[外絮] 當初KD對記者發飆 勇士球員要記者道歉

看板NBA作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間4年前 (2019/12/17 10:43), 編輯推噓23(32933)
留言74則, 52人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
來源: Yahoo Sports 網址: https://tinyurl.com/rtujkbe Why a few Warriors players asked reporter to apologize to Kevin Durant 為何一些勇士球員那時要記者跟Kevin Durant道歉? Back on Feb. 6, Kevin Durant registered 23 points, eight rebounds, nine assists and two steals in the Warriors' 141-102 win over the Spurs. 時間回到今年2/6,勇士出戰馬刺的比賽,141-102獲勝,KD拿下23分,8個籃板,9次助 攻,兩次抄截。 But we all remember that night for what happened during the two-time NBA Finals MVP's postgame press conference when he finally broke his silence by lashing out at the media. KD singled out Ethan Strauss of The Athletic because he was upset about a specific article. 但是那晚最為被大家所熟知的是在賽後記者會上,兩屆FMVP得主的KD打破沉默後就是對媒 體開火。KD特別點出The Athletic記者Ethan Strauss,因為他對於他寫的某一篇文章非常 不爽。 Strauss was a guest on "The Ryen Russillo Podcast" last week, and was asked for a behind-the-scenes story that the public doesn't yet know about: Strauss上周上了Ryen Russillo的Podcast節目,他在節目中講到了當時大家並不知道的幕 後花絮: "The Warriors players -- after that whole situation with Durant going at me in the press conference -- were effectively trying to broker a peace where I went to him and I apologized to settle down the situation. 「勇士球員們--在記者會上KD針對我發飆的情況後--他們很有效率的想要平和的解決,我 後來去找KD,我跟他道歉,把事情釐清好。」 "Which to me was very revealing and interesting because the manner with which they conveyed it to me, it was almost like they were projecting with what they have to deal with onto my situation. It was this sense of, 'Yeah, so you don't think you have to apologize but you just apologize to him and you know, come on, you just do it.' 「對我來說那整個狀況很有趣,因為他們來找我講的方式,他們像是得要來解決我的問 題。那狀況是,『對啦,你不認為你應該要道歉,但是你知道嗎? 你就是要去道歉,做就 是了。』」 "I remember DeMarcus Cousins looked at me and said, 'Man, looks like you got some apologizing to do.' And I go, 'How do I apologize to somebody if I don't think that I was in the wrong?' 「我記得DeMarcus Cousins看著我說,『老兄,看起來你得要去道歉,』我回他說,『若 是我不認為我有錯的話,我要怎麼去道歉呢?』」 "And Cousins laughs and he goes, 'S--t, that's for you to figure out.' There was this sense of you got to mend this situation because this is what we have to do because superstar makes the rules. That's just how it goes in the NBA. 「Cousins笑著說,『X的,那就是你自己得要搞清楚的了。』那有種感覺,就像是我得要 自己把這狀況擺平,因為我們處在一個是超級明星說了算的環境,那就NBA的真實狀況。」 "And if the superstar is moody and even if he's not being rational, you just have to go with it and you have to work within that frame." 「所以若是超級明星心情不好,即使他是無理取鬧,我們就是得包容,想辦法在這樣的狀 況下工作。」 That is very interesting and does shed some light on the inner workings of how a team deals with certain situations. 這段故事很有趣,也揭露了球團內部在某些狀況發生時他們是怎麼處理的。 We all know how the movie ended and don't need to re-litigate what transpired between KD and the Warriors. But when we learn these new anecdotes, they are worth mentioning. 大家都知道最後結果為何,也不需要多去揣測KD跟勇士中間到底發生了甚麼,只是當有這 些軼事出現時,總是值得讓大家了解一下的。 -- Strauss的那篇文章標題是(因為是要付費的,我就不附連結了): "Silent star: On the presumed Warriors’ exit of Kevin Durant" 那一陣子一堆人在猜KD球季結束要去哪裡,KD對媒體冷戰後, 在那場比賽記者會中首次開火。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1576550603.A.C05.html

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12/17 10:49, 4年前 , 6F
還有利用價值就有份量 沒有的話...
12/17 10:49, 6F

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12/17 10:53, 4年前 , 14F
在職場不就這樣 不然咧? 不爽不要道歉啊!
12/17 10:53, 14F

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12/17 10:55, 4年前 , 16F
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12/17 10:56, 4年前 , 17F
嘴綠常常嘴KD 也是想要壓過他 確立自己在隊上的地位
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12/17 10:57, 4年前 , 18F
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12/17 10:57, 4年前 , 19F
呵呵 記者跟球員不合 99%是記者的錯
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12/17 11:02, 4年前 , 25F
你如果覺得自己沒錯 當初幹嘛道歉 事後再這邊543真
12/17 11:02, 25F

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12/17 11:05, 4年前 , 29F
記者VS NBA前3小前鋒 你沒下跪謝罪就不錯了
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12/17 11:18, 4年前 , 36F
沒文章沒真相 不過這種通常都記者的錯吧?
12/17 11:18, 36F

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12/17 11:39, 4年前 , 42F
是上季在節目唬爛說KD心向尼克那位吧 KD根本沒說過
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12/17 11:43, 4年前 , 51F
真好 這種人在美國就能當運動員 在台灣只能跳陣頭
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12/17 11:43, 4年前 , 53F
被表弟當面說「你得去道歉」是我也只能吞 怕
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12/17 11:50, 4年前 , 54F
前因後果要搞清楚 這事情原因99%是記者毫無下限
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12/17 12:24, 4年前 , 58F
就是要跪著讓大腿爽的意思 畢竟只靠他們是什麼鳥樣
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12/17 12:31, 4年前 , 62F
記者就是亂源 自己搞事然後寫篇獨家 好棒
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12/17 12:40, 4年前 , 63F
Iwent to him and I apologized to settle down the
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12/17 12:40, 4年前 , 64F
situation 這裡不就寫他道歉了==?
12/17 12:40, 64F

12/17 12:52, 4年前 , 65F
你知道你錯在哪嗎? XD
12/17 12:52, 65F

12/17 12:54, 4年前 , 66F
平時超嘴記者 現在記者發篇文章又跟著起舞?
12/17 12:54, 66F

12/17 12:58, 4年前 , 67F
這就是為何會有網軍的原因 鄉民太容易操控
12/17 12:58, 67F

12/17 13:14, 4年前 , 68F
這記者發假新聞 才被要求道歉 如果只聽自己想聽的
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12/17 13:14, 4年前 , 69F
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12/17 14:57, 4年前 , 70F
大家本來就好操弄 尤其迷迷越多的越會群眾暴力
12/17 14:57, 70F

12/17 14:58, 4年前 , 71F
別說記者操弄鄉民 鄉民自己都想操弄風向
12/17 14:58, 71F

12/17 14:59, 4年前 , 72F
別什麼都推給網軍 網軍怎麼來的 羊毛出在羊身上
12/17 14:59, 72F

12/17 15:16, 4年前 , 73F
自以為清醒很好笑 起碼證明一下罵記者和跟著起舞的
12/17 15:16, 73F

12/17 15:16, 4年前 , 74F
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