[外電] 布朗”大仔”的遺產

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The legacy of Jumbo Brown by Frank Jackson February 14, 2013 布朗”大仔”的遺產 Whenever a player has a nickname like Jumbo, there are two possibilities: The name is apropos because of excess avoirdupois, or it is ironic because he is small (think of jumbo shrimp). No player of average size will ever be nicknamed Jumbo. Well, maybe if he has elephant ears. 當一個球員的綽號是大胖時,不外乎兩種情況:對該名球員驚人超重的身材的反應,或是 對一個超小個子球員體型的反諷。從沒有哪一個普通身材的球員獲得這樣的外號。 In the case of Walter George Brown, the Jumbo nickname was definitely accurate. The only irony inherent in the nickname is that this 295-pound behemoth hailed from Rhode Island, the nation’s smallest state. (Geography fun fact: Little Rhody is comprised of a scant 1,214 square miles. The next smallest state is Delaware, which has slightly more than twice as much real estate.) 在 Walter George Brown 的這個例子中,大胖這個叫法是在事不能再貼切了。這個外號 唯一出人意料之處,大概只有這個重 295磅(約134公斤)的巨獸出生在羅德島州,全美國 面積最小的一個州。 Born in Greene, R.I. on April 30, 1907, Brown made his major league debut with the Chicago Cubs on Aug. 26, 1925 at the age of 18. He spent 1926 in the minors, then went back and forth from minors to majors with the Indians in 1927 and 1928. From 1929 to 1931 he was strictly a minor leaguer. 1907年四月三時出生於羅德島州的格林,布朗在 1925 年八月二十六於芝加哥小熊隊第一 次登上大聯盟,當時年僅十八歲。他的整個1926年都在小聯盟度過,之後的1927跟1928年 都在印地安人隊的大小聯盟間來回升降,而1929道1931年他都待在小聯盟。 In 1932, Brown returned to the majors (he was still only 24 years old at the start of the season) with the Yankees, spending four years with them in two-year increments sandwiched around a minor league season in 1934. A peripatetic season was 1937, when he went back and forth from the minors, pitched a few games for the Reds, and then was sold to the Giants. 1932年時布朗在洋基隊重新登上大聯盟,當時他也還只有二十四歲。他在洋基待了四年, 其中夾了兩年在小聯盟的時間。到了1937年他開始流浪,他在不同球隊的小聯盟之間流浪 ,包括在紅人系統的短暫出賽,並在之後又被賣到了巨人隊。 During the five seasons he pitched for the Giants (1937-1941), he was strictly a reliever. These were the best years of his career, as he went 13-12 with a 2.93 ERA. For what it’s worth, he led the league in saves his last two seasons, but the totals (seven in 1940 and eight in 1941) wouldn’t get him within shouting distance of the leader board today. 他在巨人隊待了五年(1937-1941),這五個球季他都擔任牛棚投手。這是他生涯的巔峰, 總計拿下了十三勝十二敗,ERA 2.93的成績。值得一提的是,他的最後兩個球季他在救援 成功榜上居首,儘管當年他的成績(1940年有七次救援成功,1941年八次)放到今日不算甚 麼。 His last appearance was at age 34 on Aug. 27, 1941. He was traded to the Cardinals before the season ended but never played for them. Given the fact that the 1940 and 1941 seasons were among his best, and that older players were lingering longer because the draft was spiriting away younger players, one can only conclude that injuries—related to his excess poundage?—must have prevented him for extending his career. 他最後一次出賽是1941年八月二十七,時年三十四歲。他在球季結束前被賣到了紅雀隊, 但從未在紅雀出賽。考慮到1940跟1941兩個球季是他的生涯顛峰,而且由於當時的選秀被 神隱了,其他年紀更大的球員還可以在大聯盟多苟延殘喘幾年,我們只能猜測他生涯的結 束跟他的傷勢—可能肇因於他的體重—有直接的關聯。 In old photos, Brown bears a resemblance to actor John Goodman. You might remember Goodman in a Yankees uniform when he played Babe Ruth in a 1992 movie called simply The Babe. Casting Goodman as Ruth was a big improvement over William Bendix, who somehow landed the role in the 1948 biopic, but Goodman as Jumbo Brown would have been spot on. Of course, as long as Brown was on the Yankees, the Babe didn’t have to worry about having the biggest gut on the team. 