加拿大人 好像對棒球不是非常熱衷?他們應該比較喜歡冰球
09/14 02:19, 56F

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文章代碼(AID): #16wK1J_w (NY-Yankees)