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1. OF Shin-Soo Choo 2013 Stats with Cincinnati Reds G BA OBP SLG HR SB fWAR 154 .285 .423 .462 21 20 5.2 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 1 outfielder Qualifying Offer: Yes Why Teams Want Him Most clubs today recognize the importance of getting on base, and since 2010, no outfielder has done it better than Shin-Soo Choo (min. 1,500 PA). 現在大多數球隊開始重視上壘,且從2010年起,沒有其他外野手比得上Choo。 Once he reaches first, Choo is a legitimate base-stealing threat. The 31-year- old can also single-handedly put runs on the scoreboard, as he has three career seasons of 20-plus homers. 當他上一壘,Choo也是公認具盜壘能力的跑壘者,31歲的他也能輕易地一手把球轟向計分 板,他也有三季打了20發以上全壘打。 He's a target for teams who seek an upgrade at either outfield corner. 想補外野任一個洞的球隊都會想要他。 Possible Suitors: 金鶯、紅人、老虎、太空人、遊騎兵 Latest Rumors Choo won't top Jacoby Ellsbury's free-agent earnings, but super-agent Scott Boras is trying to secure him a contract that's nearly as lucrative. Joel Sherman of the New York Post hears it's going to require Carl Crawford money (seven years, $142 million), while one general manager learned that Choo would cost $140 million, per Bob Nightengale of USA Today. Choo不會拿到Ellsbury般的合約,但吸血鬼會想辦法讓他合約的獲益盡量接近些,New York Post的Joel Sherman聽說可能會有Carl Crawford(7Y/142M)等級的約,USA Today的Bob Nightengale也說某總管也知道Choo要花140M。 But with Choo's list of suitors thinning, it looks like Boras might actually have to—gasp—reach a compromise: 但當競逐Choo的隊伍越來越少,看來吸血鬼得趕快抓住機會妥協。 Jon Morosi︰ The Rangers appear comfortable going to five years on Shin-Soo Choo. Scott Boras wants seven. We will see if they settle in the middle. 遊騎兵想談五年約,吸血鬼想要七年,咱們看看會不會取中間值妥協。 The Rangers' interest isn't at all surprisingly. 遊騎兵對Choo感興趣不讓人太訝異。 General manager Jon Daniels has explained that even the acquisition of Prince Fielder didn't solve all of his club's offensive troubles, according to T.R. Sullivan of MLB.com. If the 2014 season got underway today, Leonys Martin would be the Rangers' leadoff hitter, says manager Ron Washington, per Fox Sports Southwest. His .306 career on-base percentage is less than ideal for that role. 總管Jon Daniels就說即便有小王子,還是沒能解決火力上的問題。如果2014球季馬上開打, Leonys Martin會變開路先鋒,但他上壘率只有.306。 According to Mark Sheldon of MLB.com, Cincinnati has gone weeks without speaking to Boras. GM Walt Jocketty admits that it's going to be "very difficult" for the Reds to make a competitive offer. Heyman tweets that club executives discussed Choo at the winter meetings and agreed that re-signing him wouldn't fit their financial model unless Brandon Phillips' contract disappears from their books. 根據MLB.com的Mark Sheldon,紅人有好幾周沒跟吸血鬼聊了,總管Walt Jocketty坦言他們 很難提出一個有競爭力的合約。Heyman也說冬季會議上球團人員透露他們很難續簽Choo,除 非Brandon Phillips的合約被其他人承接。 The question is whether Choo stays on the market long enough for the Reds to find a trade partner for Phillips, preferably one that's willing to absorb most or all of the $50 million still owed to him. 紅人能不能在搶Choo的當口上續命,就看能不能找到接Phillips 50M的球隊了。 The Tigers had set their sights on Choo, according to Mark Feinsand of the New York Daily News, but the addition of Rajai Davis makes a match between them more improbable. 老虎隊有關注Choo,但簽下Rajai Davis後又覺不太可能發生。 The O's accumulated some spending money by trading Jim Johnson and letting both Nate McLouth and Scott Feldman depart via free agency. Heyman hears that they "haven't ruled out" committing it to Choo. 