Fw: [外電] This is home for Lebron James

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接連幾篇LBJ的相關新聞... 那些傳聞 你信嗎? 各位看官可以自行判斷~ 不多做解釋了 看看這篇k大發的好文吧 選擇相信甚麼 只有你自己能決定 ※ [本文轉錄自 Cavaliers 看板 #1Jn5QHyC ] 作者: kart (=\) 看板: Cavaliers 標題: [外電] This is home for Lebron James 時間: Tue Jul 15 06:15:42 2014 這篇外電超長,兩個記者一起寫的, 可以當成一篇關於回家的「總結」,裡面也有很多各方相關人士 的直接發言和看法,對於LBJ回家還有疑義的可以參考一下。 補聯結: http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/11210073/lebron-james-returns-home This is home for LeBron James AKRON, Ohio -- The drive took about 35 minutes. Neither man in the car said a word. Everything LeBron James was feeling on that trip to the airport four years ago -- the pain, the angst, the loss, the fear -- was written on his face. 時間回到四年前的Akron, Ohio,在去機場的35分鐘裡, 車中一片寂靜。LBJ的臉上寫滿了痛苦,生氣,失敗和恐懼。 For weeks he had tried to find a way to stay, to recruit players to join him in Cleveland, so he wouldn't have to leave. Ray Allen said no. So did Chris Bosh, Trevor Ariza and Dwyane Wade. Sure, they wanted to play with him. Who wouldn't? But not in Cleveland. James was the one with a connection to the place, not them. If he wanted to win, he would have to sever those ties and go somewhere where other stars would join him. 在過去的數週中他不斷的試著想要找到留下的方法,想要招募 其他球星加入他來克裡弗蘭,所以他就不用離開了。 雷槍說不。Bosh, Ariza和Wade也都拒絕了。當然他們都願意跟LBJ做隊友, 誰不想呢?但是地點不是在克裡佛蘭。 LBJ跟這個地方有很深的感情,但是對他們而言可沒有。如果他想要贏, 他就必須要切斷這些連結而去加入其他球隊,這樣其他球員才願意加入他。 The decision to leave his hometown Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat had been made that morning. LeBron walked around with it uncomfortably all day. He knew it would hurt people, that nothing would ever be the same for him after he did it. Lebron在當天早上才做了要去熱火的決定。Lebron整天都焦躁不停地走來走去 他知道這個決定會傷害人們,而所有的事情都會變得不一樣了。 Somehow he got through the final day of his annual basketball camp in Akron without confessing. By the time Damon Jones drove him to the airport, where he would fly to Connecticut and reveal his infamous decision to the world, there was a lump in his throat. 不知道他是怎麼度過那天白天他在他一年一度的籃球訓練營的最後一天。 當Damon Jones開車載他去機場時-準備飛去Connecticut開記者會, 他感覺到喉頭有一塊大石梗住一樣。 "The ride from his house to the airport is 35 minutes," said Jones, who played with LeBron from 2005 to 2008 and remained a close friend. "Neither of us said a word. It was tough. You saw it on his face, just his emotions. Damon Jones說「從他家到機場大概要35分鐘,一路上我們都沒說話。 那是很困難的決定,你從他的臉上和他的表情可以感受到」 這位2005-08的騎士隊友如是說。 "Everybody thought that the Miami decision was planned a week, two weeks prior, but it was in the last minute. He exhausted everything to try and get players to come to Cleveland and play with him. I was there for the whole week, staying in his house. He was agonizing, 'I want to win. I want to win here, but can we?' 「每個人都以為他早在一兩個禮拜前就決定好要去邁阿密了。 但是那是最後一分鐘的事情。他嘗遍了各種可能性想要說服其他 球員加入他到克裡佛蘭。我那一個禮拜都跟著他,住在他家。 他感到痛苦,「我想要贏,我想要在這裡贏,但是我們能嗎?」 "I don't think the fans knew that. They think he just went to Miami and that was it." 「我不認為粉絲知道這些。他們認為他就是白白地去了邁阿密, 就這樣。」 (譯註:這讓我想到昨天NBA板那篇說LBJ文章只是口述非下筆人, 第一個推文說LBJ可能只說了go home(意思是剩下的都是記者編的) 然後該推文被說成是神推文的荒謬黑色喜感...) LeBron went to Miami all right. He won two titles and evolved into the best basketball player on the planet. He answered his critics with championship trophies. He married the mother of his children, and they built a life in South Florida together. But he never truly left northeastern Ohio. Lebron去邁阿密的決定看來還不賴。他贏得了兩個冠軍, 也變成全世界最棒的籃球員。他用冠軍表現打了批評者的臉。 他也和孩子的媽結婚了,他們在南佛住了下來。 但是他也從來沒有真正的離開過東北Ohio。 He kept his home in Akron. He started a foundation to help the city's kids and promised to be there until they were grown. When they missed a day of school, they often got a call from "Mr. LeBron." 他依然把Akron當家(房子沒賣)。他也創建了一個基金會, 專門幫助Akron的小孩,也向他們保證他會在他們成長的路途上 陪伴他們。當他們在學校翹課,他們常常會接到「Lebron先生」的來電。 The place never truly turned its back on him, either. Yes, fans burned his jerseys and cursed his name. They tore down his billboards and painted over his murals. But that was the hurt talking. LeBron isn't the first kid from a Rust Belt town to leave for warmer weather and starrier nights. Most return only for holidays and funerals. Akron也沒有真正的背棄過他。是的,粉絲燒他的球衣,辱罵他的名諱。 他們把他的廣告看板和所以關於他的廣告撕毀。但是那些都只是情緒 上的舉動。Lebron並不是第一個從Ohio出走的小孩,很多離開的人 只有在假日或是喪禮時才會再回到Ohio。 But LeBron kept coming back. If anything, he planted his roots deeper into this place after he left for Miami. They took note when he spent his summers in Akron instead of at the beach. He built an office nearby and came in to work during the offseason. He trained at his old high school, St. Vincent-St. Mary. 