Re: [情報] Trent的父親說兒子在波特蘭時很痛苦

看板NBA作者 (上邪!我欲與君相知)時間2年前 (2022/02/08 13:27), 編輯推噓14(14019)
留言33則, 17人參與, 2年前最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
My biggest thing when I’m watching my son play is the happiness and joy that he plays with now. You know, my son played with so much pain and my son was so depressed and so down and so sad in Portland, that watching him play actually used to hurt. Because I knew my son wasn’t feeling himself, he wasn’t playing his game. He was under a lot of negative pressure from negative statements from front office people and lack of belief and things like that. 我非常能感受到我兒子現在在球場上非常的快樂。你知道的,我兒子在阿拓時打的既沮喪又痛苦,我那時看他打球真的感到悲傷。我知道我兒子迷失了自己,他打不出屬於自己的比賽。他承受著制服組的負面言論與消極情緒。 My son getting traded was the best thing for his spirit and for his career and just for his emotional-mental balance. When I come and visit my son now in Toronto, he’s in a much happier place mentally and a spiritually happier place. He smiles more. He’s looking forward to practice. He’s looking forward to the games. I see the love of the game and the love for the game blossoming within him again. 我兒子能夠被交易真的是太好了,身心靈以及他的籃球生涯都是。我到多倫多看望他的時候可以感受他快樂到飛起,他期望練球、期望上場,他每一次在場上都可以看到他對比賽的熱愛在身上綻放。 When he was in Portland, he wasn’t feeling that lively. I don’t know if you have children or not, but if you have a child and your child is sick or your child is not feeling well or something like that, as a parent you can feel that. You can see that. 當他在阿拓時,他失去了活力。如果你有小孩,你就知道我所說的,父母可以感受到他們的快樂與悲傷 — 以上是他爹原文— Olshey在上一季的操作看起來還不錯 結果今年就因為違反團隊利益被開除了 當時的新聞 違法行為準則,被委外調查之後開除(其實就是前陣子太陽員工與前員工希望對殺佛做的事) Olshey在辦公室製造敵對氣氛 而Dewayne Hankins上台後就直接整肅隊內氣氛。 另外一個八卦是,虎撲有謠言說Olshey不喜歡槍西,然後一直重提他是性侵嫌犯這件事情。 甚至拿小李當擋箭牌 而在這之前,要知道小李跟Olshey有深厚的感情,畢竟他們相處幾乎整個小李的生涯 而波特蘭是全美幾乎跟LA一樣甚至更病態的SJW大本營 才會有一下小李想要槍西,一下小李厭惡槍西的乳摸 腹黑一點,比較像Hankins跟Olshey間的戰爭 但因為調查報告什麼的都沒公佈 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

02/08 13:30, 2年前 , 1F
啊拓也有給trent 時間養他欸 講的好像仇人一樣= =
02/08 13:30, 1F

02/08 13:32, 2年前 , 2F
02/08 13:32, 2F

02/08 13:32, 2年前 , 3F
可能是「負面」是真的很負面吧 像某神山處長一樣
02/08 13:32, 3F

02/08 13:33, 2年前 , 4F
你大老闆整天酸來酸去 整員工給球員看 之類
02/08 13:33, 4F

02/08 13:33, 2年前 , 5F
02/08 13:33, 5F

02/08 13:34, 2年前 , 6F
02/08 13:34, 6F

02/08 13:34, 2年前 , 7F
打球很痛苦就跟史總說啊 反正每年一輪遊也不差你兒
02/08 13:34, 7F

02/08 13:34, 2年前 , 8F
02/08 13:34, 8F

02/08 13:35, 2年前 , 9F
02/08 13:35, 9F

02/08 13:35, 2年前 , 10F
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02/08 13:38, 2年前 , 11F
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02/08 13:39, 2年前 , 12F
就棒打落水狗 趁阿拓整個混亂時嘴一下
02/08 13:39, 12F

02/08 13:40, 2年前 , 13F
02/08 13:40, 13F

02/08 13:40, 2年前 , 14F
回11樓 social justice warrior社會正義魔人
02/08 13:40, 14F

02/08 13:41, 2年前 , 15F
SJW = Social Justice Warrior ,特別強調政治正確
02/08 13:41, 15F

02/08 13:41, 2年前 , 16F
02/08 13:41, 16F

02/08 13:41, 2年前 , 17F
原文來說 他爸非常非常客氣了
02/08 13:41, 17F

02/08 13:42, 2年前 , 18F
02/08 13:42, 18F

02/08 13:43, 2年前 , 19F
02/08 13:43, 19F

02/08 13:43, 2年前 , 20F
02/08 13:43, 20F

02/08 13:47, 2年前 , 21F
SJW看程度吧 比如Kobe死翹翹的時候跳出來說性侵犯
02/08 13:47, 21F

02/08 13:55, 2年前 , 22F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Y0VzK_g (NBA)
文章代碼(AID): #1Y0VzK_g (NBA)