[外電] Possible limiting on the use of RP

看板MLB作者 (non)時間7年前 (2016/07/23 07:15), 7年前編輯推噓19(20121)
留言42則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/TE5gTl MLB commissioner Rob Manfred said Thursday that the league is looking at limiting the use of relief pitchers in games. Manfred was a guest on ESPN's Mike & Mike, where he was presented nine suggestions from fans for improving baseball. One suggestion was a restriction on relief pitching in an inning or game. "I am in favor of something like that," Manfred said. "We've spent a ton of time on this issue in the last few months. "You know the problem with relief pitchers is that they're so good. I've got nothing against relief pitchers, but they do two things to the game: The pitching changes themselves slow the game down, and our relief pitchers have become so dominant at the back end that they actually rob action out of the end of the game, the last few innings of the game. So relief pitchers is a topic that is under active consideration. We're talking about that a lot internally." This year, the average time of a game is 3 hours, 4 minutes. By comparison, in 2005 games averaged 2 hours, 49 minutes. In mid-May, Manfred said he was unhappy with the pace of games, which at the time was 3 hours and 26 seconds. He said then that MLB would look at "creative ways" to improve both time and pace of games. Red Sox manager John Farrell said Thursday he isn't keen on any bullpen limitations. "Fundamentally, when you begin to restrict things, rather than being able to use your roster at your disposal, that begins to artificially control the game," Farrell said. "I understand the need to keep the pace of the game going. Without knowing what options would exist and what are the alternatives being considered, that's my first gut reaction. "In the moment [as a manager], I'm not worried about the pace of the game. As a person who works in the game, sure, we're always looking for ways to make it more attractive to fans, to grow our fan base, to attract young fans. We are all aware of that challenge. We're all open to ways to grow that. But in the seventh inning in a bases-loaded situation, I'm not thinking about pace of games." ========================================== 簡單的說MLB為了縮短比賽時間正在考慮限制限制後援投手上場的人次 可能是限制一局幾人次或是一場幾人次 個人覺得這根本本末倒置,而且也達不成目的 為了縮短比賽時間而去限制RP人次會讓像是一人左投這種短局數投手變少 但是這也增加了牛棚被打爆的機會 省下了幾分鐘換投的時間卻有可能大大延長了進攻的時間 不僅失去了看教練調度這種細膩精彩的看點 根本就是想打壓投手的陰謀嘛 看這些年投手越來越強,就找方法削弱整體投手實力增加進攻強度 讓球隊可以得更多分給觀眾看 以後強力SP合約就越簽越高 RP除了像洋基DMC這種強力RP跟能穩定吃局數的RP外也會變少 說是要縮短比賽時間,我看根本是想拉抬MLB整體打擊的一個陰謀 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1469229335.A.495.html

07/23 07:32, , 1F
沒有陰謀啊 原文就說後援太強後段都沒有逆轉秀看
07/23 07:32, 1F

07/23 07:36, , 2F
是的 這是陽謀
07/23 07:36, 2F

07/23 08:03, , 3F
學中職換球就好啦 防禦率王破4
07/23 08:03, 3F

07/23 08:03, , 4F
07/23 08:03, 4F

07/23 08:12, , 5F
07/23 08:12, 5F

07/23 08:52, , 6F
07/23 08:52, 6F

07/23 09:28, , 7F
07/23 09:28, 7F

07/23 09:31, , 8F
07/23 09:31, 8F

07/23 09:33, , 9F
07/23 09:33, 9F
RP太強就要限制RP上場,那以後是不是也會限制SP只能投五局? 實在不喜歡這樣為了討好球迷做出來的限制 ※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/23/2016 09:34:21

07/23 09:52, , 10F
07/23 09:52, 10F

07/23 09:52, , 11F
07/23 09:52, 11F
這樣的推論也太自以為是了吧XD 又不是每個人都是因為MLB改變規則而被吸引去看比賽的 ※ 編輯: Scape (, 07/23/2016 09:58:07

07/23 10:03, , 12F
皇家打者表示:蛤? 有差嗎XD
07/23 10:03, 12F

07/23 10:24, , 13F
07/23 10:24, 13F

07/23 11:04, , 14F
07/23 11:04, 14F

07/23 11:48, , 15F
07/23 11:48, 15F

07/23 12:40, , 16F
07/23 12:40, 16F

07/23 12:54, , 17F
07/23 12:54, 17F

07/23 12:54, , 18F
07/23 12:54, 18F

07/23 12:54, , 19F
07/23 12:54, 19F

07/23 13:05, , 20F
07/23 13:05, 20F

07/23 13:13, , 21F
我想出個好辦法了 正規局數3局(至少打線能完成一輪) 3局
07/23 13:13, 21F

07/23 13:13, , 22F
如果平手最多延長至9局 3局後(4~9局)採用先得分為贏制度
07/23 13:13, 22F

07/23 13:13, , 23F
不管上下半局 如NFL的延長賽 也能抵銷一點主場優勢
07/23 13:13, 23F

07/23 13:18, , 24F
另外為了提高前3局的得分率 球全換成高彈力 甚至在把球
07/23 13:18, 24F

07/23 13:18, , 25F
放大一些些(直徑1~2mm) 球棒不管是彈性棒.夾心棒.合成棒.
07/23 13:18, 25F

07/23 13:18, , 26F
空心棒都可以 就是不能是鋁棒
07/23 13:18, 26F

07/23 13:20, , 27F
以上看完過去了就好 我發現我被F1搞瘋了 現在還要被MLB搞
07/23 13:20, 27F

07/23 15:28, , 28F
07/23 15:28, 28F

07/23 15:34, , 29F
兩出局就換局 直接縮短1/3的時間
07/23 15:34, 29F

07/23 20:30, , 30F
07/23 20:30, 30F

07/23 22:11, , 31F
我的三局制相信多數能在2小時內完成比賽喔 因為三局後先
07/23 22:11, 31F

07/23 22:12, , 32F
得分就贏 九局打完直接判雙方各0.5敗(增加不擇手段求勝意
07/23 22:12, 32F

07/23 22:12, , 33F
志) 這樣能夠增加揮大棒機率 只要有上壘就增加戰術執行
07/23 22:12, 33F

07/23 22:12, , 34F
並要求投手站定投手板後15秒內出手 投手接到回傳球後15
07/23 22:12, 34F

07/23 22:12, , 35F
秒內踏上投手板(以上不管壘上是否有人 15秒出手可牽制)
07/23 22:12, 35F

07/23 22:12, , 36F
因投手會15秒出手所以打者不得要求暫停 投手違例多記1壞
07/23 22:12, 36F

07/23 22:12, , 37F
07/23 22:12, 37F

07/23 22:25, , 38F
07/23 22:25, 38F

07/24 06:43, , 39F
07/24 06:43, 39F

07/24 13:27, , 40F
樓上你這樣有 1/6 機率平手要延長, 不如改成主場執硬幣
07/24 13:27, 40F

07/24 13:27, , 41F
客場猜, 這樣幾乎保證直接勝負
07/24 13:27, 41F

07/24 20:32, , 42F
07/24 20:32, 42F
文章代碼(AID): #1NagaNIL (MLB)