但是Lebron一直回來。如果要說的話,他似乎在去邁阿密後和 他生長的地方的關係更加緊密了。他暑假花在Akron的時間比在佛州海灘 的時間多得多。他也在離家不遠處蓋了一個辦公室方便他在休賽期間去工作。 他也都在他的高中母校體育館作訓練。 Jones was with LeBron again this week when he made the decision to return. After four straight NBA Finals appearances with the Heat, it was as surprising to the rest of the world as his first decision to leave Cleveland. Damon Jones這禮拜又住在Lebron家並全程參與了過程。 當在熱火連續四年闖入冠軍賽,這次的回家選擇驚訝程度不下於當初的 決定。 But this was an easy call. It felt right. 但是這對他而言似乎簡單多了。他感覺這是對的。 "It was just from one end of the spectrum to the next, from the way it was in 2010," Jones said. "He was relaxed. He was laughing. He was happy." Jones說「基本上他的反應相比2010 就像從光譜的這端到另一端一樣,這次他很輕鬆, 他會笑,他很開心。」 The signs appeared on Market Street in downtown Akron within hours of when James' letter posted on the Sports Illustrated website Friday morning. The Highland Theater announced, "The King Returns" on its marquee. Walgreens and his favorite burger joint, Swenson's, wrote, "Welcome Home, LeBron." Someone placed a homemade poster saying, "Thank you, LeBron! Akron loves you!" in front of his old high school. 各種歡迎標語在Akron鬧區處處可見。一個電影院把本日電影改成 「王者歸來」。 Walgreens(全美最大藥房)在店門寫上「歡迎回家,Lebron」 有人在他的高中母校寫上「謝謝你,Lebron!Akron愛你!」 Longtime Cavaliers forward Anderson Varejao was in Brazil when he heard the news. 大V聽到消息的時候人還在巴西。 "I was telling everybody like I was a little kid who found out something he wasn't supposed to find out," Varejao said. "'LeBron is coming back! LeBron is coming back!'" 大V說「我就像是小孩子一樣逢人便說Lebron要回來了!Lebron要回來了!」 Fans honked their horns as they drove by Quicken Loans Arena in downtown Cleveland. Those who hadn't burned their old No. 23 James Cavaliers jerseys four years ago dug them out of drawers and put them on again. 粉絲在騎士場館附近狂按喇叭。那些還沒把球衣燒掉的球迷紛紛 把埋在衣櫃深處的23號拿出來穿。 Nobody in these parts will ever forget the way LeBron hurt them when he left in 2010, but they started forgiving him a long time ago. 沒有人會忘記Lebron在2010年曾經傷害他們,但是他們在很久以前 就開始原諒。 (譯註:並不是說你不能討厭他,而是就這件事情我不認為他不值得原諒) Maybe not as much in Cleveland, which celebrated him but didn't raise him. In Akron, though, he was still family. To this day, he can walk into any store in town and not draw a crowd. He's just LeBron, Gloria's son, the skinny kid who bounced from apartment to apartment as a boy, sleeping on the couches of friends of his mom until finding prosperity and stability through sports. 或許克裡佛蘭略有不同,畢竟不是養大他的地方。 Akron則一直把他當成家人。直到今天為止,他在Akron依然處處受到歡迎。 他仍然是Lebron, Gloria的而已,那個在公寓之間跑來跑去的瘦小男孩。 那個曾經睡在他媽媽不同朋友處的沙發上的男孩,直到體育改變一切為止。 "I've known LeBron since he was 8 years old," said Vikki McGee, who works for his foundation now. "He's been to fish fries and barbecues in my backyard. I'm just proud he's from the 330." Vikki McGee,Lebron基金會的員工說「我從他八歲時候就認識他了, 他曾經跑來我後院烤肉和烤魚。我只是很驕傲他是我們這區出來的。」 The healing started in 2011, when Akron embraced him after his meltdown in the NBA Finals against the Dallas Mavericks. While the rest of the country seemed to delight in his failure, Akron wrapped its arms around him. 事實上傷痕在2011年冠軍失利後就開始慢慢癒合了。當時全國都在訕笑 Lebron的失敗,但是Akron選擇張開雙臂擁抱他。 "When you break up with a girl, you don't go on the PA system of the school and say, 'I'm going to break up with you and start going with Suzy,'" said Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic. "But he'd done so much for this community in ways that most people don't even realize. We had to stand behind our guy." Akron市長當時說「當你和女孩兒分手時,你不會跑到學校的廣播室 去大聲公布你要和他分手,並和另一個女孩兒交往。但是他為我們 社區做了太多不為人知的事情,我們必須要堅定地做他的後盾。」 (譯註:哭惹 T.T) Despite some public pressure to remove signs in Akron that proclaimed, "Home of LeBron James," Plusquellic insisted they remain. 雖然當時有些輿論壓力要Akron市長撤掉這塊標語 「Lebron James的家」 市長大人挺住了。 "I had people mad at me for rooting for LeBron," Plusquellic said. "I'd go to a sports bar and it was horrible. But it's just life and how it unfolds sometimes. He made a decision that a lot of people make. They leave their hometowns. But he had done so much, and he continued to do things for Akron. I think that was the right way for us to handle this." 市長說「我是遇到一些傢伙對我支持Lebron感到憤怒,我當時若走進 一家體育酒吧那情況會很可怕。但是這就是生活,永遠不可預測。 他做了一個很多人都會做的決定。很多人離開他們的家鄉去他處工作。 但是他為Akron作了如此之多,而且他一直持續不斷的在做。 我認為作為他的後盾是我們應該要做的事。」 