[外絮] Brooks:我們還年輕,他們會老

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Dillon Brooks calls NBA playoff series loss 'motivation,' says Grizzlies are 'coming' for Warriors in future https://reurl.cc/QLX0n0 SAN FRANCISCO -- After Memphis bowed out of the NBA playoffs with a 110-96 loss to Golden State in Game 6 of their conference semifinals series Friday, Memphis forward Dillon Brooks said the Grizzlies are hot on the trail of the Warriors. 灰熊季後賽G6以110-96輸給勇士下台一鞠躬後,前鋒Brooks說灰熊仍是勇士的強烈競逐者 。 "We're young, and they're getting old," Brooks said. "They know that we are going to come every single year." 「我們很年輕,他們正在變老」 「他們都知道,我們每一年都會來(挑戰他們)。」 Brooks, 26, is the eldest of the Grizzlies' top eight scorers this season, during which the upstart Memphis squad won 56 games and finished with the West's No. 2 seed. 26歲的Brooks是本季灰熊得分前八名中最老的,本季竄起的灰熊贏下56場勝利,且得到西 區第二的位置。 After seven consecutive postseason appearances during the 2010s with their "Grit 'n' Grind" squad, the Grizzlies began to rebuild in 2018 around a younger core. Over the past four drafts, Memphis has added Ja Morant, Jaren Jackson Jr., Desmond Bane and Brandon Clarke to a roster that included Brooks. 灰熊2010年以來,以「Grit & Grind」團隊球風連續7季進入季後賽,2018年開始重建。 過去四次選秀,灰熊得到Ja、JJJ、Bane和Clarke,這些人和Brooks組成團隊。 The Grizzlies lost Morant, their star third-year point guard, following their Game 3 loss to the Warriors after he suffered a bone bruise to his right knee. The Grizzlies responded valiantly, leading the Warriors at Chase Center for most of Game 4 then thrashing them in Game 5 at Memphis, when they led by as many as 55 points and won by 39. Ja在G3因為右膝骨頭挫傷傷退,但灰熊勇敢應對,在G4幾乎整場領先,G5更是領先達55分 ,最後勝39分。 "A hundred percent," Brooks said when asked if Morant's presence might have changed the outcomes of Game 4 or 6. "Ja is one of the best point guards in this league -- you guys know that -- obviously it would change, but we made do with what we had." 「100%的。」Brooks談到Ja缺席是否會改變G4到G6的比賽結果。「Ja是聯盟最好的控衛之 一--你們都知道的--明顯(缺席)會有所改變,但我們只能以現在陣容盡我們的全力。」 On Friday, Memphis fought Golden State neck-and-neck until the game's closing minutes, when a late shooting spurt by the Warriors vaulted them to the 14-point victory. G6灰熊跟勇士打得一來一往,直到最後關鍵幾分鐘,勇士浪花狂射將比數拉開,最後以14 分差帶走勝利。 "This is good motivation, good learning, playing against two of the best shooters in history," Brooks said. "Going against them was an amazing feeling. It's big for us, and we're going to take this throughout the summer and be ready to do it again." 「跟史上最佳的兩個射手對戰是很好的動力、很好的學習。」Brooks說。「跟他們比賽超 棒的,這對我們意義重大,我們會帶著這些度過夏天,並準備好再來一次。」 Brooks, who pummeled an airborne Warriors guard Gary Payton II en route to the basket in the opening minutes of Game 2, became an instant villain in the Bay Area. Payton suffered a fractured left elbow on the play, while Brooks was assessed a flagrant foul 2, ejected from the game and suspended for Game 3 in San Francisco. When he returned to action, Brooks was booed heartily by the Chase Center crowd each time he touched the ball. Brooks在G2放倒GP2後,瞬間變成灣區的大惡人。GP2左手肘骨折,Brooks得到2級犯規並 且立即驅逐出場,被禁賽一場。當他回到場上持球的時候,他被灣區球迷們無情的噓爆。 Despite the chippiness, which continued through Game 6 as Brooks and Warriors guard Klay Thompson jawed at each other constantly, Brooks and his Grizzlies teammates congratulated the victorious Warriors after the final buzzer. Following the game, Warriors guard Stephen Curry praised the Grizzlies' young talent and capacity to contend in the coming seasons. 儘管鬧出此風波,G6賽後Brooks仍舊跟KT咬耳朵,Brooks跟灰熊隊友們向勇士恭喜道賀。 Curry也讚賞灰熊本季展現出來的的年輕天分與能力。 "I have a lot of respect for every single guy on the team in terms of how they are built as a group, the individual talent," Curry said. "They have a lot of energy, a lot of potential in terms of winning at the highest level. They were the higher seed for a reason. They had an amazing regular season and dominated throughout the course of those 82 games. For us to be able to come out of the series with a W, like there's definitely respect. There's definitely an understanding that they made us better; I'm sure we made them better." 「我很尊重團隊每一個人,個人的天分」Curry說道。「他們精力充沛,有著贏下更高層 級比賽的潛力。他們本季種子順位還比我們高。他們打出驚異的季賽,宰制82場比賽。我 們能贏下比賽,對他們更是尊重。他們絕對有讓我們變得更好,我確定我們也讓他們變得 更好。」 Curry and Morant have established a mutual admiration over the course of the series, with Curry lauding Morant's maturity following Game 1 in Memphis. After the game, Morant tweeted that the Warriors were his "fav matchup" and that he was "looking forward to more battles 30," referencing Curry's jersey number. Curry跟Ja也互相讚賞,Curry在G1後稱讚Ja的成熟。賽後Ja也在推特說跟勇士對戰是最棒 的組合,且追尋更多更Curry對戰的機會。 "His numbers are crazy," Curry said. "The sky's the limit. Like I said, they are going to be around for a long time, fighting for Western Conference prowess. So we'll enjoy this and keep moving toward our goal, but you have to understand that they are going to be around for the long haul and he's a problem. So definitely an amazing matchup, fun, entertaining, high-level basketball, all the antics and pettiness and all that stuff, I love all of it." 「他太瘋狂了。」Curry說。「天空才是他的極限。如我所說,他們有在西區成為勁旅的 實力。我們盡量繼續達成我們的目標,但你必須了解他們真的跟我們周旋很久,而且他就 是個大麻煩沒錯。這確實是個很精采的對戰、充滿歡快、娛樂、高水準的籃球,所有古怪 動作、小動作諸如此類,我愛死這些東西。」 -- 短評: 未來是你的,天空才是極限 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1652538856.A.AD3.html

