[外絮] 不確定的未來 Love跟騎士可能就是這樣了

看板NBA作者 (超☆冒險蓋)時間5年前 (2019/01/09 11:38), 編輯推噓29(30115)
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來源: Bleacher Report 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y8vp4ss5 Their Futures Uncertain, Kevin Love, Cavs May Be Stuck with Each Other 雙方的未來都不確定,Kevin Love跟騎士可能就是綁在一起了 Kevin Love was a man of the people back in July, when he signed a four-year, $120.4 million extension to stay with the Cleveland Cavaliers, then posed for an impromptu selfie with construction workers at Quicken Loans Arena. 在七月的時候,Kevin Love跟騎士簽下了1億2040萬鎂的延長合約,決定留在騎士,那時他 是受大家所喜愛的人,他甚至在騎士主場即興與建築工人們一起玩自拍。 照片支援: https://imgur.com/2UpRzB0.jpg
Between Love's contract and a $140 million arena renovation, that's more than a quarter of a billion dollars poured into the post-LeBron James Cavs. The way things are going so far—at 8-32 the Cavs have the worst record in the league—one has to wonder whether Love will actually be around to see this rebuilding project through. 與Love的合約以及1億4000萬鎂的球場改建,騎士在LBJ離開後花了超過2.5億鎂的錢。那目 前騎士的狀況呢? 8-32,聯盟最糟。這不禁讓人懷疑,球場改建完成之時,Love還會不會 在騎士。 Probably not. But that also depends on a difficult question: What's the trade market for a 30-year-old, five-time All-Star described by one Western Conference executive as a "dinosaur"? Challenging, to put it mildly, according to multiple executives around the league. 很有可能不在,但是那還要看下一個問題的答案會是如何:一位30歲,5屆全明星,但是被 西區球隊高層描述成"恐龍"的Kevin Love,他的交易市場會是如何? 根據數位聯盟裡制服 組的說法,講的客氣一點,"很有挑戰性"。 "It's a lot to ask someone to take on $144 million for a 30-year-old with an injury history," one of the execs told Bleacher Report. "You're dealing with a very small, narrow marketplace for him." 「對一支球隊來說,要去承接一個30歲有傷病史的球員,1億4400萬鎂的合約,這真的很辛 苦,」一位球團高層說。「這樣對Love來說,他的市場交易對象就很少了。」 Love's extension, which kicks in next season, brought his five-year guaranteed salary to $144 million. He'll make $28.9 million next season, then the deal levels off at $31.3 million the next two years and goes back to $28.9 million in the final season, when Love will be 34. Love的延長合約會在下一季開始執行,那會保證他5年內可以拿到1億4400萬鎂。下一季他 會拿到2890萬鎂,下兩季拿到3130萬鎂,最後一季拿2890萬鎂,到時候他就34歲了。 If nothing else, acquiring Love would come with cost certainty for a player whose three-point shooting, rebounding, veteran leadership and postseason experience could prove useful to a team that feels it's one piece away from making a deep playoff run. 若無其他因素,得到Love所費不貲,但是可以確保這球員會有三分線,籃板,老將領導力 以及季後賽經驗,這對一些覺得自己就只差最後一塊拼圖就可打到季後賽的球隊可能就會 很有用。 Still, it's a hefty sum to swallow for multiple years. 然而,這對好幾年的時間來說還是一大筆錢。 One of the executives who spoke with B/R said Love's deal and John Wall's four-year, $170 million extension are "the two worst contracts in the league." 一位高層說Love跟John Wall的4年1億7000萬鎂的延長合約是"聯盟裡兩個最爛的合約"。 "How many teams are really looking for a dinosaur face-up 4-man, or a 5 who can't switch pick-and-roll?" the exec said. 「有多少球隊真的在找一個恐龍打面框4號位,或者打5號位但是不會擋拆的?」 Nonetheless, Marc Stein of the New York Times reported last week that Love trade chatter will be heating up over the next few weeks, and that some teams view him as a potential missing piece for the "right price." But finding a team to agree with the Cavs on that price will be challenging. 