[外絮] Arenas:忠誠就是狗屎,球員們被洗腦了

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Gilbert Arenas’s 5 NBA Free Agency Truths https://reurl.cc/vdZl2l Gilbert Arenas前幾天受訪分享一些故事和他的觀點與想法,以下節錄幾個部分 1.Players can be loyal to a fault. To their detriment, Arenas believes NBA stars have been brainwashed — he blam es fans and the media — to think that chasing a title via free agency is a ho llow pursuit. Can you blame them? LeBron and KD still get grief from Twitter t rolls and talking heads for winning in Miami and Golden State. 1.球員們被過於要求忠誠 Arenas認為球員們已經被媒體和球迷們洗腦,而覺得以自由球員的方式追逐冠軍是一種空 洞的需求。你能責怪他們嗎? LBJ和KD仍然因為在熱火和勇士奪冠而受到推特酸民和話語 領袖們的批評。 “For us to be great, we have to win a championship where we were drafted or i t doesn’t count,” says Arenas. “You automatically make us loyal by that not ion so that’s why players will sit in cities while their careers are dying.” Arenas:為了讓我們變得偉大,必須為選中自己的球隊贏得總冠軍,否則就不算數,這讓 我們自然而然地想到了忠誠這個概念。這就是為什麼球員們會在選中他的城市裡待著虛耗 自己的生涯。 According to Agent Zero, guys generally come to the realization that loyalty i n the NBA is a bunch of BS after a decade in the league. By that point, they k now it’s really a business. But today’s best example of what Arenas is talki ng about is Damian Lillard. Arenas認為人們通常會在聯盟中打上十年之後才能意識到,在NBA裡所謂的忠誠就是一堆 狗屎。那時他們才會明白這都是生意。根據Arenas所說的狀況,最好的例子就是小李。 2.Personal slights push stars away. The NBA is pet-ty. Take away a man’s cookies and you just might take away you r chances of re-signing him. 2.因為個人的疏忽而讓球星離開。 有些球員很計較些小事,一個男人你不給他吃餅乾,你可能就失去和他續約的機會了。 Without divulging the player’s name, Arenas relates an anecdote about how one team’s sudden decision to replace sugary snacks with healthier options doome d their chances of retaining the services of the living legend. 在沒有透露球員姓名的情況下,Arenas分享了一個軼事,一支球隊突然決定用更健康的選 擇代替含糖零食,因為這樣導致這位傳奇球星的離隊。 The way Arenas tells it, an executive for one of the NBA’s major market teams told flight attendants to replace the junk food on the plane with more wholes ome options. The change happened abruptly in the middle of the superstar’s wa lk year while he and his squad had one of the best records in the league. When the player found out he could no longer chow down on his favorite chocolate c hip cookies 35,000 feet in the air, he was pissed. A few months later, the sup erstar took his talents elsewhere. NBA一支主要市場球隊的制服組告訴空服人員用更健康的選擇來代替飛機上的垃圾食品, 這種變化突然發生在這位超級巨星的合約年,而當年他和他的球隊擁有聯盟中最好的戰績 之一,當這位球員發現他再也無法在高空中吃到他最喜歡的巧克力餅乾時,他很生氣,幾 個月後,這位超級巨星將他的才華帶到了別的球隊。 “He left because of fucking cookies,” says Arenas. Arenas:他媽的因為餅乾就離開了。 3.Players are always recruiting each other. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but the recruitment of free agents — at l east amongst the players — isn’t exclusive to the offseason. Nor is it restr icted to DMs, text messages or FaceTime. Arenas says it happens “every damn g ame.” Players can’t stop themselves from pitching each other championship dr eams and planting a seed about what it would be like to team up together in a different city. 3.球員們總是彼此互相招募 這並不足為奇,但自由球員的招募——至少在球員中——並不是休賽季才有的。它也不限 於DM、傳訊或FaceTime。Arenas說每一場比賽都會發生這種情況,球員們無法阻止自己互 相推銷冠軍夢想,並為在不同城市組隊的想法播下種子。 “You gotta remember, players play with each other during the summer,” he say s. “They study each other. So players know who they will play well with. If y ou ask Damian Lillard how many players came up to him and said, ‘Oh, you want to come to us? We can make a trade for you.’ All the time.” Arenas:必須記住,球員們在夏天休賽季一起打比賽,他們互相學習,所以球員們知道他 們會和誰一起打得很好。如果你問小李有多少球員對他說:"你想加入我們嗎?我們可以 為你做交易。"這一直都在發生。 And when it comes to constructing a trade to acquire a star, Arenas believes t he players, not general managers, should be the ones to make moves. Salary cap ramifications and restrictions be damned. 當談到如何透過交易來獲取球星時,Arenas認為應該由球員而不是總經理來採取行動,因 為該死薪資空間的種種限制。 “Players’ trades are way better than general managers' trades,” says Arenas . “Players pick the right pieces. We can see it because we watch how people p lay. The general managers look at paper.” Arenas:球員間談交易比總經理間談交易要好得多,球員們能選擇了更好的"拼圖",因為 我們是看人們如何打球,總經理看的是數據。 短評或心得: 誰沒巧克力餅乾吃就轉隊? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1657034626.A.C3C.html ※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 07/05/2022 23:25:53