The common narrative goes something like this: In 2010, Miami Heat president Pat Riley put his five championship rings in front of James on a table, like, Come with me if you want to win some of these. In 2014, with two championship rings of his own, James met with Riley, and his stance was like, Tell me again why I still need you? 大家普遍的認知是: 2010年時油頭在Lebron前面丟了五個冠軍戒指並且問他你想要有自己的嗎? 2014年Lebron在有了自己的戒指後認為不需要油頭了。 But that version suggests that the Heat had a chance to keep James. The truth is Miami was always going to be his temporary home. A place to grow, explore and test himself. Four years of sublime basketball that would change the NBA and the dynamic between owners and superstar players. 但是這樣說好像也證明熱火是有機會保留住Lebron的。 然而事實上,邁阿密永遠只會是Lebron生涯裡的過客。 是個讓他成長,經歷和測試自己的地方。而這四年為整個NBA卻帶來不少變化。 Once LeBron, Bosh and Wade demonstrated it was possible for three superstars to team up AAU-style, everyone wanted to do it. Chris Paul made his way out of New Orleans to play with Blake Griffin in Los Angeles. Dwight Howard tried to join Deron Williams with the Nets, ended up in Los Angeles with Kobe Bryant and then bolted for Houston to play with James Harden. LCD是第一個超級球隊。之後CP3也跑去和BG組隊。 Howard本來想去跟DW組隊,但是後來跑去找Kobe,現在則去火箭 和Harden抱團。 But LeBron, Bosh and Wade were the pioneers, and the backlash that first season was severe. 但是不論如何,LCD是第一組,所以他們遭到的非議也最嚴厲。 "It changed me as a basketball player," James said. "It changed me as a person." Lebron曾說「這經驗讓我身為球員和人的思維模式整個改變」 It wasn't just the backlash that first season in Miami that changed him. He was lonely. His longtime girlfriend (and future wife), Savannah Brinson, and their two children stayed behind in Akron when LeBron moved to Miami. When the Heat started 9-8 in the fall of 2010 and the hate rained down on them like a South Florida afternoon thundershower, he lacked a support system. He fought back, he turned his anger into armor, he started playing to prove people wrong, rather than with the joy that had always imbued his game. 困難的地方不只是熱火的第一季,當時交往很久的女友(現在的老婆) 和他的兩個小朋友在第一季開季慘淡時都待在Akron,沒有跟Lebron搬去 邁阿密。當時9-8得熱火遭到前所未有的訕笑,而Lebron也沒有一個 有力的支持者在身旁陪伴。他把怒氣當成他的盔甲,他打球是為了要證明 人們的指責是錯誤地,而不是為了快樂打球,也是他一貫的宗旨。 "He started playing from a negative emotion, and it culminated in that loss in the Finals," said Dru Joyce, his high school coach at St. Vincent-St. Mary. "He had to recommit himself to playing with love." 高中老教頭「他開始為了負面情緒打球,而這也是冠軍賽輸球的因。 他必須要重新學會如何為愛打球。」 But how could LeBron play with love if everyone who loved him was so far away? 但是Lebron要如何為愛打球,當那些愛他的人離他那麼遠呢? He came home to Akron after that loss in the Finals with a battered spirit. Cleveland was still off-limits. The wounds were still too raw for him to go back there. The Cavaliers had made it clear he wasn't welcome the previous fall, when they wouldn't let his friends come into the arena before the Heat's shootaround prior to the first post-Decision game between the teams on Dec. 2, 2010. 他在該年冠軍賽失利後回到Akron的家,帶著受打擊的心靈。 克裡佛蘭依然不歡迎他。傷口依然很深。騎士隊明擺他不受歡迎: 拒絕他的朋友們提早進場。 As summer turned to fall and the lockout threatened the 2011-12 season, LeBron used the time to heal. Lebron用了縮短賽季前的長暑假來療癒。 He jumped into passing drills at his former high school's football practice. He invited Oklahoma City forward Kevin Durant out to train, and they ran sprints up the steep hill in the back of the school that has always been the gauntlet for elite athletes at St. Vincent-St. Mary. Run down that hill too fast and you could end up face down in the parking lot below. A single misstep on the way up and you could roll back down. LeBron and Durant trained while the students in the classrooms across the way studied chemistry. One day they played a flag football game and streamed it live over the Internet. 他跑去參加高中母校足球隊的訓練,他也邀請KD來Akron做魔鬼訓練。 在高中母校時不時可以看見他們的訓練身影,一次和KD間的友誼足球賽 還被po上網。 Over time, LeBron healed. He proposed to Brinson and invited her and her parents to come live with him in Miami. The next season, with his family by his side, LeBron led the Heat to a championship. Lebron慢慢受到療癒。他向女友求婚,並且邀請她與她的父母一起 去邁阿密居住。而在家庭的支援下,他在隔年拿到冠軍。 "When someone you love is not there -- they might be a phone call away, but you can't put your arms around them -- as a young guy, it's an awakening," Joyce said. "You know that you love them, but that distance takes it to another level." 「當你愛的人不在身邊時,即使可以打電話也感受不到肉體的溫暖(誤), 距離還是有影響的。」 After the Heat won their second title in 2013, he and Brinson were married in San Diego. 當去年連霸後,Lebron和Brinson終於結婚了。 