[外電] FISH:Brendan Haywood's Flop Must Stop

看板Mavericks作者 (不在喔)時間13年前 (2010/11/09 23:59), 編輯推噓23(23042)
留言65則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
上一篇大家在討論黑霧 剛好有外電就翻了~ I'd decided to retire my distaste with Big Wood’s late-last-season “I just work here" declaration for a few reasons. Hey, maybe it’s been taken a bit out of context. Or, hey, maybe he had a right to subtly express his playing-time unhappiness. And heck, it’s a new season worthy of a fresh start. (作者決定拋棄他對黑霧上季後半段所發表的"我只是在這工作"所感到的厭惡 這件事已經過了一段時間,而且黑霧也有權表達上場時間的不滿, 另外這是個值得期待的新球季) Most of all: The Mavs had enough faith in him to keep him while promising him this year’s starting center job … to acquire “Starter 1A’’ Tyson Chandler without expressed concerns about Haywood’s fragile psyche … and to broadcast for all to hear how “elite’’ deep Dallas now is at the center position. (原本小牛隊黑霧有足夠的信心並承諾他會是這一季的先發中鋒... 但當小牛得到拳王時... 無疑是害怕黑霧那脆弱的...心靈... 此外,現在大家都說小牛隊在中鋒這個位置上是很堅強的!) But my “I just work here’’ cynicism is mushrooming back. Its fertilizer is the substandard performance of Haywood through two weeks of the NBA season. (在開季兩個星期後,黑霧那不合格的表現... "I just work here"的言論,聽起來就像個笑話...) Fact: Dallas has played five games. In four of those games, Haywood has scored two points or fewer. (事實上,小牛隊已經打了五場球, 黑霧有上場的比賽只得了兩分或更少...) You won’t find Mavs staffers saying much about this on the record. Big Wood needs to be handled properly. The investment in him is sizeable (a guaranteed five years and $41.745 million, and a possible sixth year at $10.5 million more). The plan is for him to be here long-term, to fulfill the words we all uttered about him last spring: (小牛隊全隊上下沒有人對於這個記錄談論過多... 黑霧需要被嚴格的控管,因為對於他的投資是相當大的... 這約是為了讓他長期的留在達拉斯,去實現去年春天我們所說的....) “The Best Center The Mavs Have Ever Had.’’ ("小牛隊史上最棒的中鋒" ..........................) Let me get to the money first. And then we’ll get to the damning stats. (先給我錢,然後你們會看到可怕的數據!!!!) Haywood’s deal over six years averages $8.3 mil per season (including that insta-expiring sixth year that benefits the Mavs). This season, he’ll made $6.9 mil. (Here is the detailed breakdown, as first reported by DallasBasketball.com’s David Lord: 2010-11 $6,900,000; 2011-12 $7,624,500; 2012-13 $8,349,000; 2013-14 $9,073,500; 2014-15 $9,798,000; 2015-16 unguaranteed and a trade chip of $10,522,500.) Is that too much for a top-10 center? Nope. (黑霧的合約超過六年,平均薪資達到8.3M 這對於一個聯盟前10的中鋒,會太貴嗎??? 一點都不!!!) Is that a contract that invites buyer’s remorse if Big Wood is going to score two points a game in four out of every five outings? Damn straight. (當Cuban看到黑霧的數據會不會感到自責咧??? 真是個糟透的決定...) Haywood arrived in Dallas last February as if he was ecstatic to have escaped Washington. His half-season in Dallas -- a PER of 16.1, a 56.4 shooting percentage, 10.1 rebounds/36, a team-best 2.8 blocks/36, a lack of sloppiness with 1.6 turnovers/36 – merited the positive talk and the attractive contract. (黑霧在二月時,欣喜若狂的離開華盛頓 去年留下的數據是每場16.1分 五成六四的投籃命中率 10.1個籃板 全隊最佳的2.8個火鍋以及1.6個失誤 理所當然得讓他在談新合約時十分順利...) But let me dig up what I wrote about Brendan in training camp: (容許我找出我在訓練營時對於黑霧的評論) Why do some of those numbers feel fluky? (為什麼那些數據看起來有點靠運氣???) Is it because Haywood is sort of an odd bird … what an old-time coach might critically call a “Good-Time Charlie’’? Is it because he seems kind of sensitive, in need of a bone thrown, in need of a hug? (這是因為黑霧是種怪鳥嗎? 還是因為他的多愁善感,需要大家的擁抱咧?) Right now, though, it’s not about what the Mavs need to give Haywood; it’s a Kennedyesque “what Haywood can do for the Mavs.’’ 現在要討論的不是小牛隊需要給黑霧什麼 而是 小牛隊什麼改變?) Take away the effort against the Clippers (six rebounds, 10 points and three blocks) and here’s what you’re getting out of Big Wood: Against Charlotte: three rebounds and two points Against Memphis, four rebounds and zero points Against Denver, four rebounds and two points Against Denver again, seven rebounds and zero points 黑霧今年慘不忍睹的數據 Listen, I can appreciate and even champion a center who “does the little things’’; DallasBasketball.com did it for a half-decade of Erick Dampier screen-setting. But for Haywood, that’s four games … games against teams missing big men like Zach Randolph, Chris Andersen, Kenyon Martin and Nene … games in which fate and fortune invited Big Wood to thrive … (聽著我能接受並且支持"做一些事情的中鋒"就像蛋皮.... 但黑霧在這四場比賽... 根本沒有遇到什麼大個子... 彷彿就是要讓黑霧刷數據的....) And he barely even showed up. (而他就只負責走上球場...) Like I say, the Mavericks right now have so many problems that you could throw a dart – drunk and blind-folded – and pinpoint one worthy of dissection. Part of Brendan’s ineffectiveness can certainly be tied to the adjustment he’s making while being outplayed by Chandler, who has stolen his starting job. (Worth noting: The two of them seem to be competitive in practice but very friendly with each other as well.) I hasten to point out that after Dallas’ win at the Clippers, I went on the FS Southwest postgame show and praised Haywood for hustling through the game, once by flopping to the floor for a loose ball. (就像我所說的一樣, 目前小牛隊的問題多到可以用射飛鏢來決定要解決哪個問題, 對於黑霧的無用... 可能是因為他在競爭先發位置上 被拳王給解決了... 我曾在對快艇的勝利之後 讚美黑霧在球場上的拼勁~~~) That’s the kind of “flop’’ Dallas needs out of Brendan Haywood, the one-game good flop … not the four-game bad one. (那樣的演出是達拉斯需要黑霧所做的 在場上一次又一次的展現拼勁 而不是這四場比賽的表現...) http://0rz.tw/VPE2e 黑霧加油!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/10 00:11, , 1F
11/10 00:11, 1F

