Re: [外絮] Ray Allen出書,談與KG、Rondo的過去種種消失

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※ 引述《Wojnarowski (@wojespn)》之銘言: : Ray Allen's new book sheds light on Celtics drama, intense battles with Rajo n : Rondo : Ray Allen最近將出書《From the Outside: My Journey through Life and the Game I : Love》 : 內容暢談了他在球員生涯中的經歷,其中也談到了在塞爾提克的過去,這篇披露了KG和 Ro : ndo的部分。 : KG部分: : As Allen tells it, there were early signs that he and Garnett, who were both i : ntense players and intense personalities, would eventually clash. Allen reca ll : ed dribbling in front of his locker during the Celtics’ preseason trip to R om : e in 2007, which was something Allen had done to prepare for games his entir e : career. The dribbling annoyed Garnett, though, who told Allen, “No, you’re n : ot going to do that.” : 2007年塞爾提克組成三巨頭後在羅馬打季前賽期間,一場比賽前Allen在更衣室自己的 : 櫃前做著運球訓練,但這樣的訓練似乎打擾到了隊友Kevin Garnett,於是Garnett對Al le : n說:“不,你不能這樣做。” : “You can’t tell me what to do,” Allen remembered responding, as teammates l : ooked on. “You do what you do, and I do what I do.” : “你不能告訴我該做什麽,” Allen當時如此回答,“你做你要做的事情,而我做我自 : 的。” : As Allen wrote, “Gee, can two grown men be any more juvenile?” And it was a : similar experience when, before the start of the season, Garnett and Allen w en : t out to dinner at a steakhouse in Boston and spoke about their roots togeth er : as teenage players in the 1990s, and the pain of being on losing teams in t he : past. After dinner, Allen wrote, he asked the waitress for the check. : “兩個已經成長起來的人還能像年少時一樣幼稚嗎?” 隨後Allen繼續寫道,在那個賽 : 例行 : 賽開賽前,Garnett和他有次一起去波士頓一家餐廳吃晚飯,兩人聊了很多,從他們在 : 世紀90年代時一起打球,到兩人進入聯盟在各自球隊中接受失敗等等。晚飯後,Allen : 服務員買單。 : “No,” Garnett said, “I tip way better than him, so you better give me the c : heck.” It was the first time they’d gone to dinner together, and Allen poi nt : ed out that Garnett had no idea how much Allen tipped. “There was no point in : arguing with the guy,” Allen writes. “What struck me was that he felt the n : eed to be seen as being superior to me, even in something as petty as this. : “不,”Garnett當時說道,“我比他給的小費更多,所以把帳單給我吧。” : Allen回憶表示,那是他們第一次一起去吃晚飯,當時Garnett並不知道Allen付了多少 : 費。“我沒理由與他爭論的,但這讓我覺得,他可能想要比我更優越,甚至像這樣的小 : 都是如此。”Allen如此寫道。 : It came as little surprise, then, that when Allen left Boston to sign with t he : Heat, Garnett refused to shake his hand when the two teams met on opening n ig : ht the following season. : 之後Allen離開塞爾提克加盟熱火,而2012-13賽季開幕戰恰好是塞爾提克客場挑戰熱火 : 但比賽開始前Garnett拒絕了Allen的握手。 : “KG would quarrel with his grandmother if she signed with another team,” A ll : en said. : “如果他的奶奶與其他球隊簽約,KG也會跟她吵架的。”Allen在書中如此寫道。 : Still, Allen wrote that of all the teammates he has had, “If I had to choos e : only one to play with, it would be Kevin Garnett. No one else comes close.” : 不過Allen又寫道:“如果要我在打球時的大多數隊友中選出一 : 個人作為隊友的話,那就會是Kevin Garnett,而其他甚至沒有更接近的人。” : Rondo部分: : At the opposite end of that spectrum is Rondo. Allen describes their early r el : ationship as one of young player and mentor. “I couldn’t have gotten along w : ith him any better,” Allen writes. “He was like a little brother to me.” : 此外,Allen還在書中披露了與Rajon Rondo的一些故事,Allen將他與Rondo一開始的關 : 形容為“一位導師和一位年輕球員”。“我和他好到不能再好,他就像我的小兄弟一樣 : “Allen寫道。 : But the relationship unraveled after the Celtics’ 2008 championship. Even w it : h the passage of time, Allen still seems at a loss to explain why, exactly, th : e dynamic between he and Rondo collapsed. : 但兩人的關係在塞爾提克2008年奪冠後發生了改變。儘管經過了這麼久,Allen似乎看 : 來還是無法確實的解釋實際上到底兩人之間發生了什麼衝突。 : But by 2011, that relationship was in tatters. Allen recalled that in 2009, be : cause the Celtics’ front office had issues with Rondo, there was talk that Al : len and Rondo would be traded to Phoenix for a package built around Amar'e S to : udemire. Allen told Rondo at the time that he should talk to team president Da : nny Ainge to work out their problems and keep from being traded. : Allen書中回憶指出,2009年時由於塞爾提克管理層與Rondo之間有些問題,那時候有流 : 稱Allen將與Rondo一起被交易到太陽,綠衫軍會換回Amar'e Stoudemire等人。當時All en : 對Rondo說,他應該找時間與塞爾提克籃球運營總裁Danny Ainge談一談,來修復他們的 : 係。 : It came up again during the 2010-11 season. In a team meeting, Allen writes, R : ondo told his teammates, “I carried all of you to the championship in 2008. : 而當時間來到2010-11賽季時,Allen寫道,在球隊的一次會議中,Rondo對綠衫軍隊友 : 說:“2008年我帶領著你們所有人贏得了總冠軍。” : Allen continued: “The rest of the team, almost in unison, responded, ‘You wh : at?’” Rondo said everyone on the team had problems with him, and when Alle n : told him, “None of us had issues with you,” Rondo said to him, “You did, to : o. You told me I was the reason we were going to be traded.” : “當時球隊其他人幾乎都是同時回應‘是你?” : Allen表示,當時Rondo說球隊所有人都與他有問題。當Allen對Rondo說:“沒有人與你 : 問題的。”而Rondo卻回應說:“你也一樣,你曾告訴我,我是我們兩個要被交易走的 : 因。” : Perhaps that’s where the problem started, then. In the book, Allen seems ge nu : inely unsure of why Rondo turned on him so completely. Allen describes Rondo a : s a player who expected that he would be treated as a leader without having do : ne the work to deserve the role, and describes the Celtics as an organizatio n : that could not figure out how to handle Rondo. Coach Doc Rivers asked Garnet t : and Allen to get [Rondo] into the circle,” but Allen told Rivers, “We can : ’t make him a leader, Doc. He has to earn it.” : 也許這就是兩人之間心結的開端,Allen在書中將Rondo描述為一名“沒做到應該做到的 : 情就想成為球隊領袖”的球員,同時塞爾提克管理層也無法管住Rondo。當時球隊主帥D oc : Rivers曾讓Garnett和Allen幫助Rondo成為“球隊核心”,但Allen當時告訴Rivers: : 我們不能讓他成為一名領袖,他必須自己贏得那個位置。” : Allen details the famed incident during the Celtics’ playoff series against M : iami in 2011, when Rivers was going over film with the team and pointing out s : ome of the errors made during their losses in the first two games. Rondo out : his head down and turned his chair toward the lockers.” Rivers implored hi m : to watch the film. : 隨後Allen透露,在2011年季後賽與熱火的系列賽裡,當塞爾提克輸掉前兩戰後,River s : 曾在更衣室裡召集大家觀看比賽影片找到前兩場失利的錯誤。