Re: [問題] keyboard擋住firstresponder

看板MacDev作者 (原PO大叔)時間10年前 (2014/07/18 00:01), 編輯推噓2(202)
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※ 引述《ahchie (啵B勸-福.加油)》之銘言: : 用NSNotificationCenter接UIKeyboardWillShowNotification : 在handler-selector function裡可以知道鍵盤大小(高度) : 然後再去把整個view的frame做調整: : 編輯完了之後 如果是UITextField的話 就用UITextFieldDelegate function : 以上~ ;) 抱歉回一下一年前的舊文。最近剛開始學iPhone Programming,也在為 這點困擾。 在UITextField輸入的時候,出現的事件依序是 1. UITextFieldDelegate 的 textField***BeginEditing 2. NSNotification keyboard***Appear 3. NSNotification keyboard***Disappear 4. UITextFieldDelegate 的 textField***EndEditing 其中 2 跟 3 是在鍵盤浮出來的時候會出現的,也只有這兩個地方可以 得到鍵盤尺寸的資料。 如果今天只有一個 UITextField 要移動,問題不大,只要在 2 的地方 把整個UIView拉上去,3或4拉回來就好了。可是如果有超過一個UITextField ,在UITextField之間切換時 2 跟 3 是不會被呼叫的。所以要處理UIView 移動就變成一定要在 1 。 最後我的作法是設定兩個local參數,一個是 BOOL keyboardUp,另一個 是 CGFloat keyboardHeight 在 textFieldDidBeginEditing 裡頭,如果 keyboardUp = NO ,則什麼 事情都不做,等待 keyboardWillAppear 的時候去處理UIView的移動, 並且記錄keyboardHeight。反之則直接處理UIView移動。 不過這樣還是覺得有點囉嗦。有比較好的方法嗎? 下面是部分我的程式內容: UITextField *activeTextField; CGFloat lastOffset; BOOL keyboardUp; CGFloat keyboardHeight; -(void)keyboardWillAppear: (NSNotification *)notification { keyboardUp = YES; if (activeTextField) { // Get bottom cordination CGFloat bottom = activeTextField.frame.origin.y + activeTextField.frame.size.height; // Get Screen Size CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]; CGFloat screenHeight = screenRect.size.height; // Get Keyboard Size NSValue *value = [[notification userInfo] valueForKey:UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey]; CGFloat offsetKeyboard = [value CGRectValue].size.height; keyboardHeight = offsetKeyboard; if (bottom > screenHeight - offsetKeyboard) { // Need to move view up if (self.view.frame.origin.y >= 0) { lastOffset = bottom - (screenHeight - offsetKeyboard) + 20; [self moveViewUp:YES offsetValue:lastOffset]; } } else { lastOffset = 0; } } } -(void)keyboardWillDisappear: (NSNotification *)notification { keyboardUp = NO; if (self.view.frame.origin.y < 0) { [self moveViewUp:NO offsetValue:lastOffset]; } } -(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField { activeTextField = textField; if (keyboardUp) { //recalculate offset CGFloat bottom = activeTextField.frame.origin.y + activeTextField.frame.size.height; // Get Screen Size CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]; CGFloat screenHeight = screenRect.size.height; if (bottom > screenHeight - keyboardHeight) { //Need to move view lastOffset = bottom - (screenHeight - keyboardHeight) + 20; [self moveViewUp:YES offsetValue:lastOffset + self.view.frame.origin.y]; } else { [self moveViewUp:NO offsetValue:lastOffset]; } } } -(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField { activeTextField = nil; } -(void)moveViewUp:(BOOL)bMovedUp offsetValue:(CGFloat)offset { if (offset != 0) { [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.4]; // to slide the view up CGRect rect = self.view.frame; if (bMovedUp) { rect.origin.y -= offset; rect.size.height += offset; } else { // revert to normal state of the view. rect.origin.y += offset; rect.size.height -= offset; lastOffset = 0; } self.view.frame = rect; [UIView commitAnimations]; } } -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/18 00:42, , 1F
07/18 00:42, 1F

07/18 10:11, , 2F
keyboardUp = NO 不是很需要
07/18 10:11, 2F

07/18 10:12, , 3F
07/18 10:12, 3F

07/18 11:53, , 4F
小心iOS8 的輸入法加上選字的高低
07/18 11:53, 4F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Jn_DWtD (MacDev)