[外絮] 獨行俠如何保持球員健康? 抽血檢查

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來源: The New York Times 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9prabsj The Mavericks’ Key to Keeping Players Fresh? Blood Samples 獨行俠如何保持球員健康?抽血檢查 DALLAS — Whether they are trying to keep their 34-year-old playmaker Jose Juan Barea spry or aiming to help their 19-year-old phenom Luka Doncic dodge the infamous rookie wall, the Dallas Mavericks turn to the same resource: A blood test. 不管獨行俠是要試著要保持他們34歲老將Juan Barea精力充沛,抑或是要幫助他們19歲的 新秀Luka Doncic避免菜鳥撞牆期,他們會用同一個方式: 抽血檢查。 It is not just any blood test. The Mavericks import frequent testing from the Irish company Orreco, which is in its third season making personalized recommendations for Mavericks players regarding athletic workloads and diets, largely through the study of blood analysis. 這不是隨便甚麼抽血檢查。獨行俠引進了一家愛爾蘭公司Orreco做了許多檢查,這是他們 第三年藉由研究血液檢查結果對個別球員提供有關運動量及飲食方面的建議。 Although some in the sports medicine community have questioned whether the value of such blood work is overstated, Dallas leans heavily on Orreco’s team of consultants and their assessments of how to maximize player-readiness. 雖然一些運動醫學界裡的人認為這樣的血液檢查的價值是不是言過其實,但是獨行俠非常 借重Orreco諮詢專家以及他們對於如何強化球員的準備程度的評估。 “All the things N.B.A. teams talk about — players’ minutes, their load, their tracking data, their camera data — all of that is external data used to try to predict what’s going on internally,” said Casey Smith, the head of Dallas’s athletic training staff. “What we’re doing is trying to get a little bit of a look at what’s actually going on internally.” 「所有球隊都在討論--球員的上場時間,工作量,球場上的跑動軌跡,影像資料等--所有 球員的外在資料試著拿來預測球員身體內到底發生甚麼事情,」獨行俠體能訓練主管Casey Smith說。「而我們現在做的是試著去看一下他們的身體到底是怎樣的狀況。」 Dallas is one of just two N.B.A. teams, along with the Knicks, to hire Orreco, which proposes customized remedies to combat fatigue and tries to identify increased risk for injury and illness by obtaining a range of data from players’ blood and feeding it into machine-learning programs. 獨行俠是除了紐約尼克以外另外一支NBA球隊聘請Orreco,藉由從球員血液中獲取的資料, 利用機器自主學習程式,提供客製化套餐給球員,好與疲勞奮戰,並找出可能增加受傷跟 生病的危險因子。 Taking cues from Orreco’s findings, Smith and Jeremy Holsopple, the Mavericks ’ athletic performance director, tailor an mix of training, rest and recovery for each of Dallas’s 17 players. The Mavericks' owner, Mark Cuban, said the team pays Orreco nearly $150,000 per year. 而藉由Orreco所提供的發現,獨行俠體能表現主管Casey Smith跟Jeremy Hosopple則會為 17位球員量身訂做個別的訓練,休息,以及恢復時間的菜單。獨行俠老闆Mark Cuban說球 隊每年付近15萬鎂給Orreco。 No Maverick has embraced this process more than Barea, who understands all too well that fatigued players face an increased risk of soft-tissue injuries. 獨行俠球員裡沒有人像Barea更接受這樣的過程了,他非常知道疲憊會增加軟組織受傷的機 率。 Two seasons ago, amid worrisome forecasts from what Smith referred to as “ the numbers” Orreco provides, Barea tore a calf muscle in a November 2016 game against Boston. 兩季之前,主管Smith說Orreco提供的一些"數字"預測了令人憂心,而後Barea在2016年11 月在面對青賽的時候小腿就受到撕裂傷。 Ever since, Barea has proactively sought updates on his levels of oxidative stress (worrisome as they get higher) and white blood cell counts (which can indicate illness or infection when they spike or indicate less immune prevention as they get lower). 從那之後,Barea就一直很積極在追蹤他的氧化壓力(Oxidative Stress,當數值高的時候 需要擔心)以及白血球數目(可能代表有疾病或感染)。 This season, Barea is playing some of his best basketball (averaging 10.9 points and 5.7 assists in just 19.8 minutes per game) and said he is “having more fun than ever” while carefully adhering to the suggestions Smith gives based off Orreco’s data. 這一季,Barea表現出他的最佳表現(平均每次上場打19.8分鐘,場均10.9分,5.7次助 攻),他也說在小心配合Smith依據Orreco給的資料所提出的建議後,"打球打的比以前都還 要來的開心"。 “I like it,” Barea said. “At this point in my career, you have to work more on the body. They let me know what’s going on — like what you need to eat or what you need to stop eating. I want the feedback.” 「我很喜歡,」Barea說。「生涯走到現在這個階段,我們得要更注重身體,他們讓我知道 我現在身體的狀況--像是我該吃甚麼或是我應該不要吃甚麼的--我想要有回饋。」 