[外絮] Steve Kerr透露對湖人隊的計畫:讓AD

看板NBA作者 (5566)時間11月前 (2023/05/11 23:29), 編輯推噓41(1096856)
留言233則, 198人參與, 11月前最新討論串1/1
Steve Kerr Reveals Warriors' Plan vs. Lakers: 'Trying to Wear out Davis and LeBron' Kerr透露對湖人隊的計畫:讓AD跟LBJ精疲力盡 Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr believes he may have found his team's key to success: get Anthony Davis and LeBron James tired. 勇士隊教練Kerr相信他可能找到贏湖人的關鍵了:讓AD和LBJ疲憊。 "We want to push their guys," Kerr told Tim Kawakami of The Athletic after the Warriors' Game 5 win. "I'm sure they feel the same way. Last game they were putting Steph in all those pick-and-rolls, so they're trying to wear Steph out. We're trying to wear out Davis and LeBron. Long series. So it is a little bit of a battle of attrition, and we've just gotta keep pushing the tempo." 「我們想要逼迫他們的球員,」 Kerr在第5場比賽獲勝後告訴《The Athletic》的記者 「我相信他們也有同樣的感覺。上一場比賽他們一直試圖讓Curry參與每一個擋拆,讓他體力消耗,我們則是要讓AD跟LBJ感到疲憊,這是一個互打消耗戰的系列賽,我們必須繼續推動勇士隊習慣的節奏。」 The Warriors raced their way down the court throughout Wednesday's 121-106 victory, with Draymond Green often pushing the pace to force the Lakers outside their halfcourt comfort zone. Green scored 20 points thanks in large part to his work in transition—by far his best total of the 2023 postseason—as the Warriors shot 51.1 percent from the floor. 今天121-106的勝利中,嘴綠經常加速以迫使湖人隊離開他們的半場舒適區。嘴綠在轉換進攻方面發揮出色,獲得了20分,這在他今年的季後賽中是表現最好的一場,而勇士隊整體的命中率也達到了51.1%。 "Any time we play a team that good in the halfcourt, you've gotta get out and run just to create advantages so you're not going against a set defense. I thought the guys set that tone in the first half. Draymond was pushing the ball like crazy; so was Steph—guys were running lanes. 「每當我們對陣出色的球隊時,我們必須奔跑起來,創造優勢,這樣才不會讓對方順利佈置防守陣型,勇士隊球員們在上半場就設定了這個目標,嘴綠跟Curry瘋狂的跑動,大家都努力跑起來!」 "The fast-break points never tell the story. Sometimes you just push the ball ahead, and that creates a scrambled defense with cross-matches, and then you get the ball swung and somebody gets an open look. It may not be a fast-break bucket, but it's a bucket as a result of the pace." 「快攻得分並不能完全反映球場上的實際情形,因為有時你只需要快速帶球推進,這就會打亂對方的防守陣型,對方防守被擾亂後,再經過球的傳導,就可能有人能得到好的出手機會,這可能不是快攻得分,但它是因為節奏加快而產生的進球。」 Golden State is seeking to become the first team since the 2020 Denver Nuggets to come back from a 3-1 series deficit. Ironically enough, the Warriors were the last team to blow a 3-1 lead in a non-bubble series, dropping the final three games of the 2016 NBA Finals to James' Cleveland Cavaliers. 勇士隊希望成為自2020年丹佛金塊隊以來,第一支能夠從3-1的劣勢中反敗為勝的球隊。 有趣的是,勇士隊也是最後一支在非泡泡系列賽中失去3-1領先優勢的球隊,當時他們在2016年的NBA總決賽中,連輸了最後三場比賽,讓LBJ的騎士隊逆轉奪冠。 A team has only recovered from a 3-1 deficit 13 times in NBA history. 而在NBA的歷史上,只有13次,球隊成功從3-1的劣勢中反敗為勝。 https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10075712-steve-kerr-reveals-warriors-plan-vs-lakers-trying-to-wear-out-davis-and-lebron 心得:AD這場是看起來很累沒錯。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (丹麥) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1683818959.A.3F5.html

05/11 23:29, 11月前 , 1F
確實 直接讓AD沒力
05/11 23:29, 1F

05/11 23:30, 11月前 , 2F
確實 第四節打到一半就不行了 還要坐輪椅
05/11 23:30, 2F

05/11 23:30, 11月前 , 3F
讓AD報銷 勇士就奪冠 計畫通是你
05/11 23:30, 3F

05/11 23:30, 11月前 , 4F
05/11 23:30, 4F

05/11 23:30, 11月前 , 5F
05/11 23:30, 5F

05/11 23:30, 11月前 , 6F
05/11 23:30, 6F

05/11 23:30, 11月前 , 7F
05/11 23:30, 7F

05/11 23:30, 11月前 , 8F
累到都站不住了 戰術成功
05/11 23:30, 8F

05/11 23:30, 11月前 , 9F
05/11 23:30, 9F

05/11 23:31, 11月前 , 10F
05/11 23:31, 10F

05/11 23:31, 11月前 , 11F
05/11 23:31, 11F

05/11 23:31, 11月前 , 12F
打到不能打對吧 反正聯盟阿爸會罩
05/11 23:31, 12F

05/11 23:31, 11月前 , 13F
05/11 23:31, 13F

05/11 23:31, 11月前 , 14F
這場直接送兩個主將一頓粗飽 物理上的
05/11 23:31, 14F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 15F
05/11 23:32, 15F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 16F
05/11 23:32, 16F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 17F
05/11 23:32, 17F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 18F
確實 直接讓AD打不了 有料欸
05/11 23:32, 18F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 19F
05/11 23:32, 19F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 20F
05/11 23:32, 20F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 21F
你好棒喔 直接讓他出場
05/11 23:32, 21F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 22F
05/11 23:32, 22F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 23F
05/11 23:32, 23F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 24F
每場魯尼死命的擒抱 使並必達
05/11 23:32, 24F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 25F
G5滿成功的 兩個都傷了
05/11 23:32, 25F

