[外絮] 夏日獨家:紐奧良鵜鶘

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來源:ESPN http://tinyurl.com/nbbo5kg 作者:Marc Stein Summer Scoop: New Orleans Pelicans Five burning questions and answers about the New Orleans Pelicans' immediate future in the wake of their season-ending loss at home Saturday night to top-seeded Golden State that completed a first-round sweep: 在被第一種子金州勇士於季後賽第一輪橫掃後,五個關於紐澳良鵜鶘亟需解決的問題: 1. Wasn't the playoffs, for these Pelicans, just about getting to the playoffs? 1. 對鵜鶘來說,這季的目標是否只是能進入季後賽? Of course it was. 當然是。 You were never going to hear any of the Pels admit such a thing while they were still engaged with the Warriors, but a sweep doesn't really diminish the most notable achievement of the season, which was catching and then overcoming Oklahoma City for the eighth and final playoff spot in the West. 你當然不會聽到任何鵜鶘的球員在和勇士的系列賽期間承認這件事,但是即使慘遭勇士剃 光頭,依然不會減損鵜鶘本季最大的成就,就是在季賽最後關頭擊敗雷霆取得西區老八的 位置晉級季後賽。 They couldn't have done it without OKC's many injuries, true, but don't forget that the Pels had their share. Jrue Holiday missed 42 games during the regular season and Game 2 of this series. Ryan Anderson missed 21 games. The otherworldly Anthony Davis missed 14 for a franchise that had to bring a halt to mighty San Antonio's 11-game win streak on the final night of the regular season just to claim its first playoff berth since Chris Paul's farewell season in town in 2010-11. 確實,如果不是雷霆傷兵一堆,鵜鶘也無法拿到季後賽門票,但是別忘了鵜鶘的傷兵問題 也不比雷霆少。Jrue Holiday錯失了42場季賽和第二場季後賽。Ryan Anderson錯失了21 場季賽。Anthony Davis也錯失14場季賽,但最後他們在例行賽最後一場擊敗了11連勝氣 勢正旺的馬刺,是自從10-11球季後且是Chris Paul離開後第一次打進季後賽。 In Davis' third season, New Orleans found a way into the NBA tournament and played the Warriors tougher than the series scoreline would suggest. They'll have to live with pain that lingers from squandering that 20-point lead in the fourth quarter of Game 3, but make no mistake: The 67-win Warriors had to work to shake these guys. 在Davis的第三個球季,鵜鶘總算進到季後賽,他們和勇士打了四場計分板上看不出來的 艱苦比賽,且要承受Game 3原本領先20分最後卻敗光的痛苦。 They had to work even on a night like Game 4, which saw Stephen Curry shoot a ridiculous 5-for-5 on contested 3-pointers. The Pels, even with their spirit presumed to be broken after the Game 3 heartbreaker, scrapped to within eight points of Golden State in the fourth quarter after falling behind by 21. 他們也要在像Game 4這樣的狀況下打球,Curry在這場有鬼神般的三分命中率。即使鵜鶘 可能早在Game 3後就因為20分大逆轉而心碎,他們在一度落後21分後依舊可以在第四節緊咬 勇士8分。 They got broomed, in the end, but they battled. 最後他們還是被橫掃了,但他們曾經奮戰過。 2. Will the Pelicans sign Davis to a max contract extension this summer? 2. 鵜鶘是否會在今夏以頂薪合約續約Davis? That is most certainly the plan. 這應該是鵜鶘最確定的計畫。 League sources say that the Pels will be as aggressive as possible on July 1 in presenting Davis with a five-year maximum contract that makes him New Orleans' designated player. league source說鵜鶘在7/1會給Davis一份五年的最頂薪合約來留住這位鵜鶘指標球星。 Given that the 22-year-old was voted to start in February's All-Star Game and will likely earn All-NBA first-team status when voting results are announced in coming days, Davis would be in line to start his max deal at 30 percent of the league's salary cap as opposed to a mere 25 percent as long as he earns just one of those same honors next season -- or if he is named the 2015-16 MVP. 年僅22歲的Davis在今年二月被票選為全明星賽的先發,而且很有可能入選今年的NBA年度 第一隊,Davis有很大的機會會成為下一位5年30%合約的球員,而不只是25%而已,只要他下 季能夠拿到其中一個相同的獎項,或是2015-16的MVP。 Based on the league's most recent cap projections, Davis will thus be presented with a five-year pact that will eventually top $30 million annually and could exceed $140 million in total value in a deal that kicks in beginning in 2016-17 and run through his 28th birthday. 基於聯盟最近的薪資行情來預測,Davis將能拿到一份為期5年,一年最多3000萬美元,總 合超過1億4000萬美元的合約,這份合約從2016-17球季開始,到他的28歲生日之後才結束。 Can he really turn down those sort of riches and that level of security in the name of flexibility? Davis是否能夠為了之後交易的彈性而拒絕這種突如其來的暴富呢? Would he turn that down when he's clearly comfortable in New Orleans and, by all accounts, highly engaged as the young leader of his team? 