LeBron kept his wife's pregnancy with their third child private as long as he could this spring. He was overjoyed. He loves children. But there's only so much the world needs to know about his personal life. So whenever he was asked about it during the playoffs, he shut down the question with a simple, "That's a private matter." 在妻子有了第三胎後,Lebron閉口了很久,他非常的興奮, 但是他認為這只是私事。 Riley, though, never got that memo. At his season-ending news conference after the Heat's loss to San Antonio in the Finals, Riley disclosed that the couple was expecting a baby girl. 但是油頭好像沒有收到Lebron不想公開此事的意見。 在賽季結束的最後一次記者會上油頭公開了此事。 In the same breath that he referred to this team as a "family" and its players as "brothers," Riley revealed that he was unaware the James family had preferred to keep this news in-house. 之後油頭承認他沒有注意到Lebron並不想大肆談論此事。 James was already vacationing in the Caribbean by the time Riley was famously telling everyone to "get a grip" and arguing that this superteam needed to be retooled, not rebuilt over the summer. It was a speech he would have preferred to give to LeBron directly. But their exit meeting two days earlier had been remarkably short, as LeBron seemed itchy to leave and begin his vacation with the families of teammates Ray Allen and James Jones. 當油頭正在談論球隊只需要上點油,不需要打掉重建時, Lebron已經在加勒比亞渡假。 油頭這言論本來是想跟Lebron說的,但是Lebron和油頭在記者會兩天前的會面 很短暫,Lebron讓人感到他不想說太多,而且只想趕快去和 雷槍還有JJ的家庭渡假去。 LeBron opted out of the final two years of his contract on June 23, one day after returning from that vacation. It was a week earlier than required, but at the time, the gesture was perceived as a courtesy to the Heat, the rest of the league and teammates Wade and Bosh, who also had to decide whether to opt out. Lebron在假期結束後第二天就決定跳出合約。 這比預期的早一個禮拜。但是每個人其實都認為LCD一定會跳出合約, 所以反應一般。 The trio met for a long lunch in a private dining room at the chic South Beach restaurant Soho House on June 25. All three expressed a desire to return to the Heat and a willingness to work together on a financial structure to make that happen. But Wade and Bosh left without knowing LeBron's exact plans. LCD在Lebron跳約後兩天有一次長午餐的見面。 三個人都表達了願意留隊和願意就薪資作一定的妥協。然而Wade和Bosh 並不知道Lebron的具體計劃是啥。 (譯註:這和昨天Bosh的說法有點差別...) Still, at that time it was assumed that all three would simply re-sign with Miami. Bosh left on a four-week vacation around the world on June 30, traveling to and posting pictures from the United Arab Emirates, Sri Lanka, the Seychelles and Ghana along the way. 然而,當時大部份的人還是認為三人皆會回歸邁阿密。 Bosh在6/30號環遊世界去了(四個禮拜)。 LeBron stepped back to weigh his options. He and his advisers knew this time around that they had to do things differently from 2010. Yes, people would be disappointed after he announced his decision. The teams he spurned would be angry. But there was a right way to let them know -- and the awful way they did it in 2010. Lebron則在做最後的考量。 Lebron team知道他們必須有根2010年不同的做法。 是的,不論如何都有人會為他的決定感到憤怒,那些有機會得到他的球隊 都會生氣。但是相比於2010年糟糕的方式,他們有更好的方式去讓他們得知 消息。 The plan was for his agent, Rich Paul, to handle all the business matters while LeBron got away to clear his head and reconnect with his family. Cleveland had always been in the back of his mind. A return to the Heat was still possible. Paul also took meetings with the Bulls, Lakers, Suns, Rockets and Mavericks. 這次他們讓他的經紀人Rich Paul去處理各隊的商談。 Lebron則在這段時間和他家人相處讓自己頭腦冷靜能做好判斷。 克裡佛蘭一直是選項之一,當然還有熱火。另外Paul也和 公牛湖人太陽火箭和小牛做過商談。 The opt-out gave Riley the opportunity to retool, maybe add a point guard like Kyle Lowry or a small forward like Luol Deng or Ariza. They traded up to draft Shabazz Napier, a feisty point guard whom James had tweeted admiration for during the NCAA tournament. 跳出合約的決定給萊理機會替球隊上油: 看看能不能盤來蘿莉或是滷蛋或是阿裡扎。 他們從選秀會上得來LBJ的最愛Napier。 Still, Riley knew he needed to do more to connect with LeBron and make sure they were on the same page. On June 28, he attended the wedding of LeBron's trainer, Mike Mancias, in Coconut Grove. But when Riley tried to speak to LeBron, the conversation was again short. Despite Riley's hopes, the only thing James signed that night was Mancias' marriage certificate as the official witness to union. 當然油頭希望得知更多Lebron的計劃,所以他參加了Lebron的訓練員 Mike manicas的婚禮。然而在婚禮上油頭和Lebron依然沒有太多交談機會, This was not an indication of anything amiss. LeBron has always liked to keep a distance from management. He was like that in Cleveland, too. The Cavs would want to consult with him on personnel moves, but LeBron requested they communicate those items through Paul or his other associate, Maverick Carter. 