Re: [賴瑞] 誰記得12/3晚上六點這集 賴瑞說的量子ꔠ…

看板NUMB3RS作者 (漂舶)時間17年前 (2007/12/04 00:02), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《pisis (50嵐)》之銘言: : 他說過這麼多有哲理的話 讓我越來越喜歡他了.. : (可是目前查理還是勝出:P) : 今天他對唐提到"量子交纏理論" : 我覺得很浪漫,想要把這段話放在Blog賣弄一下... : 有哪位好人願意告訴我? 非常謝謝!!! : (半夜三點的重播實在是沒辦法...只好上網找專家.. : 還是忍不住抱怨一下 現在的時段讓我憤怒阿! 每次都只看到後面半小時..) 我對這段對話也有很深刻的印象^^ 運用物理現象來闡述(?)人與人之間的關係的Larry實在是好可愛 :p 我手上只有現成的英文字幕檔,先貼上來讓你參考參考。 如果需要中文翻譯,那要等我一點時間^^;; (我幾乎沒辦法看AXN台,所以就算中譯也是我自己翻或是找網路檔參考) (補充一下,此對話出自2x01) Larry: Oh. Hey, Don, are you... are you familiar with, um, quantum entanglement? Don: Uh, I don't think so. I'm not sure. Larry: Okay, it's a theory that holds that photons come in pairs, that are separated by space and time, but always in instantaneous, inexplicable communication. Einstein calls it, uh, "spooky action at a distance." But, you know, I find it... I find the notion fairly romantic. Don: How so? Larry: Well, uh, I mean, we affect each other. Even when we don't mean to, even when we don't want to, we're connected, you see, even when we try to be unaffected. Don: Why do I get the feeling you're talking about my love life? Larry: Don, the universe is accelerating at such a rate that, some day,eventually,it will all fly apart, and all matter will just drift alone and become disconnected. And how sad that would be if human beings wereto behave in a similar fashion. And after considerable inner debate, I find that the risks of human contact are more than compensated for by the rewards. Don: I'll keep that in mind. Larry: That was not clear. -- Real science is discovery, Charles. It's not invention. The truths are there, whether we find them or not. --- Numb3rs 1x11 Sacrifice --- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: LilyYeh 來自: (12/04 00:02)

12/04 12:02, , 1F
我好愛你喔!大感謝!! *你簽名檔那集我也有看到 很棒!
12/04 12:02, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #17L2XznS (NUMB3RS)