[轉錄][翻譯] History of Basketball Coaching …

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBAGM 看板] 作者: sssfrost (神遊物外) 看板: NBAGM 標題: [翻譯] History of Basketball Coaching from 1922 to 2006 (2) 時間: Sun May 21 22:06:26 2006 One-Handed Basketball Set Shot Perhaps more significant than the rule changes was two new offensive fundamentals: the one-handed set and the one-handed jump shot. Until then, only the two-handed set shot and hook shots were being used on the perimeter. There were exceptions, but these were not good percentage shots for most players. 比起規則改變所帶來之影響更大者,或許是兩項新進攻基本原則的產生 :單手立定投籃與單手跳投。在此之前,罰球圈附近的都是使用雙手立 定投籃與勾射來取分,雖然或有例外,但大多數球員在這個距離的命中 率都不怎麼樣。 The one-handed set shot first began appearing in the early 1940’s. Coaches and players, alike, soon began to discover this shot to be more accurate and could be released much quicker. A few years after that players added a jump to the shot, which gave birth to the one-handed jump shot that was even more effective and accurate from 10 feet-out. It was even more accurate than the hook shot being taken from the 4 to 12 foot range and much easier to get off in close quarters than the one-handed set shot. 單手立定投籃首次出現於四零年代早期,教練與球員們很快就發現單手 立定投籃的奧妙之處,在於它準多了且出手更快。幾年之後,球員們開 始在投籃時加上跳躍,單手跳投就此誕生。單手跳投有效提升了十呎以 外投籃的精準度與效率,甚至比四到十二呎內的鉤射還要來的準。單手 跳投在每節比賽接近尾聲時,要搶時間出手也比立定跳投容易得多 By the 1950’s many players, from the high school level on up became very effective with these shots. This improved outside shooting soon took away much of the advantages of a packed-in zone defense. This forced such tight defenses to move out. This then made the penetrating dribble a more effective offensive weapon. Many players became more skillful with their dribbling abilities and we began to see a resurgence in a one-on-one situation. This gave the offense another way to penetrate the defense for a high percentage shot or dish off to a teammate for a like shot. 精準度大幅躍升的外線投射,把以往重兵坐鎮禁區的區域防守打得落花 流水。因此,禁區擁擠的區域防守,被迫移出內線。持球滲透因而成為 一項更有效率的進攻武器。許多球員也變得精於運球切入的技巧,場上 一對一的情況隨之復甦。持球切入成為進攻方滲透防守的另一項選擇, 切入後有機會獲高命中率的投射機會,或分球(dish off)給外圍隊友 ,讓他們在空檔下輕鬆投籃。 Defensive Changes Coaches who had long been disciples of man-to-man defense began to apply more pressure on the ball and instructed the weak-side defensive players to sag more toward the basket. This was the very beginning of the help and recover defensive tactic seen today. These man-to-man coaches would only use a zone defense as a last resort or a change-of-pace tactic. There were many coaches who preferred the zone as their primary defense, but resorted to man-to-man whenever their zone failed. 長期追隨盯人防守的教練們,開始增加對球的壓迫(pressure),並建 立弱邊球員下沉保護籃下的機制。這就是今日常見的協防與回覆原位( recover)等防守戰術最初的源頭。這些教練們視區域防守僅僅為萬不得 已的方案或偶而變換節奏迷惑對手的東西而已。多教練最初喜愛區域防 守,但通常因為區域防守的失敗而轉向盯人防守。 A new type of defense began to appear in the 1950’s called a match-up zone defense. It was great at slowing an offense when properly executed, but difficult to teach. The match-up zone had players match up with the various offensive sets, then attempt to defend a certain area of the court. Each player would use a combination of zone and man-to-man tactics in guarding a defensive player in his area. 五零年代也出現了一種新型態的防守:盯人區域防守(Match-up Zone) 這套防守非常難教,可一旦學會且正確執行,攻勢將會被大幅度減緩。 Match-up Zone 讓球員以盯人的方式應對各種不同型態的進攻套路,接 著試圖保護特定區域。每位球員都必須負責區域內的防守對象,並綜合 運用盯人與區域防守的技巧。 