[花邊] Jokic 訪問全文

看板NBA作者 (YA)時間3周前 (2024/05/20 16:01), 3周前編輯推噓284(29915170)
留言484則, 272人參與, 3周前最新討論串1/1
記者:How hard it is to repeat in the NBA? I know it just happened for you guys, but now that you've tried to do it, do you have any thoughts on what makes it s o difficult to do it back-to-back? 在NBA要連霸有多難?你認為是什麼讓連霸這麼困難? Joki :I mean, I don't know. We didn't accomplish that, so I mean, I don't know . It's hard because the teams are more hungry, better, talented than last year, probably. Everybody gets better. Everybody wants to beat us, probably. That's my thought. 我不知道,你看我們也沒達成,所以我不知道。我想是其他隊伍更飢渴、變得更好,大家都 變得更好,想要打敗我們 記者:Nicola, obviously, you guys went up pretty early in that third quarter, an d the lead ultimately dissipated. Just what happened in the second half from you r perspective? 你們在第三節曾有大幅領先,但後來幾乎被追平,從你的角度你認為發生了什麼事? Joki :I mean, they were scoring. They had a lot of offensive rebounds, we coul dn’t make shots. I think we had a lot of open looks, wide open looks. But that' s what happens, you know. Sometimes you make shots, sometimes you miss shots. to day I think we didn’t make shots. I think we missed a lot of good shots, but th at's not just ... They played some good defense. That's why the number one defen se in the NBA. 他們得了很多分、抓了很多進攻籃板,而我們投不進球。我們有很多空檔,但你知道的,有 時你投得進,有時你會打鐵,而今天我們投不進球,浪費了很多好的空檔機會。。他們做了 很好的防守,所以他們是聯盟最好的防守球隊。 記者:Some of your teammates are just saying what makes this even more painful i s the fact that, you know, it wasn't a sweep, they felt like you were the better team, and there's so much talent on this team that they thought this was the te am that could repeat. Is that what makes it with you perhaps to say more because of the talents on this team? 你的一些隊友認為這場敗仗比被橫掃還痛苦,因為他們認為你們才是比較好的球隊,你們是 能競爭衛冕的球隊,你的看法? Joki :You know, I don't believe it, frankly. I don't believe in that the team is a better team, so... You have a seven game, so... Well, the best of seven, so ... If someone beats you, I think they're the better team. I don't know. Like, d o we have a chance? Of course we did, but... If someone beats you, I mean, they' re just better. 其實我不認為我們是比較好的球隊,這是七戰四勝制的比賽,勝方就是比較好的球隊。我們 有機會嗎?當然有,但結果就是,如果他們擊敗了我們,他們就是比較好的球隊。 記者:So, Nikola, what will it take for you guys to get back to winning a champi onship again? 你認為怎麼樣才能讓你們再度奪冠? Joki :I mean, some teams never win a championship again, so... I'm just glad t hat we had an opportunity this year, and we were in the horse racing speech. We were in the microphone, you know, they were telling all our names. So... We will see. We're getting better. Personally-wise, we're getting better. Our team-wise , we're getting better and better. I think we need to be... Especially right now , with how talented this league is, we just need to be basically perfect to win a championship. 有些隊伍再也不會贏得下一座冠軍,但我很高興我們今年還有機會競爭冠軍。 在上次的賽馬演說中… 經版友說明就是:我們還在爭冠行列,明年還有機會 不管是個人還是團隊方面我們都在進步,我想,以現在聯盟的競爭程度,我們必須要表現完 美才能贏下冠軍。 記者:On that note, what do you feel like you guys need more of, or needed more of, in order to win this series? 