[花邊] 林書豪回應關於夠不夠格舉起金盃的批評

看板NBA作者 (我愛黃恩賜)時間4年前 (2019/06/17 19:02), 4年前編輯推噓368(41143209)
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來源:https://reurl.cc/GRj1v 標題: Jeremy Lin discusses his doubts about deserving NBA championship on Ryan Higa ’s Off the Pill Podcast 記者:Nicolas Atkin , Published: 12:21pm, 17 Jun, 2019 內文: Jeremy Lin has opened up about his self-doubts over whether he deserves to be called an NBA champion. 書豪表示他也曾自我懷疑是否夠格舉起總冠軍金盃 The 30-year-old became the first Asian-American to win an NBA title last week, but played only 51 seconds in the Toronto Raptors’ triumph in six games against the Golden State Warriors. 豪神在30歲的這年成為第一個舉起歐布萊恩金盃的亞裔美國籍球員,在六戰解決勇士 的過程中他僅僅出賽了51秒 “There were times in all honesty where I felt I had to tell myself I deserve a championship,” Lin said in an appearance on the Off The Pill Podcast, which is hosted by his friend Ryan Higa. “As a competitor who plays and has played my whole life, I’m not used to not playing, so I was like, ‘This is tough, do I really deserve it?’ 老實說我自己不只一次的說服我自己,我配得上歐布來恩金盃;在我的職業生涯 中,我其實並不常調出輪替陣容的,因此我常想著,我真的配得上總冠軍這個稱號嗎? “Then I started to think about my whole journey and I definitely do. I contributed to the team, I played 23 games in the regular season. I play against these guys all the time, whether it’s in workouts or whatever, even watching the game and talking to guys, giving my opinion, being a voice. 但當我認真回想起我的職業生涯,這一切質疑都煙消雲散了,我完全投入在暴龍 隊,我在例行賽替暴龍隊出賽了23場,不論是在練習或是真正的比賽,我跟我的隊友們可 是並肩作戰了很久呢,我沒上場的時候就專心看著比賽,給他們建議,完完全全的成為比 賽中的一分子 “That’s very, very valuable. In terms of staying ready and working out, I worked really, really hard this year. “I wish people understood just how hard we have to work, even the guys who never touch the floor, because you never know when you’re gonna get that opportunity. You have to do everything to be ready to play.” 這對我來說可是極其重要的,我這一整年為了能夠隨時保持OK的狀態並上場幫助 球隊,我可是下了多大的功夫阿!希望大家可以了解到我們球員在場下所需付出的,就算 是那些整場比賽都待在板凳席上的球員們,你必須要處在一個隨時都能上場的狀態 Lin’s achievement has been celebrated and mocked in equal parts on social media, and he even called on fans to stop trolling his old New York Knicks rival Carmelo Anthony. But he said he believes there is an element of racism to some of the comments. 豪神最近在社群媒體上可紅的呢,包括豪神本人都出來制止大家別再拿他本人嗆 他的前隊友瓜哥1>0啦,但他也提到了,這有些許成分也代表著種族歧視 “I was like, man, I definitely deserve it too because I got here,” Lin said. “There’s billions of people and there’s only 450 spots [in the NBA]. I’m there, I made it, I worked hard to be here. “It’s tough because I can understand what people are saying. I don’t mind necessarily if people make jokes of, ‘Oh, you didn’t do anything but you got a ring’. But they always highlight you’re the Asian, the first Asian who didn’t do something in the group project. 我就想告訴那些酸民們,我絕對夠資格的,在茫茫人海中能夠站上NBA舞台的,就 450人而已!!!! 我來,我看見,我征服 其實是有點令人沮喪的,我懂網路上那些謾罵的言論:"嘿豪鬼你啥都沒做,你不 配那枚戒指" 最讓人沮喪的還是他們因為你是個亞裔球員,特別是第一個啥都幫不上忙的亞裔球 員卻獲得了一枚戒指.......... “You have the head coach, then the assistant coaches. Did they do anything? They weren’t talking in timeouts, weren’t calling the plays, arguing with the refs. But everyone has their role. There’s so many things that happen. 教練們也不是每一刻都在喊戰術或是與裁判爭吵啊,場上瞬息萬變,每個人在一 隻隊伍中都有屬於其定位的 “That’s why I think people care so much about having good locker room guys, good veteran presence, guys to say things at the right time to help the team. “I had to struggle with, ‘Do I really deserve this? The more I thought ... I do. I should enjoy it and embrace it. I’m not gonna shy away from celebrating that or have anyone taking it away from me.” 因此我認為人們更加在意的是休息室氣氛、好的經驗傳承與好的領導者該適時出 來發表談話以帶領球隊繼續前進;我到底值不值得這座冠軍金盃呢?我想是的,我想這一 刻我該沉浸在奪得總冠軍的喜悅中並好好享受它,同時 我也不需要因為好好的慶祝總冠軍而感到丟臉,也不會讓任何人把這喜悅奪走 “I know how hard I worked, I know the way I prepared, the way I cheered for my teammates when I didn’t have to, the way I tried to give advice, whatever it is all the way down the road,” Lin added. “I know I did everything in my power to be ready and to be the best player. “There was no actual evidence of that on the court in the Finals, I didn’t get to play, but no one can take that away from me that I did things the right way. 我知道我自己有多努力,那就夠了,不管如何,我們還是嘗到甜美的果實了 我已經拚盡全力來準備了,就算我沒有什麼上場時間來證明這一切,我已經無愧 於心了 Higa also pointed out that even some Asian fans are mocking Lin on social media. “Hopefully those same Asians making fun of me, five or 10 years down the road when I’m no longer playing, they can appreciate, ‘Oh, that’s the first Asian-American to win an NBA championship,” Lin said. 主持人特別提到了似乎有些許的亞洲粉絲們特別在社群媒體上嘲笑並揶揄書豪呢.. .... 豪神表示:當我未來退休時,希望現在這群認為我不夠格的球迷們,能夠讚賞地說: "OH,這就是當初第一個奪冠的亞裔美國人呢!" 心得:早些時間書豪的專訪 可以看出酸民們嘲諷他啥都沒做也能奪冠、 只是個搭順風車的亞裔球員 甚至是連相同亞裔族群酸爆他 我大豪神都了然於心 不過最後還是很大氣呢! 還是希望豪神下個賽季可以繼續待在NBA啦! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1560769344.A.ACC.html