11/10 00:15, , 2F
前面是說 黑物曾說他要改變"I JUST WORK There"習性
11/10 00:15, 2F

11/10 00:16, , 3F
但這四場比賽 那種"只是在這裡工作"的習性似乎又出現
11/10 00:16, 3F
喔喔謝謝!!!! ※ 編輯: LKN555 來自: (11/10 00:20)

11/10 00:22, , 4F
11/10 00:22, 4F

11/10 00:30, , 5F
不對 看錯了@@ 第一段應該是說黑物上季有說他"just
11/10 00:30, 5F

11/10 00:32, , 6F
work here 作者本想不要去討厭黑物這個發言
11/10 00:32, 6F

11/10 00:32, , 7F
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11/10 00:35, , 12F
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11/10 00:43, , 13F
是上上季喔? 不是上一季的後期?
11/10 00:43, 13F

11/10 00:44, , 14F
11/10 00:44, 14F

11/10 00:58, , 15F
沒辦法叫Dirk去打3號的= = 會被對方過到死吧?!
11/10 00:58, 15F

11/10 01:00, , 16F
去年黑物剛來我曾驚艷於黑物帶來的防守 但是這個防守
11/10 01:00, 16F

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11/10 01:36, , 37F
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11/10 01:36, , 38F
說實話 我覺得這樣會很慘.....XD
11/10 01:36, 38F

11/10 01:37, , 39F
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11/10 01:39, , 40F
11/10 01:39, 40F

11/10 01:39, , 41F
可是你剛剛說重回耶....!= =
11/10 01:39, 41F

11/10 01:40, , 42F
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11/10 01:42, , 49F
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11/10 01:43, , 50F
兩個中鋒滿有創意的 但我覺得這兩個很難一起擺上去
11/10 01:43, 50F

11/10 01:43, , 51F
提醒一下 看討論很營養 可是要注意一下推文數喔!
11/10 01:43, 51F

11/10 01:44, , 52F
不如用回的? 只是希望不要有大爭執就好= = QQ
11/10 01:44, 52F

11/10 01:44, , 53F
11/10 01:44, 53F

11/10 01:44, , 54F
L大SORRY重回我口誤> <
11/10 01:44, 54F

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11/10 01:46, , 56F
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11/10 01:46, , 57F
11/10 01:46, 57F

11/10 01:46, , 58F
抱歉~我就習慣按了=.= SORRY
11/10 01:46, 58F

11/10 01:47, , 59F
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11/10 01:47, , 60F
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11/10 01:48, , 61F
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11/10 01:49, , 62F
那先給你拍拍吧= =|||
11/10 01:49, 62F

11/10 01:57, , 63F
兩中鋒在場上 內防應該很威 外防就看隊伍了
11/10 01:57, 63F

11/10 01:59, , 64F
11/10 01:59, 64F

11/10 02:01, , 65F
11/10 02:01, 65F
※ 編輯: LKN555 來自: (11/10 07:50)
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