[情報] Ron Santo dead at 70

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※ [本文轉錄自 Cubs 看板 #1C-FiOJx ] 作者: Zamned (扎姆德) 看板: Cubs 標題: [情報] Ron Santo dead at 70 時間: Fri Dec 3 22:13:39 2010 http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseball/cubs/chi-ron-santo-chicago- cubs-obit,0,1699814.story?page=1 Legendary Chicago Cubs player and broadcaster Ron Santo died Thursday night in Arizona. He was 70. 知名小熊隊打者兼小熊播報員Ron Santo於禮拜四晚間病逝享年70。 Friends of Santo's family said the North Side icon lapsed into a coma on Wednesday before dying Thursday. Santo died of complications from bladder cancer, WGN-AM 720 reported. Santo家族的親近友人表示;Ron Santo在週三陷入昏迷,因為癌症病發於週四逝世。 "He absolutely loved the Cubs," said Santo's broadcast partner, Pat Hughes. "The Cubs have lost their biggest fan." 播報搭檔Pat Hughes;"Ron Santo熱愛小熊......今天小熊隊失去一個偉大的粉絲。" Hughes noted that with all the medical problems Santo had--including diabetes with resulting leg amputations, his heart and bladder cancer--"he never complained. He wanted to have fun. He wanted to talk baseball." "即使老Santo因為糖尿病截肢以及心臟病、膀胱癌等諸多惡疾纏身,也不改熱愛棒球的 初衷,坐在播報台轉播瑞格里的每一場比賽,老人家享受晚年的棒球時光而不去談論自 身的傷痛。" "He considered going to games therapeutic. He enjoyed himself in the booth right to the end." 藉著比賽忘記傷痛,享受這一切。這是他想要的.... "We were together for so long," said a mournful Billy Williams, who played alongside Santo for many years. "We formed a bond. It's just like losing a brother." 名人堂球員Billy Williams哀傷地說到;"好長好長的年歲,我們一起在瑞格里奮鬥。 現在我就像喪失一位親兄弟般難過......" Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts released a statement: "My siblings and I first knew Ron Santo as fans, listening to him in the broadcast booth. We knew him for his passion, his loyalty, his great personal courage and his tremendous sense of humor. It was our great honor to get to know him personally in our first year as owners. 小熊老闆Tom Ricketts發出一段聲明;"我們家人和我從小聽著老Santo的聲音在常春藤 球場漫揚,我們都是Ron Santo的球迷!我們都知道Ron Santo的事蹟、Ron Santo偉大的 情操、Ron Santo深信我們能奪得金盃的心!身為球隊的擁有者,我很榮幸能夠與Ron Santo共識。" "Ronnie will forever be the heart and soul of Cubs fans." The former Cubs third baseman had continued to work as a Cubs analyst on WGN, the team's flagship radio broadcast, despite his health issues. He was expected to return for the 2011 season. He missed several road trips in 2010 but insisted he would return. Ron Santo。小熊三壘手、小熊隊傳奇播報員,儘管2010年因為健康欠佳缺席多場播報 工作,但是仍計畫繼續見證2011年的棒球比賽。 "What else am I going to do?" Santo said during this past season. "Doing the Cubs games is like therapy for me." 稍早前Santo被問到明年的打算。Santo;"誰問這個蠢問題?明年我還要繼續播報比 賽!為小熊播報比賽就是對我傷病最大的治療!" Former Cubs teammate Randy Hundley, who also worked in the broadcast booth with Santo, said none of Santo's teammates realized he had diabetes until one night in St. Louis when he made a bad throw to first base and went down on one knee in pain. 前隊友、播報搭檔Randy Hundley回憶著;"在一個對世仇紅鳥的比賽中,當Santo因為 膝蓋疼痛以至於沒法將球穩穩地傳往一壘時,隊友才知道Santo一直飽受糖尿病困擾。" Later they found out Santo had had the disease for six years, Hundley said. "We kidded him about it quite a bit, made his life miserable at times," said the former catcher. 經過調查發現過去六年來Santo皆為糖尿病所苦。 "在此以前.....隊友有時會拿這方面的議題去逗弄他,也許這是最深的傷痛" Former Cubs President John McDonough compared Santo to Harry Caray, another baseball broadcasting legend, noting neither had a filter, broadcast with unvarnished emotion and were enormously entertaining. 講道播報生涯....在前老闆John McDonough心中,Ron Santo就像Harry Caray那樣偉大, 對於轉播事業有無窮的精力、專注球場上各種小細節、帶領觀眾融入比賽,一位偉大播報 者的典範。 Santo mangled names, sometimes lost track of what was going on in a game and occasionally didn't realize some player had been on the roster for months, but none of that mattered because people loved it, McDonough said. "We almost thought he was doing it on purpose," he said. "It added so much entertainment value." 剛轉入媒體工作時。