[外絮] 鍵盤球迷分析老大最近為何烙賽

看板NBA作者 (阿紅)時間8年前 (2015/11/06 01:59), 8年前編輯推噓61(721167)
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大家好 小弟我無聊爬reddit看到一篇超強分析文章 想說來翻譯給大家看看 原文連結 : https://goo.gl/LSKcC9 強烈建議英文夠好的板友直接看原文 畢竟小弟我只是無聊翻譯 然後也建議大家用電腦看 因為有滿多影片支援 以下翻譯 ~ ~ Okay this is pure speculation and I expect the down votes, so while I'm going down I decided to add some videos 先承認這只是我個人猜測,我也知道自己可能會被噓,但是趁我還有心寫這篇時我就順 便加個影片給大家看看吧。 When I saw this article(http://goo.gl/5slZIY) about Kobe airballing shots, I decided to look into it to see if it was going to point out what I saw. Of course the article says he's missing these shots because he's past his prime, and I'm not doubting that part. But I'm not entirely sure his body has actually given up on him. I think Kobe doesn't trust his body so he's trying something new. 當我看到這篇文章標題後,我決定仔細閱讀一遍來瞧瞧作者是否有點出我看到的部分。 當然,文章一直提出Kobe已經老了,體能不在巔峰了,而我也不懷疑。但我也不相信他體 能有糟糕到這種程度。我個人認為Kobe已經開始不信任自己的身體,然後正在嘗試一些新 的東西。 I am going to point out something I learned from players like KD and to some extent Curry. 我在這裡要先點出一些我在練習跳投時從KD和Curry身上學到的東西。 Now if you look here you'll find a video of Durant doing the short hop into his jumper. If you search it online you'll find all the benefits from it. 首先請大家看這部影片 https://goo.gl/B8W5TV 。大家可以看到KD在投籃前會輕輕的跳一 下。如果大家稍為上網查一下可以查到這個小跳躍的種種好處。 Short hop 講解支援: https://goo.gl/VJbO7x Short hop vs 1-2 hop講解支援: https://goo.gl/frzxzg Here's why the short hop is good: 1. The short hop gives the player more power on his shot 2. The short hop adds to consistency in your shot 3. The short hop helps you shoot faster 以下是為何short step對各位的跳投有幫助: 1. short hop讓你出手更有力 2. short hop讓你出手更穩定 3. short hop可以讓你出手更快 Kobe is famously known as a 2 motion shooter. If you know about 2 motion shooting then you know it is a much slower shot and for most people there's not as much power since it's not all happening in one motion. This is something Kobe has been aware of and with people like Kevin Durant making the short hop look fantastic out there, it would only make sense that Kobe adds the short hop into his game, right? And if you go to the article talking about how Kobe is airballing 3s, you'll see how he's adding the short hop to his game. Kobe是出了名的二連動做射手(2 motion)。如果你知道二連動做投籃是甚麼,那你就會知 道這種投籃方式出手動作慢,而且一般人力道也比較使不上來。Kobe當然知道這道理,再 加上KD這麼強的射手讓short hop看起來那麼強,他應該理所當然也會來學一下,對吧? 然後如果你有看剛剛那篇文章在講Kobe一直麵包三分,你也會發現他有學起short hop這 招。 (後面有更多部分會講解2 motion跟1 motion差別) But the short hop isn't the problem. As noted here in this video, Kobe Bryant pretty much added the hop into his game back in 2012. But what's important to note here is how Kobe borrowed the move from Kevin Durant in the first place. This is important to my observation. 不過short hop本身並不是個問題。如果你看一下這影片(https://goo.gl/2IHznd),你會 發現Kobe早在2012年就學會這招了。但是重點是大家要注意Kobe從別的球員身上學習了小 技巧,而且用來提升自己的比賽。這對我的觀察而言是非常重要的論點。 2012 was also after the Mavs won the title and Dirk received a ton of recognition for his trademark fadeaway. Shooters saw how dominate he was with this move so they decided to add it to their game. If you think of the top players who immediately added it to their game, you see that they were Durant, Kobe, and Melo. 2012年也是小牛剛拿總冠軍那年,然後德佬的招牌金雞獨立大受關注。