[轉錄] HTC設計負責人離職消失

看板MobileComm作者時間10年前 (2014/04/26 15:15), 10年前編輯推噓39(39026)
留言65則, 43人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/wyLlb1 (來源:TheVerge) Scott Croyle, the man responsible for the stellar designs of HTC's One smartphone line, is leaving the Taiwanese company. Having led HTC's industrial design and user experience teams since his One & Co studio was acquired in 2008, Croyle is now departing to work on his own projects. HTC confirmed Croyle's plans to The Verge, though the company describes the move as a "long-term transition" where he will remain involved with HTC product development in a consultancy role for a few months to come. "HTC remains at the forefront of smartphone innovation. Scott Croyle will be focusing on special projects and dedicated on next generation developments." Croyle will occupy this transitional role while handing off his full set of responsibilities, the most important of which will be the development of next year's flagship HTC device. His second-in-command, Jonah Becker, is likely to take over most of his duties and step up to lead HTC's San Francisco studio. In a potentially related move, Drew Bamford has been promoted from overseeing the Sense user experience to being in charge of all HTC software and services. The company plans to simplify its internal structure by consolidating its user experience team much in the same that it did with its industrial design and engineering group. "Drew Bamford is an experienced and talented leader at HTC with solid track records in leading and building our user experience team. Effective immediately, in addition to his current duties in product development and user experience, Drew will lead HTC Creative Labs and focus on innovative new products and user experience strategies." Bamford will report directly to CEO Peter Chou, who has expressed a desire to return his attention to product design and leave the corporate side of the business to others. HTC's executive team has seen a lot of turnover in recent months, but Croyle's departure is the most significant one yet. Amid consistently slumping sales, the one bright light for HTC has been its critically acclaimed leadership in design. Without the captain steering that ship, there's now even greater uncertainty about how HTC will fare in the future — particularly now that the company is trying to break into new product categories like wearables and needs a clear vision more than ever. 心得: 個人認為 HTC好看的機種從Hero開始 Hero、Mozart、SS(?)、SSXL/TITAN、Radar One X/S/V(?)、J、8X/8S、Butterfly、M7、M8 不論是不是塑膠或金屬,這幾支外型都很經典 如今總設計師離職,下半年/明年的外型會變的如何 還會有金屬機身嗎,還是用塑料玩新花招(8X) 就等等看之的機型如何變化 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1398496500.A.346.html ※ 編輯: scar19 (, 04/26/2014 15:16:38

