[新聞] Vogel說湖人沒有提交任何姆斯吹判的抱怨

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https://tinyurl.com/y5y8du3c Lakers 'didn't file any complaint' about officiating LeBron James prior to Game 4 vs. Denver, Frank Vogel says Vogel說:在第四場比賽前湖人沒有提交任何關於姆斯吹判的抱怨 James shot 14 free throws in Game 4 after attempting 10 in the first three games of the series combined 在前三場只拿到10個罰球後,姆斯在第四場拿到了14顆罰球 Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James has attempted over nine free throws per game over the course of his NBA playoff career, so when he went to the line just twice in a Game 3 Western Conference finals loss to the Denver Nuggets on Tuesday, it understandably raised some eyebrows. In fact, James had only attempted 10 free throws in the first three games of the series combined. 姆斯在季後賽平均可以拿到9次罰球,但在第三場西冠他只有上罰球線2次。 事實上,在西冠頭三場比賽,姆斯只拿到了10次罰球 The surprising numbers caused Lakers head coach Frank Vogel to say after Game 3 that the Lakers were "dealing with the fouls through the proper channels with the league." In Thursday's Game 4, James made 11-of-14 free throws en route to 26 points, nine rebounds and eight assists in the 114-108 Lakers win. Overall, the Lakers shot 35 free throws compared to the Nuggets' 23. 這個令人吃驚的數字讓Vogel在第三場比賽後說他會用適當的管道去跟聯盟溝通判罰的 事。在第四場比賽,姆斯拿到了14顆罰球。湖人35罰,金塊23罰 The implication is obvious, especially for longtime NBA conspiracy theorists: The Lakers complained about LeBron getting hacked and the league mandated that the refs give their marquee superstar more calls. Even Nuggets coach Michael Malone joked after Game 4 that his team would have to go through the same "proper channels" as the Lakers "to get some more free throws." 對於NBA陰謀論者來說,這樣的暗示非常的明顯。湖人抱怨姆斯快被打死,聯盟命令 裁判要多給姆斯一些罰球。甚至連金塊教練都說他們球隊也要透過適當的管道來獲得 更多的罰球 Vogel has heard the chatter loud and clear and addressed the situation on Friday, clarifying that the Lakers did nothing outside of the normal protocol regarding officiating. Vogel聽到這些閒言閒語,所以他特地澄清湖人什麼事都沒有做,除了正常的判罰 申訴管道 Vogel說: "It's very simple. We didn't file any complaint or anything like that," Vogel said. "There's a thing called the officiating portal that you're allowed to submit calls that you think were wrong calls from the game before. We do that every game all year long, as does every team, and this series has been no different. I think it's a false narrative in terms of what you're referring to with all the talk about the fouls." "這很簡單,我們什麼抱怨都沒有提出來,有個東西叫做判罰管道,讓你可以提出 你認為錯誤的判決。我們每場賽後都會這樣做,每個隊伍都一樣,這個系列賽也是。 所以你們那些關於犯規的抱怨是錯的" Going through the "officiating portal" is a far cry from having data scientists put together a compilation of perceived referee bias, as the Houston Rockets reportedly have done in the past. Vogel credited the Lakers' aggressiveness, particularly from James, Anthony Davis and Dwight Howard, for the increase in free throw attempts. Malone said on Friday that the Nuggets had submitted clips of calls they felt officials missed in Game 4, but he also said that officiating was not the reason they lost. 數據專家整理有問題的判罰,由判罰管道申訴的事過去火箭隊就常做,金塊隊教練 也說他們已經把第四場沒吹的判罰提交了,但他也說判罰不是輸球的原因 "We can get caught up in that and use the refs as an easily, readily available excuse if we want," Malone said. "I'm not going to, because we didn't lose the game last night because of anybody except ourselves." 我們可以用裁判當作簡單的藉口,但我們輸掉不是因為任何人而是因為自己 For the series, the Lakers and Nuggets have each attempted 113 free throws. 在這個系列賽,湖人和金塊雙方各獲得113個罰球 心得: 不如第五場比賽 根據雙方提交的missed call數量 裁判來調整好了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1601115397.A.EF4.html ※ 編輯: kyle5241 ( 臺灣), 09/26/2020 18:18:08

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09/26 18:20, 3年前 , 4F
沒抱怨 但裁判自己會控制
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09/26 18:23, 3年前 , 10F
球是湖的 球是金的 球是熱的 球是綠的 好了我講完了
09/26 18:23, 10F

09/26 18:23, 3年前 , 11F
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09/26 18:23, 3年前 , 12F
大概就是有照現有的管道去反應 沒特別去做其他溝通
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09/26 18:25, 3年前 , 13F
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09/26 18:27, 3年前 , 14F
印象中火箭有反應成功過 好像是鬍子一個灌籃有刷網
09/26 18:27, 14F

09/26 18:27, 3年前 , 15F
裁判不算分 但是確實有入框 該場比賽火箭分差好像差
09/26 18:27, 15F

09/26 18:27, 3年前 , 16F
一兩球 反應成功好像也沒什麼屁用就是惹
09/26 18:27, 16F

09/26 18:31, 3年前 , 17F
在採訪時說一下還是有用 很少看到姆斯超過10罰了
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09/26 18:34, 3年前 , 21F
3場10罰本來就不正常 切入型又是巨星
09/26 18:34, 21F

09/26 18:36, 3年前 , 22F
正常吹的話 姆斯本來的罰球就會多 只是要nerf一下
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09/26 18:56, 3年前 , 31F
我是申訴啦 不是抱怨
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09/26 18:57, 3年前 , 33F
分析每一球切入(x) 只分析乾淨的切入(o)
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09/26 19:12, 3年前 , 34F
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09/26 19:29, 3年前 , 35F
覺得有問題不會自己開一篇文章來分析嗎? ☺
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09/26 19:42, 3年前 , 38F
因為正常給LBJ飯的話 對面都不用玩了?
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09/26 20:03, 3年前 , 42F
RMBJ 這幾年都很倒楣
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09/26 20:05, 3年前 , 43F
沒有提交 只是講出來而已
09/26 20:05, 43F

09/26 20:16, 3年前 , 44F
我記得G3金塊怎麼切都有哨 還不是怕被0比3...
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09/26 21:44, 3年前 , 49F
今年演給湖人很合理啊 已經沒有快艇公鹿了
09/26 21:44, 49F

09/26 21:55, 3年前 , 50F
lbj第四場才是他應得的罰球數..他前面的場次 我都懷
09/26 21:55, 50F

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the 讓
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