[閒聊] With Valentin out, Mets land Castillo

看板NY-Mets作者 (David Allen Wright)時間17年前 (2007/07/31 22:17), 編輯推噓6(601)
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大概翻一下官網的文章...... http://tinyurl.com/2khhb3 By Anthony DiComo / MLB.com -- NEW YORK -- The injury that ended Jose Valentin's season has forced the Mets to acquire a player who seemingly makes them a better team than they were before Valentin broke his leg 10 days ago. The acquisition of veteran second baseman and No. 2 hitter Luis Castillo on Monday bolsters the batting order, marginally upgrades the running game and significantly reinforces the defense. 老情人確定本季報銷,高層只好另找人遞補。Luis Castillo 的到來, 應該能夠增強打線的威力,且在跑壘跟防守部分帶來很大的升級。 At minimal personnel cost -- two Minor League players not yet on the big-league horizon to the Twins -- the Mets addressed several needs and, in the process, made themselves younger. The club may not have made a splash comparable to what the Braves are trying to make with the Rangers' Mark Teixeira, but importing Castillo fits well in almost every way. 在花費不大的情況下--僅用了兩位尚未到達高階聯盟的新秀-- 大都會隊成功的補強自身的陣容,同時也讓球隊更加年輕化。這個交易也許 比不上勇士隊獲得鐵爺的來的巨大,但它幾乎在各方面都是成功的。 So the Mets front office was in celebration mode, albeit low key, on Monday as the team traveled to Milwaukee -- without the injured and likely disabled-list bound Carlos Beltran -- for a three-game series that includes a start that might make Tom Glavine a 300-game winner. The Mets were uncertain about Beltran's DL assignment, though they were leaning in that direction, and whether Castillo would join them in time for the Tuesday night game against the Brewers. But they were quite sure he had made the most of the circumstances. 儘管低調,但是大都會的高層應該是很爽的。 他們正要到密爾瓦基與釀酒人進行三連戰,老葛將會在這個 series 向三百勝叩關。 Beltran 因傷(strained left oblique)並未同行,球隊正在考慮是否將他放入 DL。 With the non-waiver trade deadline less than 24 hours away, the club indicated it still was looking to upgrade its bullpen, but it was quite comfortable that it had done as much as it could for the starting eight. 交易大限之前,球隊說他們不會放棄尋找牛棚戰力的動作,不過他們在其他方面 可說已經盡了力。 Castillo, 32 in September and nearly six years younger than Valentin, will stabilize the No. 2 spot in the order. He will become the 15th player to bat second for the Mets this season and will take more pitches than most of the other 14, affording Jose Reyes greater opportunity to steal, and Castillo will be as much of a baserunning threat as his two-hole predecessors. Castillo 在九月將滿 32 歲,差不多比老情人年輕六歲。 他應該會打第二棒的位置,也是本季大都會第 15 個打二棒的球員。不過 他的選球跟纏鬥能力在這 15 人之中名列前矛,可以讓 Reyes 有更多盜壘的機會, 而他自己,跟前面的 No.2 打者比起來,也是一個相當傑出的跑者。 Yet when general manager Omar Minaya spoke of Castillo's acquisition in a conference call on Monday, he spoke primarily of the defense of the three-time Gold Glove Award winner. "We pride our team as being pitching and defense," Minaya said. "Castillo is one of the best second basemen in baseball." Minaya 在記者會上,主要是在讚美 Castillo 這位三屆金手套的防守功力。 Although the general manager acknowledged he couldn't compare Castillo's defensive prowess now to what it was three or four seasons ago, he said Castillo "turns the double play" and that the Mets "needed someone on the right of [Carlos] Delgado who covers some ground." Minaya noted that the Mets have many pitchers who pitch to contact, so Castillo's range helps in that regard, as well. 雖然比不上前幾年的神勇,GM 說 Castillo "擅於製造雙殺",也能幫在一壘的 屌哥分擔一些範圍。而且,由於大都會的投手很多是以"投給打者打"來維生,所以 守備範圍廣大的 Castillo 更是來對了。 A switch-hitter more productive against left-handed pitching, Castillo was batting .304 with 11 doubles, three triples and 18 RBIs in 349 at-bats -- all as a No. 2 hitter -- with the Twins. Castillo's batting average since the All-Star break is .296. His July average is .313. 左右開弓的 Castillo 對左投表現比較好, (今年的話,對左:.308/.384/.279,對右:.372/.342/.312 ) OBP SLG AVG OBP SLG AVG 本季目前 349 個打數,打擊率是 .304,有 11 隻 2B,三隻 3B,18 分打點, 都是在第二棒的成績。(有沒有注意到作者沒說幾隻 HR......因為今年一隻都沒有!) He had walked 29 times, stolen merely nine bases and scored 54 runs 85 games. 在 85 場比賽中,他獲得 29 次保送,九次盜壘,得 54 分。 A former league leader in steals, he had stolen an average of 19 bases in the last four years. The Twins are fourth in the American League in stolen bases with 85, 40 fewer than the Mets. Castillo 最近四年的盜壘數剩下平均 19 次。 