[外絮] TD、TP: 為了總冠,Manu有保留實力已回收

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Manu Ginobili 'feeling good now' http://goo.gl/4oEgS June 4, 2013, 7:17 PM ET | ESPN.com news services (節錄) "I still feel like Manu is saving his best for last," Tony Parker said. "I can feel a big final for him. That would be nice; we are definitely going to need it." Tim Duncan agreed: "I told him he's saving himself." Tony Parker 表示:「我始終覺得 Manu 在為總冠賽保留實力,為的是把最佳狀態留給 奪冠的最後一哩路。我有預感這次總冠他會爆氣。如果成真就太好了,我們絕對需要他 爆氣。」 Tim Duncan 也同意: 「我還跟 Manu 講,我感覺他在保留實力。」 Truthfully, Ginobili has never saved himself on the court since his earliest days playing basketball in Bahia Blanca, Argentina. "He's just hell-bent for leather, absolutely all-out," coach Gregg Popovich said. "He plays with a ferocity at both ends of the court that's very unique. Coaches love that stuff." 其實,Ginobili 打一早在阿根廷打職籃開始,就沒在保留什麼實力。他若上場絕對就是 火力全開。 Pop 教頭: 「他就是那種狂操猛幹的個性,完完全全放手一搏的那型。而且在攻守兩端 都是如此,這就是他獨特之處。我們教練就愛這味。」 At age 35, Ginobili no longer has the long, flowing hair that whipped violently each time he tumbled to the court -- opponents would say flopped -- but the fierce drives are still there in his 11th season. "He's one of those guys, who, at age 50, won't be able to walk," former NBA coach Nate McMillan has said. 鬼切今年三十有五,當年隨著他每次摔落場上(對手的措辭可能是假摔)而飄然的長髮 已不復見,但他犀利飄忽的切入步法十一年終如一日。 前 NBA 教練 Nate McMillan 則說照鬼切的打法,「他就是那種到了五十歲,膝蓋會糟 到不太能走路的人。」 Ginobili already has difficulty staying upright, missing 22 games this season after missing 32 in the lockout-shortened 2012 season. After missing much of the final month of the regular season with a strained hamstring, Ginobili said he feels as healthy as he did entering training camp. "It's great to have had this opportunity to keep playing," Ginobili said. "I feel better. If we had lost in the first round, I wasn't even back. After three weeks sitting, then four games, five games and the season's over, you go back home with a really bad feeling about the season. But since the way things have turned out, to tell you the truth, I even forgot what happened during the season. I'm feeling good now. We're in the Finals, so who cares? No one is going to remember I missed 20 games during the regular season." 事實上 Ginobili 現在要保持健康已頗有難度,今年因傷缺賽了 22 場,去年縮水球季 更有 32 場沒法打。猶記例行賽最後一個月,他還因腿傷而缺席大部份的比賽,但現在 的他感覺就跟開季前的訓練營一樣健康有勁。 「季後能走這麼遠真是太棒了,」鬼切言道:「我的狀態也好多了。如果我們沒能挺進 第二輪,我根本來不及傷癒復出。當時我受傷在場邊坐了三個禮拜,再來打了四、五場 吧,身體都還沒回來,季賽就打完了。我記得那時我感覺糟透了,覺得這次的季後賽非 常不妙。」 「結果現在我們衝出西區了,實話告訴你,我連我受過傷都忘記了。雖然才沒多久前的 事,感覺已經像上輩子了。現在的我感覺很好,季中受過傷又怎地?缺賽20場又怎地? 有誰記得嗎?」 While Parker and Duncan receive a lion's share of credit for the team's successful 16-year run, they know they need a healthy Ginobili to thrive. "Manu is one of the ultimate competitors in our league, and has been for a long time," Popovich said. "He has been a big factor in us winning games [and] winning championships. He's very important to what we do." 帕車跟石佛對馬刺這十六年來的榮華功不可沒,但他們知道要再登顛峰,少不了健康 的馬怒。 「Manu 是全聯盟數一數二好勝的人,而且他這個性也不是一兩天的事,」Popovich 說道:「我們能贏球能奪冠,他拌演很吃重的角色。他對馬刺系統非常重要。」 -- 附個 Pop 語錄。“I asked them if it wasn't too much trouble, if I wasn't being too pushy, if they could execute what we were trying to do. And if it didn't make them too angry, if they also wanted to play some defense on the other end, that would be great.” 我問他們,我說各位少爺,如果不是很麻煩的話,如果這要求不太過份的話,能不能請 各位把訓練過的確實執行出來?好嗎?如果不會太過於冒犯各位的話,能不能高抬貴手 稍微防守一下,可以的話就太好了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/06 17:50, , 1F
健康狀況好 也希望你手感也好
06/06 17:50, 1F