A few man-to-man and zone presses were used during the 1950’s. Up until then, pressure defenses were usually used in late stages of a game by the losing team trying to change the final outcome of the game. It wasn’t until the fifties that teams started using pressure type defenses at different times during a game. Defenses were becoming much more aggressive out of necessity in efforts to combat ever-improving offenses. About this time, some coaches believed a player must hit at least 40 percent of his shots, or he would hurt the team. A team averaged around 45 to 50 percent then. I’ve heard coaches say, and I’ve even said it myself, "45 percent wins and 30 percent loses games." 五零年代,壓迫式的盯人或區域防守也開始出現。以前,壓迫防守通常 為落後的那一方於比賽即將結束,試圖扭轉結果時所用者;五十年代, 壓迫式防守的使用,不再僅限於球賽末段。為了對抗不斷演進的進攻技 術,防守勢必更加積極且富侵略性。差不多同時,一些教練開始要求球 員的投籃命中率至少要在四成左右;而球隊整體的命中率必須在四成五 到五成。包括我在內,許多教練都這麼說過:「四成五的命中率能夠贏 得比賽,三成就回家吃自己。」 When I started in college after World War II, basketball really became popular in all areas of the United States. It was no longer limited to Indiana high schools and became a great spectator sport. Basketball gyms were filled to capacity and newer and larger arenas were built to accommodate this increased interest. 二戰後,我開始大學生涯,而籃球風行於全美;不再只侷限於 Indiana 這裡的高中學校,而成為擁有眾多觀眾的全國性運動。球館總是擠滿了 人,更新更大的體育場因而不斷應日益增加之需求而生。 A National Major Sport In the late 1940’s a few talented athletes began playing basketball the year round to hone their skills. Such coaches as John Wooden at Indiana State gave the first black athletes the opportunity to showcase their talents; however, Jim Crow laws hampered travel accommodations and delayed fullest implementation for many years to come. Many southern universities refused to play teams with black players. The black athlete soon proved to the entire nation that he had the ability and skills needed for the modern day game of basketball. I believe this, more than anything else, became the most dominate force in improving the basketball skills of modern-day players. 四零年代晚期,一些具有天份的運動員,開始反覆磨練籃球的技巧。某 些教練如印城州大 John Wooden,也給了黑人球員們展現其天賦的機會 ,那是黑人運動員的首次亮相;然而,Jim Crow法(按:五零年代美國 的種族隔離法)阻礙了黑人球員們旅途中的膳宿,也使得黑人球員大舉 進攻籃球領域的時程晚了很多年。那時許多南方的大學都不准球隊中有 黑人,可是黑人運動員很快地向全國證明他們的能力與技術,是完全為 現代籃球而生的;我相信,他們是推動今日籃球員進步的最大因素。 Experimentation with Multiple Defenses There was a was some experimentation with multiple defenses during the early1960’s. All this came about because the weakest link in the offensive skills was the pass. The basic premise of these stunting and combination defenses was to mold a defense to take advantage of this weakest link of that day. Only a few coaches used multiple defenses, but those who did became quite successful and books began to appear dealing with the subject. 六零年代早期,有些教練們開始實驗複合多樣化的防守。這是因為寰諸 各項進攻技巧中,傳球是最脆弱的連結;因此這種阻礙性的綜合防守型 態,即針對當時最錯弱的進攻連結(傳球)所塑造。雖然使用此種防守 型態的教練為數不多,可是他們獲得了極大的成果,坊間的書籍也開始 處理這類題目。 In 1963, while serving as volunteer coach for St. Benedict School in Evansville, Indiana, I read an excellent book dealing with this subject. This text was written by Wayne Dobbs and Garland Pinholster, entitled, Basketball’s Stunting Defenses. Prentice-Hall out of Englewood Ciffs, New Jersey, published this text and surprisingly it is appropriate today, as in 1964. The knowledge gained from reading it took me from man-to-man and straight zone defenses to Stunting Multiple Defenses. My team went from mediocre to one that completely confused the opposition and led to many championship trophies. 1963 年,當時自願任教於 St. Benedict(按:位於 Indiana 的 Eva- nsville) 的我,讀到了一本關於複合多樣化防守的書。作者是 Wayne Dobbs(按:曾執教於肯塔基)與 Garland Pinholster(按:http://0rz.net/441oT), 書名Basketball’s Stunting Defenses,由 Prentice-Hall 代理紐澤 西的Englewood Ciffs 出版。