[外絮] Teague分享 Butler打爆灰狼主力的內幕

看板NBA作者 (usmarine2008)時間1年前 (2023/04/28 19:40), 1年前編輯推噓543(5496243)
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https://tinyurl.com/4348hwbm SI-Fan Nations Jeff Teague分享Butler在練習賽打爆他們的內幕 Youtube 5:30-10:30 https://youtu.be/5ybucj79gro
當時的訪問 #1RlnHMwZ(NBA) https://tinyurl.com/2p8w53ks (應該是完成版) https://streamable.com/gpubaw After getting that burn out of the way, Teague brought up the infamous Jimmy Butler practice that happened during training camp in 2018: 'I'mma tell y'all what really happened," he began. 上一個話題結束後,Teague開始分享2018訓練賽的故事:「我跟大家解密當年的事」 "So we were at practice one day. Jimmy ain't came to no workouts. Workouts start in September, we don't see Jimmy. Nobody's talking to Jimmy. We ain't seen Jimmy. Jimmy's my guy, that's my dog," said Teague, noting that Butler finally arrived after three days of training camp. 某天我們在練球,Jimmy沒有參加訓練,訓練要等到9月才開始,所以我們沒看過他 ,也沒有人跟他聯絡,也不曾見過。Jimmy是我的好友。 三天後,他終於來了訓練營。 中間這一段來自影片6:35 / 1:13:28 文章漏掉的,覺得蠻好笑的 We all think like Jimmy Butler pratcice like Jimmy want a new contract Jimmy want a new contract 我們以為Jimmy Butler來練習賽是要來加薪的 "We all think Jimmy about to practice," he continued. "Jimmy ain't practicing. Jimmy laying over there getting stretched out, getting massaged while we running laps, we diving for loose balls. Thibs says we're going to scrimmage. Jimmy hops up. 'I'm playing,'" Teague recalled. "[Thibs] like, starters: Jeff, Jimmy, Wig, Taj, KAT. Jimmy said, 'I ain't playing with them.'" 我們都以為Jimmy準備要練球,但Jimmy沒有在練球 當我們我們在跑步、搶籃板時,Jimmy躺在那裡伸展,享受按摩 Thibodeau說:「我們要進行練習賽打練習」 Jimmy跳起來說:「我要打」 Thibodeau:「先發陣容:Jeff, Jimmy, Wig, Taj, KAT」 Jimmy:「我不跟他們打」 Thibodeau, coach of the Wolves at the time, allowed Butler's demand so he put Derrick Rose in the starting lineup with Teague, Andrew Wiggins, Taj Gibson and Towns. Butler teamed up with the backups and players who were destined for the G-League. Thibodeau是當時的總教練,同意了Butler的要求,決定把Rose放入先發取代 Butler Butler則是和G-League的替補一起打 "Jimmy said, 'I'm playing with them.' He picked the Bad News Bears. No offense, but everybody in there, they weren't going to make the team," said Teague. Jimmy:「我要跟他們同一隊」,他選了一群小鬼頭,大家都知道不會選入球隊 "Jump the ball. He's like, 'I got KAT.' I was like, ooh s***. Jimmy and KAT ain't like each other. That's another part of the story I'll get to one day. They ain't like each other. That gets real funny when they don't like each other. So they jump the ball. We throw it to KAT first play. Jimmy steals it. They go down and score. Like, 'Come on KAT, post his little ass up, man! He can't guard you.' Jimmy說:「跳球吧,我守KAT」,我心想有好戲看了 Jimmy和KAT不喜歡對方,改天我再細說 跳球後,我們馬上傳給KAT,Jimmy馬上抄球,快攻得分 Kat的隊友:「來吧,KAT,單打他啦,頂住他的小屁屁,老兄,他守不住你啊」 "Jimmy's like, 'F*** outta here! He's trash!' Steal the ball again. They go down and score. Jimmy started talking to the GM, everybody in the gym. 'Y'all better motherf****** pay me! I'm like that!' Jimmy:「快滾啦,他是個垃圾」,再度抄球,快攻得分 Jimmy開始跟GM和大家說:「你們他媽的,最好給我加薪!我就是這麼厲害!」 "I'm like, 'He is nuts.' I'm laughing, not realizing what's coming with this. I'm laughing, me and D-Rose laughing. We in the game, we keep throwing to KAT. KAT finally scored," Teague explained, adding that Towns started to talk trash, telling Butler "He's too little." 我心想他瘋了吧,我笑了,沒意識到事後的風暴,Rose也一起笑了 比賽中,我們一直把球給KAT,KAT終於得分了,也開始說些垃圾話 KAT對Jimmy說:「你太小了」 "I'm like, 'Yeah, KAT. Talk to that motherf***** man he ain't nothing.' Boy, they go on this 10-0 run. They dunking, hitting 3s. Jimmy ain't scored at all. He's just stealing the ball, passing the ball, getting assists, just playing the right way. But he doing everything. Time run out, they beat us like 18-6. 我對KAT說:「快跟Jimmy那個混帳說他什麼都不是」 結果Jimmy的隊打出一波10-0,不但有灌籃,還有3分雨 但Jimmy一分也沒得,他只負責抄球,傳球,助攻,用正確的方式打球,他包辦所有的事 賽後他們以18-6擊敗我們 "Man, Jimmy going crazy: 'Y'all think that team can win without me?! I'm him! Pay me! Pay me!'" said Teague. Jimmy憤慨地表示:「你們真以為這支球隊沒有我也能贏嗎?!我就是him!給我加薪! 給我加薪!」 "Mind you, he ain't took off his Jordan warmup yet. He finally takes it off. He got the Timberwolves shirt on but he cut the 'Minnesota' out so it's just chest. He cut the 'Minnesota' out the shorts, it's just shorts. He out here with a hole in the middle of his shirt and the middle of his leg, so I'm crying now, I'm crying. I'm like, 'Yo, bro's crazy.' But I didn't realize he just beat us with the G-League team. 對了,Jimmy他還沒脫掉Jordan的熱身衣。他終於脫掉了。他穿著灰狼隊的球衣, 但他把 'Minnesota'的字給剪掉,連短褲上的也剪了 我當時哭笑不得,他的上衣有洞,短褲也有洞 我心想:「這個人太瘋了」,也沒意識到他剛帶領G-League的球員打爆我們 "He's like, 'I just beat them with the G-Leaguers. This is your starters?!' So now I'm laughing, I'm still crying laughing. But I'm like, he talking about me. I'm one of the starters, I'm like hold up. I'm mad now." Jimmy:「我剛跟G-League的球員打敗他們,這是灰狼的先發嗎」 我繼續哭笑不得,但發現他發現他在說我欸,我也是先發,等等,我生氣了 Teague and the starters wanted a rematch but Thibodeau had Butler's squad take on another team in scrimmage. Butler's team won again, and as Teague and the starters were ready for a rematch, "Jimmy just darts to the locker room." Teague和先發想再賽一場,Thibodeau讓Butler的球隊跟另一支打,他們又贏了 Teague和先發也準備好再打一次,Jimmy卻已沖去更衣室了 "I'm talking about runs fast as hell. So we play the second unit, we beat 'em and we all run in the locker room we're like 'Jimmy bring you ass out here we want to play again.' Jimmy gone. Jimmy at home," continued Teague. 他當時跑得超快的,後來我們跟二隊打,擊敗了他們,沖去更衣室找Jimmy嗆聲 「Jimmy 快滾出來,我們想再打一次」,結果Jimmy不見了,他回家了 "We have practice for like another hour. We all shower, we go in the locker room, ESPN pop up...Rachel Nichols and Jimmy Butler on TV. He's like, 'Yeah I just killed them all at practice and I think they're all good players. We're like, 'What? Hold on.' 我們繼續練了1個多小時,之後洗澡,在更衣室休息,打開ESPN看到 記者Rachel Nichols和Jimmy在電視上 Jimmy:「我剛打爆他們,他們都是很好的球員啦」 我們都在:「等等,剛發生了什麼」 I can't make this up, bro. He came and killed us and did an interview at home. One of the most iconic moments I've ever been apart of in basketball. How you set up an interview knowing you about to kill...he's GOAT'd for that." 兄弟,我可沒編造這件事,他到了訓練營痛宰了我們,回家上節目。 這是我在籃球生涯中最經典的時刻之一。 你怎麼知道要在痛宰對方前,先安排好一場採訪... 在這件事上,他是GOAT。 心得 有夠吉巴 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1682682033.A.8CC.html