在他習慣了紐奧良之後,他是否還能拒絕這份豐厚的合約,並且照著大家的期望成為一位 年輕的領導者? Hard to see Davis resisting such lucrative insulation, though he certainly does have the option of signing a shorter extension to keep his free-agent future more open. 很難看到Davis會拒絕如此豐厚的報酬,雖然他絕對能選擇簽一份較短的合約,好讓他未 來的自由球員身分能更彈性。 3. Is Monty Williams' job safe? 3. Monty Williams總教練的飯碗還能保住嗎? It's the most interesting question on the board. 這是這篇文章中最有趣的問題。 And the most complicated. 同時也是最複雜的問題。 For all the heat he takes from some sections of the Pels' fan base, as well as the Twitterites who convene nightly to second-guess (or downright mock) his decisions/rotations/adjustments, Williams has received strong public support from his players and is said to be well-regarded throughout the organization. 不論是部分鵜鶘球迷對Monty Williams的怒火,或是推特作家們每晚嘲諷他的決定/輪替/調 整,都不影響鵜鶘的球員們強力支持Monty,且他在球團內部也廣受好評。 His bond with Davis, in particular, has been well-chronicled. Bear in mind, furthermore, that Williams essentially has two years left on his contract, with a team option in 2016-17 to follow next season's guaranteed campaign in 2015-16 . 一直以來,Monty和Davis的關係相當良好。記著,Monty的合約還剩下兩年,附帶2016-17 的球隊選擇權。 To his credit, Williams is clearly able to get a good response from his players , given how the Pels never surrendered in the chase for the No. 8 spot, no matter how far back they were ... and no matter what sort of ridiculous numbers Russell Westbrook was throwing up to try to single-handedly drag the Thunder to the playoffs without the help of Kevin Durant or Serge Ibaka. 不論他們曾經離目標多遠,也不論雷霆在Durant和Ibaka缺席下是如何急起直追,Monty依 舊率領球隊不屈不撓的追逐西區第八的席次,由於他的功勞,他必定可以得到鵜鶘眾將的 支持。 Yet there's no escaping the fact that Williams has occasionally been booed by his own fans during introductions at home games -- it even happened during the playoffs -- and absorbs lots of local criticism. It's a level of noise that can sometimes drown out the national perception of the Pels as overachievers. 不過事實上Monty偶爾會在主場比賽的開場介紹時被球迷噓,甚至在季後賽時也會。而來自 全國上下對這支出色球隊的讚美有時會被這些批評聲給淹沒。 Williams unexpectedly acknowledged the heat early in the series against the Warriors, telling reporters after the Pels' Game 1 defeat that his advice to Davis before the series even started was to keep tuning out the static. 在和勇士的系列賽開始前,Monty意外地承認他了解他受到的批評,並告訴記者他給Davis 的賽前建議就是離開這些紛擾之聲。 Said Williams: "I just wanted to remind him, 'Don't forget, nobody thought we'd be here, so let's just be us. No need to reinvent yourself today. I'm going to be me -- an idiot. You be you -- a great player. And we'll be in good shape.'" Monty說道:「我只是要提醒他,『別忘了,沒人認為我們應該在這裡,所以我們只要做好 自己就好。不需要去改變自己。我依然是我 -- 一個傻瓜。而你依然是你 -- 一個頂級球 員。這樣我們就能維持最好的狀態。』」 Let's be clear: Williams is no idiot. He has built undeniable ties with Davis over the past three seasons and through their time together with Team USA, prompting Davis to recently profess his "love" for his coach. And as my ESPN.com colleague Tom Haberstroh noted in his fine series wrap-up piece late Saturday, Williams is also savvy enough to remind us on occasion how connected he and his star are. 讓我們釐清一下:Monty當然不是個傻瓜。他和Davis在過去三個球季以及美國國家隊時所 建立的關係是無可否認的,甚至讓Davis在最近公開表達他對Monty的喜愛。且根據我的同 事Tom Haberstroh的報導,Monty更是精明到會三不五時提醒我們他和Davis的關係是如何 的好。 The chatter will nonetheless persist about what Davis could do playing for a more decorated coach. It is on Williams, meanwhile, to improve with his on-the-fly moves and dealing with crunch-time complexities far better than he did in Game 3, when the Warriors wiped out such a big deficit in the final five minutes. It's also fair to wonder: With the otherworldly Davis' ability to run the floor and the youth that surrounds him, shouldn't the Pels be regularly playing at a much faster pace? 關於Davis能夠為更大牌的教練打球的流言蜚語依舊會持續。對Monty來說,讓自己在球賽 中調度的功力以及在處理關鍵時刻的處理能比Game 3時有大幅進步,以免重演讓勇士在最 後五分鐘上演逆轉秀的慘劇是他當前重要的課題。這也是個合理的懷疑:在有Davis滿場 飛以及其他年輕球員環繞之下,他難道不該讓鵜鶘打出更快的節奏嗎? But the Pels' season, by any measure, will be recorded as a success. So doesn't Williams deserve his slice of the plaudits? 不過鵜鶘的這個球季,不論從哪個面向來衡量,都算是一個成功的球季。所以難道Monty 不值得獲得一些應有的掌聲嗎? It's a question only Williams' bosses can answer. And it's not yet clear how the ongoing battle for long-term control of franchise, among members of the Benson family, factors in. Monty是否會留下,這個問題只有他的老闆才能回答。