金鶯交易Jim Johnson、讓McLouth、Feldman自由後,Heyman聽到些風聲金鶯並沒排出簽下 Choo的可能性。 2. SP Masahiro Tanaka 2013 Stats with Rakuten Golden Eagles G/GS IP ERA K/9 BB/9 28/27 212.0 1.27 7.8 1.4 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 1 starting pitcher Qualifying Offer: No (ineligible) Why Teams Want Him Considering the underwhelming crop of free-agent starting pitchers, Masahiro Tanaka ought to attract a host of suitors. 市場上先發沒太多大物了,Tanaka應能吸引一堆球隊搶他。 The right-hander just turned 25, yet he already has seven years of professional experience. The above stats (and his undefeated regular-season record) won't be sustainable in the U.S., but with help from a lethal splitter and great command, Tanaka possesses all the tools to be a front-line starter. 他才剛滿25歲就有7年職業經驗,當然他不敗神話在美國不適用,但一顆致命的Splitter跟 極高的宰制力,Tanaka擁有成為一線先發投手的才具。 Possible Suitors: 響尾蛇、小熊、天使、道奇、雙城、洋基、藍鳥 Latest Rumors Jerry Crasnick︰ MLB and Nippon Baseball announce they've reached agreement on a new posting system. MLB、NPB的入札制度OK了。 As had been rumored, NPB teams can set a "release fee" as high as $20 million for any player. That's the amount that they'll be owed if an MLB team successfully reaches an agreement with that player during the 30-day negotiating period. 日職球隊能收到最高20M的release fee,美職球隊有30天的時間跟選手進行協商。 Jeff Passan of Yahoo! Sports believes we'll see something similar to true free agency, with suitors trying to distinguish themselves by extending generous contract offers to Tanaka. Yahoo Sport的jeff Passan相信我們能見到相似於自由球員的制度,有意願的球隊會試著提 供好的合約給Tanaka。 "The Cubs expect to be part of the process regarding Tanaka," according to MLB.com's Carrie Muskat, and rival executives agree, tweets ESPN's Buster Olney. La Velle E. Neal III of The Star Tribune says the same applies to the Minnesota Twins. Then there are the D-Backs, who sources say consider him their No. 1 priority, per Ken Rosenthal. 據聞小熊有意願簽Tanaka,雙城也是,響尾蛇更視他為第一優先。 But let's not get ahead of ourselves. 但他們並沒有搶先。 "Because of the new posting process," George A. King III of the New York Post reluctantly reports, "Rakuten’s ownership will likely hold onto Japan’s best pitcher for another year." Sports Nippon has a slightly different take on the situation (h/t Patrick Newman, NPB Tracker), indicating that Rakuten will try to get Tanaka on board with the idea of staying for another season. New York Post的George A King III不情願的指出︰「因為新的制度,樂天球團想再留 Tanaka一年。」日本體育也暗示樂天想讓他再待一季。 To motivate the Golden Eagles to post Tanaka (and forfeit his two remaining years under team control), Olney hears that the other 11 NPB teams could intervene. Motivated by their shared fear of Tanaka's pitching, sources suggest that they have considered making direct payments to the reigning Japan Series champions. 為驅使金鷹放人(還要接下剩餘兩季的合約),Olney聽聞日職其他11隻球隊也想介入,因他 們太怕Tanaka了,來源指出他們想付錢給本屆的冠軍-樂天金鷹。 3. SP Ervin Santana 2013 Stats with Kansas City Royals G/GS IP ERA FIP K/9 BB/9 fWAR 32/32 211.0 3.24 3.93 6.87 2.18 3.0 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 2 starting pitcher Qualifying Offer: Yes Why Teams Want Him Ervin Santana is being coveted for his command and pitch efficiency. Santana因他的宰制力與投球效能讓球隊垂涎。 Since 2010, he has averaged greater than 6.5 innings per outing. Santana's knack for allowing home runs isn't particularly worrisome because they seldom take place with runners on base. The right-hander finished this past summer with a 1.14 WHIP, which is the finest mark among free-agent starters. 