04/28 19:43, 1年前 , 1F
太狂了 邱到爆炸!
04/28 19:43, 1F

04/28 19:43, 1年前 , 2F
笑死 吉巴界的goat
04/28 19:43, 2F

04/28 19:43, 1年前 , 3F
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04/28 19:44, 1年前 , 14F
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04/28 19:44, 1年前 , 15F
無庸置疑 這人是吉巴界的goat
04/28 19:44, 15F

04/28 19:44, 1年前 , 16F
有夠好笑 吉八出門前早設想好所有的走向和劇碼了
04/28 19:44, 16F

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04/28 19:46, 1年前 , 28F
Teague真的講得像他在場邊吃瓜一樣 他也被痛扁欸
04/28 19:46, 28F

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04/28 19:48, 1年前 , 36F
笑死 電一次就算了 竟然換隊友又電了一次
04/28 19:48, 36F

04/28 19:49, 1年前 , 37F
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04/28 19:49, 1年前 , 39F
04/28 19:49, 39F
還有 719 則推文
還有 2 段內文
04/29 06:50, 1年前 , 759F
沒錯啊 他到熱火以前確實是一直被酸的那個
04/29 06:50, 759F

04/29 06:51, 1年前 , 760F
但他現在就是贏球 你只要能贏球你就是對的 沒毛病
04/29 06:51, 760F

04/29 06:51, 1年前 , 761F
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04/29 06:59, 1年前 , 762F
哪有人特別酸他? 都是說他超硬好嗎。
04/29 06:59, 762F

04/29 07:09, 1年前 , 763F
Jordan的熱身衣 XD
04/29 07:09, 763F

04/29 07:17, 1年前 , 764F
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04/29 07:20, 1年前 , 765F
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04/29 07:35, 1年前 , 766F
哈哈哈 果然神之子
04/29 07:35, 766F

04/29 07:35, 1年前 , 767F
然後還睡了記者 狂
04/29 07:35, 767F

04/29 07:47, 1年前 , 768F
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04/29 08:10, 1年前 , 771F
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04/29 08:12, 1年前 , 772F
不過 輸G-LEAGUE這麼多 非常難看就是
04/29 08:12, 772F

04/29 08:46, 1年前 , 773F
真吉巴 但士官長離開後你們仍沒成績啊
04/29 08:46, 773F

04/29 08:53, 1年前 , 774F
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04/29 08:56, 1年前 , 775F
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04/29 08:58, 1年前 , 776F
笑死 真吉巴
04/29 08:58, 776F

04/29 09:29, 1年前 , 777F
笑死 有夠吉巴的故事
04/29 09:29, 777F

04/29 09:30, 1年前 , 778F
太吉巴了 推用心整理
04/29 09:30, 778F

04/29 09:38, 1年前 , 779F
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04/29 09:41, 1年前 , 780F
pay me!pay me!
04/29 09:41, 780F

04/29 09:42, 1年前 , 781F
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04/29 09:50, 1年前 , 782F
剪球衣到底是怎麼想到的哈哈 有夠屌
04/29 09:50, 782F

04/29 10:02, 1年前 , 783F
吉巴不得分就打爆先發了 還有什麼屁理由好講的
04/29 10:02, 783F

04/29 11:03, 1年前 , 784F
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04/29 11:03, 1年前 , 785F
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04/29 11:19, 1年前 , 786F
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04/29 11:41, 1年前 , 787F
真假 好瘋 愛了
04/29 11:41, 787F

04/29 12:29, 1年前 , 788F
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04/29 13:03, 1年前 , 789F
I’m him 暗示自己是神之子嗎
04/29 13:03, 789F

04/29 13:28, 1年前 , 790F
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04/29 14:22, 1年前 , 791F
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04/29 16:21, 1年前 , 792F
笑死 鈔吉巴
04/29 16:21, 792F

04/29 21:54, 1年前 , 793F
有夠吉巴 跟MJ好像XD
04/29 21:54, 793F

04/30 02:55, 1年前 , 794F
事後發現原來被設局 XDDD 有夠吉巴。挺好笑的
04/30 02:55, 794F

04/30 06:47, 1年前 , 795F
never talk to black jesus like that
04/30 06:47, 795F

04/30 10:21, 1年前 , 796F
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04/30 10:21, 1年前 , 797F
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04/30 17:50, 1年前 , 798F
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