Re: [情報] Guti is out of season again

看板Mariners作者 (距離太遠 思念太近)時間10年前 (2014/02/22 04:15), 編輯推噓4(404)
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: 推 PenguinPing:棒球版有一篇 Montero變胖18KG的新聞...... 02/21 17:15 : → cd12631:Smoak:春訓賽還沒開打就少了一個競爭對手 02/21 17:43 : 推 Atropos0723:Montero真是太了不起了....就算真的胖了也不能這樣說 02/21 18:44 : → Atropos0723:好歹說自己有鍛鍊增重,嘗試增強擊球力量之類的...... 02/21 18:45 : 推 aibakoji:Montero完全就是豁出去了,大概是跟Z有衝突吧 02/21 19:18 : → aibakoji:不過這下他就只剩打出成績一途了,不然肯定會被Z踢掉 02/21 19:19 : → aibakoji:Smoak被總教練盯上要改善他的揮棒和左右打差別 02/21 19:20 : → aibakoji:Hart據說會外野優先,所以Smoak的對手剩下推特紅人 02/21 19:21 : 推 mika0120:聽說還想賣小朋友,到底想幹麻啦~ 02/21 19:25 : 推 lovejeely:Pineda目前復元狀況不錯...-_- 02/21 19:57 : → lovejeely:看看JZ這個臉會被打得多兇 02/21 19:58 : 推 aibakoji:Franky賣了也好,他去別隊搞不好對他的生涯比較好 02/21 20:01 : 推 elliotway:看來今年又是要.... 02/21 21:25 : 推 ronald000:馬的先發輪值還沒補好,一壘輪值倒是有了 02/21 23:53 : 推 PenguinPing:金鳥簽了U-ball 還對E小三有興趣@@ 02/22 00:22 : 推 mika0120:Pineda復原的不錯,拿小法去換回來XD 02/22 01:02 原文在此: 原文寫的相當狠啊. 看到那張圖, 他怎麼會覺得 40 lbs 沒什麼... Jesus Montero is the forgotten prospect. He’s no longer something to build on. He’s something to be salvaged. To many around baseball and within the organization, he’s just another guy filled with potential, but unaware that he’s squandering it. This should have been a seminal offseason for Montero. He was coming off one of the worst years of his professional career. He was given the starting catching job in the offseason, lost it two weeks into the season, was sent to Triple A in May and told he was converting to first base, he injured his knee requiring surgery and then after coming back for a handful of games he was suspended for the remainder of the season for being linked to the BioGenesis. It was a full year of disappointment. For most players, a season like that would be the ultimate motivation. For most players, they would take the offseason to prepare like they’ve never prepared before and come to camp ready to have writers pump out the “best shape of his life” stories. Instead, Montero came in heavier than ever. He even admitted it, making the regrettable line: “after winter ball, all I did was eat.” After each season, players meet with training and medical staff to set up their offseason. Each player is given a target weight they are expected to come in at for the following season. According to sources, Montero has never once met that target weight since joining the Mariners. This year he came in 40 pounds over the weight the Mariners wanted him to come in at. It’s led to frustration within the organization. General manager Jack Zduriencik was particularly critical of Montero and his future. “We are disappointed in how he came in physically,” Zduriencik said bluntly. That disinterest in conditioning in the offseason didn’t do much change the minds of people who have been skeptical of Montero’s work ethic. It certainly didn’t inspire Zduriencik, who was clearly unhappy with the situation. “It’s up to him,” Zduriencik said. ” I have zero expectations for Jesus Montero. Any expectations I had are gone.” “He’s got a ton to prove,” Zduriencik said. “It’s all on him.” But that’s the problem for some people within the organization. They seem to want it more than he does. “I can’t want it for him,” manager Lloyd McClendon said. “At some point, the light has to come on for all of us. When I talked with him, I told him he ’s at a crossroads. It’s time to put up or shut up.” Montero didn’t really offer any excuses or reasons as to why he came into camp overweight, but said last season and suspension was still on his mind. As for the weight? “I feel comfortable with my weight,” he said. “But they want me to lose some weight. Whatever they want. I’m here for the opportunity.” Really it’s not an opportunity to make the team as much as opportunity to change people’s perceptions of him. “We can’t give it to him,” Zduriencik said. “And it’s not going to be given to him.” Montero said he comes in every morning for extra cardio work and has been putting extra work with infield coach Chris Woodward at first base. McClendon said that Montero has done everything they’ve asked thus far. “It’s all going to be up to him,” McClendon said. Going off past experience, putting the onus on Montero likely won’t result in much. Maybe he will change? Maybe he will figure it out? “I’m not counting on him,” Zduriencik said. “I’m not expecting anything. Whatever he does, he’s got to get our attention that’s how I’m looking at it. We haven’t discarded him at all. But he’s got to prove it us. We’ve got players here that want to be big league players and want to be big league players for a long time, in his case, he’s still got that to prove yet. And I don’t think he’s done that. He hasn’t taken that next step where he’s got everyone’s attention. He can because the ability is there to do that.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/22 04:33, , 1F
02/22 04:33, 1F

02/22 09:00, , 2F
02/22 09:00, 2F

02/22 13:54, , 3F
Jon Heyman: at least montero went from drugs to
02/22 13:54, 3F

02/22 13:54, , 4F
02/22 13:54, 4F

02/22 13:59, , 5F
現在不是流行胖子球員減肥 我們家球員真是跟別人不一樣
02/22 13:59, 5F

02/22 16:26, , 6F
重點不是耶穌肥了40磅, 而是他體重超過球隊放假前給他定
02/22 16:26, 6F

02/22 16:27, , 7F
的"春訓報到時標準體重"40磅. 這應該也是Z反應這麼激烈
02/22 16:27, 7F

02/22 16:28, , 8F
的原因, 連球隊管理都不鳥要怎麼指望他
02/22 16:28, 8F
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