Re: [2K13] 2K13增加球員技能

看板NBAGAME作者 (CaptainCharisma)時間11年前 (2012/09/01 20:31), 編輯推噓16(1609)
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※ 引述《swordmr20 (花吃魷魚麵)》之銘言: : : 根據巴哈的文章 : 大約有30個技能將會讓所屬球員更有特色 : 跟以前EA LIVE07&08有點像(不過EA的技能比較誇張 像是超人籃球= =) : 這樣人物就會更有特色性了 : 蠻期待的 隨手亂翻,大家加減看 So that’s five skills announced, but that leaves 25 or more that we don’t yet know about. Keeping in mind the approach that games like FIFA have taken to adding specialized skills for individual players, what are some of the other possible skills for NBA2K13 to include and how might they be implemented? 現在已經公開的只有5種特殊技能(其餘25種尚未公開) OFFENSIVE SKILLS 進攻技能 Court Vision: The already announced Floor General skill (for players like Derrick Rose and, presumably, Chris Paul and Steve Nash) will increase a team’s overall offensive awareness, but what about a skill that gives a higher success rate to difficult passes? This would be a good way to incorporate the outlet passing skills of big men like Kevin Love and the trickier misdirection passes of his teammate, Ricky Rubio. Applied to players like Andre Iguodala, it could help turn small forward and power forwards into point forwards without having to boost their overall passing skill. 全場視野:既有的Floor General技能可以增加全隊的進攻意識值, 如果再來一種可以增加傳險球的成功率技能怎麼樣 ? 這種能力很適合Rubio這類喜歡一箭穿心的傳球高手; 也能讓小AI這類的球員不需要把傳球技能點高, 就能夠扮演他們控球前鋒的角色。 Power Dunker: Dunks by players like Dominique Wilkins and Shawn Kemp have sometimes been felt to be worth more than just the two points that went up on the scoreboard for the way they could demoralize an opposing team through sheer force. A skill like this applied to Blake Griffin would provide a slight hit to the opposing team’s Defensive Awareness or other ratings for a few plays to give a little more impact to truly stupendous throwdowns. 暴力幹籃哥:電影精華和雨人幹籃得到的分數,常常讓人覺得不只價值2分, 幹籃可以讓敵隊膽戰心驚。這種技能可以讓幹籃哥這類的球員, 在幹籃後,讓對手的防守意識或其他數值下降,讓幹籃能夠 製造出一些真正的衝擊。 Fastbreak Assassin: Back in NBA2K1 and 2K2, it seemed like some players just took off faster than others on fast break opportunities. For whatever reason, the ability to run the break against the CPU has been tamped down in NBA2K12, but following plenty of complaints from players, there’s hope that effective fast breaks will make a comeback this year. Players like Russell Westbrook seem to have a sixth sense for the break, getting out ahead of everyone for the easy score and this skill could mean a quicker turn and launch up the court. 快攻刺客:2K1和2K2就出現過的技能,有些球員就是比較擅長當快攻箭頭。 PUJITs: Coaches may hate them, but there’s no denying that players like Jason Terry have turned the pull-up-jumper-in-transition into an artform. Previous installments of NBA2K would find you pulling up on the break if you shot it too early, and these shots would rarely find the iron. But this skill would make the PUJIT a legitimate offensive weapon and improve your chances of hitting such a shot while on the move. 急停跳投:很多教練可能會度爛這種打法,但事實上就是有Jason Terry這類球員 把這種攻守轉換時,無預警的急停跳投昇華成一種藝術。 以往的2K系列如果你幹這種事,下場往往是連鐵都打不到, 現在,這個技能可以讓急停跳投變成一種常規的武器, 而且會提高移動中投籃的命中率。 譯者按:天大的德政啊..... Hot Hand: We already know there’s going to be a Clutch skill (which will probably mean players like Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant will have a better chance of hitting a shot when the game is on the line), so why not a Hot Hand skill? The actual existence of either clutch or the hot hand in the real world is hotly debated, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be in a video game. NBA2K has had hot and cold streaks for shooters for a while, but for players like Ray Allen or Ben Gordon (who went nine-for-nine from downtown this past season in one game) getting on a hot streak should mean more. Make a couple in a row and this skill makes another dropping more likely. 手感發燙:牢大和KD在關鍵時刻總是比平常更準,我們也在遊戲裡加入了這項要素。 另外,雖然我們本來就有連續進球後手感發燙、連續打鐵後手感發冷的設定, 但我們認為對於雷槍或狗蛋這類球員,應該要再更明顯一點。 所以這個技能也會讓連續進球時的命中率再高一點。 Anklebreaker: If you’ve played any fighting video games, you’re familiar with the concept of staggering the opponent. Lay out enough damage quickly enough in the Street Fighter franchise and your opponent will be seeing stars. This skill would do something similar for NBA2K. It wouldn’t happen all the time and wouldn’t be dependent upon a certain set of moves, but some combination of chance and ability with the new Control Stick coupled with this skill would mean definitively knocking the defender off-balance to create an opening like Allen Iverson. 腳踝終結者:玩過快打旋風之類的遊戲就知道,如果你連續接技成功,會讓你的對手 滿頭星星、暈倒在地。腳踝終結者的機制跟他很像,只要你在短時間尻 出幾招連續技,雖然並不是絕對會成功,也沒有固定的套路或按法; 但是對手有可能會像守AI一樣被晃倒在地。 And-One Expert: Some players are great at getting contact when they’re driving to the rim. In fact, skilled young players--like Derrick Rose at the beginning of his career--would often shy away from contact on drives, but now actively seeks out opposing players bodies in an effort to draw the foul. A skill like this would mean players would make tougher shots in the lane, plus get the benefit of the referee’s whistle a little more often. And1專家:有些球員擅於在切入時利用身體接觸製造犯規。像Rose在菜的時候, 會去閃對手;老了以後反而會主動去凹犯規。這個技能能讓球員更容易 得到裁判青睞,而且還能照樣進球。 DEFENSIVE SKILLS 防守技能 Ballhawk: Likewise, steals have traditionally been dictated only by a player's Steal rating. The Ballhawk skill could reflect the ability of players like Chris Paul to poke the ball loose at just the right time or snatch passes out of midair. Applied to frontcourt players, it could reflect a player’s ability to strip the ball from opposing big men in the paint. 抄球大濕:抄截的成功率本來只受球員抄截數值影響。這個技能能夠更忠實呈現 像CP3這類球員的抄截能力,包括點掉對方手上的球、或是攔截傳球等等, 鋒線球員也能更容易的抄掉對方大個子的球。 Flopper: This would be sure to be a controversial Signature Skill, but applied to players like James Harden, Manu Ginobili, and Tony Parker, it would allow these players to get more charge calls in the open court. Or maybe “Flopper” is too harsh: players like Shane Battier just seem to have a knack for getting in the way of driving players and getting the call. With word of improved collision physics and the promise of diverse ways to play defense, a skill like this would go a long way towards making taking charges fun. 影帝:雖然拿來當特殊技有點爭議性,不過這技能可以讓鬍子哥、鬼切、趴車 製造更多進攻犯規。講假摔可能有點太難聽,像巴爺之類的球員也有他們算切 入路線、製造進攻犯規的技術。新的物理技術可以讓防守和製造進攻犯規變得 更有趣。 Double Down: Player tandems like Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan were absolutely lethal when trapping the ballhandler near the halfcourt line, but in the NBA2K series, the best you can reasonably hope for is a jump ball. With this skill, the player’s participation in double teams will be extra effective, resulting in more steals and forcing more bad passes that become turnovers. 包夾:老皮和佐敦的雙人組,向來以對持球者可怕的壓迫能力聞名, 唯一能逃出他們魔掌的機會只有爭球。這個技能會增強包夾的威力, 製造更多抄截和失誤。 Glass Eater: For a long time, the NBA2K series has based rebounding ability around three factors: rebounding rating, height, and vertical. But power fowards like Kevin Love and even guards like Jason Kidd have shown that rebounding is as much about timing and position as hops and length. A skill like this would reflect that and lead to increased out-of-area rebounds and better boxing out by the players with it. 籃板吸塵器:向來對抓籃板有影響的數值是:籃板能力、身高、彈跳力。 但是像愛神或老基這類的球員告訴我們,抓Timing和占到好位置 的技巧也很重要。這個技能會讓球員卡位更強,板抓更兇。 Defensive Lynchpin: If players like Derrick Rose can boost their entire team’s Offensive Awareness, it’s only right that a player like Kevin Garnett --who transformed the entire defensive ethos of the 2007-08 Boston Celtics-- should be able to provide a boost to his entire team’s defensive awareness. This skill would be a valuable and underrated one to look for in building a team. 防守基石:如果說Rose這樣的球員支撐起整隊的進攻,那麼像KG這樣的球員 說他是一個防守系統也不為過。07-08球季C's的防守在KG的帶領下 脫胎換骨。這是個對於一隻球隊的建立而言極有價值,也極度被低估的技能。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/01 21:28, , 1F
09/01 21:28, 1F