06/17 19:02, 4年前 , 1F
06/17 19:02, 1F

06/17 19:03, 4年前 , 2F
不重要 運氣也是實力一種
06/17 19:03, 2F

06/17 19:03, 4年前 , 3F
06/17 19:03, 3F

06/17 19:04, 4年前 , 4F
06/17 19:04, 4F

06/17 19:04, 4年前 , 5F
歷年來奪冠搭車的又何止他一人 計較不完啦
06/17 19:04, 5F

06/17 19:04, 4年前 , 6F
06/17 19:04, 6F

06/17 19:04, 4年前 , 7F
06/17 19:04, 7F

06/17 19:04, 4年前 , 8F
上次我朋友史蒂芬假裝舉不起 然後就
06/17 19:04, 8F

06/17 19:05, 4年前 , 9F
06/17 19:05, 9F

06/17 19:05, 4年前 , 10F
06/17 19:05, 10F

06/17 19:05, 4年前 , 11F
首先那些人要先有本事上nba 才有機會坐板凳
06/17 19:05, 11F

06/17 19:05, 4年前 , 12F
沒關係啦 豪豪現在有冠軍了 1>>>>>0 懂?
06/17 19:05, 12F

06/17 19:05, 4年前 , 13F
別人酸就算了! 亞裔球迷跟著酸...難怪別人會看輕你
06/17 19:05, 13F

06/17 19:06, 4年前 , 14F
推 心態很健康
06/17 19:06, 14F

06/17 19:06, 4年前 , 15F
06/17 19:06, 15F

06/17 19:07, 4年前 , 16F
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06/17 19:07, 4年前 , 17F
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06/17 19:07, 4年前 , 18F
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06/17 19:07, 4年前 , 19F
self doubts 是說他夠不夠格的自我懷疑啊
06/17 19:07, 19F

06/17 19:07, 4年前 , 20F
06/17 19:07, 20F

06/17 19:07, 4年前 , 21F
06/17 19:07, 21F

06/17 19:07, 4年前 , 22F
不夠格三小XD 能被交易到冠軍隊也是一種實力好嗎
06/17 19:07, 22F

06/17 19:08, 4年前 , 23F
推 豪 真的很努力了
06/17 19:08, 23F

06/17 19:08, 4年前 , 24F
06/17 19:08, 24F

06/17 19:08, 4年前 , 25F
06/17 19:08, 25F

06/17 19:08, 4年前 , 26F
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06/17 19:08, 4年前 , 27F
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06/17 19:09, 4年前 , 28F
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06/17 19:09, 4年前 , 29F
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06/17 19:10, 4年前 , 30F
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06/17 19:10, 4年前 , 31F
像表弟想搭冠軍便車 結果還翻車
06/17 19:10, 31F

