[外絮] D'Angelo Russell因偷拍隊友被孤立

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Sources: Lakers teammates 'isolating' D'Angelo Russell after video surfaces The Los Angeles Lakers, sputtering to the end of Kobe Bryant's farewell season with the worst record in franchise history, face a fresh crisis involving prized rookie point guard D'Angelo Russell, according to team sources. 今年將是 Kobe Bryant 的最後一個賽季,然而洛杉磯湖人不僅用隊史上最爛的戰績送給 Kobe當作餞別禮,最慘的還在後頭,被視為少主中興、用第二順位選來的 D'Angelo Russell 被爆陷入一個新的危機當中。 Sources told ESPN.com that some teammates' trust in Russell is eroding after a video surfaced in the past week that shows Russell recording a private conversation between himself and teammate Nick Young. Young does not appear to realize he is being taped. 透露給ESPN的消息指出,湖人有些隊友覺得,在網路流傳出 Russell 偷拍與Nick Young 私底下對話的影片後,已經讓自己黑掉,而在影片中可以看的出來 Young 壓根不知道自己 的對話內容被偷拍下來。 The video, which is believed to have come to light last week via the Twitter account of a celebrity gossip site, shows Russell filming Young while asking questions about Young being with other women. Young got engaged to Australian rapper Iggy Azalea last summer. 而這支影片上週已經在 Twitter 一個公眾人物的帳號上曝光,顯示當時 Russell 趁著問 Young關於他跟某一個女生話題的時候偷拍,而 Young 才在去年夏天剛剛跟澳洲的饒舌歌 手 Iggy Azalea 訂婚而已。 While it's unclear how the video became public, sources say the resulting tension in the Lakers' locker room in recent days was among the factors that contributed to L.A.'s limp showing in Salt Lake City on Monday night, when they absorbed a 48-point pounding from the Utah Jazz. The loss was the Lakers' worst in franchise history. 現在還不知道到底這個影片是怎麼流出來的,但消息來源指出,這也間接造成了最近在湖人 更衣室內氣氛緊繃,還有星期一晚上以48分的大比數,在鹽湖城被爵士血洗的原因之一,同 時也是湖人隊史上輸最慘的一次。 Various Lakers officials are aware of the issue and are dismayed with Russell, sources say, but to this point they have chosen not to intervene. 消息也說這個事件震驚了許多湖人高層的人,並對於 Russell 的行為感到非常失望, 但在這個節骨眼,他們選擇先不深入這件事。 "Right now," one source said, "they're handling it by isolating him." 一個不知名的人:「現在,高層的做法就是先孤立他。」 Austin Brown, Russell's agent from Creative Artists Agency, declined to comment when reached Tuesday. 來自 Creative Artists Agency 代表 Russell 的經紀人 Austin Brown 拒絕對這件事做出 任何回應。 Said one team insider: "This was a prank gone wrong and a mistake by [Russell], and he has to be held accountable, but I would hope he isn't overly criticized for it." 一來自球隊內部的人表示:「這個就是Russell自己玩笑開過頭闖禍了,他自己要出來面對 ,但我希望他出來解釋的時候不要火上澆油。」 The emergence of the video, sources said, has been the talk of the locker room for the past several days and has led to a tangible strain between Russell and some teammates. 根據消息,這個影片也導致在過去的幾天,讓 Russell 與湖人更衣室內的其他隊友產生 嫌隙。 At a recent breakfast meeting, one source said, no Laker would sit with Russell at his table. The source added that, in another instance, Russell came into the locker room and sat next to guard Lou Williams, who got up and walked away. 