Re: [情報] 第二位醫師也建議達比修開TJ消失

看板MLB作者時間9年前 (2015/03/14 01:20), 9年前編輯推噓17(1702)
留言19則, 17人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多) Darvish to have Tommy John surgery on Tuesday SURPRISE, Ariz. -- Pitcher Yu Darvish will undergo Tommy John elbow reconstruction surgery on Tuesday and miss the entire 2015 season, the Rangers announced on Friday. Darvish made one start this Spring Training, on March 5 against the Royals, but left after one inning with what was first described as tightness in the triceps muscle. Further examination revealed damage to the elbow ligament. Darvish had a choice between surgery and trying to rest the elbow. That would have kept him sidelined for at least four months with no guarantee that it would fix the problem. Dr. James Andrews will perform surgery in Pensacola, Fla. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. James Andrews : 該來的還是要來 下周二準時找我報到動刀 本季安心休養去吧 (O.S. : 我這幾年生意超多的 好累啊 .....) The 28-year-old right-hander missed the last seven weeks of the 2014 season with mild inflammation in the right elbow. Darvish was cleared to throw after the season and went through a normal offseason throwing program. He came to camp at full strength and had no problems until the outing against Kansas City. 去年缺席球季最後七個星期 最後球隊戰績大爆炸 球團乾脆讓他提前關機放寒假去 With Darvish out, the Rangers have two spots open in a rotation that includes Derek Holland, Colby Lewis and Yovani Gallardo. The candidates for the two vacancies include left-hander Ross Detwiler and right-handers Nick Tepesch, Nick Martinez, Lisalverto Bonilla, Anthony Ranaudo and Ross Ohlendorf. Rookie right-hander Alex Gonzalez could also push his way into the competition. 今年的輪值長這樣 : Derek Holland / Yovani Gallardo / Colby Lewis 前三號 剩下的 : Ross Detwiler / Nick Tepesch / Nick Martinez / Anthony Ranaudo Lisalverto Bonilla / Ross Ohlendorf 六搶二 新秀 Alex Gonzalez 有機會上到這個最高殿堂來證明自己 The Rangers signed Darvish to a six-year, $56 million contract that runs through the 2017 season. He will make $10 million this season, although the Rangers will recover a portion of that through insurance. Darvish is a three-time All-Star who is 39-25 with a 3.27 ERA in his three seasons with the Rangers. He was 10-7 with a 3.06 ERA in 22 starts last season. His 11.22 strikeouts per nine innings over the past three seasons is the highest ratio in the Majors during that time. 今年薪水 10M 好好復健為接下來的最後兩年合約而努力 -- 有一次記者問洋基傳奇球星狄馬喬(Joseph Paul DiMaggio)︰「Mr. DiMaggio,你在大 聯盟打了無數場比賽,為什麼每一場比賽都還要像菜鳥一般拚命呢?」 狄馬喬這樣回答︰「因為我知道每一場比賽數萬名觀眾裡頭,一定會有哪個小孩是第一次 來看我打球。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

03/14 01:21, , 1F
開吧 該開就要開了
03/14 01:21, 1F

03/14 01:21, , 2F
03/14 01:21, 2F

03/14 01:24, , 3F
不行 2016一定要拿cya才能跳脫
03/14 01:24, 3F
※ 編輯: alex2426chen (, 03/14/2015 01:28:05

03/14 01:28, , 4F
輪值應該還有去年開TJ的 martin perez
03/14 01:28, 4F

03/14 01:48, , 5F
03/14 01:48, 5F

03/14 02:09, , 6F
03/14 02:09, 6F

03/14 06:44, , 7F
03/14 06:44, 7F

03/14 07:58, , 8F
背傷 跟Perez一樣 復健中
03/14 07:58, 8F

03/14 09:03, , 9F
Andrews不負責開刀的 他是診斷的大師 不是開刀的
03/14 09:03, 9F

03/14 09:21, , 10F
03/14 09:21, 10F

03/14 09:25, , 11F
six-year, $56 million 實在便宜,果然還是要還的
03/14 09:25, 11F

03/14 09:30, , 12F
03/14 09:30, 12F

03/14 09:31, , 13F
03/14 09:31, 13F

03/14 10:37, , 14F
Frank Jobe大概會進去吧
03/14 10:37, 14F

03/14 17:14, , 15F
只可惜Frank Jobe已經不在人間了
03/14 17:14, 15F

03/14 18:49, , 16F
所以醫生的看法都一樣 好好療養吧
03/14 18:49, 16F

03/14 19:12, , 17F
我覺得 Dr. James Andrews年薪應該超越很多大聯盟球星
03/14 19:12, 17F

03/14 22:43, , 18F
03/14 22:43, 18F

03/14 23:18, , 19F
有個網站估他的身價Net Worth:1億美金
03/14 23:18, 19F
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