[外絮] 勇士Jordan Bell被禁賽的另外一方說法

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來源: SBNations 網址: http://tinyurl.com/y66worg2 Jordan Bell appears to tell his side of the story Jordan Bell被禁賽的另外一方說法 If you haven’t heard the news by now, the Golden State Warriors suspended second-year big man Jordan Bell for charging a hotel expense to assistant coach Mike Brown prior to Wednesday’s game against the Memphis Grizzlies. 如果還不知道這新聞的話,簡單說就是勇士罰二年級生Jordan Bell禁賽一場,因為他把旅 館花費記到助理教練Mike Brown上面。 That’s the bulk of the information that has been revealed by beat reporters, but more of the story is leaking out - kind of. 那就是目前記者所報導出來的消息,但是有一些內幕故事也開始出來了。 A Twitter user who is a self-described ‘Dollar Store Basketball “Insider” ’, but who has a history of reputable Warriors information, revealed the story as he knows it, in a series of tweets. 一個推特使用者自稱"Dollar Store Basketball insider",這位使用者之前在報導勇士的 消息都有口碑,他在推特上把他知道的故事在一連串的推特文上說出來。 If you don’t want to take them seriously, here’s where it gets interesting: Bell took to Twitter to like each and every one of the tweets explaining the story, and retweeted the thread for his followers to see. 有趣的部分來了,Bell在這些推特文上按了喜歡並轉推出去。 Here’s the story: 以下就是故事內容: 推特連結: http://tinyurl.com/y6qadp9o http://tinyurl.com/yxmuskdw http://tinyurl.com/yxbh6nm2 http://tinyurl.com/yx9ysao9 http://tinyurl.com/y2hv5agw http://tinyurl.com/y5fgpew6 "I GOT THE REAL STORY ABOUT THE JORDAN BELL SITUATION. YOU KNOW I ALWAYS GET THE REAL. NOT WHAT IS PUT OUT BY THE TEAM." 「我有關於Jordan Bell這件事情的內幕消息,你們都知道我都爆真的料,事情不是像球團 講的那樣。」 "So, as all teams do IN EVERY PROFESSIONAL SPORT, the vets mess with the rookies because it’s just a “rite of passage” to say the least. So what had happened was last year, when he was a rookie, his teammates would put LITTLE THINGS on his room, candy bars, sodas, etc etc" 「就像所有職業運動一樣,老將都會惡搞欺負一下菜鳥,簡單說就像是個"入會儀式"。所 以在去年Bell的菜鳥年,他的隊友就會把一些"小東西"算到他的帳上,像是糖果啦,汽水 啦,其他一些小東西等。」 "So J Bell starting getting people back as a JOKE. He’d charge Wi-fi to KD or Q Cook’s room AS A JOKE(WiFi is usually free). It was nothing major EVER & it ’s a INSIDE TEAM JOKE, so everyone knew about it." 「所以他今年換他開始開玩笑反擊那些人。所以他惡作劇把WIFI的花費(通常是免費的)算 到KD或是Cook帳上,這沒什麼大不了,這是球隊裡面的笑話,大家都知道的。」 "On their last trip HE CHARGED A CANDLE(NOT porn, you heathens) to Mike Brown’ s room. A $15 CANDLE!!!!!! to his room & obvs Mike Brown wasn’t in on the joke, so he got his feelings hurt & thought he had been paying for stuff the whole time. Smh" 「而在他們上一次客場戰,他把一個蠟燭(不是A片)算到Mike Brown的帳上,一個15塊鎂的 蠟燭,但是很顯然的,Mike Brown不知道這個隊內的惡作劇,所以他覺得心靈受創,認為 他一直在幫大家付這些錢。Smh (Shake my head)。」 "One of the All Stars on the team tried to tell Mike Brown it was just a joke & they’d pay for it but the team didn’t think it was funny, so that’s why. A candle. Not porn. Sorry y’all had so much fun with #Porngate but that’s not what happened.' 「隊上一位全明星球員試著跟Mike Brown解釋說這是個惡作劇,他們願意幫他付錢,但是 球團不這麼認為,所以就是這樣囉,一根蠟燭,不是A片,我知道你們這群在#Porngate上 玩的很開心的人怎麼想的,但是事情真相不是那樣的。」 "THE STORY WASNT SUPPOSED TO GET OUT, but you know those Ivy Leaguers who don’ t know about the culture decided to send a text out to a friend & it snowballed from there. So that’s all that happened. A CANDLE got him suspended." 「這件事本來不會傳出來的,但是你知道那些念好學校的人不知道有這種球隊文化,就把 事情傳給朋友看,然後就像滾雪球一樣越來越大了。所以,這才是真正發生的狀況,他因 為一根蠟燭被禁賽。」 Keeping on snitching media please. All clickbait ain’t good clickbait. Keep on following these “insiders” though. 「就繼續在媒體上放話爆料吧,有些騙點擊的內容不是真的,就繼續跟隨那些所謂的"內 幕"吧!」 So there we have it. 所以,事情就是如此。 On the one hand, this story - assuming it’s true - paints Bell in a much better light than much of the speculation was doing. 從一方面看,若這消息假設是真的,這樣Bell就不像外界猜想的那麼糟。 On the other hand, it feels like a slightly tumultuous situation. The Warriors organization obviously didn’t see it the way Bell did, and that may be emblematic of a relationship that isn’t functioning very well. 但是從另外一方面來看,這會讓人覺得球團內部有點混亂。勇士球團沒認同Bell做這件事 的方式,這可能代表了兩邊的關係並不是很和諧。 Is the team frustrated with Bell, and unwilling to give him the benefit of the doubt? Did they jump to a conclusion, and upset him in the process by costing him money and potentially hurting his reputation? 是球隊不滿意Bell,所以不願意相信他?他們是不是太快下結論,就決定禁賽甚至可能傷 害他的名譽,讓他不開心? Even with the story out, it seems clear that there is work to be done in the relationship between the team and the impending restricted free agent. 即便這故事出來了,很顯然,球團跟這位即將成為RFA的Bell之間的關係可能有的修補了。 UPDATE: Beat reporter Connor Letourneau of the San Francisco Chronicle has reported that the story is reasonably accurate. 更新:舊金山新聞記者Connor Letourneau報導,以上這故事合理。 推特連結: http://tinyurl.com/y3wyntqv "Just confirmed with a source close to Jordan Bell that this is a "pretty accurate account of how things went down."" 「剛跟與Jordan Bell親近的消息人士確認,這故事"非常準確的描述所發生的過程"。」 -- 拔草測風向 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽

