Re: [情報] 5 Things We Learnt From Mayday... (有視頻)

看板MayDay作者 (白水放)時間6年前 (2018/06/05 02:30), 6年前編輯推噓4(401)
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簡單翻譯一下 順便騙個P幣XD ※ 引述《rachelism (如果能這麼想就夠了~~~)》之銘言: Interview Feature 5 things we learnt from Mayday at their Singapore press conference 五月天在新加坡記者會透漏的五件事 Words by Bernice Kwok, Karen Gwee on 4 June 2018
Photography by Png Eng Ngee This past weekend, Mayday returned to Singapore for their third concert in as many years. This time, the Taiwanese rock veterans went big with a blowout at the Singapore National Stadium, a decade after their last concert at that venue. 剛過去的上週末,五月天回到新加坡舉行他們近三年來的第三次演唱會。這一次,這組台 灣的老牌樂團睽違十年,再次擠爆新加坡國家體育場。 After the show, the band appeared for a brief press conference, where they hardly showed signs of exhaustion, even after an electrifying two-hour long concert. From how Masa feels about fatherhood to what Mayday loves about Singaporean fans, here's what we learned from the conference. 表演結束後,他們出席了一場簡短的記者會。即使剛完成一場激動人心的演唱會,他們幾 乎沒有露出疲態。從瑪莎初為人父的感想,到他們對新加坡歌迷的喜愛,以下是這場記者 會的摘要。 This Singapore concert marks Masa's first time performing as a dad 這是瑪莎當爸爸之後的第一場演出 Mayday's bassist Masa welcomed his first child with his wife Vicky Hsieh just a week before the concert, and sought advice from the other Mayday members on how to be a good dad. He pointed out that they were all good fathers themselves, and that the communication they had with their children was something he aspired to have with his child as well. 五月天的貝斯手瑪莎在演唱會前的一個禮拜,迎接了他和妻子謝葦怡的第一個孩子,也從 其他成員那裡,得到了一些關於如何成為一個好爸爸的建議。他指出成員們都是好爸爸, 也說他們與孩子間的溝通,啟發了他以後如何跟孩子相處。 (譯註1:這個記者應該不知道瑪莎家生的是雙胞胎 譯註2:這裡的"其他成員"指的是石頭&冠佑) Mayday's Singaporean fans dug up a clip from 10 years ago of Ashin predicting that Masa would have two kids 新加坡粉絲挖出了一段十年前阿信預言瑪莎會生兩個的影片 Singaporean fans found a clip of the band's vocalist commenting that Masa would be a father of two – looks like he's one step closer to having his statement proven true! 新加坡粉絲發現了一段主唱說瑪莎會生兩個的影片,看來離他的預言成真又更近了一步! (譯註:記者沒做功課阿...) Mayday admires the growth Singaporean fans show each time they return to the country 五月天稱讚每次回到新加坡,粉絲都有成長 Early in their career, the members of Mayday were told not to be alarmed if they ever set foot in Singapore and found themselves performing to a cold and stiff crowd because that can be characteristic of Singaporean concerts. To their surprise, they found their Singaporean fans warm and welcoming and feel a stronger energy from the crowd each time they return for a concert. 在他們的生涯早期,成員們曾經被警告,他們可能會面對一群冷淡且拘謹的觀眾,因為那 就是在新加坡的演唱會會發生的事。但讓他們驚訝的是,他們的新加坡粉絲熱情又好客, 每次回到新加坡都從他們身上看到滿滿的能量。 A possible collaboration with Thai rock band Slot Machine 有機會和泰國樂團Slot Machine合作 The band will be heading to Thailand for their next concert, and hopes to get to know some Thai artists for a possible collaboration soon. They were recommended the rock band Slot Machine by Thai media, to which Ashin joked, "I know slot machine: in Las Vegas". On a more serious note, Mayday may actually collaborate with the Thai band - they in fact, once invited the Slot Machine for a concert in Taiwan. 五月天接下來將前往泰國演出,並將尋求與泰國藝人合作的機會。泰國媒體向他們推薦 Slot Machine,阿信開玩笑說:「Slot Machine喔,我知道阿,拉斯維加斯很多嘛!」認 真的說,五月天確實有機會與這組泰國樂團合作--事實上,他們曾經邀請Slot Machine 到台灣演出。 (譯註1:Slot Machine原意是角子老虎機 譯註2:曼谷場是10/6,這個"接下來"其實中間還有蠻多場的XD) Mayday wants to show their fans the hardship they go through behind-the-scenes 五月天想呈現出他們在幕後的努力 Fans often see the band living their best moments on stage, smiling and seemingly full of energy performing show after show. What they don't see as much, are the grueling hours and amount of practice that go into rehearsing for those shows. Mayday wants to show fans the hard work that goes into preparing for a tour and how they are often exhausted off the stage. 粉絲們通常看到的都是他們在台上最好的時刻,一場又一場掛滿微笑而且充滿能量,但粉 絲沒看到的,是那些累死人的練習和彩排。五月天希望可以呈現出他們為了準備巡演付出 的努力,以及他們多常被榨乾。 (譯註:我覺得這不太像是五位老闆會講的話...) Watch some of the press conference here: (記者會節錄影片) (原文網址太長,我把它縮短一點) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: vincent7977 (, 06/05/2018 02:52:13

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文章代碼(AID): #1R5OLSPj (MayDay)