09/01 21:42, , 2F
09/01 21:42, 2F

09/01 22:18, , 3F
好豐富 期待阿!
09/01 22:18, 3F

09/01 22:19, , 4F
09/01 22:19, 4F

09/01 22:50, , 5F
09/01 22:50, 5F

09/01 23:34, , 6F
哈 真的成真了 之前版友說的實況野球個人化技能XDD
09/01 23:34, 6F

09/01 23:36, , 7F
09/01 23:36, 7F

09/01 23:41, , 8F
AI看來會有三招進攻技 一招防守技吧:D
09/01 23:41, 8F

09/01 23:43, , 9F
09/01 23:43, 9F

09/01 23:47, , 10F
09/01 23:47, 10F

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09/01 23:47, 11F

09/02 00:24, , 12F
09/02 00:24, 12F

09/02 00:41, , 13F
09/02 00:41, 13F

09/02 01:42, , 14F
既期待又怕受傷害 技能調得好可以增加豐富性 調不好
09/02 01:42, 14F

09/02 01:43, , 15F
09/02 01:43, 15F

09/02 01:43, , 16F
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09/02 08:17, 19F

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09/02 13:18, 20F

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09/02 22:48, 22F

09/02 23:17, , 23F
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09/03 09:19, 24F

09/05 02:19, , 25F
09/05 02:19, 25F
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