目前尚不清楚鵜鶘老闆的Benson家族 對此會有多少影響。 4. What about the status of Pels GM Dell Demps? 4. 鵜鶘的GM Dell Demps的地位會變得如何? New Orleans Saints officials who oversee the Pelicans,through team spokesman Greg Bensel, have been adamant in recent weeks that neither Demps nor Williams was given a "playoffs or else" mandate entering the season. 紐奧良聖徒的官方透過球隊發言人Greg Bensel在這幾最近幾周發表不論是Demps或是Monty 都沒有在球季前被要求要進季後賽,否則就要炒魷魚。 Yet it's fair to say Demps, with or without such an edict, did as much to help his team achieve its goals during the course of the season as any executive in the league. 但公正地說,不論Demps和球團有沒有這種約定,他依然做了很多幫助來球隊達到一些目標 Dante Cunningham. Quincy Pondexter. Norris Cole. 包括在季中找來了Cunningham、Pondexter和二冠Cole來助拳。 Demps found ways to acquire each of those handy bench contributors midseason to fortify a reserve unit that had to compensate for the lengthy absences endured by Holiday and Anderson. Demps在季中找來了這些板凳幫手做出貢獻,同時彌補Holiday和Anderson長期缺陣造成的 損害。 The Pels, furthermore, happily watched Tyreke Evans -- Demps' big free-agent signing from the summer of 2013 -- assemble his most impactful season since Evans' rookie of the year campaign with Sacramento in 2009-10. Eric Gordon, entering the final season of his controversial contract, also quietly contributed to Davis' cause as consistently as any Pelican in Round 1. 此外,鵜鶘也很開心看到Tyreke Evans -- Demps在2013夏天簽下的重要球員,在這個球季 打出了自從他在國王隊的菜鳥球季以來的最有影響力的一季。而Eric Gordon在他這份爭 議合約的倒數第二季,也在鵜鶘季後賽首輪穩定地製造貢獻。 Like Williams, Demps actually has two years left on his contract, with a team option in 2016-17 looming after next season. There have been no tangible signals that his job is under any real threat. 和Monty一樣,Demps的這份合約還有兩年,包含了2016-17的球隊選擇權。目前尚未有任 何確切的證據能證實他的飯碗有丟失的危險。 5. So what's missing? 5. 那麼還缺少什麼呢? The Pels, with a focal point of Davis' ability, versatility and size, can't have enough good shooters around him. 鵜鶘除了當家球星Davis的能力、全能以及他的身材,還缺少了夠優秀的射手來幫助他。 There's also undoubtedly room on the roster for a veteran with certifiable playoff know-how in the mold of a Paul Pierce, given that the Pels' current cast features no one older than 29. 無疑的,球員名單也需要騰出空位給一位像是Paul Pierce這樣季後賽經驗豐富的老將,目 前鵜鶘球員中沒有人超過29歲。 But the biggest source of uncertainty, in the short term, is how New Orleans handles Omer Asik's forthcoming free agency. The Pels surrendered a first-round pick to acquire the 7-footer from Houston last summer, only to finish in the league's bottom third in defensive efficiency despite the imposing interior duo Asik forms with Davis. 但在短期內最大的不確定會是鵜鶘如何處理Asik即將來到的自由球員資格。鵜鶘在去年夏 天用2015的一個首輪籤和火箭換到這位7呎長人,即使有Asik和Davis兩位優質長人坐鎮禁 區,鵜鶘本季的防守效率在聯盟中卻是排名倒數。 In this series in particular, New Orleans was minus-36 with Asik on the floor ... and plus-4 with Asik on the bench. 特別在與勇士的系列賽中,當Asik在場上時,points difference是-36,而當Asik在板凳 時則是+4。 The vibe I get, though, is that the Pels attribute a lot of that to matchups, since the Warriors are so good small-balling someone like Asik right out of the game. He still fits next to Davis as a bulkier rim protector who, in other matchups, would certainly add value to the lineup. As Haberstroh also noted in his piece, it can be argued that it's up to Williams to build a better team defensive scheme around Asik and Davis when he's blessed to have the tandem of elite defensive big men. 從Asik在場上與否的points difference我得到的是,由於勇士非常擅長利用小球戰術所 以會讓Asik這類的球員難以發揮。Asik依然很適合在Davis旁幫忙保護籃框,若是在其他的 系列賽,他必然可以能夠有更出色的發揮。就像記者Haberstroh提到的,當Monty有這種福 氣得到Asik和Davis這兩位優秀長人的串聯,是否要圍繞他們打造出一支更好的防守球隊是 可以爭論的。 The initial signals thus point to Asik coming back. 目前的訊息指出Asik應該會繼續留下。 Other notable items of roster business: Eric Gordon is expected to exercise his $15.5 million player option for next season as he and Anderson enter the final year of their respective deals, Cole will be a restricted free agent and the Pelicans' 2015 first-round pick will be conveyed to Houston as part of the Asik trade. 其他關於球員名單值得注意的事項:Gordon在下季傾向行使他的1550萬美元的球員選擇, 他和Anderson都各自將進入他們的合約末年,Cole將會成為受限自由球員,同時由於Asik 的交易,鵜鶘2015年的第一輪選秀權將會是屬於火箭的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1430136668.A.9B8.html ※ 編輯: roger29 (, 04/27/2015 20:11:35

