Re: [新聞] Booker賽後發推:成為傳奇!

看板NBA作者 (拉斯柯爾尼科夫)時間7年前 (2017/03/25 17:10), 7年前編輯推噓23(24132)
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看到虎撲有人翻譯美國鄉民的討論 Devin Booker Finishes with 70 Points, 3rd Most Ever in a Loss in NBA History ( Devin Booker怒砍70分,NBA史上輸球的單場第3高分。 Most ever was David Thompson with 73 against Detroit in '78. Dude was out of his mind. Edit: Finished 21-40 FG, 24-26 FT, 4-11 from 3 with 8 boards and 6 assists. Just incredible 輸球最多的單場得分是David Thompson78年對活塞砍下的73分。這老兄瘋了 Booker 最終40投21中,26罰24中,3分球11中4. 還有8個籃板6次助攻,真心逆天! TD Garden was cheering for him LOUD! Hopefully Crowder doesn't mind TD Garden 都在為Booker大聲喝彩了!真希望 Crowder 別介意。 There were many tweets about how he was visibly upset about this 有很多推特都在說 Crowder 對此很不爽。 I really hope he doesn't complain about that. It's up to them to stop him 我真的希望他就別抱怨這點了, 阻止Booker就是他們的責任。 I don't understand Crowder, he looked like the only unhappy person in the whole arena. They were always going to get the W there at the end, let the young man have a night. 我不太理解 Crowder,他看起來是整座球館裡唯一對此不爽的人。反正賽隊最後贏球了 ,就讓那個年輕人享受他的夜晚吧。 Shoulda missed the last FT for the sex number. 他應該最後一罰罰丟湊成性愛數字(69) they were fouling the celtics at the end just so they could keep giving him looks 太陽最後時刻在對賽隊犯規,好有球權持續給Booker刷分。 Like D-Rob's 71 就像David Robinson 的71分那場比賽一樣。 When you're in a position like Phoenix is that this point of the season, why not? 如果你處於本賽季太陽這種處境, 幹嘛不這麼做? Now THAT'S what I call tanking 這才是我們所說的坦。 Klay shoots a glare at Kerr in the locker room KT在更衣室怒瞪Kerr He's 20 too... wtf. 他才20歲....WTF! Joins The Admiral and Kobe as the only players with 70+ since stats have been recorded. 20 years old. Fuck man 加入David Robinson和Kobe 成為70分俱樂部成員了 .而且才20歲,Fuck man! Not the second most ever, Wilt had 78, 72 and 70 all in losses 這並不是史上輸球的第2高分, 張伯倫曾砍過78分,72分,70分,都輸了球。 Quick reminder than Michael Jordan's career high was 69 points in 50 minutes, with an OT period at 26 years old. Devin Booker just finished with 70 points in 44 minutes in regulation at 20 years old. 很快想到了MJ生涯最高69分是50分鐘內砍下的,還包括了OT,當時喬丹26歲。 Booker 44分鐘內就砍了70分,而且是常規時間做到的,他才20歲! Also most points by a player under 21 in NBA history 而且還是NBA歷史上21歲以下球員裡的單場得分紀錄。 I haven't watched much Phoenix Suns, so I'm not sure if Devin Booker is a potential star or if he is just putting up points on a bad team. This helps his argument a little. 我從沒關注過太陽的球。所以我不確定Booker是潛力之星呢,還是爛隊刷分? 這場比賽算是幫他正名了一些。 Took the loss, DBook was amazing. That was the greatest tank loss did all time. I can't believe we got Book at #13. 輸球認了,但Booker真屌。這場比賽是史上最偉大的擺爛輸球。我不敢相信我陽竟能 在第13順位選到Book。 ------ 老實說 BOOK才20歲 能刷到70分 真心覺得屌 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