10/10 00:17,
大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><
10/10 00:17

10/10 00:34,
10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十

10/10 21:18,
不自殺 想買樂透惹
10/10 21:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1553842099.A.28F.html

03/29 14:50, 5年前 , 1F
03/29 14:50, 1F

03/29 14:50, 5年前 , 2F
尼哥的遊戲好幼稚= =
03/29 14:50, 2F

03/29 14:50, 5年前 , 3F
03/29 14:50, 3F

03/29 14:50, 5年前 , 4F
03/29 14:50, 4F

03/29 14:50, 5年前 , 5F
03/29 14:50, 5F

03/29 14:51, 5年前 , 6F
03/29 14:51, 6F

03/29 14:51, 5年前 , 7F
希望是真的~ 不然他就要掰啦
03/29 14:51, 7F

03/29 14:51, 5年前 , 8F
聽起來很幼稚 但非常像這些職業聯盟會出現的狀況XD
03/29 14:51, 8F

03/29 14:51, 5年前 , 9F
他的確不缺錢 看起來是玩笑開過頭了
03/29 14:51, 9F

03/29 14:52, 5年前 , 10F
重點是大家都在鬧菜鳥 他沒事弄助理教練幹嘛啦XDD
03/29 14:52, 10F

03/29 14:52, 5年前 , 11F
小咖不重要啦 明年去CBA報到
03/29 14:52, 11F

03/29 14:52, 5年前 , 12F
就是人家討厭你 做什麼事都不對 人醜性騷擾的意思
03/29 14:52, 12F

03/29 14:52, 5年前 , 13F
03/29 14:52, 13F

03/29 14:52, 5年前 , 14F
那問題來了 bell為什麼要背黑鍋
03/29 14:52, 14F

03/29 14:53, 5年前 , 15F
03/29 14:53, 15F

03/29 14:53, 5年前 , 16F
03/29 14:53, 16F

03/29 14:53, 5年前 , 17F
03/29 14:53, 17F

03/29 14:53, 5年前 , 18F
03/29 14:53, 18F

03/29 14:53, 5年前 , 19F
03/29 14:53, 19F

03/29 14:53, 5年前 , 20F
就踩到雷了 剛好之前又出怪聲跟高層關係不好中
03/29 14:53, 20F

03/29 14:53, 5年前 , 21F
看笑話的心態 但還是希望他球技進步
03/29 14:53, 21F

03/29 14:54, 5年前 , 22F
03/29 14:54, 22F

03/29 14:54, 5年前 , 23F
去年被人搞 今年換他搞別人 結果被禁賽 沒人會服氣
03/29 14:54, 23F

03/29 14:54, 5年前 , 24F
03/29 14:54, 24F

03/29 14:55, 5年前 , 25F
我比較好奇是哪個全明星幫他跟mb解釋 kd curry 還是
03/29 14:55, 25F

03/29 14:55, 5年前 , 26F
03/29 14:55, 26F

03/29 14:56, 5年前 , 27F
玩錯人 GG
03/29 14:56, 27F

03/29 14:56, 5年前 , 28F
鬧錯人吧 鬧球員就沒事 鬧教練 教練不爽阿
03/29 14:56, 28F

03/29 14:56, 5年前 , 29F
MB跟球隊很不熟嗎 一年打那麼多場比賽 不知道隊上
03/29 14:56, 29F

03/29 14:56, 5年前 , 30F
03/29 14:56, 30F

03/29 14:57, 5年前 , 31F
自己傻了 去弄不知情的人 然後跟那個人關係又不好
03/29 14:57, 31F

03/29 14:57, 5年前 , 32F
03/29 14:57, 32F

03/29 14:57, 5年前 , 33F
如果是真的 那球團這樣是傷害到Bell的名聲
03/29 14:57, 33F

03/29 14:57, 5年前 , 34F
講起來這個說法也是很怪 一樣是疑點很多
03/29 14:57, 34F
還有 366 則推文
還有 1 段內文
03/29 21:36, 5年前 , 401F
03/29 21:36, 401F

03/29 21:41, 5年前 , 402F