然而這也不能看作是Lebron已經有意圖了。Lebron在騎士時期 就不喜歡在一線和管理階層作商談。Lebron在騎士時期總是要 管理高層去和Rich Paul或是Maverick Carter作聯繫而非他本人。 Riley preferred a direct audience. He is persuasive and charismatic in person. But LeBron didn't grant that to him until July 9, when they met in his suite at a hotel in Las Vegas. By then, James had already had a face-to-face meeting with Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert in Miami. Meanwhile, the free-agency market ground to a halt as the rest of the league was paralyzed in wait of LeBron's decision. 但是油頭不同,他喜歡面對面的交談。直銷大師一直是他的強項。 Lebron直到7/9才給由頭這個機會。但是彼時Lebron已經跟Gilbert 在邁阿密交談過了。同時間,整個聯盟的自由球員交易似乎都在等待 Lebron的決定。 The meeting with Gilbert was in Miami for a reason. LeBron and his advisers were rightly sensitive to leading the Cavs on, and no one would have known about the meeting had fans not started tracking Gilbert's private plane over the Internet. Gilbert had just recently bought the plane and was surprised it was able to be monitored. He had it removed from tracking services the next day. 和Gilbert在邁阿密見面是有原因的。Lebron team對讓騎士過早感到 自己有機會非常敏感,如果不是有球迷竟然在網路上追蹤Gilbert的私人 飛機去向,這個會面基本上不會有人知道。事實上Gilbert才剛買了 這架飛機,而且也不知道這飛機竟然會被追蹤,他在消息暴露後第二天 就把追蹤的服務取消了。 (譯註:這段怎麼有點莫名的喜感.....^^) But the visit, which included Paul, Carter and attorney Mark Termini, had been fruitful. Gilbert left his meeting with James much like Riley did, with no assurances about the future. But there was no doubt he boarded his jet to Michigan feeling optimistic, while Riley and general manager Andy Elisburg left Vegas concerned about the silence. 但是這個會面是很有實質意義的。Gilbert和油頭一樣,在離開時 並沒有得到任何承諾。但是Gilbert確感到樂觀,而油頭則是相反。 Gilbert apologized for writing a letter ripping LeBron's decision to leave in 2010. LeBron apologized for the way in which he left, but not for leaving. He hadn't wanted to leave, but he needed to and was stronger for having done so. They didn't exactly hug it out afterward, but they left knowing they could coexist again if the opportunity arose. Gilbert對Lebron表示歉意-他寫的那封憤怒信,而Lebron也為自己 離開的方式道歉,但是再次聲明不是為離開道歉。 他當時並不想離開,但是他必須這麼做也更強烈地認為離開沒錯。 他們會後並沒有愛的抱抱,但是至少知道如果有機會可以繼續和對方共事。 When you call the Akron office of LeBron's marketing management firm, LRMR, whoever picks up the phone will greet you with, "It's a great day in Akron." 當你打電話給Lebron在Akron的辦公室(LMRM),不論是誰接電話 都會有一樣的問候語「今天Akron天氣好哇!」 "Six out of 10 calls that come in," Michele Campbell said, "will respond by saying something to put Akron down." Lebron的員工Michele Campbell說「10通裡有六通在聽到這樣的問候 會回答另一些跟Akron相關的人事物。」 Campbell has been the executive director of the LeBron James Family Foundation since 2006. She left a job at the University of Akron to help James and his childhood friends, Paul, Carter and Randy Mims, get their company off the ground before the 2008 Olympics. Campbell為了幫Lebron,向Akron大學辭職來幫忙籌建Lebron基金會。 The offices are immaculate. Inspirational quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. are on the wall. Everything is in its proper place, in keeping with James' fastidious nature. His office is next to Maverick's and Mims'. Employees eat lunch together and do puzzles when they need a break. Lebron基金會的辦公室裡有很多馬丁路德金的名言。 整個設計也很人性化。 "He's behind all of this," Campbell said. "We just help him to have more hands in the pot because he only has two." Campbell說「他是這一切能成真的主因,我們只是幫助他, 把對的人放進來做事,畢竟他自己只是一個人。」 The year James left for Miami, he had Campbell reach out to the Akron Public Schools to start a program with at-risk third-grade students that would have a lasting impact on the dropout rate. 當Lebron離開家鄉去邁阿密時,他讓Campbell跟Akron的公立學校 商談,並且弄出一個減低學生輟學的方案來。 "This isn't just a one-and-done event," said Desiree Bolden, who coordinates the school district's programs. "Every kid feels like they know LeBron. He's consistent." 當地學校的負責人說「這並不是一個一次性的東東, 每個小孩都感覺到自己認識Lebron,他是一直存在的。」 When folks in town heard LeBron was considering returning to the Cavaliers this summer, they didn't quite know what to make of it. 當Akron當地居民聽到Lebron考慮要回來的汝摸時,很多都不知道 要如何反應。 "In some ways, he'd never left," said Akron businessman Todd Stein. 生意人Todd「某種程度上說來,他從來沒離開過。」 Joyce knew he could ask his son, Dru Joyce Jr., who was in Las Vegas with LeBron as he ran his annual skills camp. Joyce(Lebron的高中教練) 知道他可以問問他在Lebron在LV訓練營的兒子。 