很多射手發現這招 的強大然後決定也自己學起來。仔細觀察一下,最出名的就是KD、Kobe和Melo。 KD影片支援: https://goo.gl/gwVaiX Kobe影片支援: https://goo.gl/EUaJuU Now keep this in mind: Kobe is borrowing and using moves of Dirk, Durant, and all the other legends before...and we can see all of this in the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 season. Kobe is having success with these moves. But then what happens? 大家記好這點:Kobe一直從別人身上學到新的招式。先是德佬,再來是KD,在這之前還有 不知道多少位傳奇球星。而我們也可以從2011~2012季和2012~2013季看到他新學招式的成 功之處。不過接下來發生什麼事了? In 2013 Kobe goes down with the achilles injury, right? We say he's never going to be the same, and right now it looks that way. The article talking about how he's airballing 3s makes it seem that way as well. But there's something just way different with his shooting now than before... 2013年Kobe阿基里斯腱斷裂,對不對?大家都說他無法回到以前那樣了,而現在也看起來 是這樣。就連剛剛那篇講他麵包三分的文章也是一直這樣說。但是Kobe的投球方式感覺跟 以前還是差太多了。 Since his injury there's been one great shooter who's popped up. We all know who this is. It's Steph Curry. Now, Kobe is the kind of guy who'll see a great move from a player and just take it because he knows it'll make him better. Kobe took the short hop from Durant and the fadeaway from Jordan and Dirk...and a ton of other moves from other players. So what is it that Curry has that Kobe doesn't? 自從老大受傷後,有一位新起的神射手。他家也知道是誰,就是Curry。所以說,老大是一 個看到對手有強大招式就會學來自幾用的球員,因為他知道這樣會讓自己更強。老大從KD 那裏學到了short hop,從德佬那裏學到了金雞獨立。所以Curry有甚麼招術是老大想學的 ? Curry has a faster release than Kobe. Kobe is a 2 motion shooter while Curry is a well known One motion shooter. His shooting is all one motion. Curry的出手速度比老大快。老大是個二連射手,而Curry是一連射手。Curry的投籃動作是 一氣呵成的。 Curry 投籃分析:https://goo.gl/UR1Jnz I think Kobe is struggling with his shot because he's trying to shoot more like a one motion shooter like Steph Curry. Go to this article on Kobe airballing shot and watch how Kobe is shooting the ball. Compare that to Kobe back before his injury in this video on him shooting nothing but 3s. 我認為老大投籃之所以那麼差是因為他在模仿Curry的投籃想變成一連射手。大家看這篇 文章的影片然後仔細觀察老大的出手動做。http://goo.gl/lN0ORS 然後再跟這篇老大以前的三分出手做比較: https://goo.gl/evXv9U In the video before his injury you see how Kobe pauses before actually releasing his shot. This is the two motion shooting. But in the article they pulled clips of him not doing it as much. It's hard to explain unless you look at it, but it makes a world of difference. Going from a two motion shot to a one motion shot isn't that bad if you're just at home practicing, because you don't have that many variables to through you off. But pulling that off in game is very difficult because Kobe holding the ball longer in his two motion shooting helps him aim. If you go from a two motion shot to a one motion shot at game speed, that's the equivalent of just chucking the ball up and hoping you make it. That's why Kobe is airballing and missing what were once easy shots. 在他受傷前的那影片裡,你可以看到老大在出手瞬間會在空中滯留一下。這就是所謂的二 連動做投籃。但是在文章裡面的影片他停留時間明顯短很多。說真的如果你沒看影片,這 應該很難懂吧,但是對於投籃而言這真的是天差地別。如果你只是在家練習,從二連變成 一連射手其實也不一定是壞事,因為沒那麼多變數來干擾你。但是想要在比賽中這樣相對 的困難許多。而且老大以前的二連投籃可以讓他在空中多一點瞄準的時間。