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07/05 23:26, 1年前 , 5F
奪冠大於一切的觀念才是被洗腦 壯年組大團走捷徑的
07/05 23:26, 5F

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07/05 23:27, 1年前 , 9F
Ben Wallace?
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07/05 23:29, 1年前 , 11F
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07/05 23:29, 1年前 , 12F
想幫LBJ 解套?
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07/05 23:31, 1年前 , 17F
有被要求過於忠誠嗎 LBJ跟KD奪冠洗白 而且其他留守
07/05 23:31, 17F

07/05 23:31, 1年前 , 18F
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07/05 23:32, 1年前 , 19F
薪水那麼高 不想努力在母隊 只想走捷徑
07/05 23:32, 19F

07/05 23:32, 1年前 , 20F
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07/05 23:34, 1年前 , 21F
沒有說球員一定要忠誠 轉隊是一回事 但轉隊去組一
07/05 23:34, 21F

07/05 23:34, 1年前 , 22F
團per1+2+4抱腿走捷徑 就真的是軟蛋無恥至極
07/05 23:34, 22F

07/05 23:36, 1年前 , 23F
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07/05 23:36, 1年前 , 24F
好奇餅乾是誰 有點好笑 線索好像蠻多等大神解惑
07/05 23:36, 24F

07/05 23:37, 1年前 , 25F
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07/05 23:37, 1年前 , 26F
自己當老闆啊 領錢還毛一堆
07/05 23:37, 26F

07/05 23:38, 1年前 , 27F
不同意 為了冠軍就走捷徑投靠或抱團 冠軍文化才是
07/05 23:38, 27F

07/05 23:38, 1年前 , 28F
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07/05 23:38, 1年前 , 29F
不要求你忠誠 但敬業地按照合約精神有很過分嗎?
07/05 23:38, 29F

07/05 23:38, 1年前 , 30F
台灣人就奴性重啊 喜歡忠誠
07/05 23:38, 30F

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07/05 23:39, 1年前 , 32F
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07/05 23:40, 1年前 , 33F
零號探員應該看虎撲比較多啦 不會來逛ptt吧
07/05 23:40, 33F

07/05 23:40, 1年前 , 34F
樓上一堆沒屁用的個人意見還義憤填膺咧 運動員在短
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07/05 23:40, 1年前 , 37F
聊的忠誠定義喔 真是悲哀又可笑
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07/05 23:41, 1年前 , 38F
直接跟老闆當面說 有料
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07/05 23:41, 1年前 , 39F
07/05 23:41, 39F
還有 283 則推文
07/06 11:18, 1年前 , 323F
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07/06 11:51, 1年前 , 325F

07/06 12:06, 1年前 , 326F
講忠誠的我一直都覺得雙標而已 笑死
07/06 12:06, 326F

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07/06 12:38, 1年前 , 329F
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07/06 12:38, 1年前 , 330F
LBJ KD轉隊前,歷史評價不知道有沒有超過R.Miller,
07/06 12:38, 330F

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07/06 13:12, 1年前 , 339F
能走,要忠誠,靠北,NBA 老闆如果沒付你錢講這些
07/06 13:12, 339F

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07/06 13:16, 1年前 , 347F
伍?說過了,一切只是為了要酸 LBJ滿足自己的不平
07/06 13:16, 347F

07/06 13:16, 1年前 , 348F
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07/06 13:28, 1年前 , 351F
跟資方談忠誠確實是可笑 確保自己領薪水盡責做好自
07/06 13:28, 351F

07/06 13:29, 1年前 , 352F
己的事 資方就該感激了
07/06 13:29, 352F

07/06 14:14, 1年前 , 353F
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07/06 20:45, 1年前 , 354F
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07/06 21:52, 1年前 , 355F
現在沒幾個忠誠吧 誰洗誰腦?
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