但Rondo當時低著頭自己 : 在了更衣室門前,Rivers上前要求Rondo過去看影片。 : “F—that film,” Rondo said, according to Allen, hurling a water bottle at t : he screen and breaking it. Rivers ordered Rondo out. Garnett followed him an d : said, “Young fella, you need to get your s— together.” : “看個屁影片。”Rondo當時如此說,隨後他就將一個水瓶扔向了螢幕。之後Rivers要 求R : ondo離開,Garnett也喊話:“嘿兄弟,你需要冷靜下來。” : Before the start of the 2011-12 season, during the NBA’s lockout, there wer e : discussions that Rondo would be traded to New Orleans for Chris Paul, but th e : possibility of a deal fell through, according to reports at the time, becaus e : Paul would not commit to signing with Boston when he became a free agent the f : ollowing summer. : 在2011-12停擺賽季開始前,塞爾提克曾與當時的紐奧良黃蜂隊談論過用Rondo交易Chri s : Paul,根據當時新聞報導的說法,是Paul當時不想與塞爾提克在來年成為自由球員時續 : ,而使得交易流產。但 : 在Ray Allen的回憶錄中,他表示當時那筆交易沒成另有原因。 : According to Allen, though, the deal fell through for a different reason: “ In : the end, Doc decided he couldn’t do that to their coach, Monty Williams. D oc : was a mentor to Monty, having coached him in Orlando.” : 根據Allen表示,“最終,是Doc(Rivers)決定不想與對方主帥Monty Williams做交易 : Doc與Monty是非常好的朋友,他還在奧蘭多時執教過Monty。”Allen如此寫道。 : Once that trade was off the table, Allen wrote that he was shocked to find t he : Celtics move in the opposite direction — instead of trading Rondo, Rivers de : cided to build the offense around him, as if rewarding his bad behavior. All en : said the season that followed, “my last under contract, was the most stres sf : ul by far. It got to the point that Rondo would not even throw the ball to m e. : ” : 隨後Allen在書中透露,當他發現塞爾提克改變方向,Rivers決定圍繞Rondo建隊時,他 : 己有點被驚訝到了,認為這等於獎勵了Rondo的不良行為,Allen表示:“那是我的合約 : 最後一年,是我最感受到壓力的一季,事情甚至演變到Rondo不會再把球傳給我。” : That was when Rivers moved Allen to the bench and started Avery Bradley alon gs : ide Rondo, and when Ainge nearly traded Allen to Memphis for O.J. Mayo, a de al : that was so close to completion that Ainge called Allen and told him it was h : appening. But it fell through just before the deadline. : 這時大概是Rivers將Avery Bradley拉到先發,Ray Allen放到板凳的時候,當時Ainge : 度接近把Allen送到灰熊換來O.J. Mayo,甚至Ainge已經告訴Allen本人他要被交易了, : 而這筆交易最終仍然破局,沒能在交易截止日前完成。 : The tension within the Celtics came to a peak during a game in Indiana in Ap ri : l 2012. Pierce and forward Brandon Bass had been bickering on the court duri ng : the game, and the argument spilled over to the locker room. When Rivers int er : vened to talk to the team as a whole, Rondo blurted out something about Alle n, : which led to their own locker-room shouting match. : Allen接著描述道,塞爾提克球隊內部問題在2012年4月份與溜馬的一場比賽中達到了頂 : 。當時Paul Pierce和Brandon Bass在比賽中發生爭吵,球員們在更衣室裡也有所爭論 : 當Rivers介入討論要求大家團結在一起時,Rondo卻突然對Allen喊了起來,隨即兩人發 : 了爭吵。 : Rondo claimed Allen was jealous of him, and when Allen responded that Rondo ne : eded to stop bulls—ing veryone on the team,” Rondo told him, “I’m going : to get your ass out of here this summer.” Later, on the team plane, Allen sa : id he approached Rondo to see if the problem could be handled and the hatche t : buried. Instead, Rondo turned a cold shoulder and said, “I got 11 games to pl : ay with you, and that’s it.” : Rondo當時聲稱Allen對他有些猜忌,而當Allen對Rondo說“你需要停止指責球隊每個人 : 時,Rondo回應說:“今年夏天我會讓你離開這裡。”之後在球隊返回波士頓的飛機上 ,A : llen描述他找到Rondo想看看二人是否可以和解。但相反,Rondo冷冷的說:“我和你還 : 11場比賽了,就是這樣。” : Of course, Allen did leave that summer, and it was that decision that has le ft : such a wide rift between him and Garnett — Allen patched things up with Pi er : ce last summer, and the Rondo animosity may never subside. Despite the tensi on : of the 2011-12 season, Allen wrote that he plan was to stay in Boston.” B : ut the Celtics, who signed guard Jason Terry, offered two years and $12 mill io : n where Allen was seeking three years and $24 million. According to Allen, t he : sum total of events in Boston nudged him to sign elsewhere. : 隨後Ray Allen在2012年夏天離開波士頓加盟邁阿密,Allen在書中描述,當時他的計劃 : “想留在波士頓”,但當時已經先簽下Jason Terry的塞爾提克為他提供了一份2年1200 : 的合同,而Allen自己想尋求一份3年2400萬的合同。Allen描述稱,因為當時在波士頓 : 生的一切種種最終促使他與其他球隊簽約。 : “So let me see if I got this straight,” he wrote. “You want to pay me les s : money. You want to bring me off the bench. You want to continue to run the o ff : ense around Rondo. Now tell me again exactly why I would want to sign this c on : tract?” : “所以讓我看看自己是否已經清楚了吧,”Allen如此寫道,“你們想付給我更少的錢 : 你們想讓我打替補,你們想繼續圍繞Rondo打進攻。好吧,那麼再告訴我,我為什麽還 : 與你們簽下合約呢?” : In the end, Allen took even less money to sign with Miami for two years and $6 : million, because the Heat had the best chance to win a title. : 之後,Allen與熱火簽下了一份2年600萬的合同,原因是在那裡Allen有最好的奪冠機會 : “I knew fans in New England wouldn’t be happy with my decision,” Allen wr ot : e, “but I never could have imagined the degree of unhappiness. They acted a s : if I was Benedict sin was that I had the nerve to leave on my ow n : .” : “我知道新英格蘭地區的球迷對我的決定肯定不會開心,但我從來沒想到他們有如此的 : 高興,他們將我描述為Benedict Arnold(叛徒的代名詞)……我的罪過就是有勇氣獨 : 離開。”Ray Allen在書中如此寫道。” : 原文來源: : 【惹眾怒】Ray Allen自傳內容遭Paul Pierce質疑 文字 精選 由 投籃與接吻於 1 天前發表收藏文章 訂閱專欄 顯示分享連結影片彈出模式 2 Share Ray Allen貴為一代射手,他的自傳「From the Outside: My Journey through Life and the Game I Love」即將發售,書中提及到Rajon Rondo的種種不是,早於Rajon Rondo反 駁之前,另一個重要人物Paul Pierce早已質疑他的內容。 x375.jpg 記者告訴Paul Pierce,Ray Allen的自傳中形容Rondo的種種行為,包括他不尊重Ray All en及自稱是2008年帶領球隊贏得冠軍的自大行為。Paul Pierce聽後微笑,說不記得Rondo 有做過這些。他反駁說Ray Allen,Doc Rivers沒有偏坦Rondo,反而對他很嚴格。也說Ro ndo沒有不尊重地把椅子轉到背對Ray Allen,「他是對著Ray Allen說話的。」 談到Rajon Rondo是否有自大地形容2008年的奪冠是他的功勞時,Paul Pierce說他和其他 隊友都覺得那次開會Rajon Rondo說的是2010年東岸冠軍那一次,「當年確實是由他帶領 我們的,你可以看看錄像,那時他的表現 棒極了。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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