[外電] Bucs making wrong kind of history

看板MLB作者 (乳乳)時間11年前 (2012/09/25 21:51), 編輯推噓16(16022)
留言38則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
This is an edition of the September History Watch that we September History Watchers didn't want to write -- any more than Clint Hurdle or Andrew McCutchen or A.J. Burnett want to read. 這篇文章實在是本單位非常不願意寫的一個單元,海賊王和Burnett和Hurdle 絕對也不會想看。 But at this point, we can't help ourselves, because the Pittsburgh Pirates are hurtling toward the kind of history nobody wants to make. 但說實在的,海盜現在正在邁向一個大家都不想要有關係的紀錄。 As recently as Aug. 6, a mere seven weeks ago, they had a record of 62-46. That's 16 games over .500, if you're subtracting along at home. And they'd played 108 games at the time. That's two-thirds of the season. 僅僅是8/6時候的事,大概七個禮拜吧,海盜還保有62-46的戰績。 距離五成勝率足足有16場!那是108場比賽,也是幾乎2/3的球季! So if there ever was a lock for them -- or any team -- to finish with a winning record, this was it. Right? 那大家應該都會覺得,這樣的隊伍在球季結束的時候一定會有五成以上勝率吧? OK, wrong. Obviously. We know that now. We know it because the Pirates have tumbled, stumbled and bumbled their way to a record that now sits at two games under .500. 很顯然的,海盜這幾個禮拜荒腔走板的表現讓大家都知道自己錯了。 沒錯他們現在離五成勝率差了兩場的勝場。 And that means this team is on the verge of doing something no team has ever done: 這是不是代表了這支隊伍準備要創下一個別隊沒有達到過的紀錄呢? Find itself at least 16 games over .500 after 108 games and finish with a (gulp) losing record. 我們用打完108場後勝場扣掉敗場大於16的條件去查。 We spent way too much time Monday morning studying this depressing topic. We found more than 500 teams through the years that were 16 games over .500 or more after 108 games. And you know what they all had in common? 星期一早上我們用了很多時間去研究這項不光榮的紀錄。 我們找到了超過500支球隊符合這個條件,也就是打完108場後勝場減去敗場大於16。 你知道我們發現了甚麼嗎? Not one of them wound up with more losses than wins. Not one! 沒有任何一隊最後是以不到五成勝率的戰績坐收。 沒有。 It seemed so hard to believe that we asked the Elias Sports Bureau to double-check, just to make sure we weren't nuts. 這讓我們很難相信,所以我們要求Elias Sports Bureau再做一次確認。 只是想要確定我們沒有散發錯誤訊息。 Nope. That was the deal, all right. 就是這樣,紀錄是這樣告訴我們的。 Not one! 一支都沒有! The sort of good news is, we did find two teams that finished at .500 on the nose, at least: 但我們是找到了兩支最後勝率剛好五成的隊伍啦。 ‧ There was Herman Franks' infamous 1977 Chicago Cubs. That team was 25 games over .500 at one point, was still 18 over (63-45) after 108 games and finished at 81-81, completing their legendary Cubbie-esque plunge from first place, and an 8½-game lead, to fourth place, 20 games south of first place. 那是1977年的小熊,他們的勝場-敗場一度是25,打了108場後也還保有18(63-45) 但最後以81-81坐收。 ‧ And then there was Buck Rodgers' 1989 Expos. That club was also 63-45 through 108 games, and also staggered home to finish 81-81, with the help of an attractive 5-15 kaboom in its final 20 games. 再來就是1989的Expos,這支球隊在打了108場後的戰績是63-45,但在最後20場 繳出了5-15的成績以81-81收尾。 And that's the whole group. So what's the closest any team has ever come to being as far above .500 as these Pirates were, after 108 games or later, and finishing on the wrong side of Mount .500? 我們查到的就只有這樣,那歷史上最接近今年海盜的狀況的有誰呢? 就是在打了108場後勝率遠遠超過五成,但最後以不到五成勝率坐收的這種狀況。 Elias reports it was Toad Ramsey's 1886 Louisville Colonels, who were 15 over (64-49, plus one tie) after their 114th game -- then went a spiffy 2-21-1 in their final 24 games to finish 66-70. 根據Elias的報告那是1886年的事啦! Louisville Colonels他們在打了114場後的戰績是(64-49,有一場平手) 但在最後的24場是贏2場,輸21場,再以中止連敗來結束球季。 對他們的戰績最後是66-70。 Now clearly, this is not the kind of company any team wants to keep. But fortunately, we'd like to remind these Pirates of something they might want to hold on to: 很顯然地沒有球隊想要跟這種紀錄沾上邊,但我們還是嘗試想要告訴海賊們一些 比較正面的東西。 The season isn't over. All they need to do is go 7-3 in their final 10 games, and they can avoid being lumped in with any of the teams in this group. And just to prove how upbeat we are about the chances they could pull that off, we won't even mention that they've only won seven times in their past 23 games. 這個球季還沒結束啦,只要他們最後十場繳出7-3的成績,他們就不會跟這個紀錄 有任何的關係。當然我們很希望他們可以振作起來,所以我們也不會跟他們說 他們最近23場只贏過7場^^ Oops. Strike that last sentence from the record, please. And let's hope that in a week and a half, these Pirates can forget Toad Ramsey, Herman Franks and anything we just typed -- because no team deserves that fate, especially a team that hasn't had a winning season since Sid Bream slid into home. 喔拜託千萬不要理我剛剛說的那句話,大家來幫海賊們祈禱,希望他們永遠不會 讓我剛剛說的那兩隊逃離這個紀錄啊! 沒有任何一支球隊需要知道這麼殘酷的事實,尤其是這支幾百年沒有達到五成 勝率的球隊。 /* Herlin:最後一句的Sid Bream 是有典故的 Herlin:上次海盜隊勝率大於五成是1992 年 那年他們跟勇士打NLCS Herlin:第七場 被Francisco Cabrera 打出逆轉再見安打 Herlin:勇士的致勝分跑者就是Sid Bream

