[情報] Tony Bosch to cooperate

看板MLB作者 (距離太遠 思念太近)時間11年前 (2013/06/05 08:42), 編輯推噓50(50023)
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Tony Bosch 答應和 MLB 合作; MLB 將對曾經使用 biogenesis 的球員處禁賽 可能的球員: A-Rod, Cano, Braun, Nelly Cruz, Melky, Colon, Jhonny Peralta. Report: MLB to suspend players connected to Biogenesis; Tony Bosch agrees to cooperate http://bit.ly/15yZlam This may be nothing, or it may be something. It's difficult to tell this early on, but ESPN is reporting that MLB is seeking suspensions for 20 players connected to the Biogenesis clinic in Miami that was brought into the news earlier this year. As you might guess, Alex Rodriguez and Ryan Braun are the main targets, each facing 100-game suspensions if the reports are true. Since the news of Biogenesis first broke, it seemed like these two would draw the brunt of MLB's force if the investigation panned out. Now that the clinic owner, Tony Bosch, is willing to come forward with sworn statements and anything else he has that could build a case against these players, MLB likely sees that as the proof they needed to move forward with suspensions. In addition to Rodriguez, Francisco Cervelli and a spokeswoman for Robinson Cano's foundation both had their names appear on Biogenesis documents. You can bet that MLB is taking a long, hard look at whether she was doing anything that might be able to be construed as getting illegal substances for Cano. There's no way to know whether the two will be suspended, or what evidence beyond names written on paper that MLB may have that they were connected to the clinic, at this time. The Cano connection seems like a stretch from what has been reported, but if MLB is going on a witch hunt, it isn't that absurd to think they may start with teammates of A-Rod. Other MLB players whose names have appeared on Biogenesis documents are Nelson Cruz, Jesus Montero, Melky Cabrera, Bartolo Colon, Jhonny Peralta, Yasmani Grandal, among others. Until MLB is ready to proceed, all we can do is wait. Appeals will almost certainly be filed by any player they try to suspend, and it seems like we could know more in as little as a week or two. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/05 08:43, , 1F
06/05 08:43, 1F