然而,紐約時報記者Marc Stein上周報導,有關Love的交易傳聞會在下幾周開始升溫,說 有些球隊把他視作季後賽的最後一塊拼圖,只要"價格合理"。但是,要找到一個球隊同意 騎士的價碼將會充滿挑戰。 "The problem is: You have a rookie GM (Koby Altman)—who's a really good guy and has done some really good things and is trying to prove himself. And you've got a delusional owner [Dan Gilbert]," a Western Conference executive said. "And they're going to think they're supposed to get something for the guy. You're not getting an asset for him under any circumstances." 「問題是這樣:騎士有個菜鳥總管(Koby Altman)--他是個好人,也真的做了些好事想要證 明自己的能力。然後騎士有個腦袋不清楚的老闆(Dan Gilber),」西區球隊某高層說。 「然後他們會去想,認為他們應該從Love交易拿到些甚麼東西。錯了,在任何狀況下,他 們不可能可以得到甚麼資產的。」 Let's understand some of the logistical obstacles to a Love deal. 我們來看看在Love的交易會有哪些困難。 First, he has missed all but the first four games this season after undergoing toe surgery on his left foot. He had been aiming for a mid-January return but said Monday he's still "weeks away" from returning to the floor, per Tom Withers of the Associated Press. 首先,本季他只打了四場比賽,之後就因為左腳傷勢動手術去了。本來是預計一月中回 來,但是根據美聯社Tom Withers星期一的報導,Love要回來可能還要好幾個禮拜。 Based on when he signed the extension, he can't be traded until Jan. 24. That leaves a maximum of 15 days before the Feb. 7 trade deadline to consummate a deal—fewer, potentially, if he's not playing by then. 根據他的延長合約簽的時間,他在1/24前都不能被交易,那最多只剩15天在2/7交易大限日 去談出個合約--而若是Love在2/7前都不能打,機率就更低了。 So if something happens with Love this season, it's going to have to happen fast. And it's almost certainly going to have to involve a contending team that isn't afraid to take chances. Two teams that make sense on both fronts are Oklahoma City and Houston, one of the execs said. 所以若是本季要交易Love,那動作就要快。大概只剩有奪冠能力又不怕冒險的隊伍,根據 某球隊高層說,那只剩兩隊--雷霆跟火箭。 The Thunder already have committed to being a tax team, and they have a defined window to get the most out of Russell Westbrook and Paul George. Adding to the intrigue, Westbrook and Love were teammates at UCLA. The Thunder also have a defensive-minded center, Steven Adams, which could make it easier to hide Love defensively at power forward. It doesn't hurt that GM Sam Presti essentially has lifetime job security, so even if acquiring Love didn't produce the desired result, he'd have plenty of time to figure out how to offload the contract or rework it some other way to minimize the damage down the road. 雷霆已經是得要付奢侈稅的隊伍,他們給了Russel Westbrook跟Paul George大部分的薪資 空間。更有趣的部分是,Westbrook跟Love以前是UCLA的隊友。雷霆有Steve Adams,防守 型的中鋒,可以在防守上輕鬆掩護Love,讓他當強力前鋒。在加上總管Sam Presti基本上 會是終身職沒有丟工作的危險,對他來說並不會冒險。所以,若是拿到Love之後戰績不符 合期待,他會有足夠的時間找出方法把這合約給清掉或者重新議約等來減少球隊的傷害。 "He'll figure it out in three years when Russell and Paul are coming to the end of their run," the Western Conference GM told B/R. 「他在這三年內會找出方法的,那時候Russel跟PG也到後期要結束的時候了,」西區某球 隊總管說。 Under GM Daryl Morey, the Rockets have been anything but risk-averse. Although the Carmelo Anthony experiment didn't work and Chris Paul is starting to break down physically, Houston came within one game of knocking off the Warriors in the Western Conference Finals just several months ago. Love is a rich man's Ryan Anderson, who was traded to Phoenix over the summer, and he would seem to be a nice fit for Mike D'Antoni's pace-and-space offense. 