06/17 19:11, 4年前 , 32F
06/17 19:11, 32F

06/17 19:11, 4年前 , 33F
替補球員兼隨隊牧師 值得這個金盃
06/17 19:11, 33F

06/17 19:11, 4年前 , 34F
06/17 19:11, 34F

06/17 19:11, 4年前 , 35F
回答得體 不愧是書豪
06/17 19:11, 35F

06/17 19:11, 4年前 , 36F
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06/17 19:11, 4年前 , 37F
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06/17 19:11, 4年前 , 38F
06/17 19:11, 38F

06/17 19:11, 4年前 , 39F
06/17 19:11, 39F
還有 584 則推文
還有 3 段內文
06/18 00:41, 4年前 , 624F
林酸真是可悲 推我豪大器
06/18 00:41, 624F

06/18 00:42, 4年前 , 625F
06/18 00:42, 625F

06/18 00:43, 4年前 , 626F
心態健康 某些人愛吃屎又何必跟著一起吃屎
06/18 00:43, 626F

06/18 00:44, 4年前 , 627F
06/18 00:44, 627F

06/18 01:20, 4年前 , 628F
笑死 一堆鍵盤肥宅不知在崩潰啥
06/18 01:20, 628F

06/18 01:24, 4年前 , 629F
06/18 01:24, 629F

06/18 03:02, 4年前 , 630F
合理吧 一堆抱腿仔都被酸了 躺冠的酸民一定大酸特酸
06/18 03:02, 630F

06/18 03:12, 4年前 , 631F
Y使板凳也要十年功 何況是NBA
06/18 03:12, 631F

06/18 03:22, 4年前 , 632F
幹怎麼沒人嗆孫悅 他連美籍都不是啊
06/18 03:22, 632F

06/18 03:29, 4年前 , 633F
支持豪神的態度 但他真的被冰到不忍看
06/18 03:29, 633F

06/18 03:42, 4年前 , 634F
06/18 03:42, 634F

06/18 03:42, 4年前 , 635F
06/18 03:42, 635F

06/18 03:44, 4年前 , 636F
06/18 03:44, 636F

06/18 05:34, 4年前 , 637F
06/18 05:34, 637F

06/18 06:22, 4年前 , 638F
06/18 06:22, 638F

06/18 07:40, 4年前 , 639F
06/18 07:40, 639F

06/18 07:55, 4年前 , 640F
06/18 07:55, 640F

06/18 07:58, 4年前 , 641F
06/18 07:58, 641F

06/18 08:26, 4年前 , 642F
06/18 08:26, 642F

06/18 08:39, 4年前 , 643F
06/18 08:39, 643F

06/18 08:39, 4年前 , 644F
06/18 08:39, 644F

06/18 08:52, 4年前 , 645F
巴特爾和孫悅根本就沒上場 開特力守好守滿
06/18 08:52, 645F

06/18 09:28, 4年前 , 646F
上場了 拿冠了 得戒了 爽!
06/18 09:28, 646F

06/18 09:41, 4年前 , 647F
越努力越幸運 爽拿冠軍戒 讚啦
06/18 09:41, 647F

06/18 09:47, 4年前 , 648F
酸酸就是繼續酸酸酸 一輩子只能當酸酸 酸酸哪來資格
06/18 09:47, 648F

06/18 09:47, 4年前 , 649F
酸酸酸 XDD
06/18 09:47, 649F

06/18 09:47, 4年前 , 650F
光1/450 就夠猛啦
06/18 09:47, 650F

06/18 10:06, 4年前 , 651F
06/18 10:06, 651F

06/18 10:12, 4年前 , 652F
推一個 酸酸莊林粉不是第一天啦 尾巴要記得收好~
06/18 10:12, 652F

06/18 10:18, 4年前 , 653F
心態很強 做什麼都會有所成就
06/18 10:18, 653F

06/18 11:30, 4年前 , 654F
06/18 11:30, 654F

06/18 11:56, 4年前 , 655F
who cares
06/18 11:56, 655F

06/18 12:28, 4年前 , 656F
06/18 12:28, 656F

06/18 12:34, 4年前 , 657F
推我豪 心態正確 幸運之神會眷顧的
06/18 12:34, 657F

06/18 13:11, 4年前 , 658F
06/18 13:11, 658F

06/18 13:32, 4年前 , 659F
06/18 13:32, 659F

06/18 14:47, 4年前 , 660F
06/18 14:47, 660F

06/19 01:56, 4年前 , 661F
推書豪 酸民只是鍵盤前的魯蛇而已
06/19 01:56, 661F

06/19 02:03, 4年前 , 662F
酸酸就見不得人家的好 無法站在那個舞台以及領高薪
06/19 02:03, 662F

06/19 20:20, 4年前 , 663F
抱歉我不是魯蛇 但豪哥還是滾吧
06/19 20:20, 663F
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