2010年起,他每場能吃下6又1/2局,他雖容易被打全壘打,但也無須過分擔心,因為他壘上 有人時被打的機率少很多。去年他WHIP是1.14,也是自由球員中最屌的。 Possible Suitors: 老虎、水手、藍鳥。 Latest Rumors Santana's agents opened this offseason with the lofty goal of obtaining a commitment of five years and $112 million, according to CBS Sports insider Jon Heyman. 他的經紀人開了過高的5Y/112M 。 Bob Dutton of The Tacoma News Tribune believes that Santana "could be in play" for the desperate Mariners. Likewise, Darren Wolfson of ESPN 1050 has been "told to count the Tigers in." 據聞危急存亡之秋的水手要他,同樣地,老虎也說要算上他一份。 Interest in Santana will presumably skyrocket if Masahiro Tanaka isn't posted. 如果Tanaka沒來,Santana想必水漲船高。 4. SP Matt Garza 2013 Stats with Chicago Cubs/Texas Rangers G/GS IP ERA FIP K/9 BB/9 fWAR 24/24 155.1 3.82 3.88 7.88 2.43 2.2 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 3 starting pitcher Qualifying Offer: No (eligible) Why Teams Want Him When healthy, Matt Garza has been amazingly consistent. Plus, he maintained a better average fastball velocity last summer than any other starter in this free-agent class. During 2009 and 2011, in particular, Garza's intimidating raw stuff translated to an elite strikeout rate. 當他保持健康,Garza擁有讓人驚艷的穩定表現,此外,他的快速球也優於其他自由球員, 2009-11年。以高三振率聞名。 The right-hander only turned 30 on Nov. 26. 這位右投11/26才滿30歲。 Possible Suitors: 響尾蛇、天使、雙城、藍鳥 Latest Rumors The Angels are on the prowl for a free-agent starter, but ESPN's Buster Olney wonders if they'd use some foresight and pass on Garza for a pitcher who's seeking a shorter deal. Superstar outfielder Mike Trout is going to become very wealthy through the arbitration process, and to lock him up long term, the club will need to set aside a large portion of its payroll. 天使正尋尋覓覓他們的先發投手,但據聞他們比較傾向短約所以會略過Garza,因為明星級 外野手Mike Trout快要仲裁了,他們需要很多錢跟他簽長約。 Arizona has been dubbed a co-front-runner for Garza's services, per the New York Post's Joel Sherman. Tyler Skaggs, who was supposed to headline a trade package for a controllable, top-of-the-rotation-caliber arm, moved to L.A. during the winter meetings. Without Skaggs, Gordon Wittenmyer of the Chicago Sun-Times doesn't believe that the D-Backs have enough young talent to match up with the Chicago Cubs in a Jeff Samardzija blockbuster. 響尾蛇被認定是競逐Garza的領先者。但先前被認定有先發才幹的Skaggs被交易到天使後, Chicago Sun Times的Gordon Wittenmyer認為響尾蛇沒有年輕選手符合像小熊的Jeff Samardzija的身手了。 Garza held the top spot on the Twins' list of rotation targets, according to Jon Heyman, but with Mike Pelfrey inked to a new contract, perhaps they'll back away Garza本被雙城鎖定,但他們又跟Mike Pelfrey簽了兩年約,這或許讓他們退出戰場。 Garza and Dioner Navarro have been a dynamic duo in 53 MLB games as a battery. They were especially effective during the first half of last summer, before Garza was dealt to the Texas Rangers (1.24 ERA, .210 BAA, 38 K in 43.2 IP). That relationship might compel Garza to follow Navarro north of the border, where the latter is expected to serve as Toronto's starting catcher. Garza跟Navarro是53場的投捕好搭擋,去年上半季的成效也不錯,被交易到遊騎兵前(1.24 ERA, .210BAA, 43.2局送出38K)。所以這也有可能讓他隨Navarro的腳步到北大荒,因他有 可能擔綱先發捕手。 5. SP A.J. Burnett 2013 Stats with Pittsburgh Pirates G/GS IP ERA FIP K/9 BB/9 fWAR 30/30 191.0 3.30 2.80 9.85 3.16 4.0 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 4 starting pitcher Qualifying Offer: No Why Teams Want Him A.J. Burnett's front-of-the-rotation-caliber performance merits a lengthy contract, but his personal situation may compel him to take less. AJ的表現讓他可拿到長約,但他個人的情況將讓他簽短一點。 