而在總管Daryl Morey的領導下,火箭從來就不是怕冒險的球隊。雖然Carmelo Anthony的 實驗失敗,CP3在身體上開始出現崩壞的狀況,他們在幾個月前就差一場就可以在西決讓勇 士打包回家。Love是富人版的Ryan Anderson,Anderson在夏天的時候被交易到太陽,所以 Love應該可以輕鬆融入教練Mike D'Antoni的快速球風。 "They have their dive guy in [Clint] Capela," the Western Conference executive said. "And they're really missing a lot of perimeter shooting right now." 「他們已經有了可以做擋拆的Capela,」西區球隊高層說。「他們現在就欠一個有充足外 圍火力的人。」 Also in the West, consider the Nuggets, who, as Stein pointed out, have long coveted Love and may view him as a way to double down on their surprisingly torrid start. Plus, Paul Millsap's $30 million contract can come off the books next summer, creating a slot for Love's salary. The Blazers could use another three-point shooter to create more space for Damian Lillard to operate —and to help emerge from a pack of six teams within three games of each other in the loss column. 另外一隊也是在西區,如Marc Stein指出,金塊想要Love很久了,而且在火熱的開季戰績 之後,他們可能把Love視作往季後賽衝擊的方式。此外,Paul Millsap的3000萬鎂合約明 年就結束了,那就有空間可以容納Love的薪水。阿拓可能也可以多一位三分射手,這可以 幫Damian Lillard創造更多的空間--也可以幫助他們突破這六隊混戰,勝差只有三場內的 混沌戰局。 In the East, consider Indiana, a playoff team that probably couldn't hope to attract a five-time All-Star via free agency. 東區的話,可以考慮溜馬,一支不用希望可以藉由FA方式去吸引到一個五屆全明星球員的 季後賽球隊。 "It's going to have to be a playoff team in a non-destination market," one of the execs said. "A team that has a couple of stars that isn't going to get anybody in free agency because they don't have the room or nobody's going to go play there." 「大概就是個季後賽球隊但是沒有吸引人的市場,」一位制服組說。「大概就是一支隊 伍,有一些球星但是大概沒辦法從FA市場吸引到球員,因為他們薪資空間不足或者沒有人 想去那邊打球。」 Said another Western Conference exec: "It's most definitely going to have to be a good team that feels they're one player away. It's not going to be a team like Atlanta or Phoenix." 另外一位西區高層說:「大概就是一支隊伍覺得他們就差一位球員就可以成功的那種,所 以不會是老鷹或是太陽那種隊。」 Once you've narrowed the field to the few who fit the above criteria, you still have to ask yourself: What could the return be in a trade for Love? 所以在排除不符合標準的,剩下符合的隊伍裡,大家想一想:那交易來Love要給出甚麼代 價呢? "If Kevin Love were a free agent this summer, how much would he get?" one of the execs said. 「假設Kevin Love今年夏天是FA,他會拿到多少錢?」一位制服組說。 In all likelihood, nowhere close to the deal he got from the Cavs. 想遍各種可能性,怎樣都不會跟他從騎士那邊所得到的多。 "We're living in a world where Brook Lopez had to take the bi-annual [exception]," the exec said, referring to the Bucks center and 2013 All-Star who could only score a one-year, $3.4 million deal this past summer despite becoming a legitimate three-point shooting threat over the past three seasons. 「我們現在的市場,Brook Lopez得要拿兩年一次特例的薪水,」一位聯盟制服組說。 Lopez目前是公鹿中鋒,即使他過去三季成為了穩定的三分射手,2013年的全明星,他也只 能以一年340萬鎂在去年夏天加入公鹿。 The best-case scenario for the Cavs is finding a contending team with a couple of bad contracts that is willing to swap those for four years of Love. What asset could the Cavs realistically hope to get back? Not much. 所以,對騎士來說最好的狀況大概是,找到一個爭冠隊伍,手上有幾個爛約想要丟,然後 願意來跟Love的四年約換。