在當年的老照片中,布朗十分神似演員John Goodman。你可能還記得John Goodman在1992 年的電影 “The Babe” 中穿著洋基隊服扮演 Babe Ruth 的樣子。Goodman的演出比其他 扮演Babe Ruth 的演員出色許多,但是 Goodman 如果扮演布朗大胖的話肯定要更為貼切( 不要忘了布朗也待過洋基)。此外,只要布朗還待在洋基隊,魯斯就不用擔心自己是全隊 腰圍最粗的一個。 Like most super-sized people, Brown didn’t start out that way. In fact, at the conclusion of the 1927 season, he was only 197 pounds, a reasonable playing weight for someone who stood 6-foot-4. Imagine the surprise of the Indians in March 1928 when he reported to spring training in New Orleans at 265 pounds! The weight gain continued despite the rigors of spring training, and he eventually peaked at 295 pounds. His total weight gain was just short of 100 pounds. 就像其他超大號的球員一樣,布朗並不是一開始就那麼巨大的。事實上,在1927年球季結 束時,他只有197公斤重,相對於他六尺四吋的身高可說是適中。但是1928年三月的印地 安人隊發現他春訓報到時足足有265磅,並且在之後逐漸增價到了295磅。他增加了幾乎整 整100磅。 Now, many overweight people like to blame their obesity on a medical condition. In Brown’s case, there might have been some truth to that claim. His weight gain started as soon as he had his tonsils removed in the offseason. Yeah, I know, a lot of people have their tonsils out and don’t put on 100 pounds. But I remember once hearing a doctor say he had never treated an obese person who didn’t have allergies... and the tonsils appear to play a role in the immune system. So draw your own conclusions. 今日,許多超重的球員將責任推到自身的健康情況不佳導致超重。而在布朗這個例子中, 這可能真的是和他的健康不佳有關。他的增肥起始於他手術摘除了扁桃腺。是的,許多人 做了類似手術也沒有爆增一百磅。但是幾乎所有過重的人都有或多或少的過敏問題,而扁 桃腺在免疫系統中扮演了重要的角色…. If Jumbo Brown were around today, he would no doubt be flattered that Sony named a video screen (the Jumbotron) after him. Of course, the country that spawned the Jumbotron also spawned sumo wrestlers and Godzilla. Mere coincidence or not? (很爛的冷笑話,跳過) As for other wide-body ballplayers, I have no information on the status of their tonsils, but one can’t help but wonder. Consider the case of Juan Uribe. On his 1999 Asheville Tourists baseball card, he is listed at 6 feet and 145 pounds. When he reached the Rockies, he was listed at 5-foot-11 and 173 pounds. So he went from a beanpole to an average build, somehow losing an inch in height. Then things got out of hand. 對於其他心寬體胖的球員,我們無從得知他們的扁桃縣情況,但這還是令人好奇。以 Juan Uribe為例,在1999年的球員卡上,他是六呎高,145磅重。當他到了洛磯後,他是 五呎十一吋高,173磅重。他從一跟瘦竹竿變成一般體重,神奇的矮了一吋,然後情況就 開始失去控制。 On his 2006 White Sox card, Uribe is listed at 5-foot-11 and 215 pounds. Finally, on my 2013 Dodgers calendar, Uribe, whose photo graced the month of January, was listed at 5-foot-11 and 230 pounds. This is a total weight gain of 85 pounds! Not quite in Jumbo Brown’s league, but allergies or not, such an accumulation is nothing to be sneezed at. 2006年的白襪球員卡,有理伯是五呎十一吋,215磅。最後是2013年的道奇,有理伯是五 呎十一吋,230磅。他足足增加了85磅!還不到布朗大胖的程度,但同樣難以忽視。 Uribe is not alone among contemporary ballplayers who challenge the scales. Average heights and weights have gone up over the years. Major league baseball has banned human growth hormone, but you’d never know that by looking at contemporary players. 有理伯不是唯一一個挑戰體重計極限的球員。球員的平均體重跟身高不斷的增加,大聯盟 禁止使用人類生長激素,但從當代球員的體型上,你很難相信這一點。 Consider the case of CC Sabathia, who is listed at 290 pounds. Admittedly, he is three inches taller than Jumbo Brown, so he doesn’t appear quite as “ fat.” Still, one sluggish offseason could change that. 看看 CC Sabathia 吧,沙胖的體重號稱是 290 磅。由於他比布朗高了三吋,指使他不至 於顯得那麼誇張。