06/05 08:44, , 2F
Braun你看看你(σ・∀・)σ 想跑?
06/05 08:44, 2F

06/05 08:44, , 3F
Jesus Montero怎麼吃了藥還那麼爛..
06/05 08:44, 3F

06/05 08:45, , 4F
Cruz我需要你的棒子阿( ̄□ ̄|||)a
06/05 08:45, 4F

06/05 08:46, , 5F
06/05 08:46, 5F

06/05 08:48, , 6F
06/05 08:48, 6F

06/05 08:48, , 7F
美國顏清標 Ryan Braun 可以帶領大家除罪化嗎??
06/05 08:48, 7F

06/05 08:48, , 8F
06/05 08:48, 8F

06/05 08:49, , 9F
06/05 08:49, 9F

06/05 08:51, , 10F
06/05 08:51, 10F

06/05 08:51, , 11F
BRAUN是聯盟球星? 100場有可能? 一定重重拿起 輕輕放下
06/05 08:51, 11F

06/05 09:02, , 12F
100場真的很猛 哈哈 接下來看戲怎麼演了
06/05 09:02, 12F

06/05 09:04, , 13F
06/05 09:04, 13F

06/05 09:05, , 14F
聯盟其他準備FA的強打者: 拜託別禁啊
06/05 09:05, 14F

06/05 09:05, , 15F
真的一對大咖都禁100場 那這季MLB收視率不就...
06/05 09:05, 15F

06/05 09:19, , 16F
猶太藥蟲:能在江湖上混全憑3樣 打藥 血統 夠帥氣
06/05 09:19, 16F

06/05 09:26, , 17F
06/05 09:26, 17F

06/05 09:31, , 18F
06/05 09:31, 18F

06/05 09:50, , 19F
不太懂耶 藥檢如果都過關了還要禁賽嗎?
06/05 09:50, 19F

06/05 09:56, , 20F
06/05 09:56, 20F

06/05 09:59, , 21F
如果聯盟提禁賽是一定會上仲裁庭 再來怎麼演就很有趣了
06/05 09:59, 21F

06/05 10:00, , 22F
06/05 10:00, 22F

06/05 10:00, , 23F
06/05 10:00, 23F

06/05 10:00, , 24F
球員方還有可能大逆轉嗎? 去年不合作的獨立仲裁人已經被火了
06/05 10:00, 24F

06/05 10:00, , 25F
06/05 10:00, 25F

06/05 10:08, , 26F
Braun是被驗出 然後以"送檢過程有疏失"來逃脫
06/05 10:08, 26F

06/05 10:09, , 27F
06/05 10:09, 27F

06/05 10:09, , 28F
06/05 10:09, 28F

06/05 10:12, , 29F
靜待結果吧 不過這些人大概一輩子都會被質疑了
06/05 10:12, 29F

06/05 10:18, , 30F
照Manny的例子 好像也是先禁100場 後來減免成50場?
06/05 10:18, 30F

06/05 10:22, , 31F
06/05 10:22, 31F

06/05 10:29, , 32F
cano還沒確定 是因為他基金會發言人的名字出現在診所
06/05 10:29, 32F

06/05 10:29, , 33F
06/05 10:29, 33F

06/05 10:30, , 34F
不過真有趣啊, 這些禁一禁, NYY, MIL, 會變怎樣呢?
06/05 10:30, 34F

06/05 10:33, , 35F
進了一斤砒霜 但是沒做成芝麻糊給人吃 這樣算有罪嗎?
06/05 10:33, 35F

06/05 10:34, , 36F
100場 這禁下去就太強了 A-Rod可以直接等明年
06/05 10:34, 36F

06/05 10:35, , 37F
YES剛剛插播這新聞的時候有提到 A-Rod 沒提到 Cano & Cerval
06/05 10:35, 37F

06/05 10:39, , 38F
06/05 10:39, 38F

06/05 10:39, , 39F
06/05 10:39, 39F

06/05 10:41, , 40F
NYY爽到了 少付100場薪水
06/05 10:41, 40F

06/05 10:42, , 41F
看看Braun的球隊 再看看教主 就知道是不是乾爹了
06/05 10:42, 41F

06/05 10:42, , 42F
明*球員: 安安 酒鬼隊缺人嗎?
06/05 10:42, 42F

06/05 10:54, , 43F
沒驗到也能禁嗎? 有些藥也只是在運動界是禁藥
06/05 10:54, 43F

06/05 10:54, , 44F
06/05 10:54, 44F

06/05 10:59, , 45F
06/05 10:59, 45F

06/05 11:29, , 46F
06/05 11:29, 46F

06/05 11:36, , 47F
Say goodbye Say Goodbye~壓
06/05 11:36, 47F

06/05 11:54, , 48F
Cano被禁的話Gio Gonzalez應該也跑不掉 情況幾乎一樣
06/05 11:54, 48F

06/05 12:20, , 49F
06/05 12:20, 49F

06/05 12:21, , 50F
快把 Ryan Braun 送進去就心滿意足
06/05 12:21, 50F

06/05 12:25, , 51F
球員工會不是吃素的 我真的不信沒驗到也可以禁
06/05 12:25, 51F

06/05 12:25, , 52F
用清朝的劍判民國的法律斬明朝的官 教主賽立格
06/05 12:25, 52F

06/05 12:40, , 53F
06/05 12:40, 53F

06/05 12:41, , 54F
06/05 12:41, 54F

06/05 12:45, , 55F
有驗出的可以用程序問題逃脫 沒驗出的用筆記本就禁賽
06/05 12:45, 55F

06/05 12:48, , 56F
Braun是美國高傲捏 講聲Uncle 救我就好
06/05 12:48, 56F

06/05 13:02, , 57F
Jesus Montero被下放3A 他是吃到瀉藥嗎=_=
06/05 13:02, 57F

06/05 13:04, , 58F
06/05 13:04, 58F

06/05 13:04, , 59F
不一定啦 看規定是什麼就照法條走囉
06/05 13:04, 59F

06/05 13:05, , 60F
奧會模式 記得是可以靠帳本當證據的
06/05 13:05, 60F

06/05 13:09, , 61F
歷史共業 球員工會可也逃不了關係
06/05 13:09, 61F

06/05 14:14, , 62F
06/05 14:14, 62F

06/05 14:42, , 63F
06/05 14:42, 63F

06/05 15:26, , 64F
奧會模式勒 我記得某人被打回票的藥檢也符合奧會程序?
06/05 15:26, 64F

06/05 18:28, , 65F
NYY:朝爽得 少付三千萬
06/05 18:28, 65F

06/05 18:42, , 66F
記得是可以的 只要證明球員持有禁藥就行
06/05 18:42, 66F

06/05 19:07, , 67F
06/05 19:07, 67F

06/05 19:27, , 68F
06/05 19:27, 68F

06/05 19:45, , 69F
06/05 19:45, 69F

06/05 20:28, , 70F
有驗到的就這幾個 Melky Grandal Braun
06/05 20:28, 70F

06/05 20:29, , 71F
感覺是針對Braun ..
06/05 20:29, 71F

06/05 20:31, , 72F
上次+這次+風評差 感覺足以讓公會不挺他了 -.-
06/05 20:31, 72F

06/05 23:29, , 73F
Braun早就該禁賽了 上次不是檢驗合格 只是程序問題
06/05 23:29, 73F
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