如果你在比賽 時突然變成一連射手,這根本等於你把球往籃框方向丟然後希望你會進個一兩顆。這就是 為甚麼老大一直麵包一些本來應該是十拿九穩的空檔三分。 The key is to look at how Kobe is missing and not just the fact that he's missing and I strongly believe that the how he is missing can be attributed to the fact that he's trying to borrow one motion shooting from Curry. I also don't think it has much to do with his age and legs because Kobe isn't just missing shots because they're short..he's completely missing the rim. Age doesn't do that to you. Not when you practice as much as he does, because if age was an issue, then he'd more than likely come up short more than overthrow the shot. But since one motion shooting can extend your range by giving you more power, it makes sense that he's overthrowing 關鍵在於仔細觀察他時如何投失這些球的,而不是只注意他在打鐵。而我滿確信老大最近 這麼鐵的關鍵就在於他在學Curry的投籃動作。我也不認為是因為是老大老了腳沒力才會 這樣。因為如果是他老了,那他的球不是應該提早下墜,而不是射過頭嗎?但是如果說老 大是在嘗試一連投籃那就說得過去了,因為一連投籃會讓你出手力道增加,而且可以投更 遠。(想想Curry的超大號三分球) More miscellaneous proof If you look at the last video in the article talking about him airballing, you see him go for a quick release. Signs of quick releasing in most players is how they don't hold their follow through, but they don't hold their follow through all the time. It's not situational, so it's not like they drop their arms off the dribble. But here, Kobe is a standstill and he's not holding his follow through. In that 3 point shooting compilation I linked in here, you see him holding his follow through way more often than not. So why is he not doing it in 2015? 更多細小的證據:如果你仔細看那篇文章的最後一個影片,你會發現老大在那球試著加速 出手。通常加速出手的明顯跡象就是球員不會維持他的動作到完成為止(follow through) 。但是這只是通常而以,為甚麼老大在空檔時候也要這樣做?在受傷前的三分剪集中可以 看到老大出手動做會做到底(通常是右手繼續舉著那樣)。所以為何老大在本季要刻意加速 他的出手呢? Also, Kobe, imo, has a low arcing shot. [This was mentioned on this subreddit last] year, but this guy is saying it just now looks low. To me it's always looked kind of low. You can't really notice it because of the camera angles and shooting 3s, but when he shoots 2s, it looks really low. It could also be because of the fact that he's a 2-motion shooter which requires you to jump higher to put the ball in...you don't need as much arc for that while shooting wide open shots (especially when you're 6'6".) 還有老大的投籃弧度一直都很低(去年也有人在本版提過),但是那篇文章作者卻認為現在 更低了。我自己一直都覺得很低啦,不過說真的因為攝影角度問題我其實有點看不太出來 。不過在三分線內出手時候就很明顯可以看出低弧度了。不過老大今年弧度那麼低,也有 可能是因為他本來二連跳投時要跳比較高才會出手。但是你空檔時候沒必要跳那麼高呀, 尤其是以老大6呎7的身高。 Also just watch this video in general to see how Kobe has a true two motion shot in 2011 and here is slow motion on his shot. 然後大家也可以看這部短片來觀察老大的二連跳投。然後另一部是老大的慢動做投球。 影片1: https://goo.gl/GbqzJ5 影片2: https://goo.gl/aH6Poa tl;dr Kobe is a traditional 2-motion shooter and the reason he's shooting poorly now is because he's trying to "borrow" another great move to his game: 1-motion shooting (from Curry) 簡而言之:老大是個傳統的二連射手,然後他今年命中率這麼低的原因是因為想把Curry的 新招學起來用(一連投籃)。 ~ ~ End ~ ~ 心得:看完這篇 只能說老大真的太敬業了 在聯盟打滾20年還是一樣活到老學到老 大家還記得去年有新聞說MKG跟騎士傳奇射手Mark Price重新學跳投嗎? 那時就很多人推說他很讚 肯認真的去跟傳奇學習 忘掉自己以知一切然後重學跳投 那老大已經投這姿勢20年了 現在想打掉重學...這是要多大的毅力才辦得到阿... 阿對了 有錯一樣歡迎大家指正~ 順便問一下 為甚麼現在禁止用ppt縮網? 害我改了好久 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1446746362.A.EC4.html