但是一旦有一個失控的offseason…. Jonathan Broxton, now with the Reds, is listed at 6-foot-4 and 300 pounds, so he has the edge on Brown. Since he’s only 28 years old, there’s still plenty of time to accumulate more poundage. Jonathan Broxton,現在在紅人隊,資料為六尺四吋高,三百磅重。這讓他甚至超過了布 朗大胖。由於他只有28歲,他還有繼續挑戰極限的機會。 Broxton, however, is not the heaviest man to play major league baseball. That honor belongs to Walter Young, a first baseman and DH who made his debut the same year (2005) as Broxton. Tipping the scales at 322 pounds (on a 6-foot-5 frame), Young is the clear winner when it comes to the heavyweight championship of major league baseball. 但 Broxton 還不是史上最重的大聯盟球員,這項榮譽屬於 Walter Young,和 Broxton 同年登上大聯盟的一壘手。六呎五吋高,322磅重,Young是毫無疑問的大聯盟重量冠軍。 We have the expanded September roster to thank for Young’s record, as his total major league career (with Baltimore) started on Sept. 6, 2005 and ended less than a month later. The results were not bad, 10 for 33 (.303) with one home run and three RBIs. Since he had amassed a club record 33 homers (and 98 RBIs) with the Double-A Bowie Baysox in 2004, one can see why the Orioles were interested. Perhaps he’d prove to be as good a fence-buster as he was a belt-buster. Young的大聯盟生涯起始於金鶯隊,2005年九月六日他登上大聯盟,並在不到一個月後球 季結束。該年他的成績其實不差,.303的打擊率,一發全壘打及三分打點。2004年他在2A 以33轟98打點創下球隊紀錄,我們可以很明顯看出為何金鶯隊對他抱有希望。 Nevertheless, after Young’s cup of coffee in 2005, there were no refills in subsequent seasons. He went back to the minors to stay. After a year in the affiliated minors, he went to the independents (Winnipeg, Sussex, Sioux City, Edmonton) before retiring after the 2009 season. 儘管如此,在2005年短暫的大聯盟之旅後,他回去小聯盟蹲了一整年,並且在之後到獨立 聯盟流浪,直到2009年退休。 Young’s poundage may be one of those records that will never be broken. Then again, as with the steroid controversy, such records may be tainted by the ingestion of baleful substances, albeit legal. If you believe everything you read about obesity and high fructose corn syrup in the American diet, it may be that today’s players have an unfair advantage over old-timers when it comes to poundage. Young的體重紀錄或許永遠不會被打破。但就像類固醇引發的禁藥爭議,他的紀錄可能也 得要打星號,儘管他可能沒用非法藥物。不要忘了今日美國人的日常飲食是如何充斥了高 果糖漿,今日球員在增加體重上相比過去的確是有著不公平的優勢。 As with other baseball statistics, the stats on size are subject to interpretation. For example, Walter Young may have been the heaviest player in major league history, but he didn’t have the highest body mass index. Prince Fielder (5-foot-11, 275 pounds) has the lead in that department with a BMI of 38.4, over Young’s 38.2. His dad Cecil, by the way was listed at 6-foot-3 and 230. Respectable, to be sure, but no record-setter. 就像其他的棒球數據一樣,體重這項數據需要深入解讀。以 Walter Young 為例,他雖然 最重,但是在 BMI 這項指標上,Prince Fielder以 38.4 略勝 Young 的38.2。小王子的 老爸 Cecil Fielder則為六呎三吋,230磅。很重,但黎紀錄還遙遠的很。 Of course, just how much a player weighs is sometimes a mystery. A good case in point is Eric Gagne, who was listed at 6-foot-2 and 195 pounds. Well, they might have gotten the height right, but if you ever watched him pitch, you know the weight is a gross underestimate. The same goes for Wilbur Wood, whom Baseball Almanac lists at 6 feet and 180 pounds. Thinking back to when I saw him pitch for the White Sox in the 1970s, I think another 35-40 pounds would be warranted. 當然,球員真正的體重其實是個謎。一個好例子是 Eric Gagne。幹爺的資料上寫六呎二 吋高,195磅重。身高或許是對的,不過任何一個看過幹爺投球的人,都不會相信他只有 195磅重。另外一個例子是 Wilbur Wood,棒球年鑑上他是六呎高,180磅重。但是看過他 1970年代在白襪時的英姿的人,都會同意他至少有220磅。 