Re: [英文] 翁家傑諺語完整版!!!!

看板NTUGEO95-HW作者 (Mr. Anderson)時間17年前 (2007/06/22 00:11), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《chanichen66 (轉一圈)》之銘言: ※ 引述《lalakeem (長不大的小孩)》之銘言: 要改的慢慢repost下去喔 A的已修正過 Ace up your sleeve 暗藏的絕招或王牌, 必要時才使出 Achilles’ heel 唯一的(致命)弱點 Add fuel to the fire 火上加油 Air your dirty laundry in public 在公共場合講出丟人的事 Albatross around your neck 不能丟棄的麻煩 All ears 全神貫注地傾聽 All thumbs 笨手笨腳 Ants in your pants 過動 Apple of your eye 珍惜的人事物 As the crow files 短且直接的路 B的已修正 Bring home the bacon 為生活打拚 Bug off 閃邊去 Bug someone 騷擾人 Bull in a China shop 魯莽闖禍的人 Burn the candle at both ends 蠟燭兩頭燒(兩邊事情都很忙) Burn the midnight oil 熬夜 Bolt from the blue 晴天霹靂 Born with a silver spoon in your mouth 出生顯貴之家 Bottom line 決定有無(好壞)的關鍵 Break a leg 祝別人好運 Break the ice 打破沈默,打開話題 Bring down the house 博得滿堂喝采 Bite off more than you can chew 下了一個超出自己能力的承諾 Bite the bullet 硬著頭皮(做好心理準備接受譴責) Bite the dust 倒地死亡,陣亡,遭到失敗,不成功 Bite the hand that feeds you ??可能是不知感恩吧 Bite your tongue 安靜地閉嘴 Black sheep of the family 害群之馬 C的已修改 Call it a day 結束一天的工作 Call the shots 控制局面,發號施令 Call you on the carpet 叫過去責罵? Call your bluff 挑戰某人說的大話 Calm before the storm 暴風雨前的寧靜 Can’t flight city hall 無法抵抗行政者 Close shave 僥倖的脫險 Cold feet 發慌;害怕;膽小;退縮 Cold turkey 突然改掉習慣 Come again 重復一遍 Come apart at the seams 崩潰 Come up smelling like a rose 不致損害名聲的事? Cut your eyeteeth on something 有價值的經驗 Cutting edge 最前線;尖端;最重要的位置 DF的已修改 Dark-horse candidate 黑馬 Dead as a doornail 失去最後一絲希望 Dead duck 注定要完蛋的人(或事物);無用的人(或事物) From the word go 立即, 馬上 Full of beans 精神飽滿 Full of hot air 嘴炮 G的已修改 Get a handle on something 找到方法處理事情 Get a kick out of something 享受做某事 Get away with murder 殺人輕易逃脫,逍遙法外 Give up the ghost 死 停止運作 Give your eyeteeth for something 為了其他目的放棄某事 Go against the grain 違反某人的意願 Go along for the ride 身處活動中但未參與 Go bananas 發瘋,神經錯亂 Go fly a kite 走開,滾開 Head over heels in love Heart’s in the right place Heavens to betsy High horse 趾高氣揚 Highway robbery Hit below the belt 玩弄手段,暗箭傷人 Hit the books 用功 Have a screw loose 頭腦有毛病,精神不正常 Have your cake and eat it too Have your heart in your mouth Head and shoulders above someone 大大勝過某人 Head honcho Head in the clouds Hang in there 不氣餒;不畏難;堅持下去 Hang out your shingle Hanging by a thread 不絕如縷 Hard nut to crack 棘手的事;難對付的人 Hat in hand 懇求地;溫順地;畢恭畢敬地 Have a bone to pick with you 同某人有爭論,對某人不滿 In the driver’s seat In the limelight In the pink 非常健康 In the same boat 處境相同 It takes two to tango Keep your ear to the ground Keep your fingers crossed 祈求好運 Keep your head above water Keep your nose to the grindstone Keep your shirt on Kick the bucket 翹辮子;死了 Old hat 老式的,過時的,陳腐的 Old wives’ tale 無稽之談,愚蠢的迷信 On a shoestring 小本經營地 On cloud nine On pins and needles 如坐針氈 Proof of the pudding is in the eating 空談不如實踐 Pull a fast one 欺騙 Pull a rabbit out of a hat Pull no punches Pull out all the stops 千方百計,全力以赴,使出渾身解數 Pull strings 通過私人關係 Raise an eyebrow 引起懷疑,使驚訝 Raise cain 惹亂子,胡鬧;發火,惱怒;狂歡,狂飲 Rally round the flag Rat race (商界)日常緊張的競爭活動;無意義的競爭 Rats abandoning a sinking ship Read between the lines 領悟言外之意 Under the table 酒醉;私下;祕密地 Under the water Up a creek without a paddle Up against the wall 碰壁,處境困難 Upper crust 上流社會;麵包表層的皮 Upset the applecart Word of mouth 口頭表達的 Worth your salt 稱職的 Wrong side of the tracks You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink You can’t teach an old dog new tricks 老狗學不了新把戲積習難改 中文我盡量找翻了~~~再來真的有請強者了!!!!(__ __) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/21 18:27,
06/21 18:27

06/21 18:33,
06/21 18:33

06/21 23:17,
06/21 23:17
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iuchun1010 來自: (06/22 00:30) ※ 編輯: iuchun1010 來自: (06/22 00:45) ※ 編輯: iuchun1010 來自: (06/22 00:54) ※ 編輯: iuchun1010 來自: (06/22 00:56)
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文章代碼(AID): #16UgCyQt (NTUGEO95-HW)