[情報] 快艇是爭奪Granger的領跑者已回收

看板NBA作者 (傑特萊德)時間10年前 (2014/02/27 07:28), 編輯推噓39(41223)
留言66則, 49人參與, 最新討論串1/1
消息來源:yhoo.it/1fIzCDg 內容:痾,因為我不會翻譯,所以只是將重點打出來,不一定和原文完全一樣。 The Los Angeles Clippers have emerged as the frontrunners to sign forward Danny Granger, league sources told Yahoo Sports. Once Granger clears waivers in the next 48 hours, the Clippers' ability to offer him significant playing time and championship contention under coach Doc Rivers makes them the most attractive destination, league sources told Yahoo Sports. 快艇會用總冠軍競爭力、Doc Rivers和提供可觀的上場時間來吸引妙麗。 Still, the San Antonio Spurs remain a viable possibility for Granger, league sources said. The Spurs are selling Granger on a modern-day variation of the Robert Horry role in San Antonio, league sources said. Granger is expected to speak with Spurs coach Gregg Popovich and general manager R.C. Buford in the near future, sources said. 馬刺也是妙麗加盟的一大可能,馬刺想將妙麗定位成Horry的角色。 妙麗應該會在近期和波波與馬刺GM談話。 The Philadelphia 76ers and Granger reached agreement on a contract buyout Wednesday, clearing the way for the former All-Star forward to become a free agent. Once Granger clears waivers Friday, he becomes one of the premier targets on the NBA's free-agent market. Beyond the Clippers and Spurs, the Miami Heat, Chicago Bulls, Houston Rockets and Dallas Mavericks have shown an inclination to pursue Granger and are expected to have conversations with him, league sources said. 除了快艇和馬刺,熱火、公牛、火箭、小牛也對妙麗表現出興趣。 Philadelphia acquired Granger and a future second-round draft pick in a deal with Indiana for Evan Turner and Lavoy Allen on Thursday. Granger is in the final year of his contract, earning $14 million. Philadelphia is engaged in a teardown of its roster and is gathering draft picks to rebuild with young players. An All-Star in the 2008-09 season while averaging 25.8 points per game, a combination of injuries and the emergence of Paul George reduced Granger's role with the Pacers. This year he averaged 8.3 points in 22 minutes a game for Indiana. Through it all, Granger's professionalism and character make him an ideal candidate to incorporate into the roster of a contender. NBA.com first reported that the Sixers and Granger had come to a buyout agreement. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/27 07:30, , 1F
02/27 07:30, 1F