(按:http://0rz.net/d91nx)此書內容 與 1964 年的籃球環境極為契合,我也因為此書而改變過去自己教導的 盯人防守與純粹的區域防守,成為阻礙性的複合式防守(Stunting Mu- ltiple Defense)。我的球隊因此由一支高不成低不就的中級隊伍,轉 化為一級不敗雄師,贏得獎牌無數。這套防守能夠讓對手完全摸不清頭 緒,不知從何攻起。 In 2001 there are many coaches using multiple defenses in one way or another. The successful coaches have found this to be a way of slowing down improving offenses. Just as the zone defense was the answer to slowing down free-lance motion offenses in the1930’s, the multiple stunting defense is the answer to slowing it in 2001. In case you do not believe, former North Carolina Coach Dean Smith had used multiple defenses to confuse opposition for years. Nobody alive would doubt his success. It is obvious to me that Coach Smith found that combining half-court, three-quarter-court, and full-court defenses, and changing from man-to-man to zone and back again frequently in the course of a game keeps the offense off balance. Not only does this disrupt patterns, but reduces shooting accuracy as well. 2001年,已經有許多教練以不同方式使用複合式的防守。某些教練成功 地使用這種防守箝制日益進化的攻擊戰術。就如同三零年代早期,區域 防守擊敗了自由不受限制的 MO(按:free-lance MO,指沒有設計任何 特定走位與配合,全憑球員閱讀防守,適切執行傳、擋、切的MO)一樣 ,阻礙性的複合式防守是壓制 2001 年今天,各式進攻戰術的解答。如 果你不相信,前北卡傳奇教頭Dean Smith,已經使用複合式防守困惑對 手多年,沒有任何人會懷疑 Smith 的偉大成就。顯然,Dean Smith 那 套結合半場(half-court)、四分之三場地(three-quarter-court)、 全場的防守範圍,以及經常於盯人和區域防守之間切換的防守方式,可 以有效讓對手的攻勢失去平衡。它不只能夠毀壞對手的進攻模式,更能 夠壓低對手的投籃精準度。 Coach Smith was not the first coach to use such a system. There were many before him. The famous Everett Case, Forrest Allen, John Wooden, Frank McGuire, Jack Ramsay, and Del Harris lead the pack, but there were many lesser known coaches as well. A few of these were: Bob Abelsett, Neil Baisi, Aubrey Bonham, Glenn Brown, Bob Davis, John Egli, Bob Fuller, Harry Harkins, Bill Harrell, Burrall Paye, Garland Pinholster, Bud Presley, and Charles Ward. All were successful coaches at all levels of the game. Now, that the NBA has legalized zone defenses, it will be interesting to watch "Shaq Defenses" evolve. I predict the old master, Del Harris, now a Portland assistant, will come up with an effective beginning. Dean Smith不是第一個使用此系統的教練,許多人比他還要早,其中, Everett Case(按:http://0rz.net/821pa)、Forrest Allen(按: http://0rz.net/201mS)、John Wooden、Frank Mcguire(按:http://0rz.net/af1oM) 、Jack Ramsay(按:http://0rz.net/f71lW)、Del Harris(按: http://0rz.net/a61pX)等人赫赫有名。也有不少沒名氣者,比如說B- ob Abelsett、Neil Baisi、Aubrey Bonham、Glenn Brown、Bob Davi- s、John Egli、Bob Fuller、Harry Harkins、Bill Harrell、Burrall Paye、Garland Pinholster、Bud Presley 與Charles Ward。這些教練 們的共通點是,不論在何種層級的比賽,他們都相當成功。現在,區域 防守已經為NBA 合法化。相信觀察其他球隊針對那個無敵於天下的Shaq 所設計的新防守,是很有趣的一件事。我猜測年近古稀的大師 Del Ha- rris(按:時任拓荒者助理教練一職),會是第一個設計出有效防守招 術的人。 Coach Dean Smith’s way of using the multiple defense might be the most sophisticated, and when executed properly makes it difficult for the offense to determine the defense being used. Smith’s defense constantly interweaves man-to-man and zone principles. I think Coach Smith’s ideas are a combination of most of the defenses employed up to this time, plus a few new wrinkles and are adaptable at all levels of play. 不過 Dean Smith 的複合式防守或許是最精緻的,一旦確實執行,攻方 很難判定他們所應對的是何種防守形式。Smith 的防守不斷交織盯人與 區域防守的原則於其中。我認為Smith 的構想,是結合當代大多數的防 守型態,配上一些自創的新花樣;並希望這套防守,足以應付所有進攻 戰術配合。 -------------------------------------------------------------- 如有問題,歡迎指教。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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