11/06 02:00, , 1F
11/06 02:00, 1F

11/06 02:02, , 2F
11/06 02:02, 2F

11/06 02:02, , 3F
pull up拉起投球已經成為顯學。
11/06 02:02, 3F

11/06 02:02, , 4F
11/06 02:02, 4F

11/06 02:02, , 5F
需要的是整個身體的拉起 。
11/06 02:02, 5F

11/06 02:02, , 6F
11/06 02:02, 6F

11/06 02:03, , 7F
反正我是信了 老大加油阿
11/06 02:03, 7F

11/06 02:03, , 8F
11/06 02:03, 8F

11/06 02:05, , 9F
11/06 02:05, 9F

11/06 02:05, , 10F
11/06 02:05, 10F
對呀 第一天認識老大嗎?

11/06 02:06, , 11F
11/06 02:06, 11F

11/06 02:06, , 12F
11/06 02:06, 12F

11/06 02:06, , 13F
11/06 02:06, 13F

11/06 02:08, , 14F
比賽中練球 阿不就好棒棒
11/06 02:08, 14F
超棒呀 這就是我愛的老大 不只清晨起來練球 連比賽中也不忘練球! 推81精神

11/06 02:08, , 15F
11/06 02:08, 15F

11/06 02:11, , 16F
11/06 02:11, 16F

11/06 02:11, , 17F
11/06 02:11, 17F

11/06 02:12, , 18F
學KD的鬼大頭啦 籃球基本跳投步法 最好老大以前不會
11/06 02:12, 18F
抱歉 應該是我沒說清楚 老大以前是1-2 hop 後來學KD的short hop 基本上1-2 hop跟short hop的差別在於是不是兩腳跳起來接球 原文有個連結在是1-2 VS short hop 影片後段有訪問一個大學射手他覺得這兩種差別 他介紹是說1-2在你過screen接球時 你會因為慣性 所以身體會歪掉 但是short hop反而比較不會 因為你等於是跳起來接球 在垂直起跳一遍 希望這樣你有比較了解 ^_^

11/06 02:13, , 19F
真希望湖人再跟老大簽4年 老大一定重重打酸酸臉^_<
11/06 02:13, 19F
果然真老大迷 想法跟我一模一樣

11/06 02:15, , 20F
推 好文!
11/06 02:15, 20F
多謝! 不過我只是翻譯 原文作者才是最強的

11/06 02:16, , 21F
不在熱身賽練熟 XD 熱身賽就受傷了是有幾場可以練?
11/06 02:16, 21F

11/06 02:17, , 22F
Kobe三分除了早期 沒進幾乎都是偏掉 很少是這種力道
11/06 02:17, 22F

11/06 02:17, , 23F
11/06 02:17, 23F
看看sb nation那篇文章的影片 老大力到是過剩喔 不是不足 有幾球真的噴過頭的 尤其是45度角的三分別明顯

11/06 02:19, , 24F
兩段式跳投相較於curry那種 的確比較吃腿力
11/06 02:19, 24F

11/06 02:20, , 25F
11/06 02:20, 25F

11/06 02:21, , 26F
11/06 02:21, 26F
原來如此 謝謝你~

11/06 02:27, , 27F
都要退休的人搶球練進攻不拼防守是要幹嘛 這種奮戰
11/06 02:27, 27F

11/06 02:27, , 28F
11/06 02:27, 28F

11/06 02:30, , 29F
11/06 02:30, 29F

11/06 02:32, , 30F
11/06 02:32, 30F

11/06 02:35, , 31F
11/06 02:35, 31F

11/06 02:35, , 32F
11/06 02:35, 32F
還有 82 則推文
還有 10 段內文
*[1;31m噓 ALI5566 : 紅明顯 影片支援來囉https://youtu.be/xcqqu5KQSyI
11/06 08:54

