Re: [樂透] United v Inter

看板ManUtd作者 (吾誠彼娘之非悅!)時間15年前 (2009/03/12 21:33), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
開獎:Vidic,2 14,000 Vidic, Ferdinand

03/10 12:19,
Vidic,2 國米 你做了個美夢嗎
03/10 12:19

03/10 23:48,
Vidic ,2 , 伊布who?
03/10 23:48
自介快點唷。不然就要充公囉。 各獲得7000p獎金 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13706篇的百推得主

03/12 01:14,
Glroy, Glory, Man United!!!!!
03/12 01:14
獲得2000p獎金 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 獎金都送出囉,接著就是禮拜六那場打鳥的樂透囉。 -- History is made. Manchester United are the Champions of Europe again and nobody will ever win a European Cup final more dramatically than this. Champions of Europe, Champions of England, Winners of the FA Cup , Everything Their Hearts Desire! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/12 21:53, , 1F
收到 感謝~~
03/12 21:53, 1F

03/13 02:38, , 2F
哈 收到了 感謝
03/13 02:38, 2F

04/30 15:10, , 3F
04/30 15:10, 3F
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