[外絮] PG、Wall等人談現今的超級球隊風氣消失

看板NBA作者時間5年前 (2018/08/22 09:44), 5年前編輯推噓65(72738)
留言117則, 81人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Nothing fuels NBA superteams quite like Team USA LAS VEGAS —When LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh publicly donned matc hing Miami Heat uniforms for the first time — at a raucous pep rally in Ameri can Airlines Arena on July?10, 2010 — the sight of three all-stars in the sam e jersey represented something larger: a shift in how NBA teams are constructe d. 當LBJ、Wade、Bosh這三個人2010年在熱火的組團,比起看到同一場球賽三位球星穿著同 一件球衣,更大的事情是這改變了NBA球隊的組建方式。 Eight years after the Big Three danced onstage amid billowing smoke, NBA stars are dictating player movement more than ever. Nothing has fueled that power m ore than Team USA, an incubator of sorts for such bold-name partnerships. 在LCD連線之後八年,NBA球員們更多地掌控自己的權利,沒有什麼能比美國隊訓練營更好 推進球員們成為各自球隊工作夥伴。 “If you don’t have a super team, or three superstars, or three all-stars on your team, it’s very hard to win,” Washington Wizards guard John Wall said a t Team USA’s minicamp last month. 如果你沒有一支超級球隊,或是球隊裡 沒有三個全明星,或是三個超級巨星,就很難贏球,Wall在上個月的美國隊迷你訓練營說 。 Such movement has already led to a direct pooling of talent on Team USA itself . Of the 35 players in contention for spots on next year’s World Cup roster, five — Durant, Cousins, Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green — ar e Warriors. Three others — Paul, Harden and Eric Gordon — are Rockets. With another eight teams featuring two players in the program, 24 of the 35 players on Team USA’s preliminary roster come from 10 of the NBA’s 30 teams. 在美國隊35人的大名單中,5個來自勇士,3個來自火箭,另外8支球隊有兩個人入選,35 人當 中的24個人,來自聯盟30支球隊中的10支球隊。 Retired stars from Charles Barkley to Scottie Pippen to Michael Jordan have de rided modern superstars for joining forces to chase championships, which baffl es current players. 從Barkley到Pippen再到Jordan,他們都嘲笑現代球星聯手組隊,這讓現在的球員們感到 困惑。 “No team has won [a title] where one single guy was the lone star and it was their team. It’s not that era. I’m not sure how the veterans, the legends, d on’t understand that part,” said George, who stayed with Westbrook by re-sig ning with the Thunder this summer. 沒有一支球隊能夠依靠單核奪得總冠軍,這個時代已經不存在了。我不知道為什麼那些傳 奇球星們不明白這一點。現在的比賽已經完全不同了,PG說。 “It’s a different game now. For those guys to chime in and say we’re not bu ilt the same . . . I never understood that, because who would we be fooling if we went out alone and tried to go up against the Warriors? 現在的比賽已經不同了。某些人還說不要跟風抱團,我從來不理解。難道我們要一個人去 對抗勇士嗎?我們這是在騙誰? “The best guy in our league right now couldn’t do it. [James] got swept [in the 2018 Finals]. So that just goes to show you at this point what it takes to win. Because you need guys that are alike talent-wise and skill set-wise to w in championships.” 我們聯盟裡最好的球員也無法做到這點,(LBJ)在今年總決賽被橫掃。所以這告訴你現 在怎樣才能奪冠。因為你需要其他擁有天賦和技術的球員來幫你奪冠。PG說。 Through the first seven decades of NBA history, championship teams were built by general managers drafting, trading for and, occasionally, signing one star free agent. Regardless of the era — the Boston Celtics of the ’60s, ’80s an d even late 2000s, the Los Angeles Lakers of the ’80s and early 2000s, the ’ 90s Chicago Bulls — championship DNA was forged only one way. 