你覺得你們怎麼樣才能贏下這個系列賽? Joki :We needed to make shots. I mean, I missed 8 threes. I missed 8 threes. J amal missed 8. Mike missed 5. We were shooting 8 from 24, and in today’s basket ball, how basketball is going, you cannot win the game without any threes. Of co urse, it's a tough... It's a game 7. You don't make a lot of shots. They didn't make either one. They were shooting 39% from the field. So, but, you know, I thi nk if you want to win, you need to make shots. 我們必須能投進球。今天我miss了8顆3分,Murray也投丟8顆,MPJ 5顆,我們三分球8/24, 在現今籃球你沒辦法在投不進3分的狀況下贏球。 當然,G7很困難,你不太可能投進太多球,對方也投不進(39%),但我認為,你必須要能進 球才能贏球。 (但溜馬在G7投了個67%……) 記者:Nikola, I know it's early on in the process, but I was just wondering if y ou had any thoughts on the Serbian national team in the Olympics this year. 雖然現在還早,但想請問你關於代表塞爾維亞征戰奧運的看法 Joki :I don't know, my friend. We will see. I need to think about it. 我不知道,再看看吧,我再想想。 記者:Nikola, you mentioned sort of the rebounding, stuff like that, that flippe d in the second half of this game. You guys had kind of dominated that in some o f the hustle stats in the first half. When that flips so dramatically, does fati gue or exhaustion kind of play a part in the way it can go in the second half? 你提到了在下半場的籃板。在上半場,你們在爭搶方面佔據了優勢。當這種情況在下半場如 此戲劇性地發生變化時,疲勞是否在這樣的情況中發揮了影響? Joki :I mean, it didn't play for them, so I don't think that, you know, someti mes you don't box out. Sometimes it's a lucky bounce. Sometimes they want it mor e. Sometimes we want it more. So I think that's why basketball is great. You nev er know what's going to happen. 但對方並沒有被疲勞影響,所以我不認為是這個因素。 有時你卡位不夠好,有時候球就是幸運地彈到他們手上,有時候單純就是誰比較想要搶下籃 板,這就是讓籃球有趣的地方,你永遠不知道什麼會發生。 記者:Nikola, does it hurt any more that it ended on the home floor and that you guys, I don't know, struggled a little bit at home in the series? 請問在主場失利是否更加痛苦?在系列賽中你們的主場表現不算理想。 Joki :I mean, yes, of course. I mean, you don't want to lose in front of your fans, but they were so, so good to us. So we were fighting. We gave our all best . So hopefully they're going to appreciate it, or not. We will see next year. 當然,你永遠不會想在你的粉絲面前輸球,但粉絲們對我們真的很好,我們努力了,我們盡 力展現我們的所有,所以希望他們會欣賞,或者不會,我們明年就知道了。 記者:Nikola, do you look at this Timberwolves team as a team that could become a rival of you guys in the future? 你認為灰狼隊在未來會是你們的勁敵嗎? Joki :I mean, yes. I mean, I think they're built to beat us in some way. I mea n, just look at their roster. They have basically two All-Stars, two probably fi rst defensive players, and Mike Conley, who's the most underrated player in the NBA, probably. I mean, I love the guy. He's so good. He always makes the right p lay. Even if he didn't shoot as well this series, this game, you know, in one mo ment he was the leading rebounder in the game for them. So, you know, from the b ench, they have a sixth player of the year. They have Kyle and Walker, who was r eally good for them. So one team that they can do literally everything. They can be big, small. 當然,某種程度來說我認為他們是以打敗我們建隊的。看看他們的陣容,他們有兩個明星球 員,兩個最佳防守球員等級的球員,還有Conley,我認為大概是聯盟裡最被低估的球員,我 愛他,他總是打得很好,他總是做正確的事,即使他在這個系列賽、這場比賽可能投籃不盡 理想,但某段時間他甚至是他們的籃板領先者。 然後他們的板凳上還有年度最佳第六人,還有李凱爾和Walker,所以他們基本上能從大打到 小,基本上無所不能。 心得: 雖然本來也覺得金塊會贏,但下半場拼命三分打鐵投到輸真的也不能怪誰 今天灰狼打得就是比較好。 這個系列賽兩邊都支持,下個系列賽誰贏也都覺得有趣,今年季後賽西區真的好看 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1716192102.A.918.html