一開始Santo用生硬語調念球員的名字,有時候也無法跟上球場上的 狀況,偶爾也無無法準確跟上球員名單的更替。但是沒有人在意他的缺點,大家都喜歡 他。我們有時候還認為是Santo故意使用這種方式播報,因為聽眾吃他這套! One of the rare times he saw Santo visibly upset, McDonough recalled, was after Frank Sinatra Jr. sang during the 7th-inning stretch years ago. As Sinatra left the booth, he turned to Santo and told him he thought Santo was one of the best pitchers he had ever seen. "Ronny lost it," McDonough said. McDonough繼續回憶:"Santo很少生氣,但是有次真的把他惹毛了。有次比賽中場休息 法蘭克辛那屈來到瑞格里獻唱,曲散終之後...法蘭克回頭對Santo說你是我這輩子看 過最棒的投手........Santo當下三條線掠過....." Santo was the quintessential Cubs fan and made no apologies for his on-air cheerleading or his utter frustration over a Cub's misplay. 老Santo是個標準的小熊迷,對於比賽球隊永不絕望。即使比賽輸得很難看他仍竭盡所 能用言語去鼓舞失望的人們。 On many occasions, when Santo was upset with the way things were going for the team, a simple grunt sufficed. 不過一些時候Santo也會對球隊表現感到不滿而發點牢騷。 "I'm a fan," he explained last summer. "I can't plan what I do. I get embarrassed sometimes when I hear what I said, like, 'Oh, no, what's going on?' But it's an emotion. 去年夏天他抱怨著:"我也是鄉民..鄉民都是有情緒的,我不能當作沒看到然後下班了事 當然事後我去聽自己說出的話,多少會感到囧迫,但這只是種正常的能量釋放。" "This is being a Cub fan." "小熊迷就是有GUTS啦" Santo never witnessed his longtime goal of election to the Baseball Hall of Fame despite career numbers that place him among baseball's all-time great third basemen. He finished with a .277 average over 15 major league seasons, with 342 home runs and 1,331 runs batted in. 回頭檢視Santo的職業生涯,15年大聯盟生涯繳出.277打擊率 342支全壘打 打回1331 分。雖然被視作棒球史上最優異的三壘手之一,但是並未被選入名人堂。 Though Santo came close to Cooperstown enshrinement in the last decade in voting by the Veterans Committee, he always fell short. In 2007, Santo received 39 of the 48 votes necessary to reach the 75 percent threshold of the living 64 Hall of Famers to cast a ballot. His 61 percent lead all candidates and no one was elected to the Hall. 這幾年來Santo多次挑戰古柏鎮最終都以失敗收場。在2007年Santo必須得到48為仍健 在名人堂成員當中的39張選票,來達到75%的支持度才有機會擠身六十四位偉大的球員 的榮耀之中。 但是最後他只拿到61%的選票。 It was the fourth straight time the Veterans Committee had failed to elect a member, leaving Santo frustrated. 第四次的失敗注定被屏除在名人堂之外。 "I thought it was going to be harder to deal with, but it wasn't," he said that day. "I'm just kind of fed up with it. I figure, 'Hey, it's not in the cards.' But I don't want to go through this every two years. It's ridiculous." 當然一開始有些落寞也很難接受事實,不過很快的我就看開了。或許我已經厭倦這一切 ,我不想再受這愚蠢的折磨了。 Santo was up for the Hall of Fame on 19 occasions, and first appeared on the Veterans Committee ballot in 2003. He got his hopes up on every occasion. Santo總共叩關十九次,直到2003年終於有機會能讓這些老傢伙品頭論足。自此之後, 老人家都期盼著名人堂的首肯。 "Everybody felt this was my year," he said after the last vote in December 2008. "I felt it. I thought it was gonna happen, and when it didn't. ... What really upset me was nobody got in again. 當2008年12月最後的票選結果出來之後。Santo;"每個人都認為照輪的也該換到我了, 我也是這樣期盼的.....但是最後結果還是令人失望,我承認這是我這輩子心情最低落的 時候... "It just doesn't make sense." Santo was consistent that he did not want to make a posthumous entrance into the Hall of Fame. After being denied so many times, he was resigned to what is now the only possibility. Santo本人說過不想要死後被人送進忠烈祠,他想在生前就踏入這個偉大的殿堂。 但是經過多次的失敗,他開始了解或許是他唯一的機會...... "(Induction) wasn't going to change my life," he said. "I'm OK. But I know I've earned it." 他對著支持說說;"我不需要一個繁複的儀式去證明我值得擁有它。我認為我值得 得到名人堂的肯定就足夠....." Santo was beloved by many Cubs fans and players alike. When he was ill during the 2003 playoffs and couldn't travel with the team, pitcher Kerry Wood hung a No. 10 Santo jersey in the Cubs dugout in Atlanta. The Cubs won Game 5 of the division series to capture their first postseason series since 1945. Wood made an emotional call to Santo afterward, dedicating the game to him. Ron Santo不僅受球迷愛戴即使是球員都也喜歡他。當2003年Santo因病無法隨隊遷移 時,先發投手Kerry Wood將象徵Ron Santo的10號球衣掛在休息室內鼓舞球隊士氣。最 後小熊隊在球衣的靈氣發威下在第五戰擊敗勇士隊,贏得自1945年來第一個季後賽系列 勝利挺進下一輪。 