所以實際一點想,騎士能拿到甚麼資產嗎?大概沒多少。 "The asset would be saving the last two, or maybe three years of the contract," one of the execs said. 「唯一的資產大概是可以在合約的最後兩年或是三年省點錢吧,」一位球隊高層說。 Just two-plus years after the Cavs paraded through downtown Cleveland celebrating their first championship, they're likely preparing to ship out one of the last remaining pieces of that team. But both Love and the Cavs have only themselves to blame for the situation. After the departure of LeBron for L.A., Cleveland needed something to rally around, and perhaps talked itself into the idea that a full-scale rebuild wouldn't be necessary. For Love's part, the money was there...so why not take it? 距離騎士慶祝他們拿下冠軍,在克利夫蘭市區遊行不過才兩年多,他們可能開始準備要把 他們那時候冠軍隊伍剩下的最後一名球員給送走。要怪只能怪Love跟騎士自己:對騎士自 己來說,在LBJ離開後,騎士需要做些動作向前,或許他們說服自己不需要整組打掉重練; 而對Love來說,喔~錢擺在那裡...為什麼不拿呢? But if you're a contending team considering making a deal for Love, you have to consider not only the onerous financial obligations, but also the basketball side. In a league where offense is taking over, where do you hide Love defensively? When he rose to prominence in Minnesota, the stretch 4 was all the rage. Now, it's almost obsolete, as even 5s are expected to shoot threes, or teams will just play smaller to field five shooters. 而對一個爭冠隊伍想交易到Love,他們除了得要想到後面的財務負擔外,他們也得要考慮 籃球比賽本身。現在聯盟比賽著重進攻,那防守時Love怎麼辦? 當他在灰狼展露頭角的時 候,延伸四號位有外線的大前鋒正風行。而現在呢? 那已經過時了,現在連五號位中鋒都 被希望可以投三分了,甚至有些隊伍就打5小,擺上五名射手。 "He just can't defend," a Western Conference assistant coach said. "Guys like him and Ryan Anderson—even though they're stretch 4s—if they can't get it done defensively, those type of guys can't survive." 「他就是沒防守能力,」某西區助理教練說。「像是他或者Ryan Anderson這類球員--雖然 他們打延伸四號位置--如果他們防守上不行,這樣的球員在聯盟是無法生存的。」 If teams are unwilling to take on multiple future years of salary in a trade, four years and $120 million are a huge liability, especially for an aging player who struggles defensively. Opposing players shot 5.3 percent above their season averages with Love defending them in 2017-18 and the Cavs' defensive rating fell by 1.4 points when he was on the floor, according the NBA Advanced Stats. 如果這些隊伍不願意在交易中接手多年約,四年以及1億2000萬將會是沉重的負擔,由其這 位球員防守方面頗為掙扎。根據NBA Advanced Stats,在2017-18年,在防守對位時,當是 Love訪守時,對手的命中率比他們整季平均率高5.3趴;若是Love在場上,騎士的防守評比 下降1.4分。 "When we need a bucket against Cleveland, that's who we attack," the assistant coach said. "Guys like him become hard to hide. There's always been a premium on pick-and-roll defense, but even more so now. Everybody is spreading the floor and driving and kicking and trying to generate something going downhill." 「當我們打騎士想得分的話,我們就會找他,」這助理教練說。「像是Love那樣的球員是 很難藏的,擋拆在以前一直都是重點,現在更是重要。每個人都會在場上拉開空間,運球 破壞對方陣式,嘗試創造出得分的機會。」 It wasn't so long ago when Love was the prototypical player who every team wanted. Then again, it also wasn't so long ago when the Cavaliers were playing in the Finals. The game evolves quickly. Some players adapt. Some go extinct. 不久之前,Love還是很多球隊想要的球員類型。不過,騎士也才不久之前在打總冠。籃球 比賽進化的很快,有些球員可以調適生存,有些球員就滅絕了。 -- 我要寫個慘字 https://imgur.com/iJtQ2Me.jpg
-- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽

10/10 00:17,
大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><
10/10 00:17

10/10 00:34,
10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十

10/10 21:18,
不自殺 想買樂透惹
10/10 21:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1547005098.A.716.html

01/09 11:40, 5年前 , 1F
01/09 11:40, 1F

01/09 11:41, 5年前 , 2F
How many teams are really looking for a dinosaur
01/09 11:41, 2F

01/09 11:41, 5年前 , 3F
face-up 4-man 這個dinosaur在這是啥意思啊
01/09 11:41, 3F

01/09 11:41, 5年前 , 4F
鴨蛋都常被拉出來打點了,怎麼可能cover Love
01/09 11:41, 4F

01/09 11:48, 5年前 , 5F
01/09 11:48, 5F

01/09 11:50, 5年前 , 6F
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01/09 11:51, 5年前 , 8F
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01/09 11:51, 5年前 , 9F
就即將滅絕的意思吧 就文末說的
01/09 11:51, 9F

01/09 11:52, 5年前 , 10F
曾經的數據魔人 現在怎麼...
01/09 11:52, 10F

01/09 11:58, 5年前 , 11F
01/09 11:58, 11F

01/09 11:59, 5年前 , 12F
01/09 11:59, 12F

01/09 12:02, 5年前 , 13F
有射程但是防守差的延伸4以前還蠻熱門 現在不稀奇了
01/09 12:02, 13F

01/09 12:09, 5年前 , 14F
Love本人沒差吧 有戒有肥約
01/09 12:09, 14F

01/09 12:20, 5年前 , 15F
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01/09 12:23, 5年前 , 16F
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01/09 12:37, 5年前 , 22F
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01/09 12:37, 5年前 , 23F
01/09 12:37, 23F

01/09 12:38, 5年前 , 24F
就跟不上時代啊 簽這約就有點越想越不對勁了
01/09 12:38, 24F

01/09 12:50, 5年前 , 25F
二樓 你不給ABCD要大家怎麼填答?
01/09 12:50, 25F

01/09 12:55, 5年前 , 26F
01/09 12:55, 26F

01/09 13:00, 5年前 , 27F
01/09 13:00, 27F

01/09 13:02, 5年前 , 28F
也不是總管的鍋吧 現在總管不就老闆的魁儡 忘記這
01/09 13:02, 28F

01/09 13:02, 5年前 , 29F
01/09 13:02, 29F

01/09 13:15, 5年前 , 30F
沒姆斯大腿抱 幹嘛好好打完剩下的
01/09 13:15, 30F

01/09 13:23, 5年前 , 31F
01/09 13:23, 31F

01/09 13:23, 5年前 , 32F
01/09 13:23, 32F

01/09 13:25, 5年前 , 33F
續愛也沒用阿 愛神帶隊也不強
01/09 13:25, 33F

01/09 13:35, 5年前 , 34F
01/09 13:35, 34F

01/09 13:39, 5年前 , 35F
01/09 13:39, 35F

01/09 13:50, 5年前 , 36F
恐龍都是指短手 另一個例子就是幹籃哥
01/09 13:50, 36F

01/09 13:55, 5年前 , 37F
01/09 13:55, 37F

01/09 13:55, 5年前 , 38F
01/09 13:55, 38F

01/09 15:24, 5年前 , 39F
留下LOVE ,擺爛搶狀元,這策略沒有錯吧
01/09 15:24, 39F

01/09 15:30, 5年前 , 40F
01/09 15:30, 40F

01/09 15:40, 5年前 , 41F
01/09 15:40, 41F

01/09 16:00, 5年前 , 42F
01/09 16:00, 42F

01/09 16:00, 5年前 , 43F
01/09 16:00, 43F

01/09 16:01, 5年前 , 44F
01/09 16:01, 44F

01/09 21:37, 5年前 , 45F
說穿不就想說以愛為主+原來陣容和新來的 至少還有一
01/09 21:37, 45F

01/09 21:38, 5年前 , 46F
席之地 結果變成大坦隊
01/09 21:38, 46F
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