甚至最近大家一起早餐的時候,沒有一個人願意跟 Russell 同桌,消息還說當 Russell 走進更衣室坐在 Lou Williams 旁邊,Williams還直接起身快閃。 "It's bad," one team source told ESPN.com's Ramona Shelburne. "It's about as bad as it can get. There were trust issues already. Now there's no trust." 消息透露給ESPN的Ramona Shelburne提到:「這真的太糟糕了,說多糟就有多糟。現在 已經演變成信任問題,已經沒有人願意相信他。」 In the video, Russell asks Young at one point, "You was 30 and she was 19?" referencing Young's age and the age of another woman that Young said that he met in a nightclub. 在影片中,Russell 與 Young 正討論 Young 在夜店認識的一個女生,問了一句:「你30歲 然後她19歲?」 "What about Amber Rose?" Russell later says, mentioning another celebrity. Russell 接著問:「那 Amber Rose 呢?」(另外一個社交名人) "No, she knows my girl," Young is recorded as saying. Young回答:「沒啦她認識我馬子。」 Later in the conversation, while apparently still recording, Russell is heard telling Young, "I'm glad you told my video all that." 在之後也被拍下來的對話內容中,Russell 跟 Young說:「我很感謝你接受我的訪問。」 "Huh?" Young says, turning his face toward Russell before the video cuts off. Young (轉頭過來對著Russell):「蛤????」 The Lakers have long considered Russell to be a key part of their future after using the No. 2 overall pick to select him a year ago and raved about his "superstar" potential on the night they drafted him. Even Lakers coach Byron Scott, whose handling of Russell this year has been scrutinized, came into the season speaking of him in the same breath as Lakers legend Magic Johnson when describing Russell's court vision. 湖人去年用寶貴的榜眼簽選進D'Angelo Russell,把他當作未來基石一般看待,選他的那天 晚上還讚揚他擁有「超級巨星」的潛力。就連湖人總教練 Byron Scott 今年對Russell也是 細心照料,在本季開打前跟 Magic Johnson 一樣同時也論及到他在球場上的視野。 Russell started the Lakers' first 20 games before being moved to the bench along with second-year forward Julius Randle. And Scott, on countless occasions this season, has publicly questioned Russell's maturity. Russell開季時以先發的身分打了20場比賽,後來跟另一名二年級生 Julius Randle 改由板 凳出發,而總教練 Byron Scott 今年也在無數次的訪談中,公開質疑 Russell 心態不成熟 "He's such a kid," Scott said in February. "I told him the other day, 'You're 19, but sometimes I think you're 14.'" Scott在二月接受採訪時說到:「他真的是個小孩,有一天我跟他講,你已經19歲了,但 有時候我覺得你才14歲。」(回應JRSmith大大的留言) Russell is averaging 13.1 points, 3.4 assists and 3.4 rebounds over 27.5 minutes in 72 games this season. Russell 本季上場72場比賽,平均超過27.5分鐘,繳出13.1分、3.4次助攻和3.4次籃板的 成績 Young hasn't played in 10 games and didn't travel with the team to Salt Lake City because of gastroenteritis, according to the team. 而 Nick Young 已經10場比賽沒有出場,也因為腸胃炎沒有隨隊前往鹽湖城。 D'Angelo Russell偷拍與 Nick Young 對話的影片連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7URHeFuUSgI
http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/15095276/dangelo-russell-center-los-angeles-lakers-rift-video-took-nick-young-made-public -- Dwight Howard: "My soul, everything I have is in Orlando. I just can't leave it behind." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1459325079.A.DBB.html ※ 編輯: taylorliao (, 03/30/2016 16:06:43