而Wood說這場勝利是獻給Ron Santo的。 Wood once made a case for Santo's election to the Hall of Game in an article in ESPN the Magazine, writing: "When it happens, and if the schedule lets us, I'm going to be there for the ceremony. He's the epitome of Chicago baseball. He's still part of the team. He lives and dies with it. In fact, I think we've put him in the hospital a few times. He should get in just for that." Wood曾說過:"如果Santo被票選進入名人堂。我一定排除萬難去參加他的入選儀式。作 為球員他是小熊的象徵、作為播報員他是小熊的精神典範。不管未來如何,他都和小熊 密不可分!事實上,以我們現在的戰績,可能會把老人家請進醫院。" Santo got a laugh from Wood's words and denied the Cubs' play had ever put him in a hospital. Santo大笑說;"Wood你這傻孩子,我才不會這樣呢!" Santo began his major league career with the Cubs in 1960, and spent one season with the White Sox in 1974. He earned National League Gold Glove awards five straight seasons from 1964 to 1968 and was a nine-time NL All-Star. He was one of the leaders of the 1969 team that blew the division lead to the New York Mets, a season indelibly etched in Cubs' history. 五次金手套肯定、九次全明星賽殊榮的Ron Santo,除了職業末年身穿白襪球衣之外, 自1960年登上大聯盟一直是小熊隊的一員。當然1969年那讓球迷心碎的賽季Ron Santo 也在場。 (當年小熊隊憑藉著上半季超猛表現,一有入手金盃的機會。不過下半季威力衰退再 加上碰上大都會的100勝球季,最後大都會奪得世界大賽冠軍。) 2007, Santo told the Tribune: "I would come back here personally to blow it up. I'd pay my own way. Maybe even just to watch it." 當2007年作客大都會時,Santo;"我永遠不會忘記那個挫折,老實說我真的很痛恨 來到Shea Stadium。每當我來到這裡就想起我搞砸的那個球季。" Santo joined the Cubs' radio booth in 1990 and was teamed with Hughes six years later. Santo epitomized the long-suffering Cubs fan, frequently grousing about the play on the field when things went bad. Ron Santo的播報生涯起始於1990年,1996年開始和好搭檔Pat Hughes合作(Pat and Ron Show)。不僅是職業生涯抑或是播報工作,Ron Santo都是小熊球迷的精神支柱。 His most famous call was a simple two-word utterance -- "Oh no!" -- when outfielder Brant Brown dropped a fly ball with two outs and the bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth of a crucial game in Milwaukee in the final week of the 1998 season. 他最著名的台詞就是"Oh no!"。當1998年球季末期競爭季後賽門票的關鍵時刻,Brant Brown在九局下半漏接了飛球使得壘上超前分跑回因而輸掉比賽時,Ron Santo脫口而出 這句經典台詞。 (當時在搶拿外卡資格,最後小熊以一票之差驚險拿下睽違八年的季後賽資格。) He also suffered through incidents along the way that could seemingly happen only to Santo. 這二十多年的媒體工作也發生不少意外。 His toupee caught fire in the Shea Stadium press box on Opening Day 2003 after he got too close to an overhead space heater. And last spring in Mesa, Ariz., Santo lost his front tooth while biting into a piece of pizza. 比如2003年開幕戰在大都會主場因為電暖爐導致假髮著火。以及去年春訓在吃pizza 時將門牙給弄斷...... Though Santo never made the Hall of Fame, his number was retired by the Cubs and now flies on the foul pole at Wrigley Field. He said that was equivalent to being inducted in Cooperstown. Being a Cub, and playing at their iconic stadium, meant the world to Santo. 儘管不能成為名人堂的一員,但是他的背號被小熊高掛在瑞格里。 "When I got here, two years after my senior year, I'm walking out of the corner clubhouse with Ernie Banks and there's nobody in the stands, and the feeling I had was unbelievable -- walking with Ernie and walking on that grass," he said. "I felt like I was walking on air. There was an electricity and an atmosphere that I'd never experienced in my life. Any ballplayer that's ever played here can tell you about that great atmosphere, and anybody who's come here to watch a game feels the exact same way." "當球團告知我將被升上大聯盟後。我跟隨著小熊先生Ernie Banks踏入空無一人的瑞格 里球場,我感覺幸福的像是步入雲霄。這太不真實了!這真的是我嗎?那一刻令人無法言 語而永生難忘。沒有任何一個球場能和瑞格里相提並論,能作為小熊的一員在這富含偉 大歷史的瑞格里球場是我最大的欣慰。"Ron Santo回憶出道時光。 -- Do they still play the blues in Chicago When baseball season rolls around When the snow melts away Do the Cubbies still play In their ivy-covered burial ground -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Zamned 來自: (12/03 23:50) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/03 23:56, , 1F
等不到了 rest in peace
12/03 23:56, 1F