所以才會說since Sid Bream slid into hom
*/ http://tinyurl.com/3nm8p66 大家戰MVP戰的累了嗎? 來看點輕鬆的September History Watch吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/25 21:52, , 1F
打完以後斷線,雖然有存到暫存檔 但我的P幣啊...
09/25 21:52, 1F

09/25 21:55, , 2F
09/25 21:55, 2F

09/25 21:56, , 3F
09/25 21:56, 3F

09/25 21:57, , 4F
好慘喔 鑿戰19局後連兩年烙賽
09/25 21:57, 4F

09/25 22:02, , 5F
海盜上次勝率五成以上那年 Chipper Jones還沒上大聯盟
09/25 22:02, 5F

09/25 22:03, , 6F
09/25 22:03, 6F

09/25 22:04, , 7F
19局之前還以為今年海盜很穩 結果......
09/25 22:04, 7F

09/25 22:04, , 8F
現在CJ打了20年要退休了 還沒見過海盜破五成過.....
09/25 22:04, 8F

09/25 22:11, , 9F
09/25 22:11, 9F

09/25 22:18, , 10F
這篇可以戰NL MVP 大伙進攻囉 戰!!!!!!!
09/25 22:18, 10F

09/25 22:19, , 11F
麥卡臣for MVP!!
09/25 22:19, 11F

09/25 22:21, , 12F
09/25 22:21, 12F

09/25 22:23, , 13F
沒什麼好戰的 Posey得的機率非常 非常高
09/25 22:23, 13F

09/25 22:24, , 14F
McCutchen其實盡力了 另外AJB的勝投也是卡很久 因為進
09/25 22:24, 14F

09/25 22:24, , 15F
戰力幾乎=0 Posey for MVP!!!
09/25 22:24, 15F

09/25 22:25, , 16F
09/25 22:25, 16F

09/25 22:25, , 17F
真要戰的話 就是看去年拿mvp那個今年再拿一次XD
09/25 22:25, 17F

09/25 22:26, , 18F
Braun for MVP!!!!!!
09/25 22:26, 18F

09/25 22:37, , 19F
最後海賊超過五成勝率 MVP就給海賊王好了(誤
09/25 22:37, 19F

09/25 22:41, , 20F
16 games over .500 or more after 108 games
09/25 22:41, 20F

09/25 22:42, , 21F
09/25 22:42, 21F

09/25 22:43, , 22F
就直接翻成: 打了108場後 勝場扣掉敗場至少有16 以上
09/25 22:43, 22F

09/25 22:44, , 23F
這就可以了 我想or more 出現的位置可能混淆了你的翻譯
09/25 22:44, 23F

09/25 22:48, , 24F
company 也不是翻成紀律 這裏的company 是keep company
09/25 22:48, 24F

09/25 22:48, , 25F
with someone (跟某人作伴) 的意思一樣
09/25 22:48, 25F
orz 我打錯字 我是想要打沒有隊伍想跟這個紀錄有關係

09/25 22:50, , 26F
很顯然地沒有球隊會想跟他們作伴 <- 大概是這樣吧
09/25 22:50, 26F

09/25 22:52, , 27F
最後一句的Sid Bream 是有典故的
09/25 22:52, 27F

09/25 22:52, , 28F
09/25 22:52, 28F

09/25 22:53, , 29F
上次海盜隊勝率大於五成是1992 年 那年他們跟勇士打到NLCS
09/25 22:53, 29F

09/25 22:53, , 30F
還在趕程式 版主知道就幫忙補充一下吧
09/25 22:53, 30F

09/25 22:55, , 31F
第七場 被Francisco Cabrera 打出逆轉再見安打
09/25 22:55, 31F

09/25 22:56, , 32F
勇士的致勝分跑者就是Sid Bream
09/25 22:56, 32F

09/25 22:56, , 33F
所以才會說since Sid Bream slid into home
09/25 22:56, 33F
※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (09/25 23:04)

09/25 23:03, , 34F
季中大家還很熱絡討論袁博士會很爽 季末就......
09/25 23:03, 34F

09/25 23:07, , 35F
1992 NLCD Doug Drabek 一人吞三敗 G7 在九下被逆轉
09/25 23:07, 35F

09/26 02:30, , 36F
09/26 02:30, 36F

09/26 02:31, , 37F

09/26 07:41, , 38F
09/26 07:41, 38F
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