Burnett has seriously contemplated retirement and will presumably take a one-year deal—if anything—so that he can explore all options after the 2014 season. No general manager will complain about that. The combination of swing-and-miss ability and a high ground-ball rate contributes to his excellent sabermetric value. AJ很認真的考慮退休跟只簽一年約就好,這樣他2014後還可自由的探循各種可能。所有的總 管也樂見他這樣,他製造滾地球與高的揮空率的功力,在數據派的眼中價值很高。 Possible Suitors: 金鶯、海盜。 Latest Rumors So much for Burnett's "Pittsburgh or retirement" plan: 太多在講AJ留在海盜或退休的消息了。 Chris Cotillo Source: #Orioles seemed to be making progress on deal w/ FA starter, then backed off a bit to wait on AJ Burnett. AJ looks like main target. AJ是金鶯的主要標的。 Burnett has fared poorly in 10 career starts at Camden Yards. It's worth noting, though, that he hasn't appeared there since 2011. AJ在金鶯主場十場先發都不太好看,但這也沒什麼,他2011後也沒在那兒投過。 Although the erratic Edinson Volquez agreed to a $5 million deal with Pittsburgh , Travis Sawchik of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review was quick to clarify that the move doesn't preclude the Pirates from reuniting with Burnett. 盡管海盜用5M簽下Edinson Volquez,但據聞,海盜很快就澄清他們不會因此排除再招募AJ 6. SP Ubaldo Jimenez 2013 Stats with Cleveland Indians G/GS IP ERA FIP K/9 BB/9 fWAR 32/32 182.2 3.30 3.43 9.56 3.94 3.2 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 5 starting pitcher Qualifying Offer: Yes Why Teams Want Him Ubaldo Jimenez offers the best combination of youth, durability and major league experience among free-agent starters. Jimenez年輕、耐操,大聯盟資歷也夠。 Not yet 30 years old, the Dominican right-hander has already thrown more than 1,300 regular-season and postseason innings with no serious injuries to speak of . He finished 2013 with a career-best 2.43 strikeout-to-walk ratio. 還沒過而立之年,這位多明尼加右投的季賽+季後賽局數超過1300局,且也沒有重大傷痛過, 2013年三振/四壞比是生涯最佳2.43 Possible Suitors: 小熊、印地安人、洋基、海盜、藍鳥。 Latest Rumors Prior to the winter meetings, Hoynes reported that "there's been little, if any, free-agent buzz" related to Jimenez. 冬季會議前,據聞有一搓流言跟他有關。 According to Cleveland president Mark Shapiro, there's still "a possibility" for him to re-sign, according to Jim Duquette and Jim Bowden of The Front Office. He cautions, however, that Jimenez's expected eight-figure annual salary would put the Indians "outside their financial framework," so Shapiro would have to get the green light from ownership before making that move. 根據印地安人總裁Mark Shapiro,他說仍有可能性再簽他。但他遲疑的原因在於Jimenez想 要八位數的合約,這不在印地安人的財務規劃中,所以Shapiro在行動前讓這段主僱關係開了 綠燈。 7. SS Stephen Drew 2013 Stats with Boston Red Sox G BA OBP SLG HR SB fWAR 124 .253 .333 .443 13 6 3.4 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 1 shortstop Qualifying Offer: Yes Why Teams Want Him The advanced stats suggested that Stephen Drew's fielding has been declining, but his 2013 campaign certainly proved otherwise. With a fully healthy ankle, Drew provided agent Scott Boras with ample highlight-reel material that could be shown to potential suitors. 更多的數據研究顯示Drew的守備功力在減弱,但他2013表現證明恰恰相反。在腳踝保持健康 的情形下,Drew讓吸血鬼有大量的膠卷材料去兜售他。 He only turns 31 in March, and there aren't any more available shortstops coming off comparable offensive seasons. 他三月才滿31,且目前沒有其他的游擊有他這樣的攻擊力。 Possible Suitors: 紅襪、大都會、洋基。 