Four times a season, Orreco staff members come to Dallas to administer a full venous blood draw on Mavericks players. To supplement those visits, Dallas mixes in frequent capillary blood draws for its players in which a quick pinprick sample is taken to provide near-instant readings of oxidative stress levels in the blood from a player’s ear or index finger. 每季四次,Orreco的成員會到達拉斯去抽球員的血液,做整套的檢查。除了那四次的大檢 查,獨行俠會在那期間穿插很多次微血管抽血,在球員身上刺一下,像是在球員的耳朵或 是食指,就可以即時得知球員的氧化壓力程度。 League rules allow players to opt out of any blood testing if they find the procedures too invasive, but the team says only one Maverick, whom they declined to identify, had done so. 聯盟准許球員,若是認為某些措施太過侵入性,球員可以選擇拒絕抽血,不過目前只有一 個獨行俠球員沒有接受這檢查。 “It’s your health, so it’s your decision,” Smith said. 「健康是你的,所以你自己決定,」Smith說。 The samples, according to the Orreco co-founder Dr. Brian Moore, enable the firm to analyze a player’s hematology and biochemistry by assessing nearly 50 biomarkers. 根據Orreco的創辦人之一Brian Moore的說法,他們會藉由分析這些檢體內近50種生物標記 來判斷球員的血液及生化方面的狀況。 This includes examining creatine kinase to assess muscle damage and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein to measure inflammation — two areas of particular concern for basketball players because of the nature of their on-court movements. Hydration and nutrition indicators — such as vitamin D levels, and iron and fatty acid profiles — are among the additional variables analyzed to determine where each player lands on a four-zone “ readiness to perform” index. 裡面包括測量肌酸磷化酵素(Creatine kinase)去評估肌肉損傷程度;高敏感度C反應蛋白 去測量發炎狀況--兩方面都跟籃球員非常有關係,考慮到他們在球場上的運動狀況。另 外,像是水含量及營養狀況--維他命D濃度,鐵及各類脂肪酸狀態--以及其他的其他因素綜 合評估後,會把球員結果用4個面向來表示球員"體能表現準備度"(Readiness to perform)。 Along with the biomarker panels, Orreco’s algorithms also take into account game minutes, air miles traveled, sleep data and reaction times that are obtained from wearable devices used during practices. 除了生物標記外,Orreco公司的運算模式利用球員身上所穿戴的可攜式產品所記錄下來的 資料,像是比賽時間,飛行距離,睡眠資料以及反應時間等都一併考量。 The rules that allow players to opt out of blood testing are in place because regulating how teams use biometrics and the data such research produces — specifically whether the data belongs to the teams, players or the league itself — remains an evolving point of concern throughout the N.B.A. As a safeguard amid the rise of wearable technology in practice sessions, league policy threatens fines of up to $250,000 per team for the misuse of biometric data. 但是,因為目前規範球隊如何使用球員的生物資料做研究使用,尤其這類資料的所有權是 歸屬球隊,球員,還是聯盟,目前都還沒有確定,所以允許球員不接受血液檢測的規定仍 舊適用。但是為了因應可攜式電子產品在練習時間的使用,聯盟設了一個規定,若是球隊 不當使用這些生物資料將會罰款,最高可到25萬鎂。 Yet Smith insists that the collaboration with Orreco has improved the Mavericks’ ability to track the onset of illness and keep players “more available” for games. In the 2016-17 season, according to data maintained by InStreetClothes.com, a website that tracks injuries in the N.B.A., Dallas players missed only four games due to illness — less than half the league average of 8.5. 然而,Smith認為與Orreco的合作改善了獨行俠對於追蹤球員生病的狀況以及保持球員更有 機會上場比賽。在2016-17球季,根據InStreetClothes網站的資料,他們追蹤NBA所有球員 的受傷狀況,獨行俠球員只有四場因為生病沒辦法上場--比聯盟平均8.5低了一半以上。 The Mavericks then lost a league-low zero games to illness last season, when the league average was 7.1 games per team, according to the site. 去年獨行俠則是聯盟最低,沒有一場是因為生病沒辦法打球的,而去年聯盟平均是每隊約 7.1場比賽。 “Does that mean we win more games?” Smith said. “Not necessarily. But it gives us a better shot.” 「那代表我們會贏更多比賽嗎?」Smith說。「那不見得,但是那至少給我們更多的機 會。」 Still, with the sports and fitness world littered with treatments not supported by vetted published studies, some independent experts have their doubts. 然而,運動健身圈裡充斥著各種沒有研究論文支持的治療方式,一些專家們對此有所懷 疑。 Dr. Anthony Romeo, the chief of orthopedics at the Rothman Institute in New York and a former team physician for the Chicago White Sox who also worked with the Chicago Bulls, said he would maintain “a healthy level of skepticism ” about Orreco’s work until it reveals more about the biomarkers it studies and the data being gathered. 紐約Rothman Institute骨科主任Anthony Romeo博士,他也是前任芝加哥白襪隊醫,也與 芝加哥公牛合作過,他說他會對於Orreco的做法"保持某種程度的懷疑",直到這公司對外 公布他們到底測了甚麼,以及資料是如何收集的。 ”I would be cautious and say it’s investigational,” Romeo said. “It’s a very interesting area of research and we applaud the efforts that they’re making. But at this time nothing supplants outstanding coaches and trainers that can do a visual analysis and understand their athletes from the traditional methods to know whether they’re training too hard or too little. ” 「我會小心看待,而且認為這還在調查的階段,」Romeo說。「這是一個非常有趣的研究 領域,我們也應該對這公司所做的努力表示讚賞。但是,到現在為止,沒有方式可以幫助 那群非常頂尖的教練及訓練員們,當他們在用傳統方式評估跟了解這些運動員們的時候, 到底他們訓練的太多還是太少。」 “At some point,” Romeo said of Orreco, “they’re going to have to share their data in a way that it can be repeated so that we know it’s true.” 「或許到了某個時候,」Romeo講到Orreco,「他們得要以某種方式把他們的資料公布出 來,看看其他人做出的結果有沒有類似,這樣我們才可說這結果是真實的。」 Said Dr. Robert Dimeff, a team physician for the Dallas Stars of the N.H.L. and a past president of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine: “I think this is a research-based tool at this point in time, but I don’t think it’s ready for prime time. What they’re doing is something that in 10 years from now we may say, ‘Wow, this is absolutely great information.’ 達拉斯冰球星辰隊隊醫以及前任美國運動醫學會主席Robert Dimeff說,「我認為在目前這 個方式還是屬於研究層級的工具,但是我不認為現在就是它的全盛時期。或許他們現在所 做的,大概10年後,我們可能會說,『哇嗚~那真的是很棒的資訊呢!』」 “We can’t say that right now. But what they’re doing is trying to put some science behind recommendations and I think that’s very admirable.” 「我們現在還不能那樣說,但是對於他們嘗試著在某些科學基礎上給球員建議,我認為那 是很令人敬佩的。」 Despite such skepticism, Cuban remains one of the biggest proponents of Orreco ’s work. After watching an interview in which the openly data-hungry Cuban discussed his growing fascination with artificial intelligence, Moore wrote to Cuban before the 2016-17 season with a pitch that Orreco could “optimize performance, accelerate recovery and prolong careers” by using “high-end computing to find patterns in the data.” 儘管有這些懷疑的論點,獨行俠老闆Cuban仍舊是幾個支持Orreco的人之一。Orreco創辦人 Moore之前看到Cuban的訪問,講到他對資料的渴望,以及對於AI的熱愛,Moore在2016-17 球季前寫了一封信給Cuban,他用了一招,說Orreco會用"高階電腦運算方式找出資料內的模 式",來幫助獨行俠球員達到"最佳化表現,加速恢復期,以及延長運動生涯"。 “Our job is to help the Mavericks make better decisions,” Moore said. 「我們的工作就是幫助獨行俠做出更好的決定,」Moore說。 Cuban was quickly sold. Cuban一下就點頭了。 “Managing player load is as important as understanding traditional basketball analytics,’’ Cuban said. “Causation is always more valuable that correlation.” 「管理球員負荷量跟了解傳統籃球數據分析一樣重要,」Cuban說。「知道因果關係比只知 道有關係更有價值。」 Although the Mavericks are hardly alone in embracing bioanalytics, they are on a very short list of top-level professional sports franchises and are willing to ignore the ultra-secretive norm and publicly acknowledge its work with Orreco. 雖然獨行俠不是唯一一隊信奉生物分析理論的球隊,但是他們是極少的頂尖職業球隊的其 中之一,不去在意Orreco極為隱密的理論,而願意公開承認他們是跟Orreco合作的球隊。 Aside from the Mavericks, only Newcastle United of the English Premier League has acknowledged being an Orreco customer. Through a person with knowledge of the contract, The Times confirmed that the Knicks are the other N.B.A. team to use Orreco as extensively as the Mavericks. 除了獨行俠,只有New Castle足球俱樂部有承認他們是Orreco的客戶。而依據消息來源, 紐約尼克是另外一支NBA隊伍與Orreco有密切合作的關係。 Orreco also consults with a handful of individual players, including Wilson Chandler of the Philadelphia 76ers and Quincy Pondexter of the San Antonio Spurs. Orreco另外也為一些球員提供諮詢,包括76人的Wilson Chandler跟馬刺的Quincy Pondexter。 The company declined to discuss the Knicks, or the two Major League Baseball clubs and another Premier League soccer team it counts as clients. Orreco公司拒絕討論尼克,另外兩支MLB隊伍,以及那支足球俱樂部的細節。 Smith cited Quest Diagnostics’ Blueprint Fit as another top practitioner in the field that he suspects has an N.B.A. clientele and acknowledged that several of his peers within the league are aware of what Dallas is doing, and asking lots of questions. 獨行俠體能訓練主管Smith提到另外一個在這領域也是頂尖的公司,Quest Diagnostics' Blueprint Fit,他懷疑這公司應該有個NBA球隊客戶,同時他也承認聯盟裡好幾個同僚知 道獨行俠的做法,跟他問了很多問題。 “And I think there will be more,” Smith said. 「我認為這會越來越多,」Smith說。 -- 科學練球是必然的 -- 標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透! 4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽

10/10 00:17,
大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><
10/10 00:17

10/10 00:34,
10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十

10/10 21:18,
不自殺 想買樂透惹
10/10 21:18
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1546934331.A.D69.html

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01/08 16:08, 5年前 , 6F
結果今天抽太多血 下半場整隊貧血烙賽
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01/08 16:22, 5年前 , 11F
抽血拿去驗東驗西 就有把柄了 以後看誰敢喊吹密
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01/08 16:29, 5年前 , 12F
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01/08 16:31, 5年前 , 13F
以後藥不能亂吃喔 一般運動只敢驗尿 驗血 科科
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01/08 16:32, 5年前 , 15F
蠻潮的 運動科學這塊真的越來越興盛 可是也要資本大
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01/08 16:33, 5年前 , 17F
才可以這樣玩 就像動作研究這部分也是
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01/08 17:38, 5年前 , 25F
笑死 結果大家只在意是哪一個不接受XD
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01/08 19:05, 5年前 , 30F
看來副作用是全隊一起綜藝化 = =b
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01/08 23:20, 5年前 , 39F
CP25之前不是呆過小牛嗎 合理懷疑是他
01/08 23:20, 39F

01/09 02:44, 5年前 , 40F
Cuban2011時還讓球隊賽後接受液氮冷凍 捨得花錢~
01/09 02:44, 40F

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