06/06 17:51, , 2F
06/06 17:51, 2F

06/06 17:51, , 3F
最後的if也太多了吧 XDDDDD
06/06 17:51, 3F

06/06 17:53, , 4F
翻譯:刺刺內訌TD TP覺得MG前幾輪打很爛
06/06 17:53, 4F

06/06 17:53, , 5F
06/06 17:53, 5F

06/06 17:55, , 6F
06/06 17:55, 6F

06/06 17:55, , 7F
06/06 17:55, 7F

06/06 17:56, , 8F
06/06 17:56, 8F

06/06 17:59, , 9F
06/06 17:59, 9F

06/06 17:59, , 10F
06/06 17:59, 10F

06/06 17:59, , 11F
對吼 差點忘記 manu也是會假摔的 這下摔來摔去看看
06/06 17:59, 11F

06/06 18:00, , 12F
06/06 18:00, 12F

06/06 18:00, , 13F
噓 JasperLo :跟lbj比禿
06/06 18:00, 13F

06/06 18:00, , 14F
06/06 18:00, 14F

06/06 18:01, , 15F
Pop 語錄好好笑 XDDD
06/06 18:01, 15F

06/06 18:04, , 16F
06/06 18:04, 16F

06/06 18:05, , 17F
06/06 18:05, 17F

06/06 18:07, , 18F
魔鬼:為了交易 Manu有保留頭髮避免禿光
06/06 18:07, 18F

06/06 18:08, , 19F
感覺馬刺常搞笑 TD&TP:加油啊 就你沒FMVP喔
06/06 18:08, 19F

06/06 18:08, , 20F
超期待看到鬼禿跟LBJ相撞雙假摔 一定超級經典
06/06 18:08, 20F

06/06 18:09, , 21F
史上三巨頭是不是就賈霸 黑旋風 魔術都有過FMVP??
06/06 18:09, 21F

06/06 18:09, , 22F
鬼禿: 我本來不想用這招的..
06/06 18:09, 22F

06/06 18:11, , 23F
鬼禿接下來每場 25 5 5命中率五成 外帶四絕殺
06/06 18:11, 23F

06/06 18:11, , 24F
有沒有機會FMVP 應該沒
06/06 18:11, 24F

06/06 18:14, , 25F
06/06 18:14, 25F

06/06 18:15, , 26F
06/06 18:15, 26F

06/06 18:15, , 27F
四絕殺沒FMVP 可能有一個是反絕殺------------->小歐
06/06 18:15, 27F

06/06 18:16, , 28F
LBJ可能40 5 5拿下FMVP 然後馬刺冠軍
06/06 18:16, 28F

06/06 18:18, , 29F
06/06 18:18, 29F

06/06 18:20, , 30F
06/06 18:20, 30F

06/06 18:24, , 31F
鬼禿沒打好對馬刺影響不算大 反正其他人會站出來
06/06 18:24, 31F

06/06 18:25, , 32F
倒是熱火 除了LBJ 其他人進攻常常熄火
06/06 18:25, 32F

06/06 18:30, , 33F
06/06 18:30, 33F

06/06 18:32, , 34F
雷槍:我也是把準頭留在總冠軍賽 嘿嘿
06/06 18:32, 34F

06/06 18:32, , 35F
06/06 18:32, 35F

06/06 18:39, , 36F
06/06 18:39, 36F

06/06 18:43, , 37F
06/06 18:43, 37F

06/06 18:47, , 38F
Manu 能打到現在 是因為他在馬刺 BJ4 關鍵字:天殘腳
06/06 18:47, 38F

06/06 18:47, , 39F
Parker暗黑兵法轉移注意 怕自己被熱火外圍包死沒支援
06/06 18:47, 39F

06/06 18:51, , 40F
06/06 18:51, 40F

06/06 18:54, , 41F
06/06 18:54, 41F

06/06 19:01, , 42F
06/06 19:01, 42F

06/06 19:04, , 43F
最後一段好腹黑 XD
06/06 19:04, 43F

06/06 19:19, , 44F
Obi-Wan Ginobili
06/06 19:19, 44F

06/06 19:23, , 45F
06/06 19:23, 45F

06/06 19:23, , 46F
06/06 19:23, 46F

06/06 19:26, , 47F
06/06 19:26, 47F

06/06 19:26, , 48F
06/06 19:26, 48F

06/06 19:30, , 49F
Wade再接此招 發覺先前數輪 Manu竟是壓抑自身威能!!
06/06 19:30, 49F

06/06 19:42, , 50F
06/06 19:42, 50F

06/06 19:49, , 51F
06/06 19:49, 51F

06/06 20:11, , 52F
「飄逸的長髮已不復見」 靠我笑慘了
06/06 20:11, 52F

06/06 20:36, , 53F
Manu每發功一次就會喪失一部分頭髮 有保留是正常的
06/06 20:36, 53F

06/06 21:08, , 54F
06/06 21:08, 54F

06/06 21:36, , 55F
06/06 21:36, 55F

06/06 21:50, , 56F
06/06 21:50, 56F

06/06 22:39, , 57F
06/06 22:39, 57F

06/06 22:45, , 58F
06/06 22:45, 58F

06/06 22:46, , 59F
06/06 22:46, 59F

06/06 22:57, , 60F
06/06 22:57, 60F

06/06 22:58, , 61F
[外絮] LBJ、WADE 為了總冠 BOSH 保留實力
06/06 22:58, 61F

06/06 23:33, , 62F
06/06 23:33, 62F

06/07 08:54, , 63F
06/07 08:54, 63F
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