This time there was no strain on his face. LeBron made a point of jumping into pickup games with each of the players in camp, rotating from court to court so they could one day say they played with him. Lebron在訓練營裡總是確信自己跟每個小朋友都打上幾球, 這樣他們可以說他們有根Lebron打過球。 Wade dropped by the camp with James on Thursday, causing a stir among the crowd of college coaches in the stands. He caught a ride back to Miami with his friend later that night. James and Wade were friends before they were teammates. They parted late that night on the tarmac in Miami as family, as Wade would later write. Wade在禮拜四的時候跑來訓練營找Lebron,造成教練和媒體一陣旋風。 Lebron和Wade當晚一起搭幾回邁阿密。 LD在作隊友前就已經是好朋友。他們在分手前做了一次家人之間才會有的對話 就如同Wade之後寫的一樣。 He was never in a hurry to go anywhere or get off the court. On the night after he met with Riley and the Heat, LeBron came to the gym and played pickup ball for about 45 minutes then sat with Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski. He put his arm around the Olympic team coach and had what appeared to be a heart-to-heart conversation Lebron從來都很從容地做決定。在他跟油頭會面結束後, Lebron跑去體育館打了45分鐘球,然後和K教練做了一次真心對談。 Who knows what was said? Had he already decided to return home? As far as Joyce was concerned, it was always just a matter of time. 誰知道他們講了啥?他當時已經決定要回家了嗎? Joyce知道只要時間到了,Lebron就會回家。 "I tried to stay far enough away from it, because I didn't want to get caught up in this tsunami of hope and then it didn't happen," Joyce said. "I always thought that he would come home eventually. This is home. And I always thought that he didn't want to leave this thing undone." 「我試著想要離這個消息遠一點,因為我不想被巨大的希望感丟到高點 然後若沒成真而感到失落。我總是認為他遲早會回來的。這是家。 而我也總是認為他並不想讓Decision變成句點。」 Sometimes you have to leave a place before you realize how much it means to you. That may sound like a song lyric or a page from a Nike marketing campaign. There are those who will inevitably see LeBron's homecoming in a cynical light. Miami is a great city to ditch, the kind of place for which you get wholesome points for leaving by the side of the road to return to your Rust Belt roots. 有時候你必須要離開一個地方才感受到這個地方對你的意義。 這並不是歌詞還是哪個廣告詞。有些人不可避免的會用酸酸的角度看事情。 Maybe it is that. Or maybe he was really worried about Wade's knees or underwhelmed by Riley's additions of Josh McRoberts and Danny Granger. A straight basketball calculation that he stood a better chance of winning with the Cavaliers' youth than an aging roster in Miami. But leaving home tends to help a man understand himself, what's in his heart and what matters in the end. 也許是這樣,也或許他真的是怕Wade膝蓋爆了,或是油頭的補強 讓他不滿意。以籃球觀點而言,他在年輕的騎士隊長遠能比在老化的熱火 贏得更多。但是離開家總是能讓人更認識自己,更瞭解自己的心, 和最後是什麼東西最重要。 "My relationship with Northeast Ohio is bigger than basketball," James wrote in his SI letter. "I didn't realize that four years ago. I do now." Lebron「我和Ohio的關係遠大於籃球,我四年前不了解,而我現在 知道了。」 =============================== 心得: 當LBJ決定回騎士後就很高興地回來板上看看, 卻很意外(後來想想也不意外就是)的發現以前好多老板友態度都頗冷 從楚雲大還在乳摸階段的告解,到我很尊敬的M前板大, 到消息來源總是諱莫若深卻有時比很多記者還準的現任版大A大 (^^||) 和曾經在熱火板推文跟我「討論」甚久的小米酒兄 每個人對這個回家舉動似乎都感覺涼涼的~ (抖~) 本來當天就想來打招呼,也因此隔了兩天觀望了一下, 順便翻了一下這幾年的文章 想一想其實也理解,當初Decision後記得當晚板上就分裂成兩派了 這決定對球迷的傷害自然很大,雖然曾經看過A大認為LBJ對Decision從來 沒公開道歉過(也可能記錯?推文看到的) 但是我的印象是相反的,LBJ在不同場合至少對Decision道歉過三次以上 在這次的公開信中也再一次承認離開的方式是很糟糕會想重來的。 就知道他也知道這決定的方式真的是傻囉 所以如果你是因為Decision而依然不肯原諒他,那自然也沒啥好說的 @@ 但如果你認為LBJ應該一生都待在騎士,即使拿不到冠軍也應該, 那我就覺得有點過頭了... 我在熱火板曾經簡單分析過LBJ當時必須要靠組隊才能有奪冠陣容的原因, 很多就是「運勢」和「個人能力」的差別,史上前幾名的球星若是跟Lebron 早期有一樣的境遇,我也不相信他們不會轉隊,甚至提早走。 「運勢」自然是在於新人的養成/選秀,騎士在選到LBJ以後一飛沖天 (誇大但是也差不多了,1x勝 -> 接近4x勝),選秀權這方面之前沒有累積, 之後根本沒有好的選秀順位。 這幾年和LBJ最明顯的對比就是KD和KI,兩者前三年都還在養成階段, 個人能力並沒有帶給球隊勝利,兩支球隊也都又累積了好幾次前端順位 雷霆一直到WB, 鬍子和Ibaka出現戰績才起飛, 騎士現在則是四年拿了三個狀元,也是準備要起飛的態勢 如果LBJ當初選擇留在騎士,今年的陣容絕對不會這麼有可看性和潛力。 我想這也是為什麼LBJ雖然為Decision道歉或後悔過,但是每次都說他 不為去邁阿密感到後悔。 最後再講一點個人心得,看球將近20年,跟過的球星很多, 從來不諱言自己是球星迷,但是也會支持在地球隊。 我在Berkeley時支持勇士(當時超爛)和國王 LA的時候會支持快艇(當時也超爛) 回到舊金山又支持勇士(即使大部份人根本只看棒球 囧) 但是做球星迷時對該隊的狀態和每個人也會愛屋及烏得去欣賞: 當時騎士隊我就很喜歡大Z大V小吉小西,甚至Parker, Moon這些傢伙也會注意 但是這些都是對球員個人的欣賞, 而因而會希望這一個cohort所在的球隊能贏球。 當小米酒兄說沒看過我在LBJ離開後為騎士隊說過話, 我只能說現在的這一隻騎士隊跟以前我認識的根本是兩支球隊啊 @@ 除了名字還是騎士,我也不知道還有什麼當初的騎士精神在(如果有的話) 連總管和教練都不同人了....除了老板,何況這老板我也沒有特別欣賞... 這些都是題外話,同理因為LBJ亂跑我也更深入認識我90年代曾經很討厭的熱火 (但是也一樣,球隊組成跟20年前根本不同...所以這個情緒一下就被沖淡) 也因為讀了很多報導,開始欣賞Wade和Bosh 而曾經讓老騎迷恨得牙癢癢的雷槍(我還記得雷槍手肘打大V鳥 XD) 都因為處在同一隊,而開始有更深入地瞭解和不同角度的觀查。 所以說要我一輩子堅定支持一個沒有地緣關係素昧平生的球隊是滿困難的, 但是跟球星就變得簡單一些(所以其實可能只是懶....@.@) 最後如同A大說的,不論如何,畢竟很多LBJ迷和酸迷將會湧入隊板, 數量甚至會多於一直在這個板上的老騎迷變成多數。 自己的言論就必須要好好掌握, 否則自認死忠騎迷被當成酸迷而水桶也變得諷刺了 突然發現自己的心得又是落落長,囧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cavaliers/M.1405376145.A.F0C.html