Latest Rumors Boston has kept the lines of communication open with Drew, Jon Heyman tweets. The Sox till have solid odds of retaining him, as Nick Cafardo reports that the market for his services is less extensive than expected. 紅襪一直以來都在跟Drew溝通,也有很大的可能續簽他。據聞他在市場熱度也比預期來得小 Moreover, Buster Olney identifies an alternative for the few teams who seek a shortstop: 此外,Buster Olney也說找游擊手的球隊很少。 Buster Olney︰ PHI has made clear to other teams, as it did during the summer, that it is very willing to move Jimmy Rollins. Has a no-trade clause, tho. 費城人向其他對清楚表明,如夏天所說的一樣,他們很想動有不得交易條款的Jimmy Rollins。 Rollins' stock is down coming off a year in which he batted .252/.318/.348 and his remaining contract—$11 million in 2014 with $11 million vesting option for 2015—is more digestible than Drew's will be. 隨著只有.252/.318/.348的成績,Rollins的價值一直在下探,且2014年合約11M,2015年合 約含激勵條款也有11M,那讓他比Drew還好消化(講反話嗎?) The Mets couldn't close a deal with Jhonny Peralta, their top free-agent target. With names like Brendan Ryan and Rafael Furcal also off the market, and no internal options better than Ruben Tejada (career .642 OPS), Cafardo hears that Drew is still in play for them. 大都會沒能搶下Peralta,Brendan Ryan、Furcal等也名花有主,且內部沒有比Ruban Tejada更好選擇時,據聞Drew還在他們的考慮中。 With that said, Newsday's David Lennon believes there's "very little chance" that the Mets would offer a three-year deal. They will only consider Drew later this offseason if a lack of outside interest knocks down his asking price. 但也有傳聞說大都會不太可能給他三年約,他們只會考慮休季間Drew的乏人問津會不會讓他 的價格降低。 Re-signing Brendan Ryan hasn't deterred the Yankees from continuing their pursuit of Drew. 續簽Ryan還沒讓洋基退出Drew的爭奪戰。 8. OF/DH Nelson Cruz 2013 Stats with Texas Rangers G BA OBP SLG HR SB fWAR 109 .266 .327 .506 27 5 1.5 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 2 outfielder, No. 1 designated hitter Qualifying Offer: Yes Why Teams Want Him The Biogenesis suspension is finally behind Nelson Cruz, who can supply long balls immediately to whichever team commits to him. Cruz終於把禁藥案的禁賽拋諸腦後,想要他長程火力的球隊會想要他。 He's been a consistent power source over the past five seasons. The 33-year-old ranks No. 1 among remaining free agents in slugging percentage, extra-base hits and isolated power during that span, and only Mark Reynolds has tallied more runs batted in. 他過去五季都有穩定的長程砲火,33歲的他長打、長打率居自由球員之冠,只有Mark Reynolds打點贏他。 Possible Suitors: 金鶯、落磯、水手、遊騎兵。 Latest Rumors Troy Renck Talked to #Rockies folks who said nothing changed w Cruz Have interest. But wasn't characterized as serious at this point 跟洛磯球團聊過後,他們說他們仍對Cruz保持興趣,但現階段不會太嚴肅的看待此事。 Cruz has come back to reality since Jon Heyman revealed his four-year, $75 million asking price. Buster Olney hears that Cruz wants a three-year deal from the Rangers, who aren't feeling comfortable giving him more than two years and an option. 當Jon Heyman揭露他的4Y/75M後,據聞Cruz想跟遊騎兵達成三年約,但遊騎兵不想給他超過 兩年加選擇權的合約。 Although Seattle wants to continue adding firepower to the lineup this offseason , Ryan Divish of The Seattle Times calls Cruz "an odd fit." The Mariners' roster is already chock-full of designated-hitter type players. 水手雖想在休季期間增強火力,但據聞The Seattle Times稱Cruz是"不相稱的",因水手有 很多指定打擊類的球員。 Along those same lines, insider Andrew Rickli tweets that they've "shifted their focus" away from Cruz. 所以據稱水手已不在對Cruz有遐想。 9. RP Joaquin Benoit 2013 Stats with Detroit Tigers G/GS IP ERA FIP K/9 BB/9 fWAR 66/0 67.0 2.01 2.87 9.81 2.96 1.6 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 1 relief pitcher Qualifying Offer: No Why Teams Want Him Joaquin Benoit possesses elite velocity, but he has much better command than Joba Chamberlain, Fernando Rodney and the few other free agents who can bring more heat. Benoit有很好的球速,也比Joba、Rodney等火球男的控球棒。 