04/27 20:14, , 1F
04/27 20:14, 1F

04/27 20:17, , 2F
04/27 20:17, 2F

04/27 20:22, , 3F
如果目標不只是打進季後賽, Asik可能不太夠
04/27 20:22, 3F

04/27 20:32, , 4F
04/27 20:32, 4F
"only to finish in the league's bottom third in defensive efficiency" 原文是說防守效率倒數第三,不過我查了發現是第22, http://espn.go.com/nba/hollinger/teamstats/_/sort/defensiveEff 所以我就翻成倒數。

04/27 20:46, , 5F
04/27 20:46, 5F
※ 編輯: roger29 (, 04/27/2015 20:53:42

04/27 20:56, , 6F
Anderson可以考慮簽 其他位置可以換換看
04/27 20:56, 6F

04/27 21:01, , 7F
04/27 21:01, 7F

04/27 21:05, , 8F
04/27 21:05, 8F

04/27 21:06, , 9F
04/27 21:06, 9F

04/27 21:12, , 10F
04/27 21:12, 10F

04/27 22:24, , 11F
推 翻譯辛苦
04/27 22:24, 11F

04/27 22:43, , 12F
04/27 22:43, 12F

04/27 22:43, , 13F
的五個問與答 比較合適
04/27 22:43, 13F

04/27 22:45, , 14F
04/27 22:45, 14F

04/28 09:29, , 15F
阿西遇到快節奏球隊真的很難發揮 常常會變成四打五
04/28 09:29, 15F

04/28 10:05, , 16F
04/28 10:05, 16F

04/28 12:39, , 17F
04/28 12:39, 17F
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