Re: [閒聊] 課後閒話時間...

看板NTUMUN作者 (Charlotte)時間15年前 (2009/03/04 22:58), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《lth5127 (leopard小豹)》之銘言: I agree that our opinion does have a lot of space for the ones who are against\ it. So I think that I need to provide some evidence to convince you. Take Tai\ wan for example. If there's a war between the ROC and China,the UN definitely \ won't do anything(not to mention that China has enormous veto power). It's all\ because that we are not well-accepted as a nation by the other countries. I admit that in certain circumstances will "sovereignty" be the blocking stone\ for emergency aid and humanitarian supply,like the tragedy happened in Myanma\ r, but that doesn't mean that we can throw the concept of sovereignty into the\ garbage can, right? We need sovereignty as a picture and symbol of a country. When everybody see t\ his picture, they know that they can't invade or interrupt without using gigan\ tic political, economical, and military forces. Sovereignty also gives people \ of a country the feeling of belonging, as they are gathered together by this c\ oncept. And that's why some of the people in the disaster-stricken or chaotic-\ bothered countries don't want UN or other forcesto enter their territory. It \ just harms their feeling of belonging. That's my little opinion. This is just short talk, right? As one famous professor from the college of law said: Just for fun. Hahahahaha! I didn't expect any of you would emerge from the invisible veil to reply... And the first reply I get was indeed well thought:) Leopard, you made a good point about personal belongings. This I didn't put into perspective, for I've not felt such a bond to land or culture. My little philosophy is this: I am who I am; I am not defined by what runs in my blood, nor where I reside. Should the governor rule terribly, I ought to be free to choose where I feel most comfortable in. Likewise, if I were one born in destitute, a poor state. I should have the choice to choose a better place, right? But I chose not and gradually cultivate a strong bond to the land and faces, most likely because I've never known the taste of good. Therefore I simply believe what I have now is good enough. I imagine this is why ill-governed states still exist, and probably also why conditions are unlikely to improve. That's why I began to wonder what might happen if we simply forsake this concept that in itself has no precise definition. Now that you've reminded me of the feeling of belonging to a community, I guess ruling out the concept wouldn't do much good; nor is it easy. Haha, this is also a mere piece of thought. I enjoyed yours:) ※ 編輯: hermione0826 來自: (03/05 00:48)

03/05 18:23, , 1F
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/05 18:23, 1F
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