兩個字 白目吧
03/29 21:41, 402F

03/29 21:42, 5年前 , 403F
03/29 21:42, 403F

03/29 21:50, 5年前 , 404F
03/29 21:50, 404F

03/29 21:50, 5年前 , 405F
03/29 21:50, 405F

03/29 21:55, 5年前 , 406F
Ezeli和阿拓簽了那張15M/2Y 讓他離開跟惡作劇有什
03/29 21:55, 406F

03/29 21:55, 5年前 , 407F
03/29 21:55, 407F

03/29 22:02, 5年前 , 408F
03/29 22:02, 408F

03/29 22:03, 5年前 , 409F
而且惡作劇如果是指Mark Jackson誣賴他的那件事 那
03/29 22:03, 409F

03/29 22:03, 5年前 , 410F
03/29 22:03, 410F

03/29 22:27, 5年前 , 411F
03/29 22:27, 411F

03/29 22:37, 5年前 , 412F
03/29 22:37, 412F

03/29 23:03, 5年前 , 413F
03/29 23:03, 413F

03/29 23:03, 5年前 , 414F
03/29 23:03, 414F

03/29 23:10, 5年前 , 415F
禁賽叫霸道 那報警的話呢
03/29 23:10, 415F

03/29 23:31, 5年前 , 416F
總之就是不夠大牌 如果是KD...
03/29 23:31, 416F

03/29 23:52, 5年前 , 417F
黑人水準 不意外
03/29 23:52, 417F

03/30 00:02, 5年前 , 418F
03/30 00:02, 418F

03/30 00:49, 5年前 , 419F
03/30 00:49, 419F

03/30 01:16, 5年前 , 420F
03/30 01:16, 420F

03/30 01:55, 5年前 , 421F
03/30 01:55, 421F

03/30 02:54, 5年前 , 422F
澄清後有比較好嗎?在亂護航什麼東西啦XDDD 是非不
03/30 02:54, 422F

03/30 02:54, 5年前 , 423F
03/30 02:54, 423F

03/30 03:55, 5年前 , 424F
沒有信用卡授權碼 要怎麼扣教練的錢?
03/30 03:55, 424F

03/30 04:30, 5年前 , 425F
應該是消費時記在房間上 飯店再根據房間請款
03/30 04:30, 425F

03/30 04:34, 5年前 , 426F
原來報的的情況會讓人認為比這嚴重 另外我還是覺得
03/30 04:34, 426F

03/30 04:34, 5年前 , 427F
他該避免犯這個錯 只是不太相信懲罰是最有效的指導
03/30 04:34, 427F

03/30 04:34, 5年前 , 428F
方式 對一些人可能很難理解就是了 不勉強
03/30 04:34, 428F

03/30 04:37, 5年前 , 429F
只會二分用什麼謢不謢、酸不酸看事情 我實在無能為
03/30 04:37, 429F

03/30 04:37, 5年前 , 430F
03/30 04:37, 430F

03/30 07:51, 5年前 , 431F
03/30 07:51, 431F

03/30 07:54, 5年前 , 432F
球員之間無所謂 弄到教練那邊就不行
03/30 07:54, 432F

03/30 07:55, 5年前 , 433F
雖然多數球員的薪水比教練高 但教練還是管理立場
03/30 07:55, 433F

03/30 08:01, 5年前 , 434F
mm y我還蠻能接受這個主張的
03/30 08:01, 434F

03/30 09:10, 5年前 , 435F
03/30 09:10, 435F

03/30 09:50, 5年前 , 436F
MB開不起玩笑? NBA乃哥
03/30 09:50, 436F

03/30 10:20, 5年前 , 437F
03/30 10:20, 437F

03/30 11:10, 5年前 , 438F
也許是帳單內容是蠟燭 所以踩到某人紅線
03/30 11:10, 438F

03/30 12:37, 5年前 , 439F
這個才真的比較像事實 之前那個太智障了
03/30 12:37, 439F

03/30 13:39, 5年前 , 440F
03/30 13:39, 440F
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