在NBA歷史中剛開始,冠軍球隊可以藉由交易、選秀或在自由市場簽下一位球星來打造, 無論是60、80年代甚至2000年代末的塞爾提克,80年代或2000年代初的湖人或是90年代的 公牛,冠軍基因都以同樣的模式被建立。 James, Wade and Bosh changed that paradigm. LBJ、Wade、Bosh這三個人改變了這個風氣。 “Back in the day, guys were stuck on teams,” George said. “It was up to the front office to build around that one guy, and that one guy was going to brin g championships to them. It’s not the same now. . . . [Players] understand that, and we know what it takes.” PG表示:回到過去,球員們會一直眷戀於一支球隊。球隊管理層會圍繞著那個球星打造球 隊,而那個傢伙真的能給他們帶來總冠軍。但現在已經變了,球員們要知道這一點,要知 道怎樣才能奪冠。 Front-office executives, for their part, see benefits in stars taking a more p roactive role in team building, especially if it inadvertently helps the franc hise’s bottom line more than the players’. 對球隊管理層來說,他們樂意看到球員在組建球隊中扮演更重要角色。 Though players taking increased ownership can siphon some control from the fro nt office, multiple executives said players taking pay cuts to fit under the s alary cap, all for the purpose of banding together, only helps general manager s 儘管球員可以從管理層那得到球隊較大的控制權,但多位球隊管理層表示,球員們需要減 薪控制薪資空間,這只會幫到各球隊GM。 Not everyone, though, can participate in this arms race. Being part of Team US A allows Mike Conley Jr. an opportunity to look at what could be — but isn’t . Though he has been a key part of Memphis’s successful run this decade, incl uding seven straight playoff berths and an appearance in the 2013 Western Conf erence finals, those “Grit ’N’ Grind” Grizzlies had no realistic shot at s tars such as James, Durant or Harden on the open market. 然而,並不是每個人都可以參加這場軍備競賽。作為美國隊的一員,Mike Conley Jr.有 機會看看會有什麼 - 但事實並非如此。儘管他已成為曼菲斯這十年的重要組成 部分, 包括連續七個季後賽席位和2013年西區決賽出場,但對他們來說,在自由市場得 到像LBJ、KD、Harden這樣的球星,對他們來說並不現實。 “Yeah, it definitely can be frustrating,” Conley said. “Being in Memphis, b eing part of a smaller market, you have a tough time in free agency, and you h ave to build through the draft. With all the things teams have been able to ac complish through free agency, and through all the player movement, you kind of miss out on that.” Conley對此表示:是的,這很令人沮喪,在曼菲斯這樣的小市場球隊裡,很難通過自由市 場來尋求什麼,你必須得通過選秀來建立球隊。其他球隊可以通過自由市場來組建球隊, 你感覺就像被拋棄了。 “A lot of people need to understand this: Players want to win,” the Rockets ’ Gordon said. “They want to go to winning situations. When you have a winni ng culture, things become so much easier. It’s good to see all these super te ams, because [it means] guys are willing to win.” 很多人必須去了解這點,球員想要贏球,他們想處在贏球氛圍中,當你有了贏球文化,事 情都會變得很簡單,因此很樂於見到這些超級球隊組成,因為這意味著球員們想要贏球。 Gordon說。 But once those stars align, Harden cautioned, it’s up to them to make it work . 但一旦這些球星們聚在一起,Harden表示,要讓他們起到作用還是得靠他們自身努力。 “You’ve got to figure it out. You’ve got to compete,” the reigning league MVP said. “You’ve got to get your [butt] in that gym and try to get to that level that the top is at. If you don’t, you’re never going to get there.” 你必須去找出辦法磨合。你需要去努力競爭。你需要訓練館中拼命,試著達到那種頂級水 準。如果你做不到的話,你永遠都無法達到那個水平。Harden說。 記者末段總結: Honing one’s craft alone isn’t enough. For the game’s elite to win, it requ ires picking up the phone. 現在僅僅一個人磨練的球技是不夠的。這些為了贏得比賽的精英們,還需要拿起電話。 來源: https://goo.gl/2BfwVk 短評或心得: 這樣看起來記者認為LCD是始祖嗎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1534902260.A.274.html ※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 08/22/2018 09:46:00

