Adem Ljajic

看板ManUtd作者 (老天爺幫幫忙)時間15年前 (2009/06/21 23:44), 編輯推噓7(702)
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我覺得C羅走 是為了Adem Ljajic清空間出來 除非有很大的意外 否則他下賽季遲早會被Fergie拉出來直接先發吧 巴西球員的球感 加上東歐的戰術素養... 無價 變向超棒 速度快 小範圍控球能力強 足球如果是一個過人比賽 他已經贏了 Tosic應該只是他交易的贈品... 附上球探報告,24035,15198_5293960,00.html The scout reports... Ljajic 長久以來一直被視為 Serbia 曾經培養出來青年選手中最棒的一個 而他一向表現的合乎這個期待 Adem Ljajic has long been touted as one of the finest player's young players Serbia has ever produced, and he is showing no signs of not being able living up to that tag. 他已經代表過 Serbia 出征青年級的國際賽 馬上吸引歐洲頂級俱樂部跟曼聯的注意 MU利用他們再東歐的關係簽下像Ljajic這樣罕見的天才 He has starred for Serbia's youth team on the international stage, which first attracted interest from a string of Europe's top clubs and Manchester United have used their contacts in Eastern Europe to great effect by landing a precocious talent like Ljajic. 他明年登錄MU 但是他是否準備好EPL的挑戰 簡單的答案是 Yes 相當的確定 15-16歲的時候他的天份就已經擺在那裡看得到了 最近十八個月他的身體達到頂級聯賽的強度 他現在已經不只是足以再成年階級比賽了 He will join United next year, but is he ready for the Premier League? Simple answer is yes, very much so. As a 15 and 16 year-old his talent was there to behold, but in the last 18-months his body has filled out so that he is now more than capable of playing at the senior level. 當他成長的時候 沒有減弱他任何的天份技巧跟速度 小範圍控球是一個娛樂觀眾的表演 他享受過人的感覺 常常過了不只一次 這一定是被Fergie和他的團隊要求改變的習慣 But as he has grown he has not lost any of his natural skill or pace. His close control is a joy to behold and he loves to beat men, sometimes more than once, which is something which will no doubt be removed from his game under Sir Alex Ferguson and his staff. 雖然被稱呼是小Kaka 但這個比較不算準確 Ljajic會成為一個中路選手 他有著出眾的視野 但是他傳中跟邊路的能力 意味著他短期內會是個邊路選手 He has been labelled the 'Little Kaka' but that the comparisons are not that accurate, Ljajic make become a more central player and he certainly has excellent vision - but his crossing and ability out-wide mean his future - in the short-term at least - is on the wing. 唯一值得關注的是他終結能力 但似乎會隨時間進步 而且已經展示出在他這賽季五個進球中 The one major of area of concern has been his finishing, but again this looks to be improving all the time and he has shown this by bagging five goals for Partizan this season. The scout says... 隨有Sky sport scout中最棒的之一 擁有所有能力到達頂峰 還有哪個地方比MU更能展現他的能力 One of the most talented youngsters we have looked at. Has all the attributes to make it to the very top, and what better place to hone his talents than Manchester United. 再曼聯的轉會中似乎不會馬上進入一線隊 單是光以天份來講 似乎是遲早的事 On moving to Old Trafford he is unlikely to be rushed into first-team action, but on talent alone they may not be able to hold him back for too long. The Scout rating... 射門 Shooting: 7 out of 10 傳球 Passing: 9 out of 10 鏟斷 Tackling: 6 out of 10 頭球 Heading: 6 out of 10 速度 Pace: 9 out of 10 視野 Vision: 9 out of 10 現在能力 Current ability: 9 out of 10 未來潛力 Potential ability: 10 out of 10 總計 OVERALL SCOUT RATING: 65/80 現在身價 Current value: ?8million 潛在身價 Potential value: ?50million -- keep it simple and stupid -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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