03/25 17:12, , 1F
03/25 17:12, 1F

03/25 17:13, , 2F
03/25 17:13, 2F

03/25 17:16, , 3F
03/25 17:16, 3F

03/25 17:16, , 4F
上 非常有可能被對手惡犯
03/25 17:16, 4F
KT刷到60分後 Kerr就提早讓他下場休息了XD

03/25 17:16, , 5F
當初選到他真的想不到 太陽真的撿到XD
03/25 17:16, 5F

03/25 17:16, , 6F
03/25 17:16, 6F
※ 編輯: Raskolnikov (, 03/25/2017 17:18:14

03/25 17:17, , 7F
03/25 17:17, 7F

03/25 17:19, , 8F
they were fouling the celtics at the end 那句 你
03/25 17:19, 8F

03/25 17:19, , 9F
03/25 17:19, 9F

03/25 17:23, , 10F
03/25 17:23, 10F

03/25 17:23, , 11F
03/25 17:23, 11F

03/25 17:28, , 12F
03/25 17:28, 12F

03/25 17:32, , 13F
03/25 17:32, 13F

03/25 17:32, , 14F
03/25 17:32, 14F

03/25 17:32, , 15F
03/25 17:32, 15F

03/25 17:34, , 16F
太陽需要球星 給他刷成All Star 票房好
03/25 17:34, 16F

03/25 17:36, , 17F
這就是滑坡了 太陽是剩下賽程輸了沒差不是以後都沒
03/25 17:36, 17F

03/25 17:36, , 18F
差 輸球就是為了將來的勝利阿
03/25 17:36, 18F

03/25 17:37, , 19F
03/25 17:37, 19F

03/25 17:38, , 20F
20歲拿70分 基本上就全明星球員了
03/25 17:38, 20F

03/25 17:38, , 21F
03/25 17:38, 21F

03/25 17:38, , 22F
03/25 17:38, 22F

03/25 17:39, , 23F
安啦 太陽高層沒像隔壁一樣說啥三年重回榮耀 還ok的
03/25 17:39, 23F

03/25 17:39, , 24F
因為太陽高層想都沒想過啊 得過且過罷了XDD
03/25 17:39, 24F

03/25 17:40, , 25F
03/25 17:40, 25F

03/25 17:41, , 26F
03/25 17:41, 26F

03/25 17:41, , 27F
03/25 17:41, 27F

03/25 17:42, , 28F
03/25 17:42, 28F

03/25 17:42, , 29F
球迷比不過熟人阿 連未來都能未卜先知
03/25 17:42, 29F

03/25 17:44, , 30F
真心覺得布雷獸交易掉 找一隻餵球機booker
03/25 17:44, 30F

03/25 17:44, , 31F
03/25 17:44, 31F

03/25 17:44, , 32F
何樂不為呢 嘻嘻
03/25 17:44, 32F

03/25 17:44, , 33F
03/25 17:44, 33F

03/25 17:47, , 34F
那要看今年選到誰 選到後場會先清Knight
03/25 17:47, 34F

03/25 17:47, , 35F
雷獸現在其實一哥當得算稱職 應該暫時還不會動他吧
03/25 17:47, 35F

03/25 17:50, , 36F
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03/25 17:50, , 37F
03/25 17:50, 37F

03/25 17:51, , 38F
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03/25 17:52, , 39F
69 XD
03/25 17:52, 39F

03/25 17:54, , 40F
03/25 17:54, 40F

03/25 17:54, , 41F
每年都有人冠軍 73勝真的很棒 每天都有人輸球 70分
03/25 17:54, 41F

03/25 17:54, , 42F
03/25 17:54, 42F

03/25 18:12, , 43F
03/25 18:12, 43F

03/25 18:15, , 44F
看到有人罵Kerr 真心痛快
03/25 18:15, 44F

03/25 18:16, , 45F
Luke Walton 39勝4敗 最終受領最佳教練真不要臉
03/25 18:16, 45F

03/25 18:17, , 46F
Klay Thompson 29分鐘60分 第四節悶坐板凳
03/25 18:17, 46F

03/25 18:17, , 47F
自己的歷史是靠別人寫下的 還要阻止別人創造歷史
03/25 18:17, 47F

03/25 18:17, , 48F
Steve Kerr就是聯盟最糟的教練 沒有之一
03/25 18:17, 48F

03/25 18:31, , 49F
坦戰績的球隊能靠他上頭條 很厲害了
03/25 18:31, 49F

03/25 18:35, , 50F
03/25 18:35, 50F

03/25 18:44, , 51F
03/25 18:44, 51F

03/25 20:43, , 52F
好險沒破老大81分,不然被這種硬刷輸球的破 老大會
03/25 20:43, 52F

03/25 20:43, , 53F
03/25 20:43, 53F

03/26 00:16, , 54F
03/26 00:16, 54F

03/26 07:29, , 55F
很猛 但45分鐘70分還是輸老大 老大42分鐘就81分了
03/26 07:29, 55F

03/26 11:00, , 56F
這樣看下來 KT那場真的是瘋了 第四節的資料是DNP
03/26 11:00, 56F

03/26 13:00, , 57F
03/26 13:00, 57F
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