Past elbow and shoulder injuries shouldn't affect Benoit's market considering how durable he's been since 2010 (268 appearances, 12th in MLB). The only available reliever with more total strikeouts in that span is Carlos Marmol, and he obviously doesn't stack up to this 36-year-old in other facets. 之前肩肘的傷勢也不會引起市場疑慮,因他2010起,268場出賽是聯盟第12名,也只有 Carlos Marmol三振數比他多,且Benoit其他面向不會因他36高齡而遜色。 Possible Suitors: 小熊、印地安人、洋基、教士、水手 Latest Rumors Ken Rosenthal and Jon Morosi report that the Padres have been making an especially strong push for Benoit. They and Cleveland each have two-year offers on the table worth more than $14 million, according to Jeff Passan. 據稱教士跟印第安人都給了Benoit 2Y/14M的合約。 San Diego surrendered its setup man, Luke Gregerson, when trading for outfielder Seth Smith earlier this winter. The Indians released closer Chris Perez immediately following the World Series. 教士需要布局投手,Luke Gregerson拿去交易外野手Seth Smith。印地安人則是釋出終結者 Chris Perez。 However, with John Axford about to sign with the Tribe, Jon Heyman suspects that the Padres have the edge. 然而,當Axford跟印地安人簽約,Heyman猜測教士機會比較大。 If the veteran right-hander is concerned with contending for a championship, then he'll definitely consider re-signing with the Tigers. Their acquisition of Joe Nathan still leaves open the possibility for Benoit to handle the eighth inning. 但如果這位老將想地是世界大賽冠軍,那他肯定想重回老虎懷抱,他們有了Nathan後仍有可 能讓Benoit投第八局。 The Philadelphia Phillies could also have space for him, as Rosenthal reports that they've been trying to trade incumbent closer Jonathan Papelbon. Benoit will surely cost less than the $13 million annually that Papelbon is owed through 2015. 費城人也有空間給他,風聲說他們想清掉寶貝碰,Benoit肯定比約到2015,13M的寶貝碰 便宜。 10. DH/1B Kendrys Morales 2013 Stats with Seattle Mariners G BA OBP SLG HR SB fWAR 156 .277 .336 .449 23 0 1.2 Status: Available Position Rank: No. 2 designated hitter, No. 1 first baseman Qualifying Offer: Yes Why Teams Want Him Kendrys Morales has reemerged as a middle-of-the-order run producer since missing close to two years with a lower-leg injury. He's a switch-hitter with near-identical stats against right-handers and southpaws. Morales兩年前小腿受傷後又重回中心打線,他左右開弓的成績對左右投幾乎無差別。 Few remaining free agents can rival Morales' combination of youth and power (he's three years younger than Nelson Cruz), and those who do strike out much more frequently. 很少自由球員像他一樣年輕跟Power兼具(比Cruz少三歲),也不像其他人常常被三振 Possible Suitors: 金鶯、釀酒人、遊騎兵 Latest Rumors Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe is the latest MLB insider to mention that Morales' market looks limited. Boston Globe說Morales的市場不大。 Neither of his former teams, the Los Angeles Angels and Seattle Mariners, make sense, he explains. The former is likely to sign Raul Ibanez as a designated hitter, while Seattle will have a tough time finding playing time for its handful of first baseman/designated hitter types. 這是可能的,他曾效力的兩個老東家︰天使希望簽Raul Ibanez當DH,水手則是滿手DH/1B。 Baltimore could use his bat, but only if the asking price comes down. 金鶯會喜歡他的大棒,但只待價錢變低才會出手。 記者們要抄外電我不反對,但請妳們吸收、消化完,用自己的話寫稿 我也是媒體人,工作很累沒錯,但整段搬過去有辱這份職業啊。 新聞來源:http://ppt.cc/7myY -- GO!JAZZ!GO! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: crownwell 來自: (12/17 15:25)