07/15 07:38, , 1F
07/15 07:38, 1F

07/15 07:40, , 2F
07/15 07:40, 2F
其實我記得當時也是有認為他奪冠後反而更會走的聲音, 很難講哩。

07/15 07:46, , 3F
07/15 07:46, 3F

07/15 07:47, , 4F
07/15 07:47, 4F

07/15 07:48, , 5F
07/15 07:48, 5F

07/15 07:49, , 6F
07/15 07:49, 6F

07/15 07:49, , 7F
07/15 07:49, 7F
理解這種感覺,也不是說冷面,只是老板友們都很淡定啊...( ′-`)y-~

07/15 08:33, , 8F
07/15 08:33, 8F

07/15 08:34, , 9F
07/15 08:34, 9F

07/15 08:36, , 10F
07/15 08:36, 10F

07/15 08:37, , 11F
07/15 08:37, 11F

07/15 08:38, , 12F
07/15 08:38, 12F
我倒是滿意外,但是事後想想現在回去比熱火真的CD都打不動了再走好很多 或許最好的情況是三連冠後依然回騎士雜音會最小吧, 不過這些都只能變成「如果論」了

07/15 08:44, , 13F
07/15 08:44, 13F

07/15 08:54, , 14F
07/15 08:54, 14F
無意冒犯,小米酒兄有時也會戳到痛處 ^^

07/15 08:57, , 15F
07/15 08:57, 15F

07/15 08:57, , 16F
07/15 08:57, 16F

07/15 09:01, , 17F
07/15 09:01, 17F

07/15 09:01, , 18F
07/15 09:01, 18F
懂,也無意(亦無能)改變什麼看法,:) 另外題外話, 我覺得大多數人而言看球是娛樂, 當然有討厭的球隊/球員時也會增加看球的動力 ^^ 但是跟看喜歡的球隊感覺還是不一樣 Lebron是少數NBA歷代超級球星裡幾乎沒有什麼負面消息(吃喝瞟賭飆)的, 而他對社群和公益則是時有所聞但是很明顯甚至可能還只是冰山一角, 他對公眾的發言我認為除了2011冠軍失利說得很不得體外, 幾乎都只能在雞蛋裡挑骨頭(Decision不是發言的問題而是行為不被接受) 酸民永遠可以酸他假面,就像說他只會洗數據(??) 但是我想到一個富豪再娶的故事, 大意是富豪子嗣成年後離家,中年再娶,富豪多年後立遺屬,把一半家產 都留給嫩妻,子孫憤怒要求解釋,富豪只說 「或許XXX真的只是貪圖我的財產,但是這麼多年來也的確都只有 她在我身邊照顧我,你們或許會關心我,她或許假惺惺,但是她是唯一有 實質行動的人。」(簡言之就是孝行>孝心的說法吧,也是老外比較偏向的) 這就像是在酸Lebron這幾年回家鄉作公益 或是懷疑他只有贏球得意了才道歉一樣, 他真實的想法我們球迷永遠只能臆測,但是他的確做了這麼多年的公益, 他也的確在檯面上說後悔當初的處理方式數次, 誰知道他心底是想啥,但是他至少還願意承認過失。 就像他至少在意他的公眾形象,也自認為是青少年的role model, 言行不該也不能太脫序。 他行動上帶來的籃球以外的正面效應我認為也是值得給一些掌聲的。 而不需要不斷的去臆測他私底下幹了啥事說了啥話 (有事實了再來討論,否則就是淪為鍵盤柯南了)