Also worthy of note is another pitcher who acquired the nickname Jumbo, namely Jim Nash, who pitched for the A’s, Braves and Phillies in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He is listed at 6-foot-5 and 230, which wouldn’t turn heads today, but in a Phillies’ double-knit uniform, he appeared to be heavier than that. 還有一個需要注意的投手,他也獲得了”大胖” 的稱號 – Jim Nash。他在1960年代到 1970年早期在運動家,勇士和費城人隊出賽過。他資料上寫六呎五吋高,230磅重。在今 天這不算甚麼,但是穿上費城人球衣,他看起來遠不止這個數。 Jim Bibby, who debuted in 1972, Nash’s final season, was also 6-foot-5, though he bested Nash by anywhere from five to 20 pounds, depending on your source. Since Bibby was a late bloomer (he didn’t reach the majors 'til age 27) and was pushing 40 when he retired, he certainly could have hit 250 pounds. Any article about ballplayers and weight gain must include a reference to Terry Forster, who started out with 200 pounds on his 6-foot-3 frame, but ballooned to 270 during his playing career, which spanned the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s. Since Forster made his debut with the White Sox in 1971, when Wilbur Wood was the bellwether of the starting rotation, one wonders if he adopted the eating habits of the master. (另外兩個例子,懶得翻) Today, if you’re handicapping prospects in the big man sweepstakes, how about Luis Jimenez, a longtime minor leaguer who recently signed up with Toronto? Standing 6-foot-3 and weighing 280 pounds, this massive Venezuelan has intrigued a number of organizations: Oakland, Baltimore (twice), Los Angeles Dodgers, Minnesota, Boston, Washington, and Seattle. His major league experience (18 at-bats) is even less than Young’s, but he hasn’t retired, so there’s still time for some more at-bats (and more weight gain) in the bigs. 今天,如果你在找適合挑戰體重紀錄的”新秀”的話,你可以考慮 Luis Jimenz,一個在 藍鳥系統的萬年小聯盟球員。他身高六呎三,重280磅。這位沉重的委內瑞拉球員引起了 包括奧克蘭,巴爾蒂摩,道奇,雙城,紅襪,水手等多隊的興趣。他在大聯盟只有18打席 ,但他還沒退休,所以還有繼續挑戰的機會。 Now that Walter Young and Jonathan Broxton have broken the 300-pound barrier, the bar has been reset. Perhaps in the future 300-pounders will be as numerous as .300 hitters. As for 400-pounders? Probably as rare as .400 hitters, but one never knows. 在 Walter Young 跟 Jonathan Broxton 超過了三百磅門檻後,標準已經不同了。或許在 未來,三百磅體重的球員就會像三成打擊率的球員一樣多,而四百磅就會像是四成打擊率 一樣成為追求的聖杯。 Management remains tolerant of wide-body players so long as they get results on the playing field. But all it takes is one off-year to inspire the refrain, “Ever think about losing some weight?” 球隊制服組們對於胖仔都還很容忍,只要他們在球場上的表現過關。但是只要一個表現不 佳的球季都會讓他們說出”考慮過減肥嗎?” http://www.hardballtimes.com/main/article/jumbo-brown/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/16 01:32, , 1F
02/16 01:32, 1F
※ 編輯: joanzkow 來自: (02/16 01:32)

02/16 01:34, , 2F

02/16 01:37, , 3F
02/16 01:37, 3F

02/16 01:44, , 4F
197公斤!? 那邊打錯了唷!
02/16 01:44, 4F

02/16 01:51, , 5F
第5頁 應該是197磅吧
02/16 01:51, 5F

02/16 02:13, , 6F
02/16 02:13, 6F

02/16 02:27, , 7F
197公斤大概是四百多磅 看來是減重成功囉(大誤
02/16 02:27, 7F

02/16 02:44, , 8F
第6段"the draft was spiriting away younger players"的
02/16 02:44, 8F

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02/16 04:22, , 12F
02/16 04:22, 12F

02/16 05:28, , 13F
Prince Fielder 資料上寫他275磅(~125kg)...有人相信嗎
02/16 05:28, 13F

02/16 10:26, , 14F
胖王小最少150kg吧....= =
02/16 10:26, 14F

02/16 11:12, , 15F
02/16 11:12, 15F

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11/02 08:20, , 22F
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