Re: [閒聊] Lucroy會不會後悔沒去印地安人隊?

看板MLB作者 (工業電風扇)時間7年前 (2016/10/25 22:11), 7年前編輯推噓20(2004)
留言24則, 20人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之銘言: : 當初季中的時候 本來印地安人已經和釀酒人談好 : 可是Lucroy不想去印地安人 動用NTC阻止交易 : 最後Lucroy被交易到遊騎兵隊 : 沒想到在季後賽 遊騎兵一下子就0:3被掃地出門 : 反而印地安人在LBJ的加持下 連勝不止 : 看到這種情況 Lucroy會後悔當初的選擇嗎? Jonathan Lucroy says he has no regrets a few months after nixing a trade to the Cleveland Indians, who will host the World Series this week. The Milwaukee Brewers were on the verge of dealing Lucroy to the Indians on Aug. 1, but he blocked the deal using his no-trade clause. He was then dealt to the Texas Rangers. "I'm good, man,'' Lucroy told Jerry Crasnick. "There's too much drama with all that. I'm not worried about it at all. It's over with and in the past.'' Lucroy has a $5.25 million club option for 2017. He said the decision to reject the trade to Cleveland was "an economic decision. Period." 結果乳可洛伊表示:不後悔拉!,這一切都太抓馬惹,我一點都不擔心而且都過去惹 而且表示不去印地安人是"經濟上的考量,句點" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

10/25 22:13, , 1F
10/25 22:13, 1F

10/25 22:15, , 2F
10/25 22:15, 2F

10/25 22:17, , 3F
一直挖苦他實在有點無聊,笑臉 FO 就不保證他來年位置
10/25 22:17, 3F

10/25 22:17, , 4F
10/25 22:17, 4F

10/25 22:18, , 5F
10/25 22:18, 5F

10/25 22:19, , 6F
10/25 22:19, 6F

10/25 22:22, , 7F
10/25 22:22, 7F
2017的Club option才5.25M 前幾年表現跟薪水比起來真的超佛 現在薪水總額才13M而已,對比一堆人一年就是他的兩倍以上XD ※ 編輯: ChrisDavis (, 10/25/2016 22:25:52

10/25 22:25, , 8F
身為笑臉迷只能說還好沒成交,個人比較喜歡Roberto Perez
10/25 22:25, 8F

10/25 22:38, , 9F
10/25 22:38, 9F

10/25 22:42, , 10F
10/25 22:42, 10F

10/25 22:42, , 11F
10/25 22:42, 11F

10/25 22:50, , 12F
10/25 22:50, 12F

10/25 22:53, , 13F
10/25 22:53, 13F

10/25 23:02, , 14F
Lucroy: 乾你屁事
10/25 23:02, 14F

10/25 23:04, , 15F
10/25 23:04, 15F

10/25 23:18, , 16F
Lucroy來條子很棒啊 喜歡他Q____Q
10/25 23:18, 16F

10/25 23:47, , 17F
10/25 23:47, 17F

10/26 00:06, , 18F
說不定還會留在Texas久一點欸 當然不會後悔阿
10/26 00:06, 18F

10/26 00:38, , 19F
他寧願在條子快樂當捕手 也不想去印第安人被轉成1B/DH
10/26 00:38, 19F

10/26 00:38, , 20F
10/26 00:38, 20F

10/26 01:10, , 21F
推樓上 拿WS對球員影響絕對小於被拔捕手先發
10/26 01:10, 21F

10/26 02:02, , 22F
10/26 02:02, 22F

10/26 11:53, , 23F
Perez第二轟後看一下twitter Lucroy果然慘遭各種酸
10/26 11:53, 23F

10/26 21:07, , 24F
10/26 21:07, 24F
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