[外電] Belt因疑似闌尾炎送醫

看板MLB作者 (阿土)時間6年前 (2018/06/02 14:48), 6年前編輯推噓16(16010)
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https://goo.gl/vafNEm Belt being evaluated for appendicitis SAN FRANCISCO -- Giants first baseman Brandon Belt was taken to a local hospital to be evaluated for a possible case of appendicitis after being removed from San Francisco's 4-0 victory over Philadelphia following the second inning Friday night. According to manager Bruce Bochy, Belt had not been feeling well before the game but felt he was OK to make the start at first base. But after Belt struck out in his first at-bat, his condition worsened, and Dave Groeschner, the Giants' senior director of athletic training, felt Belt needed to be medically evaluated. "He just started feeling really bad there, so we took him out," Bochy said. Giants players did not seem to have been made aware of the 30-year-old first baseman's condition during the game. "I know his stomach was bothering him, but I just found out," second baseman Joe Panik said after the game. "You just hope for the best, because you never want to see somebody go through something like that." Belt is hitting .307, best among Giants starters, with a team-best 11 homers and 31 RBIs. He was replaced at first base by Pablo Sandoval. "Hopefully it's something you can bounce back from sooner rather than later," Panik said. "He's been swinging the bat as well as anyone in the National League. You never want to take that bat out of the lineup or that glove out of the field. Hopefully, he can bounce back quick." Do-Hyoung Park is a contributor to MLB.com based in the Bay Area. 大意翻一下: 在美國週五晚間, 舊金山巨人在費城費城人主場進行的比賽中, 巨人隊的一壘手 Brandon Belt在第一個打席被三振後因腹痛被送往當地醫院檢查並由Pablo Sandoval 接替一壘守備 巨人隊總教練Bochy說Belt在賽前就感到腹部不適但還可忍受, 在比賽開始第一個打席被三 振後情況惡化, 巨人隊的體能訓練總監Groeschner認為Belt需要到醫院檢查 (中略) Belt有著全最多的全壘打(11)跟打點(31) Joe Panik愛的呼喚 心得: 手感正熱卻出現非運動的身體不適...幫QQ 巨人今年應該無望再有偶數年靈氣(看看那精美的DL) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1527922101.A.B0E.html

06/02 14:52, 6年前 , 1F
06/02 14:52, 1F
※ 編輯: howard21201 (, 06/02/2018 14:53:38

06/02 14:56, 6年前 , 2F
06/02 14:56, 2F

06/02 15:00, 6年前 , 3F
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06/02 15:01, 6年前 , 4F
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06/02 15:04, 6年前 , 5F
06/02 15:04, 5F

06/02 15:07, 6年前 , 6F
Cecum盲腸 appendix闌尾
06/02 15:07, 6F

06/02 15:18, 6年前 , 7F
06/02 15:18, 7F

06/02 15:43, 6年前 , 8F
手術完大概躺2、3天 不過重點後面幾個月不能運動rrr
06/02 15:43, 8F

06/02 15:49, 6年前 , 9F
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06/02 16:25, 6年前 , 10F
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06/02 16:29, 6年前 , 11F
通常是術後兩週避免劇烈運動 不過運動員代謝較快
06/02 16:29, 11F

06/02 16:29, 6年前 , 12F
06/02 16:29, 12F

06/02 16:30, 6年前 , 13F
5%!!! 機率有5%!!!
06/02 16:30, 13F

06/02 17:19, 6年前 , 14F

06/02 17:40, 6年前 , 15F
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06/02 18:33, 6年前 , 17F
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06/02 18:55, 6年前 , 18F
Belt什麼都很好 就是狀況好時會來這麼一下非常規傷害 然後
06/02 18:55, 18F

06/02 18:55, 6年前 , 19F
狀況就回不來了 去年腦震盪 今年希望別重蹈覆轍
06/02 18:55, 19F

06/02 19:15, 6年前 , 20F
跟道奇哥倆好 先發輪值跟打線一堆躺DL
06/02 19:15, 20F

06/02 20:35, 6年前 , 21F
闌尾炎痛起來真的會超級痛 痛到要往生那種....
06/02 20:35, 21F

06/03 02:33, 6年前 , 22F
又一個被舒服的受害者 幫QQ
06/03 02:33, 22F

06/03 07:37, 6年前 , 23F
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06/03 07:37, 6年前 , 24F
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06/03 07:38, 6年前 , 25F
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06/03 07:38, 6年前 , 26F
06/03 07:38, 26F
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