Castillo's on-base and slugging percentages are .356 and .352, respectively. The corresponding composite figures produced from the Mets' two-hole this season are .351 (fourth in the National League) and .448 (sixth). Playing home games on artificial surface, Castillo had merely 11 doubles and three triples. 本季他的上壘率是 .356,長打率是 .352, 對照組:本季二棒表現 .351(國聯第四) .451(國聯第六) (這個作者應該很不滿意他的砲瓦......) But 10 of his 18 RBIs came in 32 at-bats with runners in scoring position and two out. The Mets have been particularly deficient in those situations this season. 不過,他在 32 個兩出局,得點圈有人的情況的打數中打回了十分打點。 這種關鍵能力,是大都會本季一直欠缺的。(淚......) Castillo had his 32-game hitting streak at Shea Stadium, the longest streak in the 44-year history of the ballpark, ended on June 18 this year. The streak began Sept. 2, 2001, and ran through Sept. 20, 2005. He batted .388 in 129 at-bats. His career numbers at Shea include a .293 average with five doubles, three triples, one home run and 17 RBIs in 229 at-bats. Castillo 在 Shea 的表現是:229 個打數,.293 打擊率,五支 2B,三隻 3B, 一隻全壘打,17 分打點。 Castillo becomes eligible for free agency after the season, but if he performs as the Mets anticipate, they would be likely to pursue re-signing him. Minaya indicated the club had been planning to weigh signing Castillo for 2008 before the need for a trade developed. 本季結束之後,Castillo 將成自由球員。打的好的話,大都會應會與他續約。 "Now we get a longer look," Minaya said. "We know how he played as an opposing player. Now we'll see how he plays for us." Minaya:"我們知道他是怎麼對付我們的,現在來看看他要怎麼幫助我們了。" Castillo's presence diminishes the chance of Valentin returning next season and severely reduces the playing time of Ruben Gotay, who had been acquitting himself rather well at second base and as a hitter before and after Valentin's injury. 老情人明年應該是掰掰了,而鍋貼的打擊表現雖然不錯(.382/.504/.350 in 123 AB) 大概上場時間也會大減。 Despite working diligently on his defense with coach Sandy Alomar, Gotay was not the defensive player the club wanted, nor was he nearly as battle-tested as Castillo, who has played in 20 postseason games -- 17 with the Marlins in 2003 and three with the Twins in 2005. 鍋貼在防守上跟教練 Sandy Alomar 下了不少功夫,但是仍然不符球隊預期, 而他的經驗也比不上打過 20 場季後賽的 Castillo。 There was no indication who the Mets would remove from the big-league roster to accommodate Castillo. But with Gotay now a reserve, David Newhan is a possibility. Or the Mets club could assign Beltran to the disabled list and delay removing a player until his return. If the Mets want an outfielder other than Newhan on the big-league, either Chip Ambres or Ben Johnson could be promoted. 為了橋位置給 Castillo,David Newhan 可能被下放;或者球隊可以將 Beltran 先放入 DL 以避免下放任何人。如果球隊需要 Newhan 以外的外野手,我們就有機會 看到 Chip Ambres 或 Ben Johnson 上來露個臉。 To acquire Castillo, the Mets moved two players to the Twins: 23-year-old catcher Drew Butera, whose father, Sal, played for five big-league teams, and athletic 23 -year-old center fielder Dustin Martin, who saw some action during Spring Training. Neither was considered a top prospect. Butera is a mostly defensive catcher; Martin is a left-handed hitter who batted .315 in his first 251 professional at-bats with Class A Brooklyn last year. He was batting .287 and Butera .258 in 363 and 182 respective at-bats with the Mets' most competitive Class A team, St. Lucie. 這邊是對兩位到了雙城的小朋友的介紹,重點是:兩人都不算是頂級的新秀。 祝他們一路順風囉~ The Mets didn't contact the Twins about Castillo until after Valentin broke his leg. And the talks didn't become series, Minaya said, until Sunday. The Twins originally sought more highly regarded prospects, but the Mets declined. Minaya said he wasn't sure until the weekend -- when the Twins fell seven games behind in the American League Central and 6 1/2 games behind in the Wild Card standings -- that Castillo was available. 本來雙城想換更好的農作物,但是大都會不肯放;不過到了週末,隨著雙城戰績 在外卡落後達到 6.5 場,他們也就接受了這筆交易。 -- 天阿這篇好長......大概沒人會看完吧 @@ 我也覺得這應該會是筆有幫助的交易,我們將會擁有兩位 OBP .350 的快腿, 配合中心打線,帶給投手的壓力會更大...... 二壘這個位置,可以續簽 Castillo 再讓鍋貼把防守練起來, 也可以明年直接讓他接班。 (看到鍋貼的打擊火力,我頗希望他可以成為 2B 的 long term solution......) 總之 Castillo 不長的合約處理起來應該很有彈性, 只希望季後要續約的話,不要太長就好。 最後補一句:Kudos to Minaya! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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