11/06 08:55, , 115F
卡卡西 是你?
11/06 08:55, 115F
真的耶 雖然不是每球都有hop step 但確實2011以前就有 所以我看老大只是做更多hop step 不是到那時候才學會@@ 感謝你的回應

11/06 08:56, , 116F
11/06 08:56, 116F

11/06 08:56, , 117F
11/06 08:56, 117F

11/06 08:56, , 118F
11/06 08:56, 118F

11/06 08:56, , 119F
上面這是09-11的影片 老大哪有不會的籃球基本動作
11/06 08:56, 119F

11/06 08:56, , 120F
老實講根本沒學到位 投射弧度太低 curry這季反而弧
11/06 08:56, 120F

11/06 08:56, , 121F
度更高而且更準 只能說curry的投射能力前所未有
11/06 08:56, 121F

11/06 08:57, , 122F
11/06 08:57, 122F

11/06 09:13, , 123F
11/06 09:13, 123F
就跟我這肥宅一樣 我也學不起老大英美的投籃姿勢呀 但說真的這種東西有幾人能學會呢? 學會後又有幾人能打NBA? 要說學人精二貨只能說我自己啦 怎麼可以汙辱我最愛的科神呢 ※ 編輯: hitman0527 (, 11/06/2015 09:27:57

11/06 09:14, , 124F
11/06 09:14, 124F

11/06 09:15, , 125F
不見得是事實 不過這樣討論也是滿有意思的
11/06 09:15, 125F

11/06 09:20, , 126F
11/06 09:20, 126F

11/06 09:28, , 127F
老大還再進化???這你信嗎 再進化就無敵了阿阿阿阿阿
11/06 09:28, 127F
※ 編輯: hitman0527 (, 11/06/2015 09:29:13 ※ 編輯: hitman0527 (, 11/06/2015 09:29:53

11/06 09:43, , 128F
Nick教練也有分析 https://goo.gl/1Y5EDN
11/06 09:43, 128F

11/06 09:45, , 129F
11/06 09:45, 129F

11/06 10:08, , 130F
的確short hop這種基本到不行的技術Kobe不可能不會
11/06 10:08, 130F

11/06 10:08, , 131F
11/06 10:08, 131F

11/06 10:09, , 132F
11/06 10:09, 132F

11/06 10:12, , 133F
好球 希望老大趕快抓到新的感覺 加油
11/06 10:12, 133F

11/06 10:24, , 134F
11/06 10:24, 134F

11/06 10:47, , 135F
11/06 10:47, 135F

11/06 10:47, , 136F
11/06 10:47, 136F

11/06 10:47, , 137F
11/06 10:47, 137F

11/06 11:37, , 138F
11/06 11:37, 138F

11/06 11:40, , 139F
11/06 11:40, 139F

11/06 11:40, , 140F
11/06 11:40, 140F

11/06 12:09, , 141F
11/06 12:09, 141F

11/06 12:47, , 142F
11/06 12:47, 142F

11/06 12:56, , 143F
老大~~~~~~~~~~ 好佩服阿!
11/06 12:56, 143F

11/06 14:57, , 144F
老大!!!! 浪投麵包不防守
11/06 14:57, 144F

11/06 15:35, , 145F
11/06 15:35, 145F

11/06 18:25, , 146F
老大的精神好強大 所以可以濫投防守擺爛傷害球隊
11/06 18:25, 146F

11/06 18:25, , 147F
11/06 18:25, 147F

11/06 21:25, , 148F
那為什麼學ㄧ堆命中率還那麼爛?邯鄲學步 徒具其形
11/06 21:25, 148F

11/07 09:15, , 149F
不見得是事實 不過這樣討論也是滿有意思的
11/07 09:15, 149F

11/09 10:35, , 150F
所以他真的是整個投籃姿勢跟方法都變了 動作超怪
11/09 10:35, 150F
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