05/11 23:32, 11月前 , 26F
05/11 23:32, 26F

05/11 23:33, 11月前 , 27F
05/11 23:33, 27F

05/11 23:33, 11月前 , 28F
沒錯 8打5把對手通通往死裡打
05/11 23:33, 28F

05/11 23:33, 11月前 , 29F
沙包 狐狸2.0
05/11 23:33, 29F

05/11 23:33, 11月前 , 30F
05/11 23:33, 30F

05/11 23:33, 11月前 , 31F
05/11 23:33, 31F

05/11 23:33, 11月前 , 32F
05/11 23:33, 32F

05/11 23:33, 11月前 , 33F
05/11 23:33, 33F

05/11 23:33, 11月前 , 34F
太累了吧 真的讓他坐輪椅了
05/11 23:33, 34F

05/11 23:34, 11月前 , 35F
一個踮腳 一個肘擊 成功了
05/11 23:34, 35F

05/11 23:34, 11月前 , 36F
AD腦震盪 LBJ扭到 真他媽的巧合到可怕
05/11 23:34, 36F

05/11 23:34, 11月前 , 37F
05/11 23:34, 37F

05/11 23:34, 11月前 , 38F
05/11 23:34, 38F

05/11 23:34, 11月前 , 39F
05/11 23:34, 39F
還有 154 則推文
05/12 02:02, 11月前 , 194F
送醫這麼嚴重結果G6馬上可以打 好會演
05/12 02:02, 194F

05/12 02:04, 11月前 , 195F
魯尼:教練說的我都做到 直接讓AD退場 下一個換姆斯
05/12 02:04, 195F

05/12 02:04, 11月前 , 196F
05/12 02:04, 196F

05/12 02:18, 11月前 , 197F
上面zixi 最希望AD傷重到不能打的樣子 嘻嘻
05/12 02:18, 197F

05/12 02:20, 11月前 , 198F
直接讓對手out 勇士就是勇士
05/12 02:20, 198F

05/12 02:20, 11月前 , 199F
05/12 02:20, 199F

05/12 02:20, 11月前 , 200F
不用我希望 院長自己就會退休了
05/12 02:20, 200F

05/12 02:24, 11月前 , 201F
Kerr:打到他們沒力 嘴綠:知道了.jpg
05/12 02:24, 201F

05/12 02:29, 11月前 , 202F
什麼精疲力盡 根本是直接送你下場
05/12 02:29, 202F

05/12 03:17, 11月前 , 203F
確實XD 我感受到了90年代滿滿硬漢風格
05/12 03:17, 203F

05/12 03:54, 11月前 , 204F
很成功啊 今天都坐輪椅出去了 下次我看是準備擔架
05/12 03:54, 204F

05/12 05:01, 11月前 , 205F
05/12 05:01, 205F

05/12 07:32, 11月前 , 206F
05/12 07:32, 206F

05/12 07:35, 11月前 , 207F
05/12 07:35, 207F

05/12 07:38, 11月前 , 208F
05/12 07:38, 208F

05/12 07:58, 11月前 , 209F
分筋挫骨 打殘到沒力
05/12 07:58, 209F

05/12 08:07, 11月前 , 210F
05/12 08:07, 210F

05/12 08:25, 11月前 , 211F
確實 人被你們弄下去 差點回不來
05/12 08:25, 211F

05/12 08:45, 11月前 , 212F
05/12 08:45, 212F

05/12 08:50, 11月前 , 213F
05/12 08:50, 213F

05/12 08:50, 11月前 , 214F
物理上讓你們精疲力盡 打死你們就對了 ㄏㄏ
05/12 08:50, 214F

05/12 08:59, 11月前 , 215F
不愧是四冠西區無敵教練 執行力很到位
05/12 08:59, 215F

05/12 09:08, 11月前 , 216F
05/12 09:08, 216F

05/12 09:09, 11月前 , 217F
我看是讓AD下場吧 你這教練厲害了 呵呵
05/12 09:09, 217F

05/12 09:27, 11月前 , 218F
笑死 湖迷活在自己的幻想世界
05/12 09:27, 218F

05/12 10:23, 11月前 , 219F
05/12 10:23, 219F

05/12 10:25, 11月前 , 220F
確實 直接打下場
05/12 10:25, 220F

05/12 10:25, 11月前 , 221F
05/12 10:25, 221F

05/12 10:54, 11月前 , 222F
你果然是王牌 戰術
05/12 10:54, 222F

05/12 10:59, 11月前 , 223F
嘔嘔嘔 金州武術隊
05/12 10:59, 223F

05/12 11:24, 11月前 , 224F
05/12 11:24, 224F

05/12 11:58, 11月前 , 225F
一埋一拐 魯尼超人 Kerr計畫通
05/12 11:58, 225F

05/12 11:59, 11月前 , 226F
05/12 11:59, 226F

05/12 13:09, 11月前 , 227F
05/12 13:09, 227F

05/12 13:25, 11月前 , 228F
05/12 13:25, 228F

05/12 14:44, 11月前 , 229F
05/12 14:44, 229F

05/12 14:50, 11月前 , 230F
05/12 14:50, 230F

05/12 18:38, 11月前 , 231F
05/12 18:38, 231F

05/12 20:02, 11月前 , 232F
05/12 20:02, 232F

05/12 23:58, 11月前 , 233F
05/12 23:58, 233F
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