04/26 15:17, , 1F
04/26 15:17, 1F

04/26 15:17, , 2F
挖角? 創業?
04/26 15:17, 2F

04/26 15:18, , 3F
04/26 15:18, 3F

04/26 15:18, , 4F
04/26 15:18, 4F

04/26 15:19, , 5F
04/26 15:19, 5F

04/26 15:20, , 6F
04/26 15:20, 6F

04/26 15:21, , 7F
04/26 15:21, 7F

04/26 15:22, , 8F
04/26 15:22, 8F

04/26 15:22, , 9F
ONE X 開始 我才有在注意HTC外型...
04/26 15:22, 9F

04/26 15:23, , 10F
04/26 15:23, 10F

04/26 15:24, , 11F
04/26 15:24, 11F

04/26 15:24, , 12F
04/26 15:24, 12F

04/26 15:24, , 13F
04/26 15:24, 13F

04/26 15:24, , 14F
04/26 15:24, 14F

04/26 15:26, , 15F
我覺得ONE X真的很好看
04/26 15:26, 15F

04/26 15:26, , 16F
鑽1代背蓋用鑽石切邊 鑽2類似SONY 2012出的那些
04/26 15:26, 16F

04/26 15:26, , 17F
04/26 15:26, 17F

04/26 15:29, , 18F
sony 當年 wm 也是 htc 代工的咩
04/26 15:29, 18F

04/26 15:43, , 19F
04/26 15:43, 19F

04/26 15:53, , 20F
ONEX之前都很醜 DHD是最醜的 ONEX之後每隻都還不錯
04/26 15:53, 20F

04/26 15:54, , 21F
One x裸機握感真的超好,現在拿G2手感完全比不上
04/26 15:54, 21F

04/26 15:54, , 22F
扣除四大天王這種騙錢沒設計的 主流ONE系列有在用心
04/26 15:54, 22F

04/26 15:59, , 23F
04/26 15:59, 23F

04/26 16:00, , 24F
HTC外型一直很有特色吧 鑽石機經典到我現在都還記得
04/26 16:00, 24F

04/26 16:01, , 25F
04/26 16:01, 25F

04/26 16:02, , 26F
04/26 16:02, 26F

04/26 16:02, , 27F
04/26 16:02, 27F

04/26 16:15, , 28F
04/26 16:15, 28F

04/26 16:19, , 29F
M7和M8外型不是差不多嗎? M8多了髮絲紋而已
04/26 16:19, 29F

04/26 16:24, , 30F
04/26 16:24, 30F

04/26 16:28, , 31F
04/26 16:28, 31F

04/26 16:30, , 32F
04/26 16:30, 32F

04/26 16:31, , 33F
04/26 16:31, 33F

04/26 16:32, , 34F
我個人是比較喜歡one X的設計,玻璃內縮也比較不容易
04/26 16:32, 34F

04/26 16:32, , 35F
摔到邊緣, 外型也蠻不錯的
04/26 16:32, 35F

04/26 16:33, , 36F
04/26 16:33, 36F

04/26 16:35, , 37F
外型不會是一人設計的 Scott今年發表沒現身就有跡象
04/26 16:35, 37F

04/26 16:42, , 38F
早期的HTC設計是真的很有"特色" 不過好像不太對大家
04/26 16:42, 38F

04/26 16:42, , 39F
04/26 16:42, 39F

04/26 16:49, , 40F
04/26 16:49, 40F

04/26 17:01, , 41F
Peter 不離職,htc不會起飛的
04/26 17:01, 41F

04/26 17:09, , 42F
04/26 17:09, 42F

04/26 17:17, , 43F
主觀認為 m8 m7 都偏窄,瀏覽起來違和感有些明顯
04/26 17:17, 43F

04/26 17:46, , 44F
我覺得XL不錯阿!! 好啦我承認我現在拿XL...
04/26 17:46, 44F

04/26 17:46, , 45F
沒推到! 推XL!!
04/26 17:46, 45F

04/26 17:52, , 46F
04/26 17:52, 46F

04/26 18:12, , 47F
04/26 18:12, 47F

04/26 18:13, , 48F
One S那種處理過的鋁外殼不出了嗎......
04/26 18:13, 48F

04/26 18:23, , 49F
原來工作室叫one 那m8會是ONE系列最後一隻嗎?
04/26 18:23, 49F

04/26 18:45, , 50F
反正現在desire長的也差不多, 改回去就好(?)
04/26 18:45, 50F

04/26 22:15, , 51F
04/26 22:15, 51F

04/26 23:50, , 52F
覺得最好看的是One S。
04/26 23:50, 52F

04/27 00:44, , 53F
One S的確很讚
04/27 00:44, 53F

04/27 00:55, , 54F
04/27 00:55, 54F

04/27 07:50, , 55F
04/27 07:50, 55F

04/27 07:50, , 56F
04/27 07:50, 56F

04/27 08:16, , 57F
樓上有擔心過嗎 還不是一直"怕氣衰" ((咦?
04/27 08:16, 57F

04/27 08:25, , 58F
04/27 08:25, 58F

04/27 08:25, , 59F
04/27 08:25, 59F

04/27 10:24, , 60F
one s讚 8x也讚
04/27 10:24, 60F

04/27 14:03, , 61F
04/27 14:03, 61F

04/27 17:17, , 62F
我覺得EVO 3D也不錯看阿
04/27 17:17, 62F

04/27 17:28, , 63F
外型設計師根本誰都可以 UI設計才是HTC最大的問題
04/27 17:28, 63F

04/27 21:05, , 64F
我絕得HTC最強的就是那個"下巴"~ 根本天才
04/27 21:05, 64F

04/27 21:07, , 65F
04/27 21:07, 65F
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