12/17 15:26, , 1F
12/17 15:26, 1F

12/17 15:31, , 2F
12/17 15:31, 2F

12/17 15:37, , 3F
12/17 15:37, 3F

12/17 15:40, , 4F
12/17 15:40, 4F

12/17 15:41, , 5F
12/17 15:41, 5F

12/17 15:42, , 6F
12/17 15:42, 6F

12/17 15:48, , 7F
12/17 15:48, 7F

12/17 16:00, , 8F
12/17 16:00, 8F

12/17 16:11, , 9F
就是因為他有#2 stuff才這麼貴啊
12/17 16:11, 9F

12/17 16:12, , 10F
#2 stuff的話是至少和Garza同等級 甚至還更好
12/17 16:12, 10F

12/17 16:12, , 11F
12/17 16:12, 11F

12/17 16:12, , 12F
12/17 16:12, 12F

12/17 16:13, , 13F
12/17 16:13, 13F

12/17 16:18, , 14F
12/17 16:18, 14F

12/17 16:19, , 15F
原來他評價二號 之前不是還說三
12/17 16:19, 15F

12/17 16:24, , 16F
之前看scout report 2 3號居多 不過20M入札約等於一年1
12/17 16:24, 16F

12/17 16:24, , 17F
12/17 16:24, 17F

12/17 16:24, , 18F
again, FA市場哪裡有這麼多#1給你簽
12/17 16:24, 18F

12/17 16:25, , 19F
雖然跟達爾 牛肉相比便宜多了
12/17 16:25, 19F

12/17 16:25, , 20F
如果今天市場上有Price有King有V中 那田中的價格會被
12/17 16:25, 20F

12/17 16:25, , 21F
砍不少 可是問題就是沒有
12/17 16:25, 21F

12/17 16:27, , 22F
現在U-Ball Garza 山二王等人大概都在等田中到底要不要來
12/17 16:27, 22F

12/17 16:27, , 23F
田中如果拿到好合約 這些人大概又要再往上漲一些了
12/17 16:27, 23F

12/17 16:28, , 24F
沒看今年 FA 市場上最好的 SP 被人嫌成什麼樣子
12/17 16:28, 24F

12/17 16:36, , 25F
12/17 16:36, 25F

12/17 16:37, , 26F
12/17 16:37, 26F

12/17 16:46, , 27F
現在要在市場上看到Ace越來越難了 很多都會被球隊綁長約了
12/17 16:46, 27F

12/17 16:49, , 28F
12/17 16:49, 28F

12/17 16:52, , 29F
金鳥要秋? 甘有可能?
12/17 16:52, 29F

12/17 16:52, , 30F
12/17 16:52, 30F

12/17 16:55, , 31F
bleacherreport is joke
12/17 16:55, 31F

12/17 17:00, , 32F
當他開始先發, <==這翻錯@@
12/17 17:00, 32F

12/17 17:01, , 33F
現在有#1會進FA嗎 不都嘛是早早就被交易綁約海洗別人農場
12/17 17:01, 33F

12/17 17:03, , 34F
