Re: [問題] The Limbic System

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※ 引述《metalmayday (小孩子)》之銘言: : 神經科學共筆第二十一本第十四頁與第十六頁內容有些矛盾 : 杏仁核傳出纖維的兩個路徑 : stria terminalis ---> from cells of corticomedial group : vetral amygdalofugal pathway ---> from the basolateral cell group : (根據Haines p.508) : 第十四頁杏仁核結構第三點的B的傳出纖維是否需要更改 在這邊先附上課文內容: 一、臨床神經解剖學基礎: 杏仁核的輸出: 1.主要為ventral amygdaloid path ,這些輸出於前穿通質行走,並為基底核(basal nucleus)下丘腦(Hypothalamus)及丘腦內背側核( medial dorsal thalamic nucleus)提 供輸入。內背側核透過丘腦額前放射(thalamoprefrontal radiation)與額前皮質之間密 集的相互連接。基底外側杏仁體與額前皮質之間的密切連結也是直接經由那連結顳葉前部 與額葉眼額部(orbitofrontal cortex)之間的連結束即鉤束(uncinate fasciculus)所形 成的。 2.從中央核到前下丘腦與隔區的連結是透過那位於尾核內側的小束纖維即”終紋” (terminal stria )而發生。 3.左右杏仁體是經”前交連”來相互連接 二、Haines Efferent 1.The stria terminalis is a small bundle that arises from cells of corticomedial group. Through most of its course, this bundle lies in the groove between the caudate nucleus and the dorsal thalamus, where it is accompanied by the terminal vein. It is associated along its length with discontinuous aggregations of cells,which collectively are called the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis this tract distributes to various nuclei of hypothalamus(preoptic,ventromedial,anterior,lateral), nucleus accumbens, septal nuclei, rostral areas of the caudate nucleus and putamen. 終紋從杏仁核的皮質內側核群發出,投射到下丘腦(視前核、前核、腹內側、外側) 積核(但是教官PPT P50寫積核從杏仁核的輸入為ventral amygdalofugal pathway >_<) 、隔核、尾核及被殼 2.the ventral amygdalofugal path. Is the major efferent fiber… These fibers arises from the basolateral cell group and the central nucleus of the corticomedial cell group..axons primary from basolateral cells pass medially through the substantia innominata ,to eventually synapse in the hypothalamus and septal nuclei. the substantia innominata gives rise to a diffuse cholinergic projection to the cerebral cortex. 所以ventral amygdalofugal 會從皮質內側的中央核群及基底外側核群發出, 其中,主要從基底外側核發出的軸突->無名質,下丘腦,中隔核… In addition, cells of basolateral group also project diffusely to frontal and prefrontal ,cingulate, and insular and inferior temporal cortices 基底外側核也會投射到額葉、前額皮質、扣帶迴、腦島、下顳皮質. Other fibers, mainly from the central nucleus, turn caudally and descend diffusely in the brainstem to terminate in visceral (dorsal motor vagal)nuclei, raphe nucleus(magnus , obscures,pallidus), and other areas such as the locus cereleus ,parabrachial and periaqueductal gray. 其他從中央核群發出的還會到往下投射到visceral、raphe nucleus、藍斑 、parabrachial and periaqueductal gray 以上是我從haines.臨床神經解剖學基礎把重點打出來 結論: haines提到的終紋部分說:終紋從杏仁核的皮質內側核群發出 ventral amygdalofugal 會從皮質內側的中央核群及基底外側核群發出 所以共筆21 p14基底外側核群傳出纖維為終紋,把它改成ventral amygdalofugal 雖然教官ppt p38的圖(從haines來的) 終紋有畫從皮質內側核及基底外側核出來, 但是haines課本沒講到。 感謝志軒與逸群的討論 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tkjh10026 來自: (04/30 23:30)
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