Re: [新聞] 找到證據了!北溪漏氣證實遭蓄意破壞

看板Military作者 (no)時間1年前 (2022/11/19 02:08), 1年前編輯推噓15(1614)
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※ 引述《hvariables (Speculative Male)》之銘言: : 原文來源: : : 原文摘要: : 找到證據了!北溪漏氣證實遭蓄意破壞 : 2022/11/18 20:18 :
: 根據最新調查結果指出,北溪漏氣確實是遭到人為蓄意破壞。(美聯社) : 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕1名瑞典檢察官週五(18日)表示,調查人員在受損的北溪天然 : 氣管道中,發現了可以證實人為蓄意破壞管道的關鍵性證據。 自由時報下方予以加色的原報導文字的那一段,記者是從哪看來的「哪個路透社」內容去 用暗示帶風向?誰給你「也就是說」云云?有閱讀敏銳度的人會奇怪這句十足硬插進來的 句子。 有涉獵過新聞寫作的人,就知道哪個正規(尤其是有公信力的外國)媒體在報導(而不是 評論特稿)中來一句這個「解讀」用語? 路透》報導,瑞典及丹麥當局此前正調查連接俄羅斯和德國的天然氣管道北溪1號、2號 ,由於管道上突然出現的4個破洞,剛好正值歐洲天然氣供應短缺,使得該事件有可能成 為加深烏克蘭危機的導火線,也就是說有人試圖加深俄羅斯歐洲之間矛盾 自由時報(自由的這篇新聞竟然不敢署名!)是英文太爛看不懂原文而難道是從中國網站 抄中文翻譯版新聞嗎?怎犯如此造謠的疏失!還刻意暗示炮製一個「俄羅斯」、「歐洲」 以外的第三國有嫌疑(換言之俄羅斯既然是某嫌疑國要藉由北溪爆炸案打擊的目標,俄羅 斯就被排除在爆炸案的作案嫌疑名單了)? 至少以我找到的路透社關於瑞典丹麥證實北溪一、二號破壞事件。 他X的我眼睛看到脫窗也沒看到在其他中規中矩的事實報導寫作句子之外,有橫柴入灶的 那句暗示瑞典、丹麥當局彷彿作證「(也就是)說」俄羅斯被排除嫌疑、而是某個第三國 陰謀要在俄羅斯與歐洲之間製造矛盾的造謠句子。然後看到某些黃鵝網友見到此新聞的興 奮貌,真是(經由自由日報的偷懶失職導致的)協同認知作戰啊! 不信邪的網友自己去看完我下方複製的路透社報導全部英文句子就知道了。 Nord Stream leaks confirmed as sabotage, Sweden says By Anna Ringstrom and Terje Solsvik STOCKHOLM, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Investigators have found traces of explosives at the site of the damaged Nord Stream gas pipelines, confirming sabotage had taken place, a Swedish prosecutor said on Friday. Swedish and Danish authorities are investigating four holes in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines which link Russia and Germany via the Baltic Sea and have become a flashpoint in the Ukraine crisis as gas supplies in Europe run short. Denmark last month said a preliminary investigation had shown that the leaks were caused by powerful explosions. "Analysis that has now been carried out shows traces of explosives on several of the objects that were recovered," the Swedish Prosecution Authority said in a statement, adding that the findings establish the incident as "gross sabotage". It said the continued probe would determine whether it would be possible to identify those responsible. Cooperation with authorities in Sweden as well as in other countries was going very well, lead prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist said. The prosecutor's office declined to give further comment, including on which explosives were believed to have been used to damage the pipelines. Russia will wait until a full damage assessment is done before deciding on repairs, if any, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday. "The very fact that data has already begun to come in, in favour of confirming a subversive act or a terrorist act... once again