12/17 17:03, 34F
※ 編輯: crownwell 來自: (12/17 17:08)

12/17 17:08, , 35F
12/17 17:08, 35F

12/17 17:08, , 36F
12/17 17:08, 36F

12/17 17:16, , 37F
12/17 17:16, 37F

12/17 17:30, , 38F
12/17 17:30, 38F

12/17 17:31, , 39F
25歲的#2 一堆球隊想要 很貴是正常的
12/17 17:31, 39F

12/17 17:36, , 40F
12/17 17:36, 40F

12/17 17:55, , 41F
田中的消息還沒確認 抱歉下面兩篇先刪掉~sorry~
12/17 17:55, 41F

12/17 17:58, , 42F
田中有機會挑戰20M嗎? XD
12/17 17:58, 42F

12/17 18:23, , 43F
金鶯都有興趣 只是有興趣而以 你們請
12/17 18:23, 43F

12/17 19:04, , 44F
推 辛苦了
12/17 19:04, 44F

12/17 19:10, , 45F
12/17 19:10, 45F

12/17 19:33, , 46F
12/17 19:33, 46F

12/17 19:37, , 47F
12/17 19:37, 47F

12/17 19:56, , 48F
推 感謝翻譯~
12/17 19:56, 48F

12/17 20:05, , 49F
12/17 20:05, 49F

12/17 20:13, , 50F
12/17 20:13, 50F

12/17 20:24, , 51F
12/17 20:24, 51F

12/17 20:26, , 52F
推 感謝翻譯~
12/17 20:26, 52F

12/17 20:31, , 53F
Ervin值這麼多@@" 投手越來越貴了
12/17 20:31, 53F

12/17 20:32, , 54F
12/17 20:32, 54F

12/17 20:55, , 55F
12/17 20:55, 55F

12/17 21:11, , 56F
12/17 21:11, 56F

12/17 21:21, , 57F
有沒有搞錯 拿SU換到一支水槍 然後又要再花7m找SU
12/17 21:21, 57F

12/17 21:22, , 58F
12/17 21:22, 58F

12/17 21:32, , 59F
推 感謝翻譯
12/17 21:32, 59F

12/17 21:36, , 60F
12/17 21:36, 60F

12/17 21:38, , 61F
12/17 21:38, 61F

12/17 21:38, , 62F
12/17 21:38, 62F

12/17 22:00, , 63F
12/17 22:00, 63F

12/17 22:09, , 64F
樓上突破盲點了 人名沒上色 真的很難閱讀......
12/17 22:09, 64F

12/18 00:49, , 65F
12/18 00:49, 65F

12/18 00:55, , 66F
12/18 00:55, 66F

12/18 01:14, , 67F
12/18 01:14, 67F

12/18 01:38, , 68F
建議人民上色 亮白色之類的就很好讀
12/18 01:38, 68F

12/18 01:38, , 69F
12/18 01:38, 69F
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