Re: MADONNA歌迷能力認證考試初中級考題

看板Madonna作者 (來PTT屆滿10年了)時間15年前 (2009/04/29 21:08), 編輯推噓1(103)
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我找了一下精華區,這是元老dita在交機時代po的考題- (時至1999的12月,故不會有American Pie之後的歌曲) 1. 請試舉(至少)三例以單色系(非黑白)手法拍攝的MV: 我想有人可能看不懂題目吧?! Answer: 綠色系: I Want You, The Power of Good-bye 紅色系: Fever 藍色系: Frozen note: Erotica 雖然有幾個鏡頭屬單色系的, 但整體而言它還是算是彩色的... 2. 請試舉(至少)三例有撞球場景的MV: Answer: Borderline, Secret, Ray of Light... note: Into the Groove有嗎? 3. 請試舉(至少)三例曾打進US TOP 10, 但沒有MV的單曲: Answer: Rescue Me, Hanky Panky, Causing A Commotion note: 我應該把題目改成"沒有原創MV"比較恰當...因為它們事實上都有用過演唱會畫面\ 做Promo; 不過Rescue Me 用Ciao Italia! 的片段實在有點彆扭... 4. 請舉出沒有電影畫面的電影主題曲 / 插曲之MV: Answer: 當然只有Beautiful Stranger啦! 其他都有參雜原電影的畫面... 5. 哪一支MV是用人工手繪上色? Answer: Rain note: 不過動畫Dear Jessie當然也算... 6. 試舉(至少)三例有廁所場景的MV: Answer: Into the Groove (記得女王用烘手機吹胳肢窩嗎?) Bad Girl (鏡頭帶到女王廁所時, 她回眸一唱: Can't bring myself to let you go...) I Want You (哭到廁所吐) Ray of Light (偷窺到男廁, 一排人在尿尿) note: Take A Bow 那有廁所啊??? 7. 哪些MV遭MTV禁播? Answer: Justify My Love, Erotica Note: Like A Prayer??? 有嗎? 我看大家是受到百事可樂的影響吧?! LAP不還是被選為當年的觀眾最愛獎, 不可能被禁播吧? BTW, True Blue算嗎 :P 8. 哪些MV採用的是Album Edit版本? Answer: Borderline, Cherish, Secret, Take A Bow, Bedtime Story, You'll See, Frozen... 9. 哪些MV採用的是Remix版本? Answer: Lucky Star, Express Yourself, Fever, Love Don't Live Here Anymore 10. 哪一首單曲是第一支有正式的Remix Video? Answer: Secret (如果不把Express Yourself修剪版算在內的話) Note: 所謂的remix video 指的是有原版的MV 但用remix version 在重新剪輯一個video, 而通常都有bonus footage, off-take畫面等等...我看過最棒的就是Nothing Really Matters 的remix video, 那根本就是一支全新的MV嘛!!! 11. 哪些MV沒有對嘴畫面? Answer: Into the Groove, Dear Jessie, Rescue Me, Deeper and Deeper... 其他都有對嘴... note: 我個人比較偏愛無對嘴的MV... 12. 試舉至少兩例場景有船的MV: Answer: Burning Up, Like A Virgin, Papa Don't Preach... Note: 本來以為這會考倒大家, 沒想到還有人記得Burning Up! BTW, The Power of Good-bye有嗎? 我得再查閱看看... 13. 哪些MV在(美)國外拍攝? Answer: Like A Virgin, Evita相關MV, Drowned World... Note: Love Don't Live Here Anymore看起來很歐洲, 不過那是在米國搭的景... 14. 哪些MV有錄音室場景? Answer: I'll Remember, Veras (Spanish Version of 'You'll See') 15. 哪些MV的場景有雨? Answer: 電影插/主題曲MV撇清不算, 還有Express Yourself, Bad Girl, Rain, You'll See... 16. 試舉(至少)三例採用電腦特效之MV: Answer: Bedtime Story, Frozen, Nothing Really Matters... Note: Rain有特效嗎? 17. 哪些MV的場景有海, 試舉三例: Answer: Cherish, You'll See, The Power of Goodbye... 18. 請舉出(至少)三例有猛獸的MV: Answer: Like A Virgin, Who's That Girl, Take A Bow... 19. 請試舉(至少各兩支)有貓狗鳥的MV: (1)貓: Express Yourself, Bad Girl... note: I Want You那來的貓啊? (2)狗: Human Nature, You Must Love Me, Frozen, The Power of Good-bye... (3)鳥: Bedtime Story, Frozen, The Power of Goodbye... 20. 試舉(至少)三例有火車場景MV: Answer: This Used to Be My Playground, You'll See, Buenos Aires, Don't Cry For Me Argentina... 21. 試舉(至少)三例有敞篷車之MV: Answer: Material Girl, True Blue(別忘了), Deeper and Deeper, Beautiful Stranger... 22. (放水題)試舉(至少)10例沒收進兩張MV選集的MV: Answer: Holiday, Everybody, Burning Up, Dress You Up, Into the Groove, Live to Tell, True Blue, Crazy For You, Gambler, Who's That Girl, Causing A Commotion, Hanky Panky, This Used to Be My Playground, Rescue Me, Justify My Love, Erotica, Deeper and Deeper, I'll Remember, I Want You, You'll See (Veras), One More Chance, You Must Love Me, Don't Cry For Me Argentina, Another Suitcase in Another Hall, Buenos Aires, 及各類remix video... --- 我認為這個難度更高(因為是填充題,而非選擇題) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/29 21:13, , 1F
6.7兩題現在再加American Life 了 :p
04/29 21:13, 1F

04/29 21:19, , 2F
04/29 21:19, 2F

04/29 21:20, , 3F
04/29 21:20, 3F

04/29 22:45, , 4F
7還有What it feels like for a girl
04/29 22:45, 4F
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文章代碼(AID): #19-55KY- (Madonna)