08/22 09:48, , 1F
08/22 09:48, 1F

08/22 09:49, , 2F
其實你夠強大的話 是別人會主動打給你抱團 你接電
08/22 09:49, 2F

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※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 08/22/2018 10:00:25

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08/22 10:01, , 14F
08/22 10:01, 14F
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 08/22/2018 10:01:55

08/22 10:02, , 15F
PG組了還不是第一輪就被新人刷掉 噗噗
08/22 10:02, 15F

08/22 10:02, , 16F
如果以現在的薪水 一堆90年代都會變雙核
08/22 10:02, 16F

08/22 10:06, , 17F
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08/22 10:06, , 18F
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08/22 10:09, , 19F
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08/22 10:16, , 20F
不只是冠軍意義 更代表球星的主動性 牽連更多的商業
08/22 10:16, 20F

08/22 10:17, , 21F
勇士沒有表弟跟KD的時候你們也打不贏阿 講這什麼屁
08/22 10:17, 21F

08/22 10:17, , 22F
08/22 10:17, 22F

08/22 10:17, , 23F
效應 球員不再是棋子的濫觴 絕對是LCD
08/22 10:17, 23F

08/22 10:17, , 24F
不看低西訓的話 當年的組團其實蠻猛的
08/22 10:17, 24F

08/22 10:17, , 25F
可以說真的啟發了一個世代= =
08/22 10:17, 25F

08/22 10:19, , 26F
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08/22 10:20, , 29F
08/22 10:20, 29F
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 08/22/2018 10:24:00

08/22 10:41, , 30F
聯盟組團第一人應該是KD吧 直接跪舔73勝 棒棒
08/22 10:41, 30F

08/22 10:42, , 31F
喇叭是自己組隊 KD是直接跪舔 這不同層次的
08/22 10:42, 31F

08/22 10:48, , 32F
08/22 10:48, 32F

08/22 10:49, , 33F
組團LBJ是開頭啦 綠衫軍那年KG是不想被交易的
08/22 10:49, 33F

08/22 10:50, , 34F
至於KD那是又一個新時代 跪舔時代 組團贏不了跪舔
08/22 10:50, 34F

08/22 10:53, , 35F
08/22 10:53, 35F

08/22 10:54, , 36F
08/22 10:54, 36F
還有 42 則推文
還有 1 段內文
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 08/22/2018 13:15:04

08/22 13:14, , 79F
08/22 13:14, 79F

08/22 13:14, , 80F
,沒有KD,有些人抱腿奪冠還在那邊嘻嘻哈哈not1 not
08/22 13:14, 80F

08/22 13:14, , 81F
08/22 13:14, 81F

08/22 13:25, , 82F
KD正義? 噗噗噗
08/22 13:25, 82F

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08/22 13:52, , 87F
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08/22 14:12, , 88F
LCD是始祖 KD集大成
08/22 14:12, 88F

08/22 14:34, , 89F
08/22 14:34, 89F

08/22 14:58, , 90F
噓樓上 小市場球隊本來就只能靠這種方式來留球員
08/22 14:58, 90F

08/22 14:59, , 91F
就是因為大咖捧著錢都不想來 才只能把錢給想來的
08/22 14:59, 91F

08/22 15:00, , 92F
08/22 15:00, 92F

08/22 15:00, , 93F
要是沒有立即奪冠吸引的(像上個世代馬刺) 就算有錢
08/22 15:00, 93F

08/22 15:00, , 94F
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08/22 15:01, , 95F
08/22 15:01, 95F

08/22 15:07, , 96F
本來就not7開始的 一直拉KD護航幹嘛
08/22 15:07, 96F

08/22 15:13, , 97F
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08/22 15:14, , 98F
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08/22 15:14, , 99F
08/22 15:14, 99F

08/22 15:18, , 100F
08/22 15:18, 100F

08/22 15:29, , 101F
KD是跪舔始祖 跟抱團始祖當然不一樣
08/22 15:29, 101F

08/22 15:38, , 102F
08/22 15:38, 102F

08/22 16:07, , 103F
08/22 16:07, 103F

08/22 16:49, , 104F
電話始祖 也算另類稱號了XDDD
08/22 16:49, 104F

08/22 17:12, , 105F
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08/22 18:09, , 111F
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08/22 18:25, , 112F
說姆斯4:3叫虐勇 那姆斯被4:0該叫什麼?
08/22 18:25, 112F

08/22 18:42, , 113F
08/22 18:42, 113F

08/23 00:05, , 114F
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08/23 05:51, 115F

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08/23 07:24, 116F

08/23 17:53, , 117F
08/23 17:53, 117F
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