confirms the information that the Russian side has," Peskov told his daily call with reporters. "It is very important not to stop, it is very important to find the one behind this explosion." Neither Gazprom (GAZP.MM), nor the Nord Stream 1 and 2 replied to Reuters requests for comment. Seismologists in Denmark and Sweden previously said they had registered tremors in the immediate vicinity of the leaks and that the signals did not resemble those from earthquakes. Danish police declined to comment on the Swedish findings. The Sept. 26 ruptures of the seabed pipelines, spewing gas into the ocean that bubbled to the surface in the week that followed, triggered warnings of public hazard and fears of environmental damage. A section measuring at least 50 metres (164 feet) is missing from Nord Stream 1, Swedish daily Expressen reported on Oct. 18 after filming what it said were the first publicly released images of the damage. Russia's defence ministry last month said that British navy personnel blew up the pipelines, a claim that London said was false and designed to distract from Russian military failures in Ukraine. 以上。試問不信邪的網友,英文原句哪一行有自由時報腦補的「也就是說」的部份? ps.「俄國」在上方英文最後一段固然指控譬如英國炸的,然而俄國立場這大家早就知道。 關鍵是路透社原文可沒說瑞典、丹麥給你來一個「也就是說」好嗎!自由時報別把俄國的 觀點塞在瑞典、丹麥當局的觀點後方來混淆視聽,讓讀者以為瑞典、丹麥也這麼認為。 ps.軍事點可能還是在戰略面。北溪一、二號一共四條管線,依照原先俄國跟西方諸國的 供氣合約,俄國其實不能無故不提供合約規定的供氣數量,不然很簡單:違約->賠錢(耍 賴不賠?那麼就授西方以柄自絕於西方,雖說俄國不是絕不這麼做,但要「那麼早」全面 撕破臉嗎?待深究)。但是「有故」(譬如管線因為不是俄方責任的相關事故而損毀)就 可以達到讓西方相關簽約國在冬天缺少天然氣供暖,而有可能有要該國政府不再管烏國的 民意了。 此外依照譬如徐某人的分析,四條管線是被炸了三條,恰恰留下一條!因為如果真是四條 全炸了,反而讓西方諸國斷了念想,乾脆一條路走到底幫烏國(因為反正幫也好不幫也好 ,都已經「完全沒有」北溪的氣可用,不幫烏國也不會因此「變出」俄國的天然氣來), 如果是英美要斷掉俄國對西方諸國的最大影響力因素斷得乾乾淨淨,應該北溪四條全炸。 反而,炸三條留一條,其實是俄國得利:才「既能」讓西方民眾冷到,但「又能」靠手中 仍有的一條當籌碼,誘使西方民眾是否出於短視(不要連這一條,都可能因為本國繼續跟 俄國全面撕破臉,而停供)而逼政府減少支援烏國,這樣俄國就得利、俄軍就多一分或許 (普丁認為的)擊敗烏軍的可能性。這是對英美與俄國行為選擇的rational的分析。 以上是以戰略素養而能第一時間看出自由時報的中文稿不對勁。 : 瑞典檢察機關聲明表示,透過目前的分析顯示,在找到的幾件物品上發現了爆炸物痕跡, : 根據調查結果,已將該事件定調為「嚴重破壞」,將透過持續調查以查明是否有人該為此 : 負責。 : 俄羅斯發言人Dmitry Peskov表示,俄羅斯將等到管道全面損害評估完成後,再決定是否 : 進行修復。「證據逐漸浮出水面,這種恐怖行動再次驗證了俄羅斯所掌握到的消息」、「 : 不能停下來,找到這場爆炸背後的幕後黑手很重要」。 : 心得感想: : 新聞報導瑞典檢察官表示發現了可以證實人為蓄意破壞北溪天然管道的關鍵性證據, : 其實要猜是哪個國家破壞北溪天然管道不會很難, : 不過那個國家可能會想一堆歪理把責任推給其他國家。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

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推 霉體慣犯
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正文處最末新增的一個ps.的那幾段,不知可否算? (本文原本用意是回應首篇,因為首篇所po的自由時報中文稿明顯有一處夾雜了私貨,需 要被附上證據去釐清,而我找到了路透社的英文原新聞內容)

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※ 編輯: PTTHappy ( 臺灣), 11/19/2022 12:30:45

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文章代碼(AID): #1ZTyeXU1 (Military)
文章代碼(AID): #1ZTyeXU1 (Military)