02/27 07:33, , 2F
求才時話都會比較好聽XD 可觀的上場時間...
02/27 07:33, 2F

02/27 07:34, , 3F
02/27 07:34, 3F

02/27 07:36, , 4F
02/27 07:36, 4F

02/27 07:37, , 5F
02/27 07:37, 5F

02/27 07:41, , 6F
02/27 07:41, 6F
HidakaShu:轉錄至看板 LaClippers 02/27 07:41

02/27 07:41, , 7F
02/27 07:41, 7F

02/27 07:43, , 8F
02/27 07:43, 8F

02/27 07:45, , 9F
02/27 07:45, 9F

02/27 07:46, , 10F
02/27 07:46, 10F

02/27 07:47, , 11F
02/27 07:47, 11F

02/27 07:48, , 12F
近幾年好歹一次打到總冠軍一次西冠很濫嗎 有幾隊可以
02/27 07:48, 12F

02/27 07:53, , 13F
02/27 07:53, 13F

02/27 07:54, , 14F
02/27 07:54, 14F

02/27 08:10, , 15F
Granger準備被黑抱大腿囉 !!
02/27 08:10, 15F

02/27 08:10, , 16F
02/27 08:10, 16F

02/27 08:14, , 17F
02/27 08:14, 17F

02/27 08:16, , 18F
02/27 08:16, 18F

02/27 08:22, , 19F
去馬刺轉型大前鋒不錯 Granger全能可發揮
02/27 08:22, 19F

02/27 08:24, , 20F
馬刺前兩輪是多久以前喔? 2011被老八 也沒多久吧 XDD
02/27 08:24, 20F

02/27 08:33, , 21F
02/27 08:33, 21F

02/27 08:43, , 22F
有了七六人 自由市場才變得熱鬧些 偉哉觀念
02/27 08:43, 22F

02/27 08:47, , 23F
02/27 08:47, 23F

02/27 08:52, , 24F
02/27 08:52, 24F

02/27 08:52, , 25F
02/27 08:52, 25F

02/27 08:55, , 26F
還嫌馬刺季後賽走不遠? 那就只能去熱火
02/27 08:55, 26F

02/27 09:00, , 27F
把妙麗當HORRY....好怪= =
02/27 09:00, 27F

02/27 09:06, , 28F
02/27 09:06, 28F

02/27 09:11, , 29F
02/27 09:11, 29F

02/27 09:12, , 30F
他去快艇還蠻噁心的 快艇補上最弱那塊
02/27 09:12, 30F

02/27 09:12, , 31F
02/27 09:12, 31F

02/27 09:16, , 32F
02/27 09:16, 32F

02/27 09:20, , 33F
如果要妙麗扮演HORRY的角色 找世平就好啦
02/27 09:20, 33F

02/27 09:26, , 34F
來我箭吧~! 我想看GFJ當板凳球員~!
02/27 09:26, 34F

02/27 09:34, , 35F
快艇本來先發的Dudley似乎不太行 最近換上Barnes
02/27 09:34, 35F

02/27 09:34, , 36F
先發 但是Barnes還是比較適合打替補
02/27 09:34, 36F

02/27 09:35, , 37F
02/27 09:35, 37F

02/27 09:35, , 38F
到快艇先發的機會大 到馬刺打替補 大概也淪為鬼禿
02/27 09:35, 38F

02/27 09:36, , 39F
MARCO或GREEN 之後的出手貢獻度
02/27 09:36, 39F

02/27 09:36, , 40F
02/27 09:36, 40F

02/27 09:37, , 41F
奈何Butler被交易走 可能心裡有嫌隙
02/27 09:37, 41F

02/27 09:37, , 42F
影迷真可悲 連妙麗都想搞臭
02/27 09:37, 42F

02/27 09:40, , 43F
最近好多新名詞 影迷 十八銅人…這些到底是什麼鬼
02/27 09:40, 43F

02/27 09:40, , 44F
02/27 09:40, 44F

02/27 09:49, , 45F
Granger 如果被說抱大腿代表這版真的沒救了...
02/27 09:49, 45F

02/27 09:56, , 46F
去熱火=被酸 去別隊=不酸 這板什麼時候有救?
02/27 09:56, 46F

02/27 09:57, , 47F
去溜馬=好強哦 去熱火=幹 又去熱火 總板水準...有救?
02/27 09:57, 47F

02/27 09:58, , 48F
他真的去快艇 快艇也補了兩個 不輸溜馬補強
02/27 09:58, 48F

02/27 09:59, , 49F
02/27 09:59, 49F

02/27 10:02, , 50F
02/27 10:02, 50F

02/27 10:13, , 51F
02/27 10:13, 51F

02/27 10:13, , 52F
02/27 10:13, 52F

02/27 10:15, , 53F
私心小牛阿!!!可是跟其他球隊比好像奪冠能力不足T T
02/27 10:15, 53F

02/27 10:39, , 54F
02/27 10:39, 54F

02/27 10:43, , 55F
02/27 10:43, 55F

02/27 10:44, , 56F
02/27 10:44, 56F

02/27 10:46, , 57F
02/27 10:46, 57F

02/27 10:47, , 58F
02/27 10:47, 58F

02/27 11:00, , 59F
老實說他的打法最適合小牛 打VC拉去先發SG 他打第6人
02/27 11:00, 59F

02/27 11:01, , 60F
但是沒了拳王那級的內線 小牛奪冠機會不高
02/27 11:01, 60F

02/27 11:07, , 61F
02/27 11:07, 61F

02/27 11:07, , 62F
說總版云云 卻又老賴在這 你說你是不是飯__?
02/27 11:07, 62F

02/27 11:44, , 63F
馬刺去年冠軍賽 前年西冠 有看球嗎
02/27 11:44, 63F

02/27 11:45, , 64F
02/27 11:45, 64F

02/27 11:45, , 65F
02/27 11:45, 65F

02/27 17:17, , 66F
02/27 17:17, 66F
文章代碼(AID): #1J3dYTjN (NBA)