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05/14 22:36, 1年前 , 4F
灰狼跟水鳥也很年輕喔 天賦還比你們高
05/14 22:36, 4F

05/14 22:36, 1年前 , 5F
給我一瓶酒 再給我一支菸
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05/14 22:38, 1年前 , 11F
講真的 雖然球員屬性沒那麼像 但真的很像前幾年勇
05/14 22:38, 11F

05/14 22:38, 1年前 , 12F
士的配置 每個位子都自己養起來 明年原版陣容西冠
05/14 22:38, 12F

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05/14 22:40, 1年前 , 19F
放心 未來也不會是你的
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05/14 22:41, 1年前 , 23F
早說了 這支球隊很年輕 都是瘋狗 沒在敬老的
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05/14 22:41, 1年前 , 26F
西冠那有這麼簡單 到齊的快艇/金塊 都很有機會
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05/14 22:41, 1年前 , 29F
上一個這樣喊的是天空貝 結果….
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05/14 22:45, 1年前 , 39F
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還有 149 則推文
05/15 07:08, 1年前 , 189F
髒球名人堂 你已入選 骨折狄龍
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05/15 07:10, 1年前 , 190F
希臘神墊 骨折艾倫 斷腿聰明 斷手狄龍
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05/15 07:20, 1年前 , 191F

05/15 07:30, 1年前 , 192F
大哥 你也會老
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05/15 08:40, 1年前 , 199F
確實 他還有好幾年有機會打斷別人手
05/15 08:40, 199F

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05/15 08:43, 1年前 , 201F
Brooks 的命中率不是明星XD
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05/15 09:14, 1年前 , 204F
老板不想吃奢侈税 不可能全换约的
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05/15 09:50, 1年前 , 209F
you're right dirty brooks
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05/15 11:41, 1年前 , 213F
等恐怖快艇回歸 沒你們灰熊的事
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05/16 08:41, 1年前 , 228F
這咖不看好 愛打人不認真打球
05/16 08:41, 228F
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