05/20 16:03, 3周前 , 1F
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05/20 16:04, 3周前 , 3F
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05/20 16:04, 3周前 , 4F
中間那段感覺是在說 我們還是在爭冠行列、還是大家
05/20 16:04, 4F

05/20 16:04, 3周前 , 5F
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05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 8F
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05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 9F
可惜了阿肥 純粹就是被寄生拖累了
05/20 16:05, 9F
少在那邊整天寄生寄生,管你是湖迷還勇迷 在那邊瞎吵一堆烏煙瘴氣,看了就煩

05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 10F
05/20 16:05, 10F

05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 11F
respect 這對門面裡人品最好的就是他了
05/20 16:05, 11F

05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 12F
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05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 13F
阿肥:打輸就是比較弱 沒有藉口
05/20 16:05, 13F

05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 14F
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05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 15F
05/20 16:05, 15F
大概懂你在講什麼了 簡單來說就是我們還有油明年再來過

05/20 16:05, 3周前 , 16F
金塊今年肩膀太重了 明年再來挑戰冠軍一次
05/20 16:05, 16F

05/20 16:06, 3周前 , 17F
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05/20 16:06, 3周前 , 18F
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05/20 16:06, 3周前 , 19F
三分打鐵到輸 火箭既視感
05/20 16:06, 19F

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05/20 16:06, 3周前 , 23F
馬龍應該還在吵哨聲吧 看他一直噴裁判
05/20 16:06, 23F

05/20 16:06, 3周前 , 24F
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05/20 16:07, 3周前 , 28F
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05/20 16:07, 3周前 , 29F
推阿肥 看一下要怎麼補強板凳吧 奪冠後板凳直接少
05/20 16:07, 29F

05/20 16:07, 3周前 , 30F
兩隻 又沒人投靠超慘
05/20 16:07, 30F

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05/20 16:08, 3周前 , 32F
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05/20 16:08, 3周前 , 33F
他們的薪資很難 補強了 murray跟mpj都領頂薪但都不
05/20 16:08, 33F

05/20 16:08, 3周前 , 34F
主力還是很頂 替補真的要管理層想辦法補
05/20 16:08, 34F

05/20 16:09, 3周前 , 35F
05/20 16:09, 35F

05/20 16:09, 3周前 , 36F
05/20 16:09, 36F
※ 編輯: darren2586 ( 臺灣), 05/20/2024 16:09:26
還有 408 則推文
還有 1 段內文
05/20 20:07, 3周前 , 445F
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05/20 20:11, 3周前 , 447F
哲學大師 有答跟沒答差不多
05/20 20:11, 447F

05/20 20:18, 3周前 , 448F
推 下賽季再來過吧 已經是歷史級球星啦 剩下就是看
05/20 20:18, 448F

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05/20 21:19, 3周前 , 458F
跟你無關你教練跟隊友敗人品 被淘汰剛好
05/20 21:19, 458F

05/20 21:39, 3周前 , 459F
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05/20 22:00, 3周前 , 460F
該幫Joker找個替補中鋒了吧 DAJ季後根本沒什麼上
05/20 22:00, 460F

05/20 22:02, 3周前 , 461F
季後賽強度拉高 球隊進攻都靠他 體力很明顯支撐不住
05/20 22:02, 461F

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05/20 23:59, 3周前 , 468F
只準自己出來酸人寄生 其他人卻要閉嘴 好偉大喔
05/20 23:59, 468F

05/21 00:14, 3周前 , 469F
推我肥 明年繼續努力
05/21 00:14, 469F

05/21 00:20, 3周前 , 470F
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05/21 00:45, 3周前 , 471F
阿肥可愛 阿肥務實 但他連幹話的力氣都沒了
05/21 00:45, 471F

05/21 00:56, 3周前 , 472F
阿肥是真的蠻有巨星的樣子 發言得體 能力也很強
05/21 00:56, 472F

05/21 01:57, 3周前 , 473F
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05/21 09:03, 3周前 , 474F
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05/21 09:34, 3周前 , 475F
有時比賽就是這樣 本來也以為金塊穩了 實力還是在啦
05/21 09:34, 475F

05/21 11:00, 3周前 , 476F
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05/21 11:29, 3周前 , 477F
推 輸了就是滾去廁所這句 原po也在廁所
05/21 11:29, 477F

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05/21 12:50, 3周前 , 479F
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05/21 19:50, 3周前 , 482F
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05/22 06:15, 3周前 , 483F
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05/22 23:16, 3周前 , 484F
大推阿肥氣度 而且阿肥英文也太好XD
05/22 23:16, 484F
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