12/03 23:57, , 2F
你是我這輩子看過最棒的投手XD R.I.P
12/03 23:57, 2F

12/04 00:08, , 3F
12/04 00:08, 3F

12/04 00:08, , 4F
12/04 00:08, 4F

12/04 00:11, , 5F
12/04 00:11, 5F

12/04 00:13, , 6F
12/04 00:13, 6F

12/04 00:13, , 7F
12/04 00:13, 7F

12/04 00:26, , 8F
12/04 00:26, 8F

12/04 00:27, , 9F
12/04 00:27, 9F

12/04 00:38, , 10F
小熊加油 R.I.P.
12/04 00:38, 10F

12/04 00:47, , 11F
12/04 00:47, 11F

12/04 00:58, , 12F
小熊明年拿冠軍!!! Q_________________________Q
12/04 00:58, 12F

12/04 01:09, , 13F
12/04 01:09, 13F

12/04 01:46, , 14F
Go Cubs Go!
12/04 01:46, 14F

12/04 02:08, , 15F
12/04 02:08, 15F

12/04 03:15, , 16F
o_O ... RIP
12/04 03:15, 16F

12/04 03:18, , 17F
12/04 03:18, 17F

12/04 05:14, , 18F
都2010了 還差5年 可惜呀
12/04 05:14, 18F

12/04 06:28, , 19F
可惜他不但看不到冠軍 也等不到進HOF的那天...
12/04 06:28, 19F

12/04 07:35, , 20F
12/04 07:35, 20F
※ 編輯: Zamned 來自: (12/04 09:37)

12/04 09:39, , 21F
12/04 09:39, 21F
※ 編輯: Zamned 來自: (12/04 09:40)

12/04 10:09, , 22F
R.I.P. QQ"
12/04 10:09, 22F

12/04 10:33, , 23F
Wood的意思應該是 因為小熊隊打得不好
12/04 10:33, 23F

12/04 10:34, , 24F
讓Santo氣得進醫院 Santo聽完後笑著說 沒有啦 沒這回事
12/04 10:34, 24F
※ 編輯: Zamned 來自: (12/04 10:42)

12/04 10:42, , 25F
以更正 感謝提醒
12/04 10:42, 25F

12/04 11:25, , 26F
12/04 11:25, 26F

12/04 11:37, , 27F
12/04 11:37, 27F

12/04 13:15, , 28F
12/04 13:15, 28F

12/04 14:07, , 29F
12/04 14:07, 29F

12/04 16:53, , 30F
12/04 16:53, 30F

12/04 17:22, , 31F
12/04 17:22, 31F

12/05 01:00, , 32F
12/05 01:00, 32F

12/05 01:46, , 33F
12/05 01:46, 33F

12/05 09:32, , 34F
12/05 09:32, 34F
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