03/30 16:07, , 1F
03/30 16:07, 1F

03/30 16:07, , 2F
Youmg (轉頭過來對著Russell) n錯打為m 改一下吧
03/30 16:07, 2F

03/30 16:07, , 3F
我很感謝你接受我的訪問..... 這真得很
03/30 16:07, 3F

03/30 16:07, , 4F
這種垃圾行為 我覺得應該沒人要了 去打cba吧
03/30 16:07, 4F
※ 編輯: taylorliao (, 03/30/2016 16:08:56

03/30 16:08, , 5F
03/30 16:08, 5F

03/30 16:08, , 6F
03/30 16:08, 6F

03/30 16:09, , 7F
03/30 16:09, 7F

03/30 16:09, , 8F
不是dlo上傳影片到自己的Snapchat嗎 確信犯啊
03/30 16:09, 8F

03/30 16:09, , 9F
03/30 16:09, 9F

03/30 16:10, , 10F
03/30 16:10, 10F

03/30 16:10, , 11F
isolating 明明就是單打中 別騙我英文不好
03/30 16:10, 11F

03/30 16:10, , 12F
03/30 16:10, 12F

03/30 16:11, , 13F
03/30 16:11, 13F

03/30 16:11, , 14F
03/30 16:11, 14F

03/30 16:11, , 15F
打假吸毒性侵酒駕等都算個人行為 挖洞給隊友完全不
03/30 16:11, 15F

03/30 16:11, , 16F
03/30 16:11, 16F

03/30 16:12, , 17F
03/30 16:12, 17F

03/30 16:12, , 18F
I'm glad you told my video all that 在幹嘛
03/30 16:12, 18F

03/30 16:12, , 19F
03/30 16:12, 19F

03/30 16:13, , 20F
03/30 16:13, 20F

03/30 16:13, , 21F
跟拜嫩一樣腦子進水的= =
03/30 16:13, 21F

03/30 16:13, , 22F
03/30 16:13, 22F

03/30 16:13, , 23F
03/30 16:13, 23F

03/30 16:13, , 24F
03/30 16:13, 24F

03/30 16:14, , 25F
03/30 16:14, 25F

03/30 16:14, , 26F
打假吸毒性侵酒駕等都算無腦行為 用計陷害隊友完全
03/30 16:14, 26F

03/30 16:14, , 27F
掰 沒救了 誰敢跟他當隊友
03/30 16:14, 27F

03/30 16:15, , 28F
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03/30 16:15, , 29F
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03/30 16:15, , 30F
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03/30 16:16, , 31F
03/30 16:16, 31F

03/30 16:17, , 32F
有幾個呆子 還以為YOUNG明年走定 所以沒差
03/30 16:17, 32F

03/30 16:17, , 33F
這行為對於男人來說 已經黑道徹底了 背叛兄弟
03/30 16:17, 33F

03/30 16:18, , 34F
03/30 16:18, 34F

03/30 16:18, , 35F
03/30 16:18, 35F

03/30 16:18, , 36F
03/30 16:18, 36F

03/30 16:18, , 37F
更正 道->到
03/30 16:18, 37F
還有 201 則推文
還有 2 段內文
03/30 21:25, , 239F
young只要跟iggy道歉就好 根本沒什麼好公開
03/30 21:25, 239F

03/30 21:25, , 240F
而且就算分開 老實說young也不缺年輕正妹
03/30 21:25, 240F

03/30 21:26, , 241F
03/30 21:26, 241F

03/30 21:29, , 242F
尼克洋人不錯說 這樣也黑
03/30 21:29, 242F

03/30 21:36, , 243F
這種行為真的很中二 偷吃在球員應該很普遍 雖然不對
03/30 21:36, 243F

03/30 21:37, , 244F
03/30 21:37, 244F

03/30 21:37, , 245F
03/30 21:37, 245F

03/30 21:37, , 246F
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03/30 21:39, , 247F
尼克羊偷吃他和他未婚妻之間的事 今天當爪耙子爆料
03/30 21:39, 247F

03/30 21:39, , 248F
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03/30 21:40, , 249F
03/30 21:40, 249F

03/30 21:49, , 250F
蠻垃圾的 用離間法想x別人未婚妻
03/30 21:49, 250F

03/30 21:50, , 251F
03/30 21:50, 251F

03/30 21:50, , 252F
03/30 21:50, 252F

03/30 21:59, , 253F
跟智商無關 根本欠教訓
03/30 21:59, 253F

03/30 22:14, , 254F
03/30 22:14, 254F

03/30 22:35, , 255F
重點是以後有秘密被爆出來 他就是第一個被懷疑的對
03/30 22:35, 255F

03/30 22:35, , 256F
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03/30 22:38, , 257F
03/30 22:38, 257F

03/30 22:46, , 258F
套話+偷拍 為何幹這事?
03/30 22:46, 258F

03/30 22:46, , 259F
湖人要繼續重建了 尋求新的基石
03/30 22:46, 259F

03/30 22:57, , 260F
這不是白目或中二 叫不長眼睛
03/30 22:57, 260F

03/30 23:26, , 261F
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03/30 23:42, , 262F
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03/31 00:16, , 264F
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03/31 00:29, , 265F
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03/31 00:42, , 266F
原來BS是對的,以後不噓BS了 = =
03/31 00:42, 266F

03/31 01:22, , 267F
03/31 01:22, 267F

03/31 02:20, , 268F
03/31 02:20, 268F

03/31 02:20, , 269F
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03/31 02:33, , 270F
偷吃被抓拔子陰 剛剛好而已
03/31 02:33, 270F

03/31 02:52, , 271F
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03/31 03:27, , 272F
03/31 03:27, 272F

03/31 04:44, , 273F
03/31 04:44, 273F

03/31 07:10, , 274F
Lou Williams自己想齊人之福也不想跟Russell接近XD
03/31 07:10, 274F

03/31 07:12, , 275F
但以Russell的天份 湖人把全隊拆掉留下Russell吧
03/31 07:12, 275F

03/31 08:21, , 276F
03/31 08:21, 276F

03/31 08:22, , 277F
03/31 08:22, 277F

03/31 09:44, , 278F
03/31 09:44, 278F
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