07/15 09:04, , 19F
07/15 09:04, 19F

07/15 09:08, , 20F
07/15 09:08, 20F

07/15 09:15, , 21F
Dec已經過去了~他心態上的轉變才是最大的收穫 雖然我當初
07/15 09:15, 21F

07/15 09:17, , 22F
也很care Dec 現在覺得就是該回家了 看他帶著小朋友打球~
07/15 09:17, 22F

07/15 09:17, , 23F
這篇寫的很棒! 祝福lebron
07/15 09:17, 23F
※ 編輯: kart (, 07/15/2014 10:05:53 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: joulin (, 07/15/2014 23:13:24 ※ 編輯: joulin (, 07/15/2014 23:14:30 ※ 編輯: joulin (, 07/15/2014 23:15:33

07/15 23:15, , 24F
我個人覺得 如果他不在離開騎士隊 那我就會相信這篇
07/15 23:15, 24F

07/15 23:18, , 25F
07/15 23:18, 25F

07/15 23:18, , 26F
07/15 23:18, 26F

07/15 23:19, , 27F
我看他最多就三冠吧 離kobe MJ太遠
07/15 23:19, 27F

07/15 23:20, , 28F
不要翻譯好嘛 我英文很好看得很明白
07/15 23:20, 28F

07/15 23:24, , 29F
寄生迷整天憤慨 哈哈
07/15 23:24, 29F

07/15 23:28, , 30F
07/15 23:28, 30F

07/15 23:29, , 31F
07/15 23:29, 31F
※ 編輯: joulin (, 07/15/2014 23:32:43
還有 86 則推文
07/16 01:59, , 118F
07/16 01:59, 118F

07/16 02:08, , 119F
07/16 02:08, 119F

07/16 02:41, , 120F
各種酸酸自以為有道理的悲憤 看了就覺得好笑
07/16 02:41, 120F

07/16 02:58, , 121F
07/16 02:58, 121F

07/16 03:01, , 122F
讓熱火變成一個想拿冠軍的人的集散地 拿不到就閃人
07/16 03:01, 122F

07/16 03:02, , 123F
07/16 03:02, 123F

07/16 04:33, , 124F
07/16 04:33, 124F

07/16 05:03, , 125F
好文 底下還是一堆弱酸
07/16 05:03, 125F

07/16 07:43, , 126F
LBJ去熱火絕對是對的啦 有拿到兩個總冠軍
07/16 07:43, 126F

07/16 07:44, , 127F
在騎士 我看還是一個RING都拿不到
07/16 07:44, 127F

07/16 07:55, , 128F
07/16 07:55, 128F

07/16 08:53, , 129F
07/16 08:53, 129F

07/16 09:48, , 130F
07/16 09:48, 130F

07/16 09:56, , 131F
07/16 09:56, 131F

07/16 10:05, , 132F
推推 球星迷+1
07/16 10:05, 132F

07/16 10:07, , 133F
07/16 10:07, 133F

07/16 10:34, , 134F
07/16 10:34, 134F

07/16 10:55, , 135F
07/16 10:55, 135F

07/16 11:00, , 136F
說真的這就是矯情的洗白文 任何人都可以寫類似的
07/16 11:00, 136F

07/16 11:00, , 137F
07/16 11:00, 137F

07/16 11:01, , 138F
07/16 11:01, 138F

07/16 11:02, , 139F
07/16 11:02, 139F

07/16 11:02, , 140F
07/16 11:02, 140F

07/16 11:03, , 141F
07/16 11:03, 141F

07/16 11:03, , 142F
然後一直跟尼克眉來眼去 大家果然都很健忘..
07/16 11:03, 142F

07/16 11:04, , 143F
然後寫成長背景多辛苦 有多遠大的志向 多為人民著想
07/16 11:04, 143F

07/16 12:08, , 144F
07/16 12:08, 144F

07/16 12:11, , 145F
07/16 12:11, 145F

07/16 12:36, , 146F
Befine你說要看實際做出的行為 那麼除了decision
07/16 12:36, 146F

07/16 12:37, , 147F
07/16 12:37, 147F

07/16 12:37, , 148F
07/16 12:37, 148F

07/16 14:02, , 149F
07/16 14:02, 149F

07/16 14:06, , 150F
我只看他在NBA裡的行為 我是看NBA不是看慈濟台
07/16 14:06, 150F

07/16 14:07, , 151F
07/16 14:07, 151F

07/16 14:11, , 152F
還可以啦 其實球員大多內心單純的很 商業操作才是
07/16 14:11, 152F

07/16 14:11, , 153F
07/16 14:11, 153F

07/16 14:37, , 154F
07/16 14:37, 154F

07/16 14:41, , 155F
07/16 14:41, 155F

07/16 14:44, , 156F
做不好懂改正 跌倒了也爬起來
07/16 14:44, 156F

07/16 21:01